I'm Done. There Will Now Be A Permanent Repub Majority And Democracy Is Finished In The USA

I think telling pieces of shit that they are pieces of shit is quite substantive.

Of course it is, how else will they figure it out?

Oh... when they support a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath hag and it loses to the world's richest professional clown.

Well they won't learn even then.

Nope. What you will have is an booming economy.

A wall to stop illegals coming into our country.

A man who will do what he can to bring all Americans together.
i just hope we don't have to start sending aid to Canada! :)
Nope. What you will have is an booming economy.

A wall to stop illegals coming into our country.

A man who will do what he can to bring all Americans together.


I realize this dubya repug parasite is weapons grade stupid and all....

but please don't believe Trump is going to make anything happen.

People need to keep pressure on political whores that were elected.

Otherwise ain't shit gonna happen but a democrook win in a few years.

The Republicans will now permanently control the White House and Congress and democracy in this country is finished. I won't be at all surprised if the Republican voter suppression efforts in states like N. Carolina and Wisconsin stole this election for Trump, but it doesn't matter anymore. These Republican voter suppression and gerrymandering efforts will now continue for every election here on out and the Democrats will never have power again in this country.

I'm completely devastated and in mourning over the future of the country. I'm finished following politics and current events in this country. I simply cannot process that a racist and misogynist like Trump is now going to be our President. A man who has threatened millions of Muslims and Hispanics in this country. A man who hasn't paid taxes in at least 20 years and brags about it. A man who praises Vladimir Putin and who encourages Russia to commit cyber attacks against his political opponents. A man who is simply mentally ill, staying up until 5 am tweeting threats and nasty comments about people. A man who has threatened to ban several media organizations from making unflattering comments about him in the future once he becomes President. A man who has threatened to put his political opponents in jail. I truly fear for decent Americans like Hillary Clinton and President Obama and media personalities who have been very critical of Trump, such as Bill Maher.

All of you racist Republican Trump supporters on this board -- Congratulations, you have won this fight and you will permanently control this country. Evil has triumphed over good. You now have the country you want, I hope Trump doesn't completely destroy it. Regardless, my days of following politics in this country are over. There's really nothing to follow anymore because Republicans will permanently control the levers of power in this country and they will do whatever the hell they want, Democrats will not be able to stop them over the long run.
Good thing we are a republic....you fascists best get running along now, hope and change is coming....
Nope. What you will have is an booming economy.

A wall to stop illegals coming into our country.

A man who will do what he can to bring all Americans together.


I realize this dubya repug parasite is weapons grade stupid and all....

but please don't believe Trump is going to make anything happen.

People need to keep pressure on political whores that were elected.

Otherwise ain't shit gonna happen but a democrook win in a few years.

Naw, Republican prez, Republican congress..we're golden. For a while anyway.
It's perhaps just that you don't really understand why Trump has won this election. I'd say you bought too much into what the MSM was trying to sell. Wake up and look around!
The Republicans will now permanently control the White House and Congress and democracy in this country is finished. I won't be at all surprised if the Republican voter suppression efforts in states like N. Carolina and Wisconsin stole this election for Trump, but it doesn't matter anymore. These Republican voter suppression and gerrymandering efforts will now continue for every election here on out and the Democrats will never have power again in this country.

I'm completely devastated and in mourning over the future of the country. I'm finished following politics and current events in this country. I simply cannot process that a racist and misogynist like Trump is now going to be our President. A man who has threatened millions of Muslims and Hispanics in this country. A man who hasn't paid taxes in at least 20 years and brags about it. A man who praises Vladimir Putin and who encourages Russia to commit cyber attacks against his political opponents. A man who is simply mentally ill, staying up until 5 am tweeting threats and nasty comments about people. A man who has threatened to ban several media organizations from making unflattering comments about him in the future once he becomes President. A man who has threatened to put his political opponents in jail. I truly fear for decent Americans like Hillary Clinton and President Obama and media personalities who have been very critical of Trump, such as Bill Maher.

All of you racist Republican Trump supporters on this board -- Congratulations, you have won this fight and you will permanently control this country. Evil has triumphed over good. You now have the country you want, I hope Trump doesn't completely destroy it. Regardless, my days of following politics in this country are over. There's really nothing to follow anymore because Republicans will permanently control the levers of power in this country and they will do whatever the hell they want, Democrats will not be able to stop them over the long run.

They dont want Democracy and its funny because none of them have lived without it. They sound like children.
You pseudo capitalists, you know...the ones who think because they have a little money that they are safe from the ruling elite, I think you need to be in viet nam or malaysia or maybe china. They have no Democracy there....at all! Whens yer moving date, huh? And let me ask...why do you participate in a Democratic election if you hate Democracy so much? I mean, lmfao, you sit here every day and trash Democracy but post every day, multiple times a day....for fkng months, talking about the Democratic Election coming up and get all enthused, vote, then turn around and say "fuck Democracy"....d' ya' see that?
Good. Down with democracy; up with republicanism, the way it was in the beginning.
The Republicans will now permanently control the White House and Congress and democracy in this country is finished. I won't be at all surprised if the Republican voter suppression efforts in states like N. Carolina and Wisconsin stole this election for Trump, but it doesn't matter anymore. These Republican voter suppression and gerrymandering efforts will now continue for every election here on out and the Democrats will never have power again in this country.

I'm completely devastated and in mourning over the future of the country. I'm finished following politics and current events in this country. I simply cannot process that a racist and misogynist like Trump is now going to be our President. A man who has threatened millions of Muslims and Hispanics in this country. A man who hasn't paid taxes in at least 20 years and brags about it. A man who praises Vladimir Putin and who encourages Russia to commit cyber attacks against his political opponents. A man who is simply mentally ill, staying up until 5 am tweeting threats and nasty comments about people. A man who has threatened to ban several media organizations from making unflattering comments about him in the future once he becomes President. A man who has threatened to put his political opponents in jail. I truly fear for decent Americans like Hillary Clinton and President Obama and media personalities who have been very critical of Trump, such as Bill Maher.

All of you racist Republican Trump supporters on this board -- Congratulations, you have won this fight and you will permanently control this country. Evil has triumphed over good. You now have the country you want, I hope Trump doesn't completely destroy it. Regardless, my days of following politics in this country are over. There's really nothing to follow anymore because Republicans will permanently control the levers of power in this country and they will do whatever the hell they want, Democrats will not be able to stop them over the long run.
and lemme say this too: if there IS some kind of revolt someday? these people will be the first to run to the resistance and deny their whole life as Judas did...or, they will be used as little tattletales for the elite that will treat them with absolutely no respect as they deserve none...they will dump on you every day. Lol. And if you DO come to the resistance, if there ever IS one, I imagine,...they will hang you for the traitor you are.
Good. Down with democracy; up with republicanism, the way it was in the beginning.

Wul now, thats just a crock of shit. It doesnt matter how it started. It matters what the people wanted as the country grew you dope. They wanted A Democratic constitutional Republic. Do you hate the Constitution and Bill Of Right as well? AND...Id like to know if you participated in yesterdays Democratic Election?
Ok, lets put it this way...how many of you that hate Democracy participated in yesterdays Democratic Elections?
The Republicans will now permanently control the White House and Congress and democracy in this country is finished. I won't be at all surprised if the Republican voter suppression efforts in states like N. Carolina and Wisconsin stole this election for Trump, but it doesn't matter anymore. These Republican voter suppression and gerrymandering efforts will now continue for every election here on out and the Democrats will never have power again in this country.

I'm completely devastated and in mourning over the future of the country. I'm finished following politics and current events in this country. I simply cannot process that a racist and misogynist like Trump is now going to be our President. A man who has threatened millions of Muslims and Hispanics in this country. A man who hasn't paid taxes in at least 20 years and brags about it. A man who praises Vladimir Putin and who encourages Russia to commit cyber attacks against his political opponents. A man who is simply mentally ill, staying up until 5 am tweeting threats and nasty comments about people. A man who has threatened to ban several media organizations from making unflattering comments about him in the future once he becomes President. A man who has threatened to put his political opponents in jail. I truly fear for decent Americans like Hillary Clinton and President Obama and media personalities who have been very critical of Trump, such as Bill Maher.

All of you racist Republican Trump supporters on this board -- Congratulations, you have won this fight and you will permanently control this country. Evil has triumphed over good. You now have the country you want, I hope Trump doesn't completely destroy it. Regardless, my days of following politics in this country are over. There's really nothing to follow anymore because Republicans will permanently control the levers of power in this country and they will do whatever the hell they want, Democrats will not be able to stop them over the long run.

You're morning over all the free shit you thought Hillary was going to give you.

Oh, and see ya
The Republicans will now permanently control the White House and Congress and democracy in this country is finished. I won't be at all surprised if the Republican voter suppression efforts in states like N. Carolina and Wisconsin stole this election for Trump, but it doesn't matter anymore. These Republican voter suppression and gerrymandering efforts will now continue for every election here on out and the Democrats will never have power again in this country.

I'm completely devastated and in mourning over the future of the country. I'm finished following politics and current events in this country. I simply cannot process that a racist and misogynist like Trump is now going to be our President. A man who has threatened millions of Muslims and Hispanics in this country. A man who hasn't paid taxes in at least 20 years and brags about it. A man who praises Vladimir Putin and who encourages Russia to commit cyber attacks against his political opponents. A man who is simply mentally ill, staying up until 5 am tweeting threats and nasty comments about people. A man who has threatened to ban several media organizations from making unflattering comments about him in the future once he becomes President. A man who has threatened to put his political opponents in jail. I truly fear for decent Americans like Hillary Clinton and President Obama and media personalities who have been very critical of Trump, such as Bill Maher.

All of you racist Republican Trump supporters on this board -- Congratulations, you have won this fight and you will permanently control this country. Evil has triumphed over good. You now have the country you want, I hope Trump doesn't completely destroy it. Regardless, my days of following politics in this country are over. There's really nothing to follow anymore because Republicans will permanently control the levers of power in this country and they will do whatever the hell they want, Democrats will not be able to stop them over the long run.

Good Lord. Man up and stop your pathetic whining. When will you Liberals learn that politics goes in cycles. Back in 2008 Liberals were calling Republicans dead. By 2010 they had taken back the House. Can't believe how many butt hurt crying liberals there this morning. This is what America wanted. Deal with it.
The Republicans will now permanently control the White House and Congress and democracy in this country is finished. I won't be at all surprised if the Republican voter suppression efforts in states like N. Carolina and Wisconsin stole this election for Trump, but it doesn't matter anymore. These Republican voter suppression and gerrymandering efforts will now continue for every election here on out and the Democrats will never have power again in this country.

I'm completely devastated and in mourning over the future of the country. I'm finished following politics and current events in this country. I simply cannot process that a racist and misogynist like Trump is now going to be our President. A man who has threatened millions of Muslims and Hispanics in this country. A man who hasn't paid taxes in at least 20 years and brags about it. A man who praises Vladimir Putin and who encourages Russia to commit cyber attacks against his political opponents. A man who is simply mentally ill, staying up until 5 am tweeting threats and nasty comments about people. A man who has threatened to ban several media organizations from making unflattering comments about him in the future once he becomes President. A man who has threatened to put his political opponents in jail. I truly fear for decent Americans like Hillary Clinton and President Obama and media personalities who have been very critical of Trump, such as Bill Maher.

All of you racist Republican Trump supporters on this board -- Congratulations, you have won this fight and you will permanently control this country. Evil has triumphed over good. You now have the country you want, I hope Trump doesn't completely destroy it. Regardless, my days of following politics in this country are over. There's really nothing to follow anymore because Republicans will permanently control the levers of power in this country and they will do whatever the hell they want, Democrats will not be able to stop them over the long run.


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