I'm freezing Cold!! .... Global Warming or Climate Change??

Terminology changing to better describe what is happening is not a negative thing.
Using obscure or euphemistic terminology to misdirect or hide the truth from the public is not a good thing. ..... :cool:
A whole 3 years, huh? Lol
Yep, lol

No More Snow?

For well over a decade now, climate alarmists have been claiming that snow would soon become a thing of the past. In March 2000, for example, “senior research scientist” David Viner, working at the time for the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, told the U.K. Independent that within “a few years,” snowfall would become “a very rare and exciting event” in Britain. “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he was quoted as claiming in the article, headlined “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.”

The very next year, snowfall across the United Kingdom increased by more than 50 percent. In 2008, perfectly timed for a “global warming” legislation debate in Parliament, London saw its first October snow since 1934 — or possibly even 1922, according to the U.K. Register. “It is unusual to have snow this early,” a spokesperson for the alarmist U.K. Met office admitted to The Guardiannewspaper. By December of 2009, London saw its heaviest levels of snowfall in two decades. In 2010, the coldest U.K. winter since records began a century ago blanketed the islands with snow.

In early 2004, the CRU’s Viner and other self-styled “experts” warned that skiing in Scotland would soon become just a memory, thanks to alleged global warming. “Unfortunately, it’s just getting too hot for the Scottish ski industry,” Viner told The Guardian. Another “expert,” Adam Watson with the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, told the paper that the skiing industry in Scotland had less than two decades left to go. Yet in 2013, too much snowkept many Scottish resorts closed. “Nevis Range, The Lecht, Cairngorm, Glenshee and Glencoe all remain closed today due to the heavy snow,” reported OnTheSnow.com on January 4, 2013. Ironically, by 2014, the BBC, citing experts, reported that the Scottish hills had more snow than at any point in seven decades. It also reported that the Nevis Range ski resort could not operate some of its lifts because they were “still buried under unprecedented amounts of snow.”

The IPCC has also been relentlessly hyping the snowless winter scare, along with gullible or agenda-driven politicians. In its 2001 Third Assessment Report, for example, the IPCC claimed “milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms.” Again, though, the climate refused to cooperate. The year 2013, the last year for which complete data is available, featured the fourth-highest levels on record, according to data from Rutgers University’s Global Snow Lab. Spring snow cover was the highest in a decade, while data for the fall indicate that it was the fifth highest ever recorded. Last December, meanwhile, brought with it a new high record in Northern Hemisphere snow cover, Global Snow Lab data show.

Blame Global Warming?

After the outlandish predictions of snowless winters failed to materialize, the CRU dramatically changed its tune on snowfall. All across Britain, in fact, global-warming alarmists rushed to blame the record cold and heavy snow experienced in recent years on — you guessed it! — global warming. Less snow: global warming. More snow: global warming. Get it? Good.

Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry
Buried deep in snow and below zero temperatures along the East coast.

I can't remember if this is the result of Global warming or Climate change?

Or is there a new PC term we are supposed to use?? ..... :dunno:
Yeah there is a new term, it's called "winter".Not used very much anymore..

But "snow is a thing of the past", right?
We haven't had a good snowfall in three years, thank goodness...or an ice storm....Thank goodness.Cause when we do get them power goers out and driveways can't be driven up...
Oh yea-yah..
I once used the word "Weather" to describe what was going on temperature wise in my area.

The lefty liberals quickly jumped on me for using a non PC word that has been banned, and called me a hater and a climatephobe.

True story..... :cool:
anything they don't agree with is:
not PC
un-American [ this is a good one ]
my dad fought at the Chosin, Korea where it got down to 30 BELOW 0 !!
no cars to get into, no houses to warm up in, couldn't light fires at night, they had 'warming tents'
[ :laugh: ]-but they couldn't use those all the time, etc
and they crossed rugged, hilly, snowy terrain after fighting for 2 days--to attack Chinese who had another USMC unit cut off
..so I ''enjoy'' the cold....doesn't bother me too much
That's because you're stupid.
Buried deep in snow and below zero temperatures along the East coast.

I can't remember if this is the result of Global warming or Climate change?

Or is there a new PC term we are supposed to use?? ..... :dunno:
Science is a process of incremental improvements in understanding the unknown. If you had a mind for it, you'd know that. Terminology changing to better describe what is happening is not a negative thing.

So the science is settled?
Science is probably never settled 100%, and that was admitted in not so many words in concurrent talking points. But what side would you rather be on, and how would you sell it? The flat earth side? The pre penicillin side? The lead paint side? Grasping to narrow and archaic views of the world? Have at it. Good luck, man. Just don't drag the rest of us down with you.
Terminology changing to better describe what is happening is not a negative thing.
Using obscure or euphemistic terminology to misdirect or hide the truth from the public is not a good thing. ..... :cool:
Talk to trump on that one. What a joke dude. Sales, even selling policy to the American people, is not a perfect process.

What is the truth? That we should stop poisoning our planet and ourselves with stuff that is meant to stay in the ground? There are better less poisonous alternatives.
Science is probably never settled 100%, and that was admitted in not so many words in concurrent talking points. But what side would you rather be on, and how would you sell it? The flat earth side? The pre penicillin side? The lead paint side? Grasping to narrow and archaic views of the world? Have at it. Good luck, man. Just don't drag the rest of us down with you.

Science is about testing and validating ideas based on FACTS, not taking sides.

Yes, we have seen climate change, no doubt, but we have ALWAYS HAVE HAD CLIMATE CHANGE. That the climate is changing is nothing new.

The evidence that it is generated by man made substances is entirely circumstantial. Are we affecting the climate? Of course we are as do cows farting and Polar Bears pissing in the snow.

Is Climate Change primarily driven by human release of CO2? That is an entirely different subject that is far from proven fact, bubba.

I will give you this much; we are having an impact on the Climate, but it is a spit in the wind compared to the wobbles of the sun.

And there is far more that we do not understand than we do understand to the point that giving the government control to leftwing nitwits is simply not warranted or justified.
Buried deep in snow and below zero temperatures along the East coast.

I can't remember if this is the result of Global warming or Climate change?

Or is there a new PC term we are supposed to use?? ..... :dunno:
Science is a process of incremental improvements in understanding the unknown. If you had a mind for it, you'd know that. Terminology changing to better describe what is happening is not a negative thing.

So the science is settled?
Science is probably never settled 100%, and that was admitted in not so many words in concurrent talking points. But what side would you rather be on, and how would you sell it? The flat earth side? The pre penicillin side? The lead paint side? Grasping to narrow and archaic views of the world? Have at it. Good luck, man. Just don't drag the rest of us down with you.
drag you down?? what does that mean?
Sunni-Man is going to drag us all to HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???? :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Buried deep in snow and below zero temperatures along the East coast.

I can't remember if this is the result of Global warming or Climate change?

Or is there a new PC term we are supposed to use?? ..... :dunno:
Science is a process of incremental improvements in understanding the unknown. If you had a mind for it, you'd know that. Terminology changing to better describe what is happening is not a negative thing.

So the science is settled?
Science is probably never settled 100%, and that was admitted in not so many words in concurrent talking points. But what side would you rather be on, and how would you sell it? The flat earth side? The pre penicillin side? The lead paint side? Grasping to narrow and archaic views of the world? Have at it. Good luck, man. Just don't drag the rest of us down with you.

There are sides in this battle to control the economy and culture using fake, phony, pseudo-science? You don't say
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The audacity anyone has to try to sell to people we can stop climate from changing with carbon credits, is criminal.
Terminology changing to better describe what is happening is not a negative thing.
Using obscure or euphemistic terminology to misdirect or hide the truth from the public is not a good thing. ..... :cool:
Talk to trump on that one. What a joke dude. Sales, even selling policy to the American people, is not a perfect process.

What is the truth? That we should stop poisoning our planet and ourselves with stuff that is meant to stay in the ground? There are better less poisonous alternatives.
Science is probably never settled 100%, and that was admitted in not so many words in concurrent talking points. But what side would you rather be on, and how would you sell it? The flat earth side? The pre penicillin side? The lead paint side? Grasping to narrow and archaic views of the world? Have at it. Good luck, man. Just don't drag the rest of us down with you.

Science is about testing and validating ideas based on FACTS, not taking sides.

Yes, we have seen climate change, no doubt, but we have ALWAYS HAVE HAD CLIMATE CHANGE. That the climate is changing is nothing new.

The evidence that it is generated by man made substances is entirely circumstantial. Are we affecting the climate? Of course we are as do cows farting and Polar Bears pissing in the snow.

Is Climate Change primarily driven by human release of CO2? That is an entirely different subject that is far from proven fact, bubba.

I will give you this much; we are having an impact on the Climate, but it is a spit in the wind compared to the wobbles of the sun.

And there is far more that we do not understand than we do understand to the point that giving the government control to leftwing nitwits is simply not warranted or justified.

^ this

When you theory fails, it's time for a new theory. Instead, the AGW Cult just fucks with the data
We had 3 more inches of Global warming fall last night.

The news said to expect a couple of more today. .... :cool:
We had 3 more inches of Global warming fall last night.

The news said to expect a couple of more today. .... :cool:
is that a:?
''bomb cyclone''
snow storm
arctic blast
arctic Nor'easter
winter storm
Buried deep in snow and below zero temperatures along the East coast.

I can't remember if this is the result of Global warming or Climate change?

Or is there a new PC term we are supposed to use?? ..... :dunno:

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere global warming "awareness" begins in April. Around Oct the armbands are swapped to "climate change".

If I am made Emperor of the Western Hemisphere, my loyal subjects will have the right to ignore SJW's and other leftist shit for brains agitators.

Buried deep in snow and below zero temperatures along the East coast.

I can't remember if this is the result of Global warming or Climate change?

Or is there a new PC term we are supposed to use?? ..... :dunno:

Ever heard of Global Cooling!?!
What do they call it when the global warming cult and the people who don't believe the nonsense get together and be friends?

An unpredicted nice age.

That is why you and I get along so well!

HADCRUT chart with the exact same 2 decade pause
That's not a pause, you cretin. Ffs, it's showing around a 0.4 °C increase in 40 years. That's a 1 °C increase in a century. One wouldn't believe it if one didn't see it.

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