I'm going to vote for the republican who used to be an Al Gore supporting Democrat

Then Rick Perry is your man to vote for.

Another political move Perry made back then: He was a top Texas supporter and organizer in 1988 for Al Gore, who ran as a southern conservative rather than the populist reformer he eventually became as the 2000 Democratic presidential nominee.
So we got liberal Romney, ex-democrat Gore supporter Perry, and crazy lady Bachmann, to choose from in the so-called "top tier"?

This will be the last election I'm registered republican if this stupid fucking party falls for this crap once again.
Yep ! It's absolutely pathetic isn't it?
Once again it comes down to the lesser of two evils.
In my first election I voted for a guy who used to be a Democratic supporter of FDR. He sure wasn't a conservative, right?

Geez, the things people get hung up on.
Yep ! It's absolutely pathetic isn't it?
Once again it comes down to the lesser of two evils.

that's what happens when you let the pathetic extremist nutbar base choose your nominees. your party has run off the smart people.

Yeah, it's just crazy to get hung up on the fact that there's all these fake ass candidates who "used to be" this, and "used to be" that, who can't decide what the fuck they actually stand for because they don't stand for SHIT.

On Face the Nation yesterday, Huntsman was on and was asked by Schieffer if he thinks he should start moving more to the right to get more in line with the other candidates. :lol:

No one even blinks an eye to this kind of shit. People just accept that these pieces of shit will adopt whatever positions will get them votes.

Rabbi eats it up like candy :lol: It actually would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
So we got liberal Romney, ex-democrat Gore supporter Perry, and crazy lady Bachmann, to choose from in the so-called "top tier"?

This will be the last election I'm registered republican if this stupid fucking party falls for this crap once again.

well, son,, look who the dimwits are offering up.. now you decide.. :cool:
So we got liberal Romney, ex-democrat Gore supporter Perry, and crazy lady Bachmann, to choose from in the so-called "top tier"?

This will be the last election I'm registered republican if this stupid fucking party falls for this crap once again.

well, son,, look who the dimwits are offering up.. now you decide.. :cool:

This is still primary season. There are still CHOICES at this point.

You're already settling for 2nd rate crap just as long as it's not Obama?
So we got liberal Romney, ex-democrat Gore supporter Perry, and crazy lady Bachmann, to choose from in the so-called "top tier"?

This will be the last election I'm registered republican if this stupid fucking party falls for this crap once again.

well, son,, look who the dimwits are offering up.. now you decide.. :cool:

This is still primary season. There are still CHOICES at this point.

You're already settling for 2nd rate crap just as long as it's not Obama?

I'd vote for a volley ball over obama
Letting China take over this mess is looking like the best option.

Love to see the look on the leaching classes faces when they get told to starve or work.
I'd vote for a volley ball over obama

We're not in the general election yet.

Again, this is PRIMARY season.

do you think the dims are gonna out obama? really? with who? Hilary?

No way are they going to put up someone against the boy King. Now, I agree that the choices are very limited however, I'm with you President Volley Ball sounds exciting. At least PVB wouldn't spend like a drunken sailor and send his family off on trips around the world, or on a separate plane to Martha's Vinyard. Heck Volley Ball Wilson was Tom Hanks' biggest supporter, he inspired him to do great things. LOL
Yeah, it's just crazy to get hung up on the fact that there's all these fake ass candidates who "used to be" this, and "used to be" that, who can't decide what the fuck they actually stand for because they don't stand for SHIT.

On Face the Nation yesterday, Huntsman was on and was asked by Schieffer if he thinks he should start moving more to the right to get more in line with the other candidates. :lol:

No one even blinks an eye to this kind of shit. People just accept that these pieces of shit will adopt whatever positions will get them votes.

Rabbi eats it up like candy :lol: It actually would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

How old are you? 14 maybe? When do you think politicians started adopting positions because they knew it would be popular and get them elected? How about starting with Adams and Jefferson?

I am tired of people complaining about "so and so is a 2nd rate candidate." Tell me, who, besides yourself, is a first rate candidate? If there were no primaries and things were decided the old way, in smoke filled backrooms, who would the candidate be?
What we get is largely the result of the processes we have implemented. Get rid of caucuses and each primary becomes a popularity contest. Get rid of unlimited funding in elections and each candidate is either a millionaire, or forced to spend time kissing rich people's butts. Have unlimited media coverage and every moment of a candidate's life becomes a potential "gotcha" over the tiniest issues.

Perry is a very attractive candidate, despite the carping. He does not hew to any party line and shows a lot of independent thinking on things. Much more than Bachmann, who is just reading from a script. He has real achievements as governor, and that includes experience working with opposition, something Commandante Zero obviously lacks.

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