I'm Mitt Romney


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
Hi. I'm Mitt Romney.
And I want your vote.
If you're against abortion, I agree with you.
If you're for abortion, I agree with you.
If you're for ObamaCare, I invented it.
It you're against ObamaCare, I'm against it.
As you're presidential candidate, I want to assure you that no matter what your position on any issue, I agree with you!
Vote for me!
I agree with you!

Oh and btw, it you want to marry a few 15 year olds, we're good!
Countdown till the OCD anti-Mormon crusader comments on this thread...
So called "Conservatives" will call Ron Paul "crazy" and then vote for Mittens because he has nice hair and "looks Presidential".
What makes this thread great?

That none of the conservatives on this board will even attempt to defend Romney - because they pretty much hate him -

and yet he will be in all likelihood the nominee they will be stuck with.

The bitter pill for them is that Romney, and McCain before him, are ongoing proof that the right wing, the Tea Party crowd, and all those nuts don't have a fraction of the power in the GOP that they think they do.
Pile of dogshit > Obama.......

Yes, that's undoubtedly true. :cuckoo:

How about you stop spending your effort on trying to be as absurdly extremists as you can possibly be, and start focusing on something a little more productive, mkay?
Hi. I'm Mitt Romney.
And I want your vote.
If you're against abortion, I agree with you.
If you're for abortion, I agree with you.
If you're for ObamaCare, I invented it.
It you're against ObamaCare, I'm against it.
As you're presidential candidate, I want to assure you that no matter what your position on any issue, I agree with you!
Vote for me!
I agree with you!

Oh and btw, it you want to marry a few 15 year olds, we're good!

You are an idiot Del, the ONLY position Romney has changed is on abortion, Reagan and Bush changed their minds on that as well, as did I, I used to be pro-choice but now am pro-life. Afraid of him aren't ya, you should be.
What makes this thread great?

That none of the conservatives on this board will even attempt to defend Romney - because they pretty much hate him -

and yet he will be in all likelihood the nominee they will be stuck with.

The bitter pill for them is that Romney, and McCain before him, are ongoing proof that the right wing, the Tea Party crowd, and all those nuts don't have a fraction of the power in the GOP that they think they do.

He is just waiting in the wings for the eventual nomination. He's got the $, the organization, and he's not an extreme winger like the majority of the other candidates.
What makes this thread great?

That none of the conservatives on this board will even attempt to defend Romney - because they pretty much hate him -

and yet he will be in all likelihood the nominee they will be stuck with.

The bitter pill for them is that Romney, and McCain before him, are ongoing proof that the right wing, the Tea Party crowd, and all those nuts don't have a fraction of the power in the GOP that they think they do.

The truth can be a bitter pill to swallow...
Pile of dogshit > Obama.......

Yes, that's undoubtedly true. :cuckoo:

How about you stop spending your effort on trying to be as absurdly extremists as you can possibly be, and start focusing on something a little more productive, mkay?

Sorry, i didn't articulate my point well enough the first time, the pile of dogshit has caused A LOT less damage to this country than Obama. Now how about you do something "productive" like reporting me to one of Obama's 50 snitch websites, mmkay?......:thup:
Hi. I'm Mitt Romney.
And I want your vote.
If you're against abortion, I agree with you.
If you're for abortion, I agree with you.
If you're for ObamaCare, I invented it.
It you're against ObamaCare, I'm against it.
As you're presidential candidate, I want to assure you that no matter what your position on any issue, I agree with you!
Vote for me!
I agree with you!

Oh and btw, it you want to marry a few 15 year olds, we're good!

You are an idiot Del, the ONLY position Romney has changed is on abortion, Reagan and Bush changed their minds on that as well, as did I, I used to be pro-choice but now am pro-life. Afraid of him aren't ya, you should be.

Um yeah. I'm the idiot eh? The ONLY issue Romeny has flip-flopped on is abortion? Hmmm.

“As we seek to establish full equality” for gays, “I will provide more effective leadership than my opponent,” Mitt Romney, Boston Globe Oct . 1994
“From Day One, I have opposed the move for same-sex marriage, and its equivalent, civil unions,” Romney 2005

'I would like to have campaign spending limits.' Mitt Romney
'The American people should be free to advocate for their candidates and their positions without burdensome limitations.' Mitt Romney

'If Massachusetts succeeds in implementing it (RomneyCare - the model for ObamaCare), then that will be a model for the nation.' Mitt Romney
'What works in one state may not be the answer for another.' Mitt Romney

'I'm not in favor of privatizing Social Security or making cuts.' Mitt Romney
'Social Security's the easiest and that's because you can give people a personal account.' Mitt Romney

“We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts,” Romney said in his 2002 gubernatorial campaign. “I support them. I won’t chip away at them.” In fact, as governor, Romney signed America’s first state-level assault-weapons ban.
“These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people.” Mitt Romney 2004
Over the past four years, I’ve worked very closely with the Gun Owners’ Action League here, which is an affiliate of the NRA, and we’ve made some changes which I think they feel have been positive steps.” Mitt Romney

'My view is that we don't know what's causing climate change on this planet.' Mitt Romney on Global Warming.
'I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that.' Mitt Romney on Global Warming.

So just a suggestion. Before you call other people idiots, make sure doing so doesn't make you look like one. :lol:
What makes this thread great?

That none of the conservatives on this board will even attempt to defend Romney - because they pretty much hate him -

and yet he will be in all likelihood the nominee they will be stuck with.

The bitter pill for them is that Romney, and McCain before him, are ongoing proof that the right wing, the Tea Party crowd, and all those nuts don't have a fraction of the power in the GOP that they think they do.

Yup, and it will be funny when he gets the nomination...:lol:

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