I'm on hold for more than an hour to change my Obamacare coverage...

I called on an earlier day to take my ex-wife off my insurance policy, and they told me I had to wait until the last day of the month. I told them this was very bad customer service, and he said he was sorry, but there was nothing they could do.

Hate to tell you dude, but the government has some very specific rules when it comes to spouses and benefits. And, in many cases, they have to comply with rules when it comes to times for doing various things.

I remember in the early 90's when I was stationed with VFA-131 and some AME2 decided to get divorced and married on the same day. He then brought his new wife in and wanted to update his Record of Emergency Data, which lists family members and all that. Unfortunately, because the idiot did both things on the same day, the eligibility of his wife went through 2400 of the day of his divorce, and his new wife's eligibility date was actually the day AFTER he'd been married (0001 the following day). Yeah, I know, the rule was kinda screwed, but that is the way it had to go. He was pissed about it, but I told him it was his own fault, because practically nobody gets divorced and married on the same day.
I did not "divorce and remarry" on the same day. All I'm asking is to have my soon to be ex-wife taken off the policy, and they couldn't handle that routine request. They told me I had to wait until the end of the month, and now I'm on hold and the recording said it would be an hour.

And no company ever had you wait on a phone I'll bet.
I'm on the phone now, you lying piece of shit.
I called on an earlier day to take my ex-wife off my insurance policy, and they told me I had to wait until the last day of the month. I told them this was very bad customer service, and he said he was sorry, but there was nothing they could do.

Hate to tell you dude, but the government has some very specific rules when it comes to spouses and benefits. And, in many cases, they have to comply with rules when it comes to times for doing various things.

I remember in the early 90's when I was stationed with VFA-131 and some AME2 decided to get divorced and married on the same day. He then brought his new wife in and wanted to update his Record of Emergency Data, which lists family members and all that. Unfortunately, because the idiot did both things on the same day, the eligibility of his wife went through 2400 of the day of his divorce, and his new wife's eligibility date was actually the day AFTER he'd been married (0001 the following day). Yeah, I know, the rule was kinda screwed, but that is the way it had to go. He was pissed about it, but I told him it was his own fault, because practically nobody gets divorced and married on the same day.
I did not "divorce and remarry" on the same day. All I'm asking is to have my soon to be ex-wife taken off the policy, and they couldn't handle that routine request. They told me I had to wait until the end of the month, and now I'm on hold and the recording said it would be an hour.

Reading comprehension dude.................I stated in my first paragraph that the government can have some really screwy rules when it comes to benefits and spouses.

I then relegated an example of how that can happen by telling you about what happened to someone and it was because of the government's screwy rules that he ended up in a strange situation.

Maybe they only do things on a monthly basis and aren't set up to do it on a day by day basis. Many times in the military, that was the case. Especially when it came to fixing pay problems.

And, since you called in the middle of the month, if they have to let it run all the way through the end of the month, that's just the way they have it set up. BTW, when did you get divorced?
Another Conservative snowflake having a pissy fit because- gasp- he was put on hold.
I did not "divorce and remarry" on the same day. All I'm asking is to have my soon to be ex-wife taken off the policy, and they couldn't handle that routine request. They told me I had to wait until the end of the month, and now I'm on hold and the recording said it would be an hour.

It is a joke. After I applied last year, they couldn't find my application when I called back. It took them 20 minutes before they finally figured it out buy using my phone number.

The worker said the reason he couldn't find my application is because the worker that took it misspelled my name. Okay fine, now that you have the application, now what? He told me I had to start all over again unless I could tell him how the last worker misspelled my name. HTF am I supposed to know how the last incompetent misspelled my name? What do I sound like, a mindreader or something???

After another 20 minutes, I finally got lucky and misspelled my name the same way the idiot did. It was almost comical.

This year I called them and they told me it would cost me over 20% of my net pay to get on the only plan that covered my doctor and hospital. It came with a $7,000 deductible and $7,000 out of pocket; no dental, prescription or eye care, plus a $50.00 doctor visit.

I told the woman there was no way I could afford to give an insurance company 20% of my pay, especially when it didn't cover anything. So of course I declined the offer.

In the last two weeks, they left over 15 phone messages and 30 emails begging me to call back for insurance. Didn't they understand the first time????
Can there be any doubt that putting the government in charge of our healthcare was a really stupid idea?
Based on your one experience? That's ridiculous. The private sector takes too much of the profit and can't run the businesses efficiently because of it.

Under the next president we will:

1. Nationalize healthcare
2. Nationalize energy
3. Nationalize telecom
4. Nationalize grocery stores
5. Nationalize banks
Can there be any doubt that putting the government in charge of our healthcare was a really stupid idea?
Based on your one experience? That's ridiculous. The private sector takes too much of the profit and can't run the businesses efficiently because of it.

Under the next president we will:

1. Nationalize healthcare
2. Nationalize energy
3. Nationalize telecom
4. Nationalize grocery stores
5. Nationalize banks

I have a non-profit electric company and a non-profit credit union and they're the best deals I've ever had.
I called on an earlier day to take my ex-wife off my insurance policy, and they told me I had to wait until the last day of the month. I told them this was very bad customer service, and he said he was sorry, but there was nothing they could do.

Hate to tell you dude, but the government has some very specific rules when it comes to spouses and benefits. And, in many cases, they have to comply with rules when it comes to times for doing various things.

I remember in the early 90's when I was stationed with VFA-131 and some AME2 decided to get divorced and married on the same day. He then brought his new wife in and wanted to update his Record of Emergency Data, which lists family members and all that. Unfortunately, because the idiot did both things on the same day, the eligibility of his wife went through 2400 of the day of his divorce, and his new wife's eligibility date was actually the day AFTER he'd been married (0001 the following day). Yeah, I know, the rule was kinda screwed, but that is the way it had to go. He was pissed about it, but I told him it was his own fault, because practically nobody gets divorced and married on the same day.
I did not "divorce and remarry" on the same day. All I'm asking is to have my soon to be ex-wife taken off the policy, and they couldn't handle that routine request. They told me I had to wait until the end of the month, and now I'm on hold and the recording said it would be an hour.
End of the month or the last day? Sounds like you are a procrastinator
I called on an earlier day to take my ex-wife off my insurance policy, and they told me I had to wait until the last day of the month. I told them this was very bad customer service, and he said he was sorry, but there was nothing they could do.

Hate to tell you dude, but the government has some very specific rules when it comes to spouses and benefits. And, in many cases, they have to comply with rules when it comes to times for doing various things.

I remember in the early 90's when I was stationed with VFA-131 and some AME2 decided to get divorced and married on the same day. He then brought his new wife in and wanted to update his Record of Emergency Data, which lists family members and all that. Unfortunately, because the idiot did both things on the same day, the eligibility of his wife went through 2400 of the day of his divorce, and his new wife's eligibility date was actually the day AFTER he'd been married (0001 the following day). Yeah, I know, the rule was kinda screwed, but that is the way it had to go. He was pissed about it, but I told him it was his own fault, because practically nobody gets divorced and married on the same day.
I did not "divorce and remarry" on the same day. All I'm asking is to have my soon to be ex-wife taken off the policy, and they couldn't handle that routine request. They told me I had to wait until the end of the month, and now I'm on hold and the recording said it would be an hour.

And no company ever had you wait on a phone I'll bet.
I'm on the phone now, you lying piece of shit.

Well at least we know you can hold a phone to your ear and type at the same time. That is more than I can say for most right wing idiots on this board
I called on an earlier day to take my ex-wife off my insurance policy, and they told me I had to wait until the last day of the month. I told them this was very bad customer service, and he said he was sorry, but there was nothing they could do.
When I was in Cali, my niece from Kauai needed to go to urgent care. I called to ask if they took her insurance. Funny enough, they responded with the easiest answer.... and that was

We take anything accept Kaiser and Obamacare



Tall tale.

Believe what you want.

I called on an earlier day to take my ex-wife off my insurance policy, and they told me I had to wait until the last day of the month. I told them this was very bad customer service, and he said he was sorry, but there was nothing they could do.

Hate to tell you dude, but the government has some very specific rules when it comes to spouses and benefits. And, in many cases, they have to comply with rules when it comes to times for doing various things.

I remember in the early 90's when I was stationed with VFA-131 and some AME2 decided to get divorced and married on the same day. He then brought his new wife in and wanted to update his Record of Emergency Data, which lists family members and all that. Unfortunately, because the idiot did both things on the same day, the eligibility of his wife went through 2400 of the day of his divorce, and his new wife's eligibility date was actually the day AFTER he'd been married (0001 the following day). Yeah, I know, the rule was kinda screwed, but that is the way it had to go. He was pissed about it, but I told him it was his own fault, because practically nobody gets divorced and married on the same day.
I did not "divorce and remarry" on the same day. All I'm asking is to have my soon to be ex-wife taken off the policy, and they couldn't handle that routine request. They told me I had to wait until the end of the month, and now I'm on hold and the recording said it would be an hour.

And no company ever had you wait on a phone I'll bet.
I'm on the phone now, you lying piece of shit.

Well at least we know you can hold a phone to your ear and type at the same time. That is more than I can say for most right wing idiots on this board

True, because the left-wing geniuses don't know they have a speakerphone option on their cell phone.
I'm on hold for more than an hour to change my Obamacare coverage...
Can there be any doubt that putting the government in charge of our healthcare was a really stupid idea?

Here is a clue bud - DON'T WAIT TILL THE LAST DAY when millions of feckless procrastinators just like you are flooding the system.

Instead of bitching and moaning on the internetz how the government has wronged you maybe you should look in the mirror once in awhile.
I'm still on hold and it's been more than TWO hours.

How big a subsidy are we taxpayers ponying up for you?
I have no idea.

But I did not ASK for a subsidy. I was doing just fine on my private insurance before Obamacare, AND I got better coverage with a lower deductible. Yes, I paid more, but it was actually worth the money I paid. Obamacare is WORTHLESS because of the deductible, which for me is $6000. There's really not much point in having health insurance with that big of a deductible, but it's MANDATORY and I don't want to pay a penalty.
I called on an earlier day to take my ex-wife off my insurance policy, and they told me I had to wait until the last day of the month. I told them this was very bad customer service, and he said he was sorry, but there was nothing they could do.

Hate to tell you dude, but the government has some very specific rules when it comes to spouses and benefits. And, in many cases, they have to comply with rules when it comes to times for doing various things.

I remember in the early 90's when I was stationed with VFA-131 and some AME2 decided to get divorced and married on the same day. He then brought his new wife in and wanted to update his Record of Emergency Data, which lists family members and all that. Unfortunately, because the idiot did both things on the same day, the eligibility of his wife went through 2400 of the day of his divorce, and his new wife's eligibility date was actually the day AFTER he'd been married (0001 the following day). Yeah, I know, the rule was kinda screwed, but that is the way it had to go. He was pissed about it, but I told him it was his own fault, because practically nobody gets divorced and married on the same day.
I did not "divorce and remarry" on the same day. All I'm asking is to have my soon to be ex-wife taken off the policy, and they couldn't handle that routine request. They told me I had to wait until the end of the month, and now I'm on hold and the recording said it would be an hour.
End of the month or the last day? Sounds like you are a procrastinator
Like I said, I am not signing up for new coverage, I am taking my wife off my policy, but they refused to do it, saying I had to call today.
I'm still on hold and it's been more than TWO hours.

How big a subsidy are we taxpayers ponying up for you?
I have no idea.

But I did not ASK for a subsidy. I was doing just fine on my private insurance before Obamacare, AND I got better coverage with a lower deductible. Yes, I paid more, but it was actually worth the money I paid. Obamacare is WORTHLESS because of the deductible, which for me is $6000. There's really not much point in having health insurance with that big of a deductible, but it's MANDATORY and I don't want to pay a penalty.

You don't have to pay the penalty. They have a whole list of exemptions on the web site. Since I pay all my medical bills out of pocket, I got an exemption the last two years. As long as I'm paying medical bills on my own, I don't get penalized for not having Commie Care.
I'm still on hold and it's been more than TWO hours.

How big a subsidy are we taxpayers ponying up for you?
I have no idea.

But I did not ASK for a subsidy. I was doing just fine on my private insurance before Obamacare, AND I got better coverage with a lower deductible. Yes, I paid more, but it was actually worth the money I paid. Obamacare is WORTHLESS because of the deductible, which for me is $6000. There's really not much point in having health insurance with that big of a deductible, but it's MANDATORY and I don't want to pay a penalty.

Don't like cheaper insurance with higher deductible? Get more expensive, lower deductible one - silver?
I'm still on hold and it's been more than TWO hours.

How big a subsidy are we taxpayers ponying up for you?
I have no idea.

But I did not ASK for a subsidy. I was doing just fine on my private insurance before Obamacare, AND I got better coverage with a lower deductible. Yes, I paid more, but it was actually worth the money I paid. Obamacare is WORTHLESS because of the deductible, which for me is $6000. There's really not much point in having health insurance with that big of a deductible, but it's MANDATORY and I don't want to pay a penalty.

You don't have to pay the penalty. They have a whole list of exemptions on the web site. Since I pay all my medical bills out of pocket, I got an exemption the last two years. As long as I'm paying medical bills on my own, I don't get penalized for not having Commie Care.

Yea sounds like real oppressive Communism assaulting you there.

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