I'm on hold for more than an hour to change my Obamacare coverage...

I'm still on hold and it's been more than TWO hours.

How big a subsidy are we taxpayers ponying up for you?
I have no idea.

But I did not ASK for a subsidy. I was doing just fine on my private insurance before Obamacare, AND I got better coverage with a lower deductible. Yes, I paid more, but it was actually worth the money I paid. Obamacare is WORTHLESS because of the deductible, which for me is $6000. There's really not much point in having health insurance with that big of a deductible, but it's MANDATORY and I don't want to pay a penalty.

Don't like cheaper insurance with higher deductible? Get more expensive, lower deductible one - silver?

Correct. All you have to do is sell your home and car and get cheaper ones. That's the Democrat way of solving a problem.
I'm still on hold and it's been more than TWO hours.

How big a subsidy are we taxpayers ponying up for you?
I have no idea.

But I did not ASK for a subsidy. I was doing just fine on my private insurance before Obamacare, AND I got better coverage with a lower deductible. Yes, I paid more, but it was actually worth the money I paid. Obamacare is WORTHLESS because of the deductible, which for me is $6000. There's really not much point in having health insurance with that big of a deductible, but it's MANDATORY and I don't want to pay a penalty.

You don't have to pay the penalty. They have a whole list of exemptions on the web site. Since I pay all my medical bills out of pocket, I got an exemption the last two years. As long as I'm paying medical bills on my own, I don't get penalized for not having Commie Care.
I'm not willing to take the chance of having a huge medical expense that is not covered by health insurance.
I'm still on hold and it's been more than TWO hours.

How big a subsidy are we taxpayers ponying up for you?
I have no idea.

But I did not ASK for a subsidy. I was doing just fine on my private insurance before Obamacare, AND I got better coverage with a lower deductible. Yes, I paid more, but it was actually worth the money I paid. Obamacare is WORTHLESS because of the deductible, which for me is $6000. There's really not much point in having health insurance with that big of a deductible, but it's MANDATORY and I don't want to pay a penalty.

You don't have to pay the penalty. They have a whole list of exemptions on the web site. Since I pay all my medical bills out of pocket, I got an exemption the last two years. As long as I'm paying medical bills on my own, I don't get penalized for not having Commie Care.
I'm not willing to take the chance of having a huge medical expense that is not covered by health insurance.

Oh come on, roll the dice man, live...umm...a little.
I'm still on hold and it's been more than TWO hours.

How big a subsidy are we taxpayers ponying up for you?
I have no idea.

But I did not ASK for a subsidy. I was doing just fine on my private insurance before Obamacare, AND I got better coverage with a lower deductible. Yes, I paid more, but it was actually worth the money I paid. Obamacare is WORTHLESS because of the deductible, which for me is $6000. There's really not much point in having health insurance with that big of a deductible, but it's MANDATORY and I don't want to pay a penalty.

You don't have to pay the penalty. They have a whole list of exemptions on the web site. Since I pay all my medical bills out of pocket, I got an exemption the last two years. As long as I'm paying medical bills on my own, I don't get penalized for not having Commie Care.

Yea sounds like real oppressive Communism assaulting you there.

Who needs more work? We never had to do that before big-ears invented this crap. I had coverage my entire life until that dope snuck into the White House. He's done more damage to me than the last half-dozen presidents combined in my lifetime.
I'm still on hold and it's been more than TWO hours.

How big a subsidy are we taxpayers ponying up for you?
I have no idea.

But I did not ASK for a subsidy. I was doing just fine on my private insurance before Obamacare, AND I got better coverage with a lower deductible. Yes, I paid more, but it was actually worth the money I paid. Obamacare is WORTHLESS because of the deductible, which for me is $6000. There's really not much point in having health insurance with that big of a deductible, but it's MANDATORY and I don't want to pay a penalty.

You don't have to pay the penalty. They have a whole list of exemptions on the web site. Since I pay all my medical bills out of pocket, I got an exemption the last two years. As long as I'm paying medical bills on my own, I don't get penalized for not having Commie Care.

Yea sounds like real oppressive Communism assaulting you there.

Who needs more work? We never had to do that before big-ears invented this crap. I had coverage my entire life until that dope snuck into the White House. He's done more damage to me than the last half-dozen presidents combined in my lifetime.

Romney's ears are big? Why did you vote for him then? How could you possibly vote for someone with such ugly anatomy!
How big a subsidy are we taxpayers ponying up for you?
I have no idea.

But I did not ASK for a subsidy. I was doing just fine on my private insurance before Obamacare, AND I got better coverage with a lower deductible. Yes, I paid more, but it was actually worth the money I paid. Obamacare is WORTHLESS because of the deductible, which for me is $6000. There's really not much point in having health insurance with that big of a deductible, but it's MANDATORY and I don't want to pay a penalty.

You don't have to pay the penalty. They have a whole list of exemptions on the web site. Since I pay all my medical bills out of pocket, I got an exemption the last two years. As long as I'm paying medical bills on my own, I don't get penalized for not having Commie Care.

Yea sounds like real oppressive Communism assaulting you there.

Who needs more work? We never had to do that before big-ears invented this crap. I had coverage my entire life until that dope snuck into the White House. He's done more damage to me than the last half-dozen presidents combined in my lifetime.

Romney's ears are big? Why did you vote for him then? How could you possibly vote for someone with such ugly anatomy!

Ask any Democrat who voted for DumBama and they'll tell you.
I have no idea.

But I did not ASK for a subsidy. I was doing just fine on my private insurance before Obamacare, AND I got better coverage with a lower deductible. Yes, I paid more, but it was actually worth the money I paid. Obamacare is WORTHLESS because of the deductible, which for me is $6000. There's really not much point in having health insurance with that big of a deductible, but it's MANDATORY and I don't want to pay a penalty.

You don't have to pay the penalty. They have a whole list of exemptions on the web site. Since I pay all my medical bills out of pocket, I got an exemption the last two years. As long as I'm paying medical bills on my own, I don't get penalized for not having Commie Care.

Yea sounds like real oppressive Communism assaulting you there.

Who needs more work? We never had to do that before big-ears invented this crap. I had coverage my entire life until that dope snuck into the White House. He's done more damage to me than the last half-dozen presidents combined in my lifetime.

Romney's ears are big? Why did you vote for him then? How could you possibly vote for someone with such ugly anatomy!

Ask any Democrat who voted for DumBama and they'll tell you.

...you seriously didn't understand that I'm making fun of your ear lobe pre-occupation?
It's been three hours, 15 minutes and I am STILL on hold.
You don't have to pay the penalty. They have a whole list of exemptions on the web site. Since I pay all my medical bills out of pocket, I got an exemption the last two years. As long as I'm paying medical bills on my own, I don't get penalized for not having Commie Care.

Yea sounds like real oppressive Communism assaulting you there.

Who needs more work? We never had to do that before big-ears invented this crap. I had coverage my entire life until that dope snuck into the White House. He's done more damage to me than the last half-dozen presidents combined in my lifetime.

Romney's ears are big? Why did you vote for him then? How could you possibly vote for someone with such ugly anatomy!

Ask any Democrat who voted for DumBama and they'll tell you.

...you seriously didn't understand that I'm making fun of your ear lobe pre-occupation?

Ear lobe? It's more than that. I made more attractive characters with my Mr. Potato Head toy when I was a child. :banana::banana::banana:
I'm still on hold and it's been more than TWO hours.
Trump's not running it correctly. Most of his businesses went bankrupt as well. So much for our country

Trump is running it perfectly. He's getting rid of it.
What's that you got there, Ray? The slide looks like a Sig. (correction: more like a glock)

Not sure really. Found it on Google images and figured it suits me just fine.
Yea sounds like real oppressive Communism assaulting you there.

Who needs more work? We never had to do that before big-ears invented this crap. I had coverage my entire life until that dope snuck into the White House. He's done more damage to me than the last half-dozen presidents combined in my lifetime.

Romney's ears are big? Why did you vote for him then? How could you possibly vote for someone with such ugly anatomy!

Ask any Democrat who voted for DumBama and they'll tell you.

...you seriously didn't understand that I'm making fun of your ear lobe pre-occupation?

Ear lobe? It's more than that. I made more attractive characters with my Mr. Potato Head toy when I was a child. :banana::banana::banana:

I guess there is no fixing superficiality ingrained so deep.
I called on an earlier day to take my ex-wife off my insurance policy, and they told me I had to wait until the last day of the month. I told them this was very bad customer service, and he said he was sorry, but there was nothing they could do.

Hate to tell you dude, but the government has some very specific rules when it comes to spouses and benefits. And, in many cases, they have to comply with rules when it comes to times for doing various things.

I remember in the early 90's when I was stationed with VFA-131 and some AME2 decided to get divorced and married on the same day. He then brought his new wife in and wanted to update his Record of Emergency Data, which lists family members and all that. Unfortunately, because the idiot did both things on the same day, the eligibility of his wife went through 2400 of the day of his divorce, and his new wife's eligibility date was actually the day AFTER he'd been married (0001 the following day). Yeah, I know, the rule was kinda screwed, but that is the way it had to go. He was pissed about it, but I told him it was his own fault, because practically nobody gets divorced and married on the same day.
I did not "divorce and remarry" on the same day. All I'm asking is to have my soon to be ex-wife taken off the policy, and they couldn't handle that routine request. They told me I had to wait until the end of the month, and now I'm on hold and the recording said it would be an hour.

And no company ever had you wait on a phone I'll bet.
I'm on the phone now, you lying piece of shit.

Again, "Reading comprehension dude.................", Jeez.
I'm still on hold and it's been more than TWO hours.
Trump's not running it correctly. Most of his businesses went bankrupt as well. So much for our country

Trump is running it perfectly. He's getting rid of it.
What's that you got there, Ray? The slide looks like a Sig. (correction: more like a glock)

Not sure really. Found it on Google images and figured it suits me just fine.
Exactly, clueless, but imagery is all.

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