I'm reading that Trump can build a wall with the money earmarked for military...

The recent appointments or attempted appointments show that Trump wants to surround himself with yes men. When he feels threatened he doers more damage to himself than Democrats. He comes across as crazy.
That's what YOU do. :laugh:

What you call cray is holding Trump accountable using the SAME standards that I hold Democrats to. The favorite excuse of the Trump cultists is Obama did this or Clinton did this.

The American people disagree with Trump on pretty much every issue including a border wall. You are as crazy as he is.
The wall has nothing to do with the military nor does it have anything to do with national security. The only people that doesn't grasp that is the hate wing of the Republican Party.
HA HA. Poor detached liberal can't avoid throwing in the race card, wherever, whenever possible. Hilarious.

Hey liberal loonies. What are you going to post here, when the wall starts going up, and we cons start posting videos of it ? Just wondering.

A wall that Americans don't want. It has nothing to do with national security.
Of course it does. Just like walls in 65 other countries. Want to tell them that their walls have nothing to do with national security ? And they aren't being pillaged by foreign invaders nearly as much as we are. USA is # 1 in the world in remittance $$ lost (($138 Billion/year) And that doesn't even include the tens of Billions$$ more lost via the anchor baby racket (or 9 million jobs lost)

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2016

Then there's also THIS >>

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

17. Influx of terrorists.
The wall will not be built, if at all, by the Army Corps of Engineers. Again -- they fall under the Department of Defense. The border wall is managed by the CBP, which falls under the Department of Homeland Security.

So again I ask because again you run -- why did you lie by first posting pictures of the Army Corps of Engineers working on flood walls as though they were border walls -- and then lie again claiming there's no difference between the two when caught telling your first lie?
A wall that Americans don't want. It has nothing to do with national security.
Of course it does. Just like walls in 65 other countries. Want to tell them that their walls have nothing to do with national security ? And they aren't being pillaged by foreign invaders nearly as much as we are. USA is # 1 in the world in remittance $$ lost (($138 Billion/year) And that doesn't even include the tens of Billions$$ more lost via the anchor baby racket (or 9 million jobs lost)

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2016

Then there's also THIS >>

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

17. Influx of terrorists.

Even Trump friendly Rasmussen does not show support for a wall. Their Feb 2018 poll showed 37% support and 56% oppose the wall.

You are aware of the fact that we have a labor shortage in this country. They are taking jobs that Americans won't do. Your laundry list is so funny. I suppose they take away the oxygen we breath as well. I know how to solve the problem, get rid of haters like you.
The wall has nothing to do with the military nor does it have anything to do with national security. The only people that doesn't grasp that is the hate wing of the Republican Party.
HA HA. Poor detached liberal can't avoid throwing in the race card, wherever, whenever possible. Hilarious.

Hey liberal loonies. What are you going to post here, when the wall starts going up, and we cons start posting videos of it ? Just wondering.

View attachment 184830

The question is what are you going to do when it doesn't happen. You are cons alright as in con artists. Ronald Reagan would have nothing to do with this party of hate as it stands now. That is why Republicans are quitting.
What you call cray is holding Trump accountable using the SAME standards that I hold Democrats to. The favorite excuse of the Trump cultists is Obama did this or Clinton did this.

The American people disagree with Trump on pretty much every issue including a border wall. You are as crazy as he is.
Trump is doing what he said in his campaign he was going to do. And most Americans voted for him to do those things, So now he's doing them, and you say the people don't agree with it. Hmmm. Something's not right here.
I'll take guess - it's the polls and liberal media.

You know the ones that said Hillary was going to win in a landslide. ? Yeah those polls,.

Sure I hold Trump accountable. Absolutely. For a booming economy. For increased deportations. For stopping ISIS. For the travel ban. For pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. For withdrawal from Paris climate deal. For imposition of tariffs, and re-establishment of fair trade. For scores of judicial appointments, For declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel. For repeal of regulations, and opening up arctic drilling and the Keystone pipeline. And lots more good things.

And YES, after the wall is completed, Mexico will reimburse us for it. They can't stop that.
The wall is for the security of the United States so it could be described ad military appropriation.
Homeland security is separately funded
You just keep watching, OK ?

They're building it already >




  • Wall monoliths under construction by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Who do you think built these wall monoliths ?
Why do you lie?

That's the Army Corps of Engineers building flood walls in response to the failing flood walls during Katrina.

No wonder you offered no link to your tripe.

'Acceptable Risks'

That was a emergency situation.
Even Trump friendly Rasmussen does not show support for a wall. Their Feb 2018 poll showed 37% support and 56% oppose the wall.

You are aware of the fact that we have a labor shortage in this country. They are taking jobs that Americans won't do. Your laundry list is so funny. I suppose they take away the oxygen we breath as well. I know how to solve the problem, get rid of haters like you.
Labor shortage my ass. This poppycock tune has been sung by liberal idiots for years. When you have a labor shortage, wages are high (to attract more workers). But wages haven't been high, The'yve been low (before Trump arrived). And the reason they;'re low is because of illegalaliens driving them down.

Get rid of the illegals and you instantly have millions more jobs available, all at higher wages.

Oh still using the "jobs that Americans won't do" line ? LOL That was squashed 14 years ago, with the CIS study showing 99% of US jobs had a majority of Americans working in them. And why wouldn't Americans do jobs that illegal alien invaders do ? Because they're too tough, too dirty, too dangerous. The toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America are being done 99% by Americans (Examples - coal miners, firefighters, cops, troops in Iraq & Afghanistan).

Are There Really Jobs Americans Won’t Do?

Another nail in the coffin for the 'Jobs Americans Won't Do' myth
So Says You
So says the bill that Trump signed into law.
OH..... So you've read it????
Enough to feel confident in what I am talking about.

FY 2018 Omnibus
Actually once the money goes to the Pentagon the president has reasonable digression inherent in the Constitution.
That would violate the separation of powers delineated in the constitution.
Nope. Not really.

Especially if they keep up with this practice of passing CRs instead of a budget.
What you call cray is holding Trump accountable using the SAME standards that I hold Democrats to. The favorite excuse of the Trump cultists is Obama did this or Clinton did this.

The American people disagree with Trump on pretty much every issue including a border wall. You are as crazy as he is.
Trump is doing what he said in his campaign he was going to do. And most Americans voted for him to do those things, So now he's doing them, and you say the people don't agree with it. Hmmm. Something's not right here.
I'll take guess - it's the polls and liberal media.

You know the ones that said Hillary was going to win in a landslide. ? Yeah those polls,.

Sure I hold Trump accountable. Absolutely. For a booming economy. For increased deportations. For stopping ISIS. For the travel ban. For pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. For withdrawal from Paris climate deal. For imposition of tariffs, and re-establishment of fair trade. For scores of judicial appointments, For declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel. For repeal of regulations, and opening up arctic drilling and the Keystone pipeline. And lots more good things.

And YES, after the wall is completed, Mexico will reimburse us for it. They can't stop that.

Trump won because he was not Clinton. 25% of voters voted against the other candidate and these are the voters who put Trump over the top. Exit polls showed voters opposed the wall even then. This was a election where a strong majority of voters saw BOTH candidates as dishonest.

You hold him accountable to your far right extremist views. The economy grew under Obama and neither Obama or Trump deserve the credit. Separating families and people who have made contributions to the economy. Separating service members from their wives. Again the polling even from Fox News shows strong support for legalization as well as for DACA recipients. The Iraqi military defeated Isis. A travel ban that is completely useless. The TPP would have benefitted the US by dropping tariffs on a large number of US products. The issue of regulations shows what a far right wing loon you are. Democrats believe in over-regulation and you believe in no regulation. Coal waste should be regulated so that it does not seep into rivers. As for drilling in the artic. Why? We are overflowing with oil from the current drilling. It should be done under strict regulation.

No the wall will never be completed so it doesn't matter.
View attachment 184443
I am reading this from so many on twitter They suggest as it is an omnibus, it is ongoign resolution and only "recommended" to be spent a particular way, but the president has leeway. They said Oama did this very thing when he was president.

So, is this true? Even if it isn't true per se, what is stopping Trump from rightfully deeming the border issue a National Security issue, as he did with tariffs and just build it with the funds? Who can stop him from making this decision?
You think he can take away money earmarked for a pay increase to military personnel and use it to build a wall?

I'd like to see him try.

No. He will pay for the bonuses but he obtained $80B more than he as expecting, and some are saying he can use military engineers to build the wall and as it should, it will fall under National Security.

As I said, I know nothing these Omnibus processes, I am simply asking you all if it is possible, apparently Obama did it often.

The "they" are many. I'm attaching what others typed, just a quick number of the links and comments I see on my timeline, and I don't even follow most of these people:

RED becomes GREEN ! Prez using RED_CASTLE = patch of CORPS of ENGINEERS, to GREEN/GO Corps to BUILD WALL out of Omnibus $$ ?? HE can do it! • r/greatawakening

Patriot 24/7 ‏ @TT45Pac
If you listened to #PresidentTrump's speech today he said building the wall is PART OF OUR "National Defense" to keep Americans safe. 25B out of the 686B for military spending WILL #BuildTheWall and Pay for it in FULL.
I think that what you need to do is look at the actual law and then you will see that the money granted by Congress has been earmarked. Trump can not arbitrarily repurpose the money.

Division C of the law is where you will look to find the defense appropriations.
It's not a "LAW." It's an omnibus spending orgy, of which the president has authority to change, just like obama did.

Idiot, bills passed by Congress and signed by the President are called laws. We’ll just call you stupid.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The question is what are you going to do when it doesn't happen. You are cons alright as in con artists. Ronald Reagan would have nothing to do with this party of hate as it stands now. That is why Republicans are quitting.
Hey MR HATE CARD. What's your position on race-based affirmative action discrimination against whites ?

And what do you think about the Obama race based programs > The "jail-to-school pipeline, and the "PROMISE Program, that allowed Nikolas Cruz to buy guns ?
Even Trump friendly Rasmussen does not show support for a wall. Their Feb 2018 poll showed 37% support and 56% oppose the wall.

You are aware of the fact that we have a labor shortage in this country. They are taking jobs that Americans won't do. Your laundry list is so funny. I suppose they take away the oxygen we breath as well. I know how to solve the problem, get rid of haters like you.
Labor shortage my ass. This poppycock tune has been sung by liberal idiots for years. When you have a labor shortage, wages are high (to attract more workers). But wages haven't been high, The'yve been low (before Trump arrived). And the reason they;'re low is because of illegalaliens driving them down.

Get rid of the illegals and you instantly have millions more jobs available, all at higher wages.

Oh still using the "jobs that Americans won't do" line ? LOL That was squashed 14 years ago, with the CIS study showing 99% of US jobs had a majority of Americans working in them. And why wouldn't Americans do jobs that illegal alien invaders do ? Because they're too tough, too dirty, too dangerous. The toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America are being done 99% by Americans (Examples - coal miners, firefighters, cops, troops in Iraq & Afghanistan).

Are There Really Jobs Americans Won’t Do?

Another nail in the coffin for the 'Jobs Americans Won't Do' myth

We are starting to see higher wages. That is what the wage increases, bonuses and increased benefits were about. Attracting and retaining employees. It had nothing to do with the tax cuts.

You really think Americans are going to start picking strawberries. Immigrants also provide home services for the elderly.
View attachment 184443
I am reading this from so many on twitter They suggest as it is an omnibus, it is ongoign resolution and only "recommended" to be spent a particular way, but the president has leeway. They said Oama did this very thing when he was president.

So, is this true? Even if it isn't true per se, what is stopping Trump from rightfully deeming the border issue a National Security issue, as he did with tariffs and just build it with the funds? Who can stop him from making this decision?
You think he can take away money earmarked for a pay increase to military personnel and use it to build a wall?

I'd like to see him try.

No. He will pay for the bonuses but he obtained $80B more than he as expecting, and some are saying he can use military engineers to build the wall and as it should, it will fall under National Security.

As I said, I know nothing these Omnibus processes, I am simply asking you all if it is possible, apparently Obama did it often.

The "they" are many. I'm attaching what others typed, just a quick number of the links and comments I see on my timeline, and I don't even follow most of these people:

RED becomes GREEN ! Prez using RED_CASTLE = patch of CORPS of ENGINEERS, to GREEN/GO Corps to BUILD WALL out of Omnibus $$ ?? HE can do it! • r/greatawakening

Patriot 24/7 ‏ @TT45Pac
If you listened to #PresidentTrump's speech today he said building the wall is PART OF OUR "National Defense" to keep Americans safe. 25B out of the 686B for military spending WILL #BuildTheWall and Pay for it in FULL.
I think that what you need to do is look at the actual law and then you will see that the money granted by Congress has been earmarked. Trump can not arbitrarily repurpose the money.

Division C of the law is where you will look to find the defense appropriations.
It's not a "LAW." It's an omnibus spending orgy, of which the president has authority to change, just like obama did.

Idiot, bills passed by Congress and signed by the President are called laws. We’ll just call you stupid.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I see you're a quick learner.
The question is what are you going to do when it doesn't happen. You are cons alright as in con artists. Ronald Reagan would have nothing to do with this party of hate as it stands now. That is why Republicans are quitting.
Hey MR HATE CARD. What's your position on race-based affirmative action discrimination against whites ?

And what do you think about the Obama race based programs > The "jail-to-school pipeline, and the "PROMISE Program, that allowed Nikolas Cruz to buy guns ?

How about it is largely a myth. I agree with the Supreme Court's Bakke decision.

The "jails to schools" program did not apply to Cruz because he was not arrested. The program Obama wanted to implement was not what Broward County did. Again we have to sort out everything that happened.
We are starting to see higher wages. That is what the wage increases, bonuses and increased benefits were about. Attracting and retaining employees. It had nothing to do with the tax cuts.

You really think Americans are going to start picking strawberries. Immigrants also provide home services for the elderly.
LOL. Oh man. How much further into the lunatic fringe are we supposed to step. Huuuuugh. It has everything toi do with the tax cuts (especially the corporate tax.)

Strawberries are picked a few miles from my house in PLANT City, Florida, in the same area as the famous strawberry festival we have here. I worked in those fields myself. I saw about = numbers of whites, blacks, and Hispanics. Most of the Hispanics spoke English (probably not illegals)

And illegal aliens work in hundreds of different occupations. The CIS study found them in 467 US occupations, with majorities of Americans.

The point is whatever occupation illegals are in, that's all the more jobs that American are being deprived of.

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