I'm reading that Trump can build a wall with the money earmarked for military...

This from the moron that has spent the last week saying the Military could not control the border.

Holy fuck dude, could you be any more dishonest if someone paid you to be? Or maybe they are
Controlling a border, and constructing a wall on it, aren't the same thing.
Defending our borders has nothing to do with defense. Got it.

Just curious what you think the military is for then? Hanging tapestry?


This from the moron that has spent the last week saying the Military could not control the border.

Holy fuck dude, could you be any more dishonest if someone paid you to be? Or maybe they are

I said the military should build the wall and secure the border. You said the military should not build the wall and chase 6,000 people around the desert every day without a wall.

You're just dumb as a brick. Leftists just are
Now you're lying to cover up your lies. That is evident by you lying when you were first caught, trying to defend your lie by claiming there's no difference between flood walls and border walls.

You really suck at this, ya know?
You do. You know damn well I wouldn't lie with something I could be caught at easily. You're stretching out something that doesn't stretch. Looking worse and worse as you go along.

Now stop trying to DODGE the Mueller Muslim Brotherhood connection. You've had some time now to google it all up. What's your take ?

Oh before I forget. You have a sig at the bottom of your page with a video of the FALSE CNN report on Trump responding to the disabled reporter. You mean to tell me that in March of 2018, you still haven't gotten the word that this was one of Hillary's campaign sabotage lies, and CNN fake news ? Wow dude. Everybody else got the expose' on this over a year ago. lol

Better get rid of that sig. Seriously.
You were caught in an obvious lie

Man up
This from the moron that has spent the last week saying the Military could not control the border.

Holy fuck dude, could you be any more dishonest if someone paid you to be? Or maybe they are
Controlling a border, and constructing a wall on it, aren't the same thing.

What's obvious to me is that liberals with very little to go on, grab furiously at anything they think they can make hay with. Dolts.

If you have something to add to the topic, post it. Problem is, they don't. :biggrin:

I have posted it multiple times and been told every time that our military is not good enough to control our borders with a wall to help them.

Having been a member of the US military, I know that is a lie, but sadly the dumb fucks are here think very lowly of our military
I have posted it multiple times and been told every time that our military is not good enough to control our borders with a wall to help them.

Having been a member of the US military, I know that is a lie, but sadly the dumb fucks are here think very lowly of our military
And they haven't served in it either.
The omnibus bans funding for a border wall.

The funding has already been appropriated ... And passed into legislation.
Whatever the omnibus bill 2018 appropriates is not the funding that has already been appropriated in 2006, 2009 and 2012.

Defending our borders has nothing to do with defense. Got it.

Just curious what you think the military is for then? Hanging tapestry?


This from the moron that has spent the last week saying the Military could not control the border.

Holy fuck dude, could you be any more dishonest if someone paid you to be? Or maybe they are

That’s exactly the reason I use his name as a verb, synonymous with lying.
We are starting to see higher wages. That is what the wage increases, bonuses and increased benefits were about. Attracting and retaining employees. It had nothing to do with the tax cuts.

You really think Americans are going to start picking strawberries. Immigrants also provide home services for the elderly.
LOL. Oh man. How much further into the lunatic fringe are we supposed to step. Huuuuugh. It has everything toi do with the tax cuts (especially the corporate tax.)

Strawberries are picked a few miles from my house in PLANT City, Florida, in the same area as the famous strawberry festival we have here. I worked in those fields myself. I saw about = numbers of whites, blacks, and Hispanics. Most of the Hispanics spoke English (probably not illegals)

And illegal aliens work in hundreds of different occupations. The CIS study found them in 467 US occupations, with majorities of Americans.

The point is whatever occupation illegals are in, that's all the more jobs that American are being deprived of.

You are a lunatic who has no idea of economics. JP Morgan raised their wages even before they started work on the tax cuts. Several companies who made that claim had plans in place before it was taken up. Some of these companies who have done it have also laid off workers.

Farmers are having problems finding workers.
H-2A Certifications Rise, Signaling Increase in Farm Labor Demand

No jobs are being taken away. The unemployment rate dropped under Obama and has reached full employment. Jobs are begging because they can't find enough people to fiull them.
There is no emergency and the only people who see it as such are the hate wing.
Yeah the ones who hate >>

1. Having our jobs stolen

2. Having our economy plundered.

3. Having our crime totals increased.

And all the items listed in Post # 280.

No jobs are being stolen. There is a shortage of workers.

You Trump people keep saying the economy is great.

No more than Americans do.
Step 1 would likely be overturned by the courts as cruel and unusual punishment. The punishment for a crime has got to be in liner with the offense committed.

Step 3 is illegal. The Posse Comitatus Act does not allow the military to act as law enforcement agents.

NEGATIVE wetback lover.
The Posse Comitatus Act simply prohibits federal authorities from acting on behalf of state and local law enforcement and from enforcing domestic policy.
You must have forgot that immigration is a federal matter?

It is a Federal matter, thus the Federal military should deal with it.

Border control is only law enforcement in the eyes of a liberal

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Building a wall is not a contradiction from it being a military matter. The military needs to use any means necessary. You seem to be the only one in the discussion who doesn't grasp that

The wall has nothing to do with the military nor does it have anything to do with national security. The only people that doesn't grasp that is the hate wing of the Republican Party.

Defending our borders has nothing to do with defense. Got it.

Just curious what you think the military is for then? Hanging tapestry?

The military is there to fight wars not enforce civilian laws which they are barred from doing.
Trump won because he was not Clinton. 25% of voters voted against the other candidate and these are the voters who put Trump over the top. Exit polls showed voters opposed the wall even then. This was a election where a strong majority of voters saw BOTH candidates as dishonest.

You hold him accountable to your far right extremist views. The economy grew under Obama and neither Obama or Trump deserve the credit. Separating families and people who have made contributions to the economy. Separating service members from their wives. Again the polling even from Fox News shows strong support for legalization as well as for DACA recipients. The Iraqi military defeated Isis. A travel ban that is completely useless. The TPP would have benefitted the US by dropping tariffs on a large number of US products. The issue of regulations shows what a far right wing loon you are. Democrats believe in over-regulation and you believe in no regulation. Coal waste should be regulated so that it does not seep into rivers. As for drilling in the artic. Why? We are overflowing with oil from the current drilling. It should be done under strict regulation.

No the wall will never be completed so it doesn't matter.
Economy dumped under Obama. He left it with a pitiful 1.2% GDP growth rate. In no time at all, Trump got it raised to 3.2%

I won't even bother to answer your silly other stuff. Just look at this graph. picture says a 1000 words.


The unemployment rate was 8.0% when Obama took office. It was 4.8% when Trump took office. It is now at 4.1%. While I give Obama no credit for it, I also give Trump no credit for it. We are at full employment.
Now you're lying to cover up your lies. That is evident by you lying when you were first caught, trying to defend your lie by claiming there's no difference between flood walls and border walls.

You really suck at this, ya know?
You do. You know damn well I wouldn't lie with something I could be caught at easily. You're stretching out something that doesn't stretch. Looking worse and worse as you go along.

Now stop trying to DODGE the Mueller Muslim Brotherhood connection. You've had some time now to google it all up. What's your take ?

Oh before I forget. You have a sig at the bottom of your page with a video of the FALSE CNN report on Trump responding to the disabled reporter. You mean to tell me that in March of 2018, you still haven't gotten the word that this was one of Hillary's campaign sabotage lies, and CNN fake news ? Wow dude. Everybody else got the expose' on this over a year ago. lol

Better get rid of that sig. Seriously.
What’s fake about my signature?

You really doubt Trump was mocking that disabled reporter? Of course you do, you’re a brain-dead conservative. Hell you just got caught lying, posting photos of flood walls being constructed by the ACoE 10 years ago and falsely claiming they were now building border walls — so yes, you’ll say anything you think benefits your cult.

As far as trump mocking a disabled reporter....

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