I'm reading that Trump can build a wall with the money earmarked for military...

You think I am a "lefty" because unlike you I do not kiss Trumps ass.
No, I think you're a lefty because you take the liberal position on nearly every issue.

And yet you cannot name a single one.

Pull your head out of Trumps ass, you are losing oxygen fast

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I don't jump through hoops for shitstains like you. Besides, everyone already knows where you're coming from.

Yep, they know I am not in Trumps ass with the rest of you. And that is why you hate

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Then backup your statement...

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what statement? Mexico will pay after it is built.

Another delusional loon.

I guess I should take pity on loons like you.
that's your problem right there, you think you own me. too bad for you eh? You worry about yourself and your issues. I'll take care of mine quite fine.

I don't have my head up Trump's ass like you do. We should worry about people like you. We need to put people like you in a place where you won't hurt anyone.
They are not the same, ya conservative liar.
They're the same, and I spent 6 years in the Army Corps of Engineers to know that, you dumb liberal.

My MOS - Combat Construction Specialist (12B20)
Then you learned nothing because you don't know what the fuck you're rambling about. Trump is outsourcing his border wall...

CBP Awards Contracts for “Other Materials” Border Wall Prototypes | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

CBP falls under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security while the Army Corps of Engineers is under the Department of Defense.
We'll see. He's generally all hot air and flip flops. LEGALLY, I think he can probably use military engineers to do some stuff, but he'll be limited. And using combat troops to build shit ... not likely. And even then, there are ownership of land, environmental regulations ........ I think the 1.5 billion or whatever is about all that physically can be spent in a year.

You obviously know very little about the Army Corps of Engineers. I was in the Corps for 6 years. My MOS was COMBAT CONSTRUCTION Specialist. Combat engineers are both soldiers and construction workers. Lower ranked enlisted men are primarily laborers. NCO's Staff Sargeant and higher are supervisors. Officers are planners. During my time in the Corps we built bridges - M4T6, light tactical raft, Bailey Bridge, aluminum footbridge, prefab housing units, and more.

Army Corps of Engineers building the M4T6 pontoon bridge.

Then you learned nothing because you don't know what the fuck you're rambling about. Trump is outsourcing his border wall...

CBP Awards Contracts for “Other Materials” Border Wall Prototypes | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Liberal meltdown. Thought they had Hillary in a walk. Now all the things they hate are happening. Sad isn't it ?

View attachment 184822
Run, Forrest! Run!!! :scared1:

When challenged with facts and reality, conservatives run every time. :mm:
I am a Libertarian so my party has never been in power and won't be for some time to come.

My plan to control the southern border is better than a stupid fuckign wall and saves the US money vice spending it.

But Trump wants his Mt Rushmore and you sheep are dying to give it to him.
What's your plan ? And "control" it how ?

Simple 3 step plan.

Step 1. Go after companies the hire illegals, and go after them hard. A company declaring bankruptcy trying to pay the fine for using illegals would send a good message to other companies. This takes away the main reason people sneak into our country.

Step 2. Develop an actual real guest worker program and allow companies to legally bring in cheap labor. If they will do it cheaper than an American, then let the companies hire them.

Step 3. We have roughly 70,000 troops in Europe, bring home at least half of them, if not more and station them along the southern border. Then let them patrol and control it. We have a military to defend our nation, not Europe.

Step 1 would likely be overturned by the courts as cruel and unusual punishment. The punishment for a crime has got to be in liner with the offense committed.

Step 3 is illegal. The Posse Comitatus Act does not allow the military to act as law enforcement agents.

NEGATIVE wetback lover.
The Posse Comitatus Act simply prohibits federal authorities from acting on behalf of state and local law enforcement and from enforcing domestic policy.
You must have forgot that immigration is a federal matter?

It prohibits the military from enforcing any civilian laws including federal unless authorized by Congress.
Dear detached liberals :

The omnibus bill designated $700 Billion for the Defense Dept. The wall is for Defense of the USA. Got it ? :biggrin:
We'll see. He's generally all hot air and flip flops. LEGALLY, I think he can probably use military engineers to do some stuff, but he'll be limited. And using combat troops to build shit ... not likely. And even then, there are ownership of land, environmental regulations ........ I think the 1.5 billion or whatever is about all that physically can be spent in a year.

You obviously know very little about the Army Corps of Engineers. I was in the Corps for 6 years. My MOS was COMBAT CONSTRUCTION Specialist. Combat engineers are both soldiers and construction workers. Lower ranked enlisted men are primarily laborers. NCO's Staff Sargeant and higher are supervisors. Officers are planners. During my time in the Corps we built bridges - M4T6, light tactical raft, Bailey Bridge, aluminum footbridge, prefab housing units, and more.

Army Corps of Engineers building the M4T6 pontoon bridge.

you obviously cannot read.
You think he can take away money earmarked for a pay increase to military personnel and use it to build a wall?

I'd like to see him try.
That's not all that money was for. $716 billion for pay increases?
Are you nuts???
How much was earmarked for the wall?
That's it then. He can't take money earmarked for the military, pay increase or otherwise, and use it to supplement the wall. That was the point.
That money is earmarked for defense spending....some for construction. National Security. What could improve national security more than a wall?

A wall that Americans don't want. It has nothing to do with national security.
Run, Forrest! Run!!! :scared1:

When challenged with facts and reality, conservatives run every time. :mm:
I'm right here. Not going anywhere.

PS - the creep you're using for your avatar, is a traitor who has been conspiring with and connected with Muslim Brotherhood front groups (MAS, MPAC, ISNA, CAIR, etc) for decades. You might want to come up with something better.
Dear detached liberals :

The omnibus bill designated $700 Billion for the Defense Dept. The wall is for Defense of the USA. Got it ? :biggrin:
And you idiotically posted walls being constructed under the management of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which falls under the Department of Homeland Security -- and then foolishly claimed that's the same thing. :cuckoo:
Run, Forrest! Run!!! :scared1:

When challenged with facts and reality, conservatives run every time. :mm:
I'm right here. Not going anywhere.

PS - the creep you're using for your avatar, is a traitor who has been conspiring with and connected with Muslim Brotherhood front groups (MAS, MPAC, ISNA, CAIR, etc) for decades. You might want to come up with something better.
Nah, I probably going to keep this avatar at least until Mueller wraps up his investigation. Maybe even a little longer depending on how it turns out.

As far as the nonsense you post, you just lied through your keyboard by posting pictures of flood walls being constructed as though they're border walls -- and then saying there's no difference between a flood wall and a border wall. So I hope you can understand why I won't be taking any advice from you.
What's your plan ? And "control" it how ?

Simple 3 step plan.

Step 1. Go after companies the hire illegals, and go after them hard. A company declaring bankruptcy trying to pay the fine for using illegals would send a good message to other companies. This takes away the main reason people sneak into our country.

Step 2. Develop an actual real guest worker program and allow companies to legally bring in cheap labor. If they will do it cheaper than an American, then let the companies hire them.

Step 3. We have roughly 70,000 troops in Europe, bring home at least half of them, if not more and station them along the southern border. Then let them patrol and control it. We have a military to defend our nation, not Europe.

Step 1 would likely be overturned by the courts as cruel and unusual punishment. The punishment for a crime has got to be in liner with the offense committed.

Step 3 is illegal. The Posse Comitatus Act does not allow the military to act as law enforcement agents.

NEGATIVE wetback lover.
The Posse Comitatus Act simply prohibits federal authorities from acting on behalf of state and local law enforcement and from enforcing domestic policy.
You must have forgot that immigration is a federal matter?

It is a Federal matter, thus the Federal military should deal with it.

Border control is only law enforcement in the eyes of a liberal

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Building a wall is not a contradiction from it being a military matter. The military needs to use any means necessary. You seem to be the only one in the discussion who doesn't grasp that

The wall has nothing to do with the military nor does it have anything to do with national security. The only people that doesn't grasp that is the hate wing of the Republican Party.
A wall that Americans don't want. It has nothing to do with national security.
Of course it does. Just like walls in 65 other countries. Want to tell them that their walls have nothing to do with national security ? And they aren't being pillaged by foreign invaders nearly as much as we are. USA is # 1 in the world in remittance $$ lost (($138 Billion/year) And that doesn't even include the tens of Billions$$ more lost via the anchor baby racket (or 9 million jobs lost)

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2016

Then there's also THIS >>

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

17. Influx of terrorists.

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