I'm really starting to think that Alec Baldwin has a duty to this country to mock Trump on SNL

The more that insecure little bitch throws a Twitter tantrum over Baldwin's portrayal, the more unhinged he will become. Hopefully he'll have some kind psychological meltdown and be forced to admitted to an in-patient facility like his narcissistic counter-part Kanye West. Either that, or Repubs in congress will find a reason to impeach him.

It makes me laugh when the dumb RWs on this forum call liberals "snowflakes" yet the president elect they voted for is obviously the biggest snow flake of them all
Since Baldwin beats his wife and kids…
Typical deflection.
Of course it's a deflection, baldwin has absolutely no credibility…
Hes just a shitty actor...
A shitty actor that has no other prospects but doing poorly written skits on a poorly written show that should have been canceled 20 years ago.
lol I love how you're all bashing Alec Baldwin. Had Trump not said anything about these skits, you wouldn't even be talking like this. You're just sheep to whatever Trump says.
The more that insecure little bitch throws a Twitter tantrum over Baldwin's portrayal, the more unhinged he will become. Hopefully he'll have some kind psychological meltdown and be forced to admitted to an in-patient facility like his narcissistic counter-part Kanye West. Either that, or Repubs in congress will find a reason to impeach him.

It makes me laugh when the dumb RWs on this forum call liberals "snowflakes" yet the president elect they voted for is obviously the biggest snow flake of them all
Since Baldwin beats his wife and kids…
Typical deflection.
Of course it's a deflection, baldwin has absolutely no credibility…
Hes just a shitty actor...
A shitty actor that has no other prospects but doing poorly written skits on a poorly written show that should have been canceled 20 years ago.
Lol you wouldn't even be bashing Baldwin if Trumpster hadn't been whining about him all this time. You're sheep.
Typical deflection.
Of course it's a deflection, baldwin has absolutely no credibility…
Hes just a shitty actor...
Why can't you just be a man and admit how much of a whiney little bitch Trump is?
up to this point he's not a career politician, there is no lower lifeform than a career politician.
Lol dude you're pathetic

Celebrities Who Should Have Gone to Jail

  • November 21, 2016
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Sometimes it pays to be a celebrity — particularly if you find yourself in trouble. While most people spend time behind bars for assault, probation violations, and felony charges, celebrities are often able to avoid jail time. Need proof? Here are seven celebrities who relied on their star status to help keep them out of jail.

1. Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin | David Buchan/Getty Images

Baldwin is notorious for throwing public tantrums. When he got in trouble in May for riding his bike against Manhattan traffic, witnesses saw Baldwin throwing an epic fit, describing him as both belligerent and foulmouthed. “How old are these officers? They don’t even know who I am,” the Daily News reports Baldwin saying.

But, lucky for Baldwin, his judge knew exactly who he was. In fact, when it came time for sentencing, Baldwin didn’t even receive a fine. Instead, Judge John DeLury asked Baldwin to behave for six months, despite the actor’s refusal to even apologize for his behavior. During sentencing, DeLury commented about Baldwin’s movies, particularly Hunt for Red October, and remained lighthearted even after Baldwin said he wasn’t going to apologize and would just pay the fine instead, the Daily News reports. So Baldwin received a slap on the wrist, with a few parting words from the judge. “Be a good boy from now on. Have a good day.”
You're such a sheep dude. Had Trump never even mentioned Baldwin, you wouldn't even be bashing Baldwin. You come across like a toddler demonizing Baldwin but making no effort to even address Trump's twitter rant.
The more that insecure little bitch throws a Twitter tantrum over Baldwin's portrayal, the more unhinged he will become. Hopefully he'll have some kind of psychological meltdown and be forced to be admitted to an in-patient facility like his narcissistic counter-part Kanye West. Either that, or Repubs in congress will find a reason to impeach him.

It makes me laugh when the dumb RWs on this forum call liberals "snowflakes" yet the president elect they voted for is obviously the biggest snow flake of them all.

President-elect Donald Trump attacks ‘Saturday Night Live’ again - NY Daily News
I'm thinking you're the biggest douche bag in this forum.
And you're too much of a child to admit how pathetic Trump is.
How can I "admit" something that isn't a fact?
lol you're such a doofus. Deep down you know I am right about Trump but you're too much of a wuss to even try to defend Trump. It's so unreal to me that you dumbshits can't make the obvious confession that you were wrong about Trump from the beginning.
The more that insecure little bitch throws a Twitter tantrum over Baldwin's portrayal, the more unhinged he will become. Hopefully he'll have some kind of psychological meltdown and be forced to be admitted to an in-patient facility like his narcissistic counter-part Kanye West. Either that, or Repubs in congress will find a reason to impeach him.

It makes me laugh when the dumb RWs on this forum call liberals "snowflakes" yet the president elect they voted for is obviously the biggest snow flake of them all.

President-elect Donald Trump attacks ‘Saturday Night Live’ again - NY Daily News
It's ok until trump is president. If he continues after that, the CIA will take over and send Alec to the east river...with concrete shoes...
I think Alec Baldwin owes it to us to move his fat hairy ass to Canada like he has promised to so many times
I think Alec Baldwin owes it to us to move his fat hairy ass to Canada like he has promised to so many times
How about you address Trump's whiney bitchiness because that's ultimately what matters. Okay, so you hate Baldwin, do you? Well how does it feel knowing his fat hairy ass makes the Trumpster go on Twitter rants like a little bitch?
The more that insecure little bitch throws a Twitter tantrum over Baldwin's portrayal, the more unhinged he will become. Hopefully he'll have some kind of psychological meltdown and be forced to be admitted to an in-patient facility like his narcissistic counter-part Kanye West. Either that, or Repubs in congress will find a reason to impeach him.

It makes me laugh when the dumb RWs on this forum call liberals "snowflakes" yet the president elect they voted for is obviously the biggest snow flake of them all.

President-elect Donald Trump attacks ‘Saturday Night Live’ again - NY Daily News

Does he have to retaliate EVERY TIME someone says something negative about him? It can't end well.
I think Alec Baldwin owes it to us to move his fat hairy ass to Canada like he has promised to so many times
How about you address Trump's whiney bitchiness because that's ultimately what matters. Okay, so you hate Baldwin, do you? Well how does it feel knowing his fat hairy ass makes the Trumpster go on Twitter rants like a little bitch?
FYI I didn't vote for Trump and Trump has nothing to do with why I think Baldwin is a piece of shit asshole his ordinary behavior has done that

He's been promising to move to Canada before Trump even thought of running so it's about time he did
I think Alec Baldwin owes it to us to move his fat hairy ass to Canada like he has promised to so many times
How about you address Trump's whiney bitchiness because that's ultimately what matters. Okay, so you hate Baldwin, do you? Well how does it feel knowing his fat hairy ass makes the Trumpster go on Twitter rants like a little bitch?
FYI I didn't vote for Trump and Trump has nothing to do with why I think Baldwin is a piece of shit asshole his ordinary behavior has done that

He's been promising to move to Canada before Trump even thought of running so it's about time he did
What you're saying is irrelevant bullshit that doesn't matter.
I think Alec Baldwin owes it to us to move his fat hairy ass to Canada like he has promised to so many times
How about you address Trump's whiney bitchiness because that's ultimately what matters. Okay, so you hate Baldwin, do you? Well how does it feel knowing his fat hairy ass makes the Trumpster go on Twitter rants like a little bitch?
FYI I didn't vote for Trump and Trump has nothing to do with why I think Baldwin is a piece of shit asshole his ordinary behavior has done that

He's been promising to move to Canada before Trump even thought of running so it's about time he did

He'd probably beat Trump.
Trump can't take mockery. Is he scared? Seems like it. Presidents should be lawfully shunned from saying a word.
Trump's Oral Vomitus has Consequences

EU nations react with surprise, defiance to Trump remarks
Source: Associated Press

Kirsten Grieshaber and Raf Casert, Associated Press Updated 6:47 am, Monday, January 16, 2017

BERLIN (AP) — European Union nations reacted with surprise and defiance Monday to comments made by President-elect Donald Trump, who said in an interview that NATO was "obsolete" and hinted that more member states would leave the 28-nation EU.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, speaking ahead of an EU foreign ministers meeting, said Trump's view on NATO and criticism that allied members weren't paying their fair share has "caused astonishment."

His French counterpart Jean-Marc Ayrault added that the best response to such an interview was simple — Europeans uniting together.

Even though Trump had make similar comments during his tempestuous election campaign, a repeat of the same points still hit Europe hard and still came as a bit of a surprise, since his choice for defense secretary, General James Mattis, has stressed his support for the alliance in his U.S. congressional confirmation hearings last week.

Read more: EU nations react with surprise, defiance to Trump remarks
The more that insecure little bitch throws a Twitter tantrum over Baldwin's portrayal, the more unhinged he will become. Hopefully he'll have some kind of psychological meltdown and be forced to be admitted to an in-patient facility like his narcissistic counter-part Kanye West. Either that, or Repubs in congress will find a reason to impeach him.

It makes me laugh when the dumb RWs on this forum call liberals "snowflakes" yet the president elect they voted for is obviously the biggest snow flake of them all.

President-elect Donald Trump attacks ‘Saturday Night Live’ again - NY Daily News

This Alec Baldwin?

Alec Baldwin is a despicable low life and his soul mate fans adore him.
The more that insecure little bitch throws a Twitter tantrum over Baldwin's portrayal, the more unhinged he will become. Hopefully he'll have some kind of psychological meltdown and be forced to be admitted to an in-patient facility like his narcissistic counter-part Kanye West. Either that, or Repubs in congress will find a reason to impeach him.

It makes me laugh when the dumb RWs on this forum call liberals "snowflakes" yet the president elect they voted for is obviously the biggest snow flake of them all.

President-elect Donald Trump attacks ‘Saturday Night Live’ again - NY Daily News

there is always a duty to mock people in power.
Alec Baldwin is a despicable low life and his soul mate fans adore him.


Donald Trump and his team to call into question the very existence of facts something that the comfortably numb Rubes really really appreciate....
At some point the hardcore Left will figure out that attacking, insulting, mocking, intimidating and punishing anyone who dares to disagree with them is ultimately counter-productive and part of the reason Trump got elected in the first place.

Or maybe they won't.
At some point the hardcore Left will figure out that attacking, insulting, mocking, intimidating and punishing anyone who dares to disagree with them is ultimately counter-productive and part of the reason Trump got elected in the first place.

Or maybe they won't.
Claim: Marian Robinson, First Lady Michelle Obama's mother, will receive a lifetime pension of $160,000 from the U.S. government.


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