I'm right about World Trade Centers and have an idea how they fell

Dear friends,
Remember Star Wars? Do you remember the Pentagon's Strategic Defense Initiative to build a massive missile defense system that raised so much controversy during the Reagan and first Bush years? 130 billion of our tax dollars were poured into developing that system. It was designed to detect and intercept missiles fired from an unknown destination traveling at well over 10 times the speed of a commercial airliner, and to shoot them down in 15 minutes or less, before they reached their US targets.
According the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) website, "a defensive system may need to hit a warhead smaller than an oil drum that is traveling above the atmosphere at speeds greater than 13,000 miles per hour." The CBO report states that missile defense and intercept systems must take down an ICBM in a matter of minutes or it is all over.
You may remember that before 9/11, there were a number of tests of the Pentagon's missile defense systems. Some tests failed, while others succeeded. But there is an important question here. If these sophisticated military systems were designed to detect missiles fired from unknown locations at over 13,000 mph and shoot them down in mere minutes, why on 9/11 could they not detect any one of the four large airliners traveling at a mere 600 mph, especially when two of them were known to be lost for over 40 minutes before they crashed?
This question applies especially to Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon. The first plane hijacking on 9/11 was reported at about 8:20 AM (see NY Times article), well over an hour before Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon at 9:38. According to the Times article, Flight 77 was reported lost at 8:56 A.M., 42 minutes before it crashed. Even if the FAA radar systems completely failed and FAA officials failed to alert the military, all military leaders certainly knew within minutes that the World Trade Center had been hit at 8:46. By 9:03, when the second tower was hit, they certainly knew there were big problems.
How is it possible that the Pentagon's highly touted missile detections systems could not locate Flight 77 in the 42 minutes it was known to be lost before it crashed into the heart of the defense system of the U.S.? The missile detection systems did not depend on FAA radar and were programmed to pick up any unaccounted for objects and raise alarms immediately, as mentioned on the CBO website.
Here's another related question. Why was the Pentagon's billion-dollar missile defense system such a hot topic in the media before 9/11, yet we've heard almost nothing about it since? Could it be that there are elements in the government and military who don't want people to think about questions like those asked here? And an even bigger question is why isn't our media asking these questions and more?
Why is it that the 9/11 Commission budget was far less than the budget allotted to the Challenger space shuttle disaster or even the Monica Lewinsky affair? The 9/11 commission was originally allotted only $3 million. Eventually, after much begging and haggling, the commission was given $15 million. Yet a CNN article lists the cost of the Lewinsky investigation at $30 million. A Los Angeles Times article states the cost of the Columbia space shuttle disaster investigation was $175 million.
How could 9/11 – the greatest disaster in American history – be given such a small budget for investigation? Why didn't the Pentagon aggressively investigate the greatest failure ever in U.S. defenses? And why did both the president (see CNN article) and vice-president (see Newsweek article) initially oppose any investigation at all?
Why aren't we, the public, asking these questions and demanding answers? It's not too late. Let us take action now and seek answers to these vital questions. For further reliable information on this topic, go to the revealing two-page 9/11 summary at available here. All information is taken only from major media sources. You can easily verify each fact by using the links provided to the original articles on the major media websites from which the facts were taken. Then watch a 15-minute clip of the powerful, eye-opening documentary 9/11: Press for Truth at this link. The box below also contains excellent ideas on what you can do to make a difference.
To understand why all of this disturbing information isn't getting extensive media coverage, visit this link. If these facts were reported in headline news where they belong, caring citizens would be astounded and demand to know more. This has not happened, which is why we feel compelled to provide them here. It is now up to us, the citizens of all countries to come together to bring light to the hidden shadows so that we can more effectively work towards a better world for all of us.

The entire website at www.WantToKnow.info is dedicated both to providing a concise, reliable introduction to important information that is being hidden from us, and to inspiring us to work together to strengthen democracy and to build a better world. You can help to build a brighter future right now by educating yourself on these vital issues, and by forwarding this message to your friends and colleagues and asking them to do the same. Thank you for caring. Together we can and will build a better world for ourselves and our children.
With best wishes,
Fred Burks for PEERS and WantToKnow.info
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton

Let me get this straight. You first supply claims of surface to air missile batteries protecting the Pentagon, and when asked for proof, you supply articles that discusses using the detection methods of an undeveloped/unproven defense system?

What's wrong with you? Where is you proof of the surface to air missile surrounding the Pentagon? Is this what you do? Make idiotic claims and then when shown proof to the contrary or asked to supply YOUR proof, you move on to other topics? That's quite cowardly in my book...

Do you have proof that this "Star Wars" system was fully tested and operational on 2001? Was it capable of detecting objects WITHIN the atmosphere? How would the system detect the correct plane?

All this amounts to is more speculation and gibberish from you.

You would be absolutely stunned to know about the technology that has been hidden from us that the military industrial complex has at it's disposal but kept hidden because this corporate entity does not have our best interest at heart.

Ah, so now your argument is that the 'anti-missile batteries' were 'secret', and that's why you can't back a damn thing you've said about them?

How gloriously circular. What doesn't stun me is how much of your stupidly elaborate, ridiculously complicated conspiracy is pulled sideways out of your ass. You have absolutely nothing to back your claim of 'anti-air missiles' that Cheney told to 'stand down'.

Which you knew when you started. But really hoped we didn't.

And instead of admitting that you can't back up your claims.....you double down on batshit. Adding brand new layers of elaboration, new layers of fantastic complexity. DARPA and MKULTRA. With thousands and thousands of *more* people folded into your conspiracy.

Here's a much simpler explanation: Flight 77 hit the Pentagon.

No imaginary, super secret missile batteries, non-existent stand down orders, made up 'secure airspace over the Pentagon', no thousands of planted witnesses, no faked flight records, no planted evidence, spontaneous conspiracy involving thousands necessary.

As I said, your explanation is just awful. Its a horrible, mind-bogglingly bad explanation of events. And you can't back it with anything but more baseless batshit.

You seem to have no critical thinking skills and I can not help you with that. You could drive a platoon of tanks through the holes of the official story. I am not posting here to divide people or get them to support one side or the other of the "left versus right" paradigm. We are up to our arm pits in shit and if we continue to refuse to see what things are, soon we will be drowning in it. I see what has been going on for the last 100 plus years and why we are in the shape we are in in spite of the tremendous advantage we had after the Bretton Woods agreement after WII and the incremental taking down of middle class jobs once they had completed yet another phase of their agenda.The first WTC bombing was staged, the OKC bombing was another false flag and 9/11/01 was the mother of all false flags and psy-op and that is a fact. Whether you chose to accept this or not is your decision.

thats because shills can only shit all over the floor everytime they open their mouths.:haha:

he shit on the floor again just now like clockwork.lol
You would be absolutely stunned to know about the technology that has been hidden from us that the military industrial complex has at it's disposal but kept hidden because this corporate entity does not have our best interest at heart.

Your claims and rants here are based on nothing more than fantasy and speculation. Every time you have been challenged on any of your claims, you immediately move on to a different topic and provide no proof of anything You have been called out on the lies that you continue to spread. You have been shown proof that what you are spreading are lies yet you continue. Why is that Dale? Why, when shown your claim or information is wrong, do you continue to say them? Why do you never admit they are wrong?

Do some research on DARPA and all the neat gadgets that they have come up with like genetic manipulation and mind control that makes MKULTRA seem lame by comparison. While people fret about the day to day doings of the Kardashians, they build bigger and better weapons using nano-technology to keep better survelliance on us "worthless eaters"......the window to stop this total global takeover from happening is closing by the day. They have drones the size of mosquitoes that can inject anything into anyone and these programs have no oversight because they are separate from "da gubermint" that you see publicly and the one that actually calls the shots. There are over 30 security clearances higher than the president and you can look that up. My question is who put this apparatus in charge and where is the oversight? I certainly didn't sign off on this...did you?
Why don't YOU do some research instead of stopping when you find information that agrees with what you believe in? You build your claims upon pieces of information and then when you are shown that those pieces are incorrect, you run.Why can't you address them instead of running or changing the subject?
You would be absolutely stunned to know about the technology that has been hidden from us that the military industrial complex has at it's disposal but kept hidden because this corporate entity does not have our best interest at heart.

Your claims and rants here are based on nothing more than fantasy and speculation. Every time you have been challenged on any of your claims, you immediately move on to a different topic and provide no proof of anything

Good old Conspiracy Whack-a-mole.

You have been called out on the lies that you continue to spread. You have been shown proof that what you are spreading are lies yet you continue. Why is that Dale? Why, when shown your claim or information is wrong, do you continue to say them? Why do you never admit they are wrong?

Emotional investment. Dale believes that his conspiracies makes him better. Smarter. More 'evolved'. Thus, when you disprove his conspiracy, you are eroding his self image. And Dale has already demonstrated that he'll gladly lie to protect that image. Clinging to stupidly complicated and fantastically elaborate 'alternative explanations' to such a degree that he'll literally make shit up.

Like, say, anti-air missile batteries around the Pentagon on 911.
Let me get this straight. You first supply claims of surface to air missile batteries protecting the Pentagon, and when asked for proof, you supply articles that discusses using the detection methods of an undeveloped/unproven defense system?

What's wrong with you? Where is you proof of the surface to air missile surrounding the Pentagon? Is this what you do? Make idiotic claims and then when shown proof to the contrary or asked to supply YOUR proof, you move on to other topics? That's quite cowardly in my book...

Do you have proof that this "Star Wars" system was fully tested and operational on 2001? Was it capable of detecting objects WITHIN the atmosphere? How would the system detect the correct plane?

All this amounts to is more speculation and gibberish from you.

You would be absolutely stunned to know about the technology that has been hidden from us that the military industrial complex has at it's disposal but kept hidden because this corporate entity does not have our best interest at heart.

Ah, so now your argument is that the 'anti-missile batteries' were 'secret', and that's why you can't back a damn thing you've said about them?

How gloriously circular. What doesn't stun me is how much of your stupidly elaborate, ridiculously complicated conspiracy is pulled sideways out of your ass. You have absolutely nothing to back your claim of 'anti-air missiles' that Cheney told to 'stand down'.

Which you knew when you started. But really hoped we didn't.

And instead of admitting that you can't back up your claims.....you double down on batshit. Adding brand new layers of elaboration, new layers of fantastic complexity. DARPA and MKULTRA. With thousands and thousands of *more* people folded into your conspiracy.

Here's a much simpler explanation: Flight 77 hit the Pentagon.

No imaginary, super secret missile batteries, non-existent stand down orders, made up 'secure airspace over the Pentagon', no thousands of planted witnesses, no faked flight records, no planted evidence, spontaneous conspiracy involving thousands necessary.

As I said, your explanation is just awful. Its a horrible, mind-bogglingly bad explanation of events. And you can't back it with anything but more baseless batshit.

You seem to have no critical thinking skills and I can not help you with that. You could drive a platoon of tanks through the holes of the official story. I am not posting here to divide people or get them to support one side or the other of the "left versus right" paradigm. We are up to our arm pits in shit and if we continue to refuse to see what things are, soon we will be drowning in it. I see what has been going on for the last 100 plus years and why we are in the shape we are in in spite of the tremendous advantage we had after the Bretton Woods agreement after WII and the incremental taking down of middle class jobs once they had completed yet another phase of their agenda.The first WTC bombing was staged, the OKC bombing was another false flag and 9/11/01 was the mother of all false flags and psy-op and that is a fact. Whether you chose to accept this or not is your decision.

thats because shills can only shit all over the floor everytime they open their mouths.:haha:

he shit on the floor again just now like clockwork.lol

Laughing......you realize that you just responded to and slammed yourself, right?
For those that are awake, it doesn't take much proof but to those that are still stuck in the matrix and believes in their "benevolent gubermint"? No amount of proof will ever convince them that they have been played and that is the bottom line. When I realized that this corporate entity that has been trying to pass it's self off as a legitimate governmental body was a complete and total fraud, I had some rough days and rough nights. 9/11 was but a blip on the radar when it comes to how we have been played for chumps and fools. They are masters at manipulation and able to play on our patriotism and fears to their advantage. They used it to get us into WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq...next verse, same as the first and yet we never as a unified voice, catch onto this. We are in a very bad way with people controlling and pulling the strings on our lives that believe that they are the "rulers". False flag events have been a reality for centuries using the Hegelian Dialectic..cause, affect, solution. Blame someone or something for a problem you caused....wait for the emotional outcry and then offer a solution to the very problem that you caused that furthers your agenda....time tested and true.
Dear friends,
Remember Star Wars? Do you remember the Pentagon's Strategic Defense Initiative to build a massive missile defense system that raised so much controversy during the Reagan and first Bush years? 130 billion of our tax dollars were poured into developing that system. It was designed to detect and intercept missiles fired from an unknown destination traveling at well over 10 times the speed of a commercial airliner, and to shoot them down in 15 minutes or less, before they reached their US targets.
According the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) website, "a defensive system may need to hit a warhead smaller than an oil drum that is traveling above the atmosphere at speeds greater than 13,000 miles per hour." The CBO report states that missile defense and intercept systems must take down an ICBM in a matter of minutes or it is all over.
You may remember that before 9/11, there were a number of tests of the Pentagon's missile defense systems. Some tests failed, while others succeeded. But there is an important question here. If these sophisticated military systems were designed to detect missiles fired from unknown locations at over 13,000 mph and shoot them down in mere minutes, why on 9/11 could they not detect any one of the four large airliners traveling at a mere 600 mph, especially when two of them were known to be lost for over 40 minutes before they crashed?
This question applies especially to Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon. The first plane hijacking on 9/11 was reported at about 8:20 AM (see NY Times article), well over an hour before Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon at 9:38. According to the Times article, Flight 77 was reported lost at 8:56 A.M., 42 minutes before it crashed. Even if the FAA radar systems completely failed and FAA officials failed to alert the military, all military leaders certainly knew within minutes that the World Trade Center had been hit at 8:46. By 9:03, when the second tower was hit, they certainly knew there were big problems.
How is it possible that the Pentagon's highly touted missile detections systems could not locate Flight 77 in the 42 minutes it was known to be lost before it crashed into the heart of the defense system of the U.S.? The missile detection systems did not depend on FAA radar and were programmed to pick up any unaccounted for objects and raise alarms immediately, as mentioned on the CBO website.
Here's another related question. Why was the Pentagon's billion-dollar missile defense system such a hot topic in the media before 9/11, yet we've heard almost nothing about it since? Could it be that there are elements in the government and military who don't want people to think about questions like those asked here? And an even bigger question is why isn't our media asking these questions and more?
Why is it that the 9/11 Commission budget was far less than the budget allotted to the Challenger space shuttle disaster or even the Monica Lewinsky affair? The 9/11 commission was originally allotted only $3 million. Eventually, after much begging and haggling, the commission was given $15 million. Yet a CNN article lists the cost of the Lewinsky investigation at $30 million. A Los Angeles Times article states the cost of the Columbia space shuttle disaster investigation was $175 million.
How could 9/11 – the greatest disaster in American history – be given such a small budget for investigation? Why didn't the Pentagon aggressively investigate the greatest failure ever in U.S. defenses? And why did both the president (see CNN article) and vice-president (see Newsweek article) initially oppose any investigation at all?
Why aren't we, the public, asking these questions and demanding answers? It's not too late. Let us take action now and seek answers to these vital questions. For further reliable information on this topic, go to the revealing two-page 9/11 summary at available here. All information is taken only from major media sources. You can easily verify each fact by using the links provided to the original articles on the major media websites from which the facts were taken. Then watch a 15-minute clip of the powerful, eye-opening documentary 9/11: Press for Truth at this link. The box below also contains excellent ideas on what you can do to make a difference.
To understand why all of this disturbing information isn't getting extensive media coverage, visit this link. If these facts were reported in headline news where they belong, caring citizens would be astounded and demand to know more. This has not happened, which is why we feel compelled to provide them here. It is now up to us, the citizens of all countries to come together to bring light to the hidden shadows so that we can more effectively work towards a better world for all of us.

The entire website at www.WantToKnow.info is dedicated both to providing a concise, reliable introduction to important information that is being hidden from us, and to inspiring us to work together to strengthen democracy and to build a better world. You can help to build a brighter future right now by educating yourself on these vital issues, and by forwarding this message to your friends and colleagues and asking them to do the same. Thank you for caring. Together we can and will build a better world for ourselves and our children.
With best wishes,
Fred Burks for PEERS and WantToKnow.info
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton

Let me get this straight. You first supply claims of surface to air missile batteries protecting the Pentagon, and when asked for proof, you supply articles that discusses using the detection methods of an undeveloped/unproven defense system?

What's wrong with you? Where is you proof of the surface to air missile surrounding the Pentagon? Is this what you do? Make idiotic claims and then when shown proof to the contrary or asked to supply YOUR proof, you move on to other topics? That's quite cowardly in my book...

Do you have proof that this "Star Wars" system was fully tested and operational on 2001? Was it capable of detecting objects WITHIN the atmosphere? How would the system detect the correct plane?

All this amounts to is more speculation and gibberish from you.

You would be absolutely stunned to know about the technology that has been hidden from us that the military industrial complex has at it's disposal but kept hidden because this corporate entity does not have our best interest at heart.

Ah, so now your argument is that the 'anti-missile batteries' were 'secret', and that's why you can't back a damn thing you've said about them?

How gloriously circular. What doesn't stun me is how much of your stupidly elaborate, ridiculously complicated conspiracy is pulled sideways out of your ass. You have absolutely nothing to back your claim of 'anti-air missiles' that Cheney told to 'stand down'.

Which you knew when you started. But really hoped we didn't.

And instead of admitting that you can't back up your claims.....you double down on batshit. Adding brand new layers of elaboration, new layers of fantastic complexity. DARPA and MKULTRA. With thousands and thousands of *more* people folded into your conspiracy.

Here's a much simpler explanation: Flight 77 hit the Pentagon.

No imaginary, super secret missile batteries, non-existent stand down orders, made up 'secure airspace over the Pentagon', no thousands of planted witnesses, no faked flight records, no planted evidence, spontaneous conspiracy involving thousands necessary.

As I said, your explanation is just awful. Its a horrible, mind-bogglingly bad explanation of events. And you can't back it with anything but more baseless batshit.

You seem to have no critical thinking skills and I can not help you with that. You could drive a platoon of tanks through the holes of the official story.

Making up a stupidly complicated, insanely elaborate conspiracy theory that you can't back with evidence to explain 911 isn't 'critical thinking skills'. Its utterly irrational and hopeless self delusion. Delusion even *you* can't connect to reality.

You insist that Cheney gave a 'stand down order'. Minetta, who was in the room, says the opposite. That the standing order was to shoot the planes down.

You insist that the missile batteries protecting the Pentagon were told to stand down. There were no missile batteries protecting the Pentagon on 911. They were added a year later in *response* to 911.

You insisted that the air above the Pentagon was 'some of the most secure airspace in the US'. In reality, the Pentagon is 3000 FEET from Ronald Reagan International airport, with one of its main landing strips putting planes on a flight path that goes OVER the Pentagon.

You insisted that the Pentagon was hit to cover up 2.3 trillion dollars in 'missing money'. The 2.3 trillion wasn't missing, but poorly documented due to old and incompatible data bases. And there were articles on the issue for years AFTER 911. So a 'cover up' that didn't actually cover anything up?

At each and every stage your explanation is just stupidly awful.
It doesn't match the evidence, is overwhelmingly contradicted by evidence, often made up whole from nothing, is ludicrously complicated, and fantastically elaborate.

This is why folks don't buy the Truther horseshit. Its simply a horrible explanation.
And as your imaginary 'missile air defenses' demonstrate, even you can't connect to reality. You merely imagine it must be so.

I like doing this:

Dale Smith

Just tell us what you think happened. No names unless you wish, no dates unless you wish; just in reasonable detail provide a sketch about what you think happened account for what we know; planes hit both towers at the World Trade Center (WTC 1 and WTC 2), there was an explosion at the Pentagon that resulted in plane wreckage being found there, light poles were damaged at the same time (hitting the windshield of a cab as well), and there was an explosion in Shanksville, PA where wreckage from a 4th plane was found.

If you did spend any time researching this, you have to account for all of the facts.

These are facts. We have video of planes hitting the towers, still photos of the plane parts at the Pentagon, the wreckage, and the light poles (I left out the DNA of passengers since you'll just say that DMORT was lying--pictures don't lie), and we have photos of aircraft wreckage in Shanksville.

Can you do that?
For those that are awake, it doesn't take much proof but to those that are still stuck in the matrix and believes in their "benevolent gubermint"? No amount of proof will ever convince them that they have been played and that is the bottom line. When I realized that this corporate entity that has been trying to pass it's self off as a legitimate governmental body was a complete and total fraud, I had some rough days and rough nights. 9/11 was but a blip on the radar when it comes to how we have been played for chumps and fools. They are masters at manipulation and able to play on our patriotism and fears to their advantage. They used it to get us into WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq...next verse, same as the first and yet we never as a unified voice, catch onto this. We are in a very bad way with people controlling and pulling the strings on our lives that believe that they are the "rulers". False flag events have been a reality for centuries using the Hegelian Dialectic..cause, affect, solution. Blame someone or something for a problem you caused....wait for the emotional outcry and then offer a solution to the very problem that you caused that furthers your agenda....time tested and true.

Dale, making up none existent 'missile batteries' isn't being 'awake'.

Pretending that 2.3 trillion dollars in transactions that are poorly documented is 2.3 trillion dollars being 'missing' isn't being 'awake'.

Imagining that the Airfones installed on flight 77 didn't work when Airfone confirms that they did....isn't being 'awake.'

Pretending that the Pentagon was 'some of the most secure airspace in America' when it had an public airport 3000 FEET away isn't being 'awake'.

Your explanation is just awful. Stupidly, irrationally, elaborately and pointlessly awful. It doesn't match the evidence, is contradicted by overwhelming evidence, and doesn't make the slightest sense. No matter how many times you type 'gubermint'.
For those that are awake, it doesn't take much proof but to those that are still stuck in the matrix....
Is that you CD? You've done this "matrix" shit before.

and believes in their "benevolent gubermint"? No amount of proof will ever convince them that they have been played and that is the bottom line.
Wow...so the fact that you cannot produce one shred of proof to back up a single claim you've made is somehow the "gubermint's" fault?

Here's is a small clue that may help you as you stumble through what I'm sure will be a fruitful life; stop referring to the government as the "gubermit"; you sound like a fucking idiot and this is BEFORE you get to your asinine theories.

When I realized that this corporate entity that has been trying to pass it's self off as a legitimate governmental body was a complete and total fraud, I had some rough days and rough nights. 9/11 was but a blip on the radar when it comes to how we have been played for chumps and fools. They are masters at manipulation and able to play on our patriotism and fears to their advantage.
Again, the mysterious "they"....If we go down this road; I'm sure that we will hear all about bankers and the occult ultimately ending in blaming the jews for at least part of it.

They used it to get us into WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq...next verse, same as the first and yet we never as a unified voice, catch onto this.
One would think that you could predict the "next move" if you knew so much....that you can't is telling.

We are in a very bad way with people controlling and pulling the strings on our lives that believe that they are the "rulers". False flag events have been a reality for centuries using the Hegelian Dialectic..cause, affect, solution. Blame someone or something for a problem you caused....wait for the emotional outcry and then offer a solution to the very problem that you caused that furthers your agenda....time tested and true.

Much like a certain group of people whom, when you ask them what happened on 9/11, tell you that they don't know because they don't have the information (somehow everyone else does). Yet the same group of people have no problems making all sorts of allegations based on the same lack of information.
For those that are awake, it doesn't take much proof but to those that are still stuck in the matrix and believes in their "benevolent gubermint"? No amount of proof will ever convince them that they have been played and that is the bottom line. When I realized that this corporate entity that has been trying to pass it's self off as a legitimate governmental body was a complete and total fraud, I had some rough days and rough nights. 9/11 was but a blip on the radar when it comes to how we have been played for chumps and fools. They are masters at manipulation and able to play on our patriotism and fears to their advantage. They used it to get us into WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq...next verse, same as the first and yet we never as a unified voice, catch onto this. We are in a very bad way with people controlling and pulling the strings on our lives that believe that they are the "rulers". False flag events have been a reality for centuries using the Hegelian Dialectic..cause, affect, solution. Blame someone or something for a problem you caused....wait for the emotional outcry and then offer a solution to the very problem that you caused that furthers your agenda....time tested and true.
For those that pay attention, you will notice that Dale (and other truthers) like to post what they like to believe is evidence that supports their beliefs, but when shown that their evidence is either a lie or cherry-picked quotes, they run away. A number of Dale's claims were proven to be incorrect and short sighted because he refused to research further. He parrots the misinformation of other liked minded people because as soon as he reads an opinion or piece of evidence that supports his own beliefs, he ceases to go further.

This is exactly why he plays the "no amount of evidence will change their mind", "they've been brainwashed", or "I'm not hear to change anyone's mind" cards. He sees the proof and quickly tries to divert attention to another topic to bury the previous discussion.

Why don't you discuss the proof provided that shows many of your claims to be garbage Dale?

Talk about closed minded...
For those that are awake, it doesn't take much proof but to those that are still stuck in the matrix and believes in their "benevolent gubermint"? No amount of proof will ever convince them that they have been played and that is the bottom line. When I realized that this corporate entity that has been trying to pass it's self off as a legitimate governmental body was a complete and total fraud, I had some rough days and rough nights. 9/11 was but a blip on the radar when it comes to how we have been played for chumps and fools. They are masters at manipulation and able to play on our patriotism and fears to their advantage. They used it to get us into WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq...next verse, same as the first and yet we never as a unified voice, catch onto this. We are in a very bad way with people controlling and pulling the strings on our lives that believe that they are the "rulers". False flag events have been a reality for centuries using the Hegelian Dialectic..cause, affect, solution. Blame someone or something for a problem you caused....wait for the emotional outcry and then offer a solution to the very problem that you caused that furthers your agenda....time tested and true.
For those that pay attention, you will notice that Dale (and other truthers) like to post what they like to believe is evidence that supports their beliefs, but when shown that their evidence is either a lie or cherry-picked quotes, they run away. A number of Dale's claims were proven to be incorrect and short sighted because he refused to research further. He parrots the misinformation of other liked minded people because as soon as he reads an opinion or piece of evidence that supports his own beliefs, he ceases to go further.

This is exactly why he plays the "no amount of evidence will change their mind", "they've been brainwashed", or "I'm not hear to change anyone's mind" cards. He sees the proof and quickly tries to divert attention to another topic to bury the previous discussion.

Why don't you discuss the proof provided that shows many of your claims to be garbage Dale?

Talk about closed minded...

No, I do not believe that any of my claims about that day are "garbage". I am not "close minded" because I was once like the ones that are attacking me here now...so I don't have anything against any of you. What went on that day is simply an accumulative effect that has led us to this total police state while our borders remained unprotected. If there was really a terrorist threat that put our way of life in peril? They would have started securing the borders the day after that event...but they didn't. What they did do was incrementally start whittling away at our right to privacy and liberties...the very thing the power elite claimed that the "terrorists" wanted to take away from us. It's called the Hegelian Dialectic...cause, effect and solution which has been used for centuries against the meager masses.. It is as plain as day to me about what happened to us that day...now....but 12 plus years ago? Nothing could have changed my mind and I held on to that illusion for 12 years. So feel free to hurl the insults and dispersions because after all, it's your cyber dime. I simply choose to live in reality and if you could only walk a mere 100 steps in my shoes knowing what a fraud of a system we have lived under like I know we have, the blinders would be off. You will have to make your own way. I can't make you drink from the well as I can only try to lead you to it.
For those that are awake, it doesn't take much proof but to those that are still stuck in the matrix and believes in their "benevolent gubermint"? No amount of proof will ever convince them that they have been played and that is the bottom line. When I realized that this corporate entity that has been trying to pass it's self off as a legitimate governmental body was a complete and total fraud, I had some rough days and rough nights. 9/11 was but a blip on the radar when it comes to how we have been played for chumps and fools. They are masters at manipulation and able to play on our patriotism and fears to their advantage. They used it to get us into WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq...next verse, same as the first and yet we never as a unified voice, catch onto this. We are in a very bad way with people controlling and pulling the strings on our lives that believe that they are the "rulers". False flag events have been a reality for centuries using the Hegelian Dialectic..cause, affect, solution. Blame someone or something for a problem you caused....wait for the emotional outcry and then offer a solution to the very problem that you caused that furthers your agenda....time tested and true.
For those that pay attention, you will notice that Dale (and other truthers) like to post what they like to believe is evidence that supports their beliefs, but when shown that their evidence is either a lie or cherry-picked quotes, they run away. A number of Dale's claims were proven to be incorrect and short sighted because he refused to research further. He parrots the misinformation of other liked minded people because as soon as he reads an opinion or piece of evidence that supports his own beliefs, he ceases to go further.

This is exactly why he plays the "no amount of evidence will change their mind", "they've been brainwashed", or "I'm not hear to change anyone's mind" cards. He sees the proof and quickly tries to divert attention to another topic to bury the previous discussion.

Why don't you discuss the proof provided that shows many of your claims to be garbage Dale?

Talk about closed minded...

No, I do not believe that any of my claims about that day are "garbage". I am not "close minded" because I was once like the ones that are attacking me here now...so I don't have anything against any of you. What went on that day is simply an accumulative effect that has led us to this total police state while our borders remained unprotected. If there was really a terrorist threat that put our way of life in peril? They would have started securing the borders the day after that event...but they didn't. What they did do was incrementally start whittling away at our right to privacy and liberties...the very thing the power elite claimed that the "terrorists" wanted to take away from us. It's called the Hegelian Dialectic...cause, effect and solution which has been used for centuries against the meager masses.. It is as plain as day to me about what happened to us that day...now....but 12 plus years ago? Nothing could have changed my mind and I held on to that illusion for 12 years. So feel free to hurl the insults and dispersions because after all, it's your cyber dime. I simply choose to live in reality and if you could only walk a mere 100 steps in my shoes knowing what a fraud of a system we have lived under like I know we have, the blinders would be off. You will have to make your own way. I can't make you drink from the well as I can only try to lead you to it.

Yes, they are garbage and yes, you are close minded.

But you can still convince us...just write down in reasonable detail; what happened on that day accounting for the known facts.

Flight 11 took off
Flight 175 took off
Flight 93 took off
Flight 77 took off

We saw conclusive evidence that planes hit WTC 1 and WTC 2.

We know WTC 1, 2, and 7 collapsed.

We know that there was an explosion at the Pentagon and in SW Pennsylvania. Wreckage was found there.

We know that light poles outside of the Pentagon were knocked down and hit a cab.

Nobody from any of those 4 flights were ever heard from again.

There are other pieces of evidence such as phone calls, radar tracking, all of the flight school receipts, etc but the colored text above has to be accounted for since those are all facts.

Here is your chance to convince us all!!!!!

Planes flew into the WTC towers and they fell down

Buildings without planes flying into them tend to remain standing
Planes flew into the WTC towers and they fell down

Buildings without planes flying into them tend to remain standing
What plane hit building 7? Why did building 6 look like it was scooped out with an ice cream scooper with the exterior walls standing and it was closer to WTC 1 and 2 than WTC building 7 was?
For those that are awake, it doesn't take much proof but to those that are still stuck in the matrix and believes in their "benevolent gubermint"? No amount of proof will ever convince them that they have been played and that is the bottom line. When I realized that this corporate entity that has been trying to pass it's self off as a legitimate governmental body was a complete and total fraud, I had some rough days and rough nights. 9/11 was but a blip on the radar when it comes to how we have been played for chumps and fools. They are masters at manipulation and able to play on our patriotism and fears to their advantage. They used it to get us into WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq...next verse, same as the first and yet we never as a unified voice, catch onto this. We are in a very bad way with people controlling and pulling the strings on our lives that believe that they are the "rulers". False flag events have been a reality for centuries using the Hegelian Dialectic..cause, affect, solution. Blame someone or something for a problem you caused....wait for the emotional outcry and then offer a solution to the very problem that you caused that furthers your agenda....time tested and true.
For those that pay attention, you will notice that Dale (and other truthers) like to post what they like to believe is evidence that supports their beliefs, but when shown that their evidence is either a lie or cherry-picked quotes, they run away. A number of Dale's claims were proven to be incorrect and short sighted because he refused to research further. He parrots the misinformation of other liked minded people because as soon as he reads an opinion or piece of evidence that supports his own beliefs, he ceases to go further.

This is exactly why he plays the "no amount of evidence will change their mind", "they've been brainwashed", or "I'm not hear to change anyone's mind" cards. He sees the proof and quickly tries to divert attention to another topic to bury the previous discussion.

Why don't you discuss the proof provided that shows many of your claims to be garbage Dale?

Talk about closed minded...

No, I do not believe that any of my claims about that day are "garbage". I am not "close minded" because I was once like the ones that are attacking me here now...so I don't have anything against any of you. What went on that day is simply an accumulative effect that has led us to this total police state while our borders remained unprotected. If there was really a terrorist threat that put our way of life in peril? They would have started securing the borders the day after that event...but they didn't. What they did do was incrementally start whittling away at our right to privacy and liberties...the very thing the power elite claimed that the "terrorists" wanted to take away from us. It's called the Hegelian Dialectic...cause, effect and solution which has been used for centuries against the meager masses.. It is as plain as day to me about what happened to us that day...now....but 12 plus years ago? Nothing could have changed my mind and I held on to that illusion for 12 years. So feel free to hurl the insults and dispersions because after all, it's your cyber dime. I simply choose to live in reality and if you could only walk a mere 100 steps in my shoes knowing what a fraud of a system we have lived under like I know we have, the blinders would be off. You will have to make your own way. I can't make you drink from the well as I can only try to lead you to it.

Yes, they are garbage and yes, you are close minded.

But you can still convince us...just write down in reasonable detail; what happened on that day accounting for the known facts.

Flight 11 took off
Flight 175 took off
Flight 93 took off
Flight 77 took off

We saw conclusive evidence that planes hit WTC 1 and WTC 2.

We know WTC 1, 2, and 7 collapsed.

We know that there was an explosion at the Pentagon and in SW Pennsylvania. Wreckage was found there.

We know that light poles outside of the Pentagon were knocked down and hit a cab.

Nobody from any of those 4 flights were ever heard from again.

There are other pieces of evidence such as phone calls, radar tracking, all of the flight school receipts, etc but the colored text above has to be accounted for since those are all facts.

Here is your chance to convince us all!!!!!

Planes flew into the WTC towers and they fell down

Buildings without planes flying into them tend to remain standing
What plane hit building 7? Why did building 6 look like it was scooped out with an ice cream scooper with the exterior walls standing and it was closer to WTC 1 and 2 than WTC building 7 was?

Never seen a jet plane hit a building and have that building remain standing
No, I do not believe that any of my claims about that day are "garbage".
Yes Dale, they are garbage. You have presented so-called "facts" in this very thread that have been countered. Every time this has been done, instead of admitting your claim was wrong, you ignore the evidence presented and move on to other topics.

Perfect example. You claim of the towers falling in their own footprints. I provided damaged radius drawings and photos that show this particular claim to be GARBAGE.

I am not "close minded"
Yes you are! Very much so. You refuse to discuss the evidence provided that refute your claims and instead choose to move onto other topics without first finishing the others you brought up. How many different claims have you brought into this thread alone? All left hanging there without any responses. Instead, you choose to plug your ears and yell "la, la, la, la".
Every time a jet airplane has hit a building, that building has fallen down
the newest paid shill USMB'S resident troll rightwinger is now here to troll.lol. bty agent rightwinger, your the funniest dude alive,even after it was announced everywhere across the country the rams are going back to LA,the very next day you STILL were incapable of admitting you were proven wrong.:lmao:

thats how this troll debates,doesnt matter what the topic is,wheter you prove him wrong about 9/11 or a simple thing like the Rams are going back to LA he is ALWAYS incapable of admitting he was proven wrong.:lmao:

again he was saying the very next day to me the Rams were still playing in st louis this year.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

better go tell that to the national media agent rightwinger since they are telling the whole country they are in LA now:lmao::lmao::haha:

I take him to school every day handing his ass to him on a platter wheter its about 9/11,the JFK assassination or the rams being back in LA.:biggrin:

he is INCAPABLE of ever admitting he is wrong no matter what the topic is.lol

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