I'm right about World Trade Centers and have an idea how they fell

Laughing......looks like its time for another one of Dale's games of 'conspiracy whacka-mole'. Apparently when one piece of conspiracy batshit fails.....he'll just switch to another.
I wish that it were so and that I was just having a bad dream, but that is not the case. I have no "willful ignorance of the events" thing going on....I did at one time and was a co-sponsor of pushing the official story of this corporate "gubermint" because America is not a country, it is a corporation due to the Act of 1871. You are an indentured debt slave, a surety on the debt due to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of USA.INC in March of 1933...we have all been duped. We toil three to four months a year for free to pay interest on a fiat currency that is created from credit on a computer screen...try coming to that realization that you have worked 1/3 of your life for free.....

Nonsense. You're built up this stupidly elaborate fantasy filed with nested assumuptions that just don't hold up. And you'll lie to back it up. You're emotionally invested in your fantasy to such a degree that you'll lie to back it up.

We've caught you in fallacy after fallacy, false claim after false claim, lie after lie. And what do you do when when one part of your delusion is abolished by the facts? You just switch to ANOTHER conspiracy accusation. Despite the fact that you just demonstrated that your process doesn't work.

Your claims about Rumsfeld were ridiculously misleading. As what you portrayed as 2.3 Trillion dollars missing from the pentagon (and 911 there to cover it up) was merely a databasing issue where different and hard to use systems made it difficult to track transactions. With Rumsfeld calling for the system to be upgraded.

Remember your 'the cockpit door on flight 77 wasn't opened' claim? The sensor wasn't online. It wasn't even active on that model of plane. Which you know. But didn't tell us.

Remember when you insisted that all the seat phones had been deactivated on Flight 77? Well Airfone, the company that runs them tracked numerous calls from those very phones. Disproving your claims. And you knew about this too. But again, misrepresented the truth...withholding that information.

Remember your claims about Silverstein telling them to 'pull it'. And that because he gave the order 'they' explosively demolished WTC 7? He was on the phone with the FDNY. The people you're accusing of demolishing the WTC 7.....is the Fire Department of New York City. That had just lost 343 of its own members. But just deci

That's insane. And you know its insane. Which is why you refused to tell us who 'they' were.

It goes on....and on....and on. With you offering lie after lie, half truths and outright misrepresentations.

What's happened to you isn't 'evolution'. Its self delusion. Delusion so deep, delusion you've commited to so completely that you're willing to trade your integrity for it.

No thank you.

And once again, here's Rumsfeld's full quote:

The technology revolution has transformed organizations across the private sector, but not ours, not fully, not yet. We are, as they say, tangled in our anchor chain. Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building because it's stored on dozens of technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible.

Why do you keep refusing to admit that Rumsfeld is calling for a technological upgrade to remedy problems with inaccessible or incompatible databasing systems?

So much for your missing '2.3 trillion'.

Is stuff like this that encourage most Americans not to take Truthers seriously.
Are you too blind to see the pattern? Of course you are and believe me, I don't take you seriously either. All I see is a blind sheep that clings to his beloved "gubermint".
You know jack shit. Your conspiracy is one of the stupidest, most fantastically elaborate pieces of pseudo-intellectual nonsense I've ever heard. Literally THOUSANDS upon thousands of people, all spontaneously coming together to form the most perfect, wildly complex conspiracy in the history of mankind?

Maintaining perfect secrecy for almost 15 years?

Um, no. You can't support your claims factually, there's overwhelming evidence contradicting you, your claims make absolutely no sense, and they're uselessly complicated for particular reason.

This is why your conspiracy just isn't taken seriously.
So tell me then, what is "my conspiracy?"

Any variant of the Truther conspiracy that posits that flight 77 didn't crash into the Pentagon. The 'official version' is that Flight 77 did crash into the Pentagon. Which you insist you 'know' didn't happen.

The evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that it did.

No, it's the lack of evidence that is of concern....like how they have never released footage of the alleged attack except for 4 frames that you can't make out what it is that hits the building.

The obvious problem Mr. "Nothing can ever convince me' is that you assume that there is video of the plane hitting the pentagon that isn't being released. But you have nothing to factually back that assumption. You merely believe it to be so....because nothing can ever convince you. And your assumption is irrational. As the the frame rate on the cameras filming an area including the impact zone were entirely too slow to capture the impacting plane.

So you have an irrational assumption backed by nothing. And on this alone, you ignore overwhelming evidence affirming that the plane hit the Pentagon.

Parts consistent with a Boeing 757 being pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
Parts consistent with a Boeing 757-223, the exact model that American Airlines used for Flight 77, being pulled from Pentagon the crash site.
Both voice and data flight recorders from Flight 77 pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
The bodies of passengers and crew from flight 77 pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
Damage consistent with an impact from a boeing 757 at the Pentagon crash site.
Dozens if not hundreds of witnesses who saw a plane consistent with FLight 77 flying toward or impacting the Pentagon
Debris consistent with American Airlines flight 77 strewn around the crash site.
Radar records tracking Flight 77 flying toward the Pentagon, with the plane being tracked crashing at that exact site.

....and the list of overwhelming evidence affirming that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. And you ignore every last bit of it, without exception. Why would you do this? You explained it to me the first time we talked:

"Nothing will ever convince me"

But why would a rational person ignore the mountains of evidence confirming Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon? They wouldn't. And they overwhelmingly don't. As the alternative theories given by Truthers are stupidly complicated, horrible explanations of the events, backed by jack shit, and contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

While Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon is simple and overwhelming supported by evidence.

Dozens of witnesses said they heard explosions in the basements of both WTC 1 and 2...why is their testimony not credible but the ones that claim they say a plane hit the Pentagon are? Where are the wings to the airliner? They certainly didn't go through that small hole and if they were knocked off on the way into the building, how was this amateur pilot able to steer it?
Why is there not a scratch on the Pentagon lawn since this alleged airliner came in on a flat trajectory? 1,500 pics and not one seat cushion or piece of luggage in any of them? Why were there so many war games going on that day while leaving only two fighter jets to protect the east coast? The Pentagon has the most secured airspace in the world but yet an amateur pilot beat their system? Dick Cheney gave stand down orders:

MR. HAMILTON: We thank you for that. I wanted to focus just a moment on the Presidential Emergency Operating Center. You were there for a good part of the day. I think you were there with the vice president. And when you had that order given, I think it was by the president, that authorized the shooting down of commercial aircraft that were suspected to be controlled by terrorists, were you there when that order was given?

MR. MINETA: No, I was not. I was made aware of it during the time that the airplane coming into the Pentagon. There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice president, "The plane is 50 miles out. The plane is 30 miles out." And when it got down to, "The plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the vice president, "Do the orders still stand?" And the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?" 2

The Pentagon is a few hundred yards off of the flight path directly into Reagan National.

Its amazing your *snicker* 12,000 hours of research didn't debunk the "most secured airspace" nonsense.
So tell me then, what is "my conspiracy?"

Any variant of the Truther conspiracy that posits that flight 77 didn't crash into the Pentagon. The 'official version' is that Flight 77 did crash into the Pentagon. Which you insist you 'know' didn't happen.

The evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that it did.

No, it's the lack of evidence that is of concern....like how they have never released footage of the alleged attack except for 4 frames that you can't make out what it is that hits the building.

The obvious problem Mr. "Nothing can ever convince me' is that you assume that there is video of the plane hitting the pentagon that isn't being released. But you have nothing to factually back that assumption. You merely believe it to be so....because nothing can ever convince you. And your assumption is irrational. As the the frame rate on the cameras filming an area including the impact zone were entirely too slow to capture the impacting plane.

So you have an irrational assumption backed by nothing. And on this alone, you ignore overwhelming evidence affirming that the plane hit the Pentagon.

Parts consistent with a Boeing 757 being pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
Parts consistent with a Boeing 757-223, the exact model that American Airlines used for Flight 77, being pulled from Pentagon the crash site.
Both voice and data flight recorders from Flight 77 pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
The bodies of passengers and crew from flight 77 pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
Damage consistent with an impact from a boeing 757 at the Pentagon crash site.
Dozens if not hundreds of witnesses who saw a plane consistent with FLight 77 flying toward or impacting the Pentagon
Debris consistent with American Airlines flight 77 strewn around the crash site.
Radar records tracking Flight 77 flying toward the Pentagon, with the plane being tracked crashing at that exact site.

....and the list of overwhelming evidence affirming that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. And you ignore every last bit of it, without exception. Why would you do this? You explained it to me the first time we talked:

"Nothing will ever convince me"

But why would a rational person ignore the mountains of evidence confirming Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon? They wouldn't. And they overwhelmingly don't. As the alternative theories given by Truthers are stupidly complicated, horrible explanations of the events, backed by jack shit, and contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

While Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon is simple and overwhelming supported by evidence.

Dozens of witnesses said they heard explosions in the basements of both WTC 1 and 2...why is their testimony not credible but the ones that claim they say a plane hit the Pentagon are? Where are the wings to the airliner? They certainly didn't go through that small hole and if they were knocked off on the way into the building, how was this amateur pilot able to steer it?
Why is there not a scratch on the Pentagon lawn since this alleged airliner came in on a flat trajectory? 1,500 pics and not one seat cushion or piece of luggage in any of them? Why were there so many war games going on that day while leaving only two fighter jets to protect the east coast? The Pentagon has the most secured airspace in the world but yet an amateur pilot beat their system? Dick Cheney gave stand down orders:

MR. HAMILTON: We thank you for that. I wanted to focus just a moment on the Presidential Emergency Operating Center. You were there for a good part of the day. I think you were there with the vice president. And when you had that order given, I think it was by the president, that authorized the shooting down of commercial aircraft that were suspected to be controlled by terrorists, were you there when that order was given?

MR. MINETA: No, I was not. I was made aware of it during the time that the airplane coming into the Pentagon. There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice president, "The plane is 50 miles out. The plane is 30 miles out." And when it got down to, "The plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the vice president, "Do the orders still stand?" And the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?" 2

The Pentagon is a few hundred yards off of the flight path directly into Reagan National.

Its amazing your *snicker* 12,000 hours of research didn't debunk the "most secured airspace" nonsense.

The Pentagon has a surface to air missile system that is for other aircraft that might enter the restricted space without permission and pose a "clear and present danger" that could not be handled by intercept....looks like that would fall under the category of "secure" to me. Of course we have Cheney giving the stand down orders as the hijacked plane approached should concern you just a little or arouse some intellectual curiousity..that and they refuse to release video of a plane actually hitting the Pentagon. We have lots of footage from every angle show alleged planes hitting WTC 1 and 2.

Any variant of the Truther conspiracy that posits that flight 77 didn't crash into the Pentagon. The 'official version' is that Flight 77 did crash into the Pentagon. Which you insist you 'know' didn't happen.

The evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that it did.

No, it's the lack of evidence that is of concern....like how they have never released footage of the alleged attack except for 4 frames that you can't make out what it is that hits the building.

The obvious problem Mr. "Nothing can ever convince me' is that you assume that there is video of the plane hitting the pentagon that isn't being released. But you have nothing to factually back that assumption. You merely believe it to be so....because nothing can ever convince you. And your assumption is irrational. As the the frame rate on the cameras filming an area including the impact zone were entirely too slow to capture the impacting plane.

So you have an irrational assumption backed by nothing. And on this alone, you ignore overwhelming evidence affirming that the plane hit the Pentagon.

Parts consistent with a Boeing 757 being pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
Parts consistent with a Boeing 757-223, the exact model that American Airlines used for Flight 77, being pulled from Pentagon the crash site.
Both voice and data flight recorders from Flight 77 pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
The bodies of passengers and crew from flight 77 pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
Damage consistent with an impact from a boeing 757 at the Pentagon crash site.
Dozens if not hundreds of witnesses who saw a plane consistent with FLight 77 flying toward or impacting the Pentagon
Debris consistent with American Airlines flight 77 strewn around the crash site.
Radar records tracking Flight 77 flying toward the Pentagon, with the plane being tracked crashing at that exact site.

....and the list of overwhelming evidence affirming that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. And you ignore every last bit of it, without exception. Why would you do this? You explained it to me the first time we talked:

"Nothing will ever convince me"

But why would a rational person ignore the mountains of evidence confirming Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon? They wouldn't. And they overwhelmingly don't. As the alternative theories given by Truthers are stupidly complicated, horrible explanations of the events, backed by jack shit, and contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

While Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon is simple and overwhelming supported by evidence.

Dozens of witnesses said they heard explosions in the basements of both WTC 1 and 2...why is their testimony not credible but the ones that claim they say a plane hit the Pentagon are? Where are the wings to the airliner? They certainly didn't go through that small hole and if they were knocked off on the way into the building, how was this amateur pilot able to steer it?
Why is there not a scratch on the Pentagon lawn since this alleged airliner came in on a flat trajectory? 1,500 pics and not one seat cushion or piece of luggage in any of them? Why were there so many war games going on that day while leaving only two fighter jets to protect the east coast? The Pentagon has the most secured airspace in the world but yet an amateur pilot beat their system? Dick Cheney gave stand down orders:

MR. HAMILTON: We thank you for that. I wanted to focus just a moment on the Presidential Emergency Operating Center. You were there for a good part of the day. I think you were there with the vice president. And when you had that order given, I think it was by the president, that authorized the shooting down of commercial aircraft that were suspected to be controlled by terrorists, were you there when that order was given?

MR. MINETA: No, I was not. I was made aware of it during the time that the airplane coming into the Pentagon. There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice president, "The plane is 50 miles out. The plane is 30 miles out." And when it got down to, "The plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the vice president, "Do the orders still stand?" And the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?" 2

The Pentagon is a few hundred yards off of the flight path directly into Reagan National.

Its amazing your *snicker* 12,000 hours of research didn't debunk the "most secured airspace" nonsense.

The Pentagon has a surface to air missile system that is for other aircraft that might enter the restricted space without permission and pose a "clear and present danger" that could not be handled by intercept....looks like that would fall under the category of "secure" to me.

Total conjecture.

Of course we have Cheney giving the stand down orders as the hijacked plane approached should concern you just a little or arouse some intellectual curiousity..that and they refuse to release video of a plane actually hitting the Pentagon. We have lots of footage from every angle show alleged planes hitting WTC 1 and 2.


No such "stand down" order was given.

There is only one known video of AA11 hitting the north tower. You're simply making stuff up.

The South tower footage has several angles because they were filming the fire on the north tower.

I think you spent 12.00000000 seconds doing your "research" instead of 12,000 hours. Because you're incredibly ignorant of the facts.
Yes, a stand down order was indeed given from tricky Dick Cheney as the alleged hijacked plane got closer to the Pentagon and on the side of the Pentagon that had just so conveniently been re-enforced where bean counters were busily trying to account for missing TRILLIONS of dollars the military industrial complex could not account for. I haven't spent 12,000 hours researching 9/11...shit, even an educated 4th grader would be able to connect these dots when it comes to this sham. I know how the system works and the power players behind it and what the end game is...all their little psy-ops, money manipulation schemes....."I know a lotta things" as Robert De Niro would say....know a lotta things.....
Yes, a stand down order was indeed given from tricky Dick Cheney as the alleged hijacked plane got closer to the Pentagon and on the side of the Pentagon that had just so conveniently been re-enforced where bean counters were busily trying to account for missing TRILLIONS of dollars the military industrial complex could not account for. I haven't spent 12,000 hours researching 9/11...shit, even an educated 4th grader would be able to connect these dots when it comes to this sham. I know how the system works and the power players behind it and what the end game is...all their little psy-ops, money manipulation schemes....."I know a lotta things" as Robert De Niro would say....know a lotta things.....

The Pentagon has no such AA battery. Where is it? They are fairly easy to spot.
The Pentagon airspace is not secure. As we saw from numerous videos of planes landing and taking off directly overt.
There was no "stand down" order given at any time.
There were not trillions of dollars missing.
You know nothing; you prove it with every post.
I knew it! I knew it made no sense that the much lighter top would collapse the whole "supposedly" undamaged bottom. Now I found scientific engineering papers to PROVE IT! Did you know that the WTC were designed to so that they were holding only 30% of their capacity by weight? That means the WTC towers could hold up to almost 300 more floors! And just 18 floors collapsed the whole building?

Here's the paper: with some quotations:


The rigidity of the upper block of stories is crucial to this explanation. If the upper block were to break, disintegrate or flow on impact it would certainly not threaten the 92 intact floors beneath it. In addition, the rigid block had to fall onto the rest of the building. Although this seems obvious, the NIST authors are often shy about saying it. We hear about the rigid block’s “descent.”[5] We hear of tilting and “downward movement.”[6] We have to look carefully to find the NIST authors using the language of falling. Whatever the reasons for their reticence, it is clear that it will not do for the upper block to ease itself onto the building beneath it, with a gradual creaking of buckled columns and sagging floors. If this were to happen, why would the structure beneath collapse?

If the upper block didn't just rest down onto the remaining intact structure and therefore do nothing...it would have either bounced off (as a block) or pulverized on top of the remaining structure and fallen away like a water balloon hitting a post.

There was nothing special about the weight of the upper block, rigid or otherwise. The lower part of the Tower had held up this weight without difficulty since 1970. The lower block had 283 cold steel columns, with less than 30% of their total load capacity being utilized for gravity loads, because of the factors of safety designed into the structure and the need to withstand high winds—and gravity loads were essentially the only loads the columns would have been subject to on a day such as 9/11 with little wind. The lower block was not weak, nor (excluding stories 93-98) was it damaged by plane impact or fire. The weight of the upper block posed no threat to it. If there were to be a threat, it had to come from the momentum of the upper block. But momentum is a product of mass and velocity, and since the upper block could not increase its mass it had to increase, if it were to become a threat, its velocity. Since NIST’s theory assumes the only energy at play at this stage of events was gravitational, the upper block had to fall, and the greater its velocity the greater its momentum. The longer and the less impeded its fall, the greater would be its impact on the lower structure. So it is no surprise that the NIST authors, however shy they are about affirming it, eventually come out in favour of the falling of the upper block. [7]

But I'm not willing to be a TRUTHER

I have an alternative theory how the towers fell.

Instead of cutting the core, like most imagine it happened, with pancaking floors which would in fact have just bounced off the rest of the 93 floors below them.

The core remained intact, and loosened by fire and outer shell damage to those support columns, the structure did something it was NEVER designed to do.

It twisted, from top to bottom, head to foot, root to crown.

For an hour, subtle by inches or less and impossible to see by the eye, hundreds of thousands of tons were stuck to the rest of the building fastened by the core columns and these columns were twisting.

What happens when you move a steel beam only centimeters or an inch, in a direction they aren't allowed to move, in a structure held together by super brittle grains of sand we call "Cement"?

It fits all the ground-zero witness descriptions.

Groaning, cracking, explosive sounds, floors giving way at multiple levels, elevator shafts sheering and breaking apart.

As that steel moves the concrete under the pressure of its own structure starts blowing out of the walls like artillery rounds, just like a prybar hitting concrete only with 1,000,000 pounds twisting it.

The towers were designed to sway, not to twist.

So, this is the only reasonable explanation I can come-up with other than explosives, to explain why when the top fell, the rest of the tower was barely able to resist the pancake collapse. Because after an hour the whole interior was already broken up and the shockwave passing through the remains was able to knock floors loose before they were even hit by the floors above (which explains the near free fall speed).


What I'm describing is Torsion and is the most dangerous movement a building can sustain. Torsion occurs without symmetry and when mass is significant to one structural support versus another. My theory is that the planes damaged the symmetry and the core still intact, the torsion ripped the building apart at all levels and so the damage WAS in fact complete and through-out the entire structure.

Why has no one discovered this so far?

Because those who aren't looking already accepted a simplistic official answer, those who are looking are looking for the wrong biased reasons such as the building was rigged with explosives.

Here's an explanation of torsion.



The structure of the floors was a prefabricated unit of open web steel joists with an insitu structural concrete slab. The floors tied together the exterior perimeter columns and the interior steel frame to resist twisting, or torsion, of the tower

http://web.mit.edu/civenv/wtc/PDFfiles/Chapter I History.pdf

I have been hunting for evidence about how the WTC towers are built with regards to torsion and SURE enough we see here that (as would be expected) they are built to resist torsion but look how they are built to resist torsion.

The FLOORS tie together the core and exterior columns!

So this supports my hypothesis in several ways.

With the floors collapsed and severely damaged at the top, the top acts like a giant torsion wrench pulling on the ENTIRE STRUCTURE.

After the core fractures in what is called "Spiral fracturing" and has many green stick fractures running through the whole top to bottom, and the top does collapse...I hypothesize the collapse was so orderly because there was a twisting motion the whole way down.

As each floor broke away the building twisted apart like a zipper coming undone.

It wouldn't have made a 180 degree turn, or 360 degree twist or anything dramatic, but enough to just peel the building down like peeling a banana.


In the above paper it also cites that High Density Polymer was used to absorb lateral oscillation of the floors against the walls. So hunting it down I found its flammability characteristics.

I believe it to be possible to explain why there were continuous explosions heard internally, the polymer as it burns (also at a higher temperature than most office products) gives off explosive gasses.

Here is the data sheet:


Interesting. Thanks for posting that.
Yes, a stand down order was indeed given from tricky Dick Cheney as the alleged hijacked plane got closer to the Pentagon and on the side of the Pentagon that had just so conveniently been re-enforced where bean counters were busily trying to account for missing TRILLIONS of dollars the military industrial complex could not account for. I haven't spent 12,000 hours researching 9/11...shit, even an educated 4th grader would be able to connect these dots when it comes to this sham. I know how the system works and the power players behind it and what the end game is...all their little psy-ops, money manipulation schemes....."I know a lotta things" as Robert De Niro would say....know a lotta things.....

The Pentagon has no such AA battery. Where is it? They are fairly easy to spot.
The Pentagon airspace is not secure. As we saw from numerous videos of planes landing and taking off directly overt.
There was no "stand down" order given at any time.
There were not trillions of dollars missing.
You know nothing; you prove it with every post.

For fuck's sake, the Pentagon is literally across the freeway from Ronald Reagan international airport. Literally 3000 FEET or so from its northern runway.

This was 'secure airspace'?

Dear God, Truthers are dense.
Are you too blind to see the pattern? Of course you are and believe me, I don't take you seriously either. All I see is a blind sheep that clings to his beloved "gubermint".

I've noticed the pattern all right, Dale: you're consistently misleading. You're giving us a series of half truths, utterly misresentations or outright lies.

The 2.3 trillion wasn't 'missing'. It was inadequately documented. Which you know. But really hoped we didn't.
Yes, a stand down order was indeed given from tricky Dick Cheney as the alleged hijacked plane got closer to the Pentagon and on the side of the Pentagon that had just so conveniently been re-enforced where bean counters were busily trying to account for missing TRILLIONS of dollars the military industrial complex could not account for. I haven't spent 12,000 hours researching 9/11...shit, even an educated 4th grader would be able to connect these dots when it comes to this sham. I know how the system works and the power players behind it and what the end game is...all their little psy-ops, money manipulation schemes....."I know a lotta things" as Robert De Niro would say....know a lotta things.....

The Pentagon has no such AA battery. Where is it? They are fairly easy to spot.
The Pentagon airspace is not secure. As we saw from numerous videos of planes landing and taking off directly overt.
There was no "stand down" order given at any time.
There were not trillions of dollars missing.
You know nothing; you prove it with every post.

For fuck's sake, the Pentagon is literally across the freeway from Ronald Reagan international airport. Literally 3000 FEET or so from its northern runway.

This was 'secure airspace'?

Dear God, Truthers are dense.

Two miles is right across the freeway? Do tell? Pentagon oversees a huge black budget and they have developed technology anywhere from 50 to 100 years ahead of what is allowed to trickle down to us. They had technology in place to guard against the Soviets going back to the 60's and if you believe that they don't, you are the one that is dense. Besides, we have Cheney's own words that there was a stand down order...how does that not give you pause for thought? You have never answered the question of what happened to the wings of the plane and if they were sheared off on it's way into the Pentagon, how was it able to arrive at ground level like it did after this talent less pilot that could barely man the control of a Cessna. BUT!! maybe the most ludicrous part of this charade comes from the so-called " confession video" bin Laden that was released in December. The video is clearly a fake given that it features a bin Laden double, and not a very good one at that.
But what’s really intriguing is that the fake bin Laden mentions the name of nine of the alleged hijackers during the confession. But five of those nine ended up still being alive. Why would the alleged perpetrator of the 9/11 crime give credit to five men who turned out not to be involved and are still alive? The story that 19 Muslims named by the FBI being responsible for this terrorist act /false flag event and killing themselves in the process simply cannot stand up to scrutiny...none, nada.
Are you too blind to see the pattern? Of course you are and believe me, I don't take you seriously either. All I see is a blind sheep that clings to his beloved "gubermint".

I've noticed the pattern all right, Dale: you're consistently misleading. You're giving us a series of half truths, utterly misresentations or outright lies.

The 2.3 trillion wasn't 'missing'. It was inadequately documented. Which you know. But really hoped we didn't.

Total bullshit, I gave you a link to a CBS report that exposes the missing TRILLIONS of dollars and the problem has only gotten worse. There is no one so blind as one that will not even try to see.
The Pentagon has a surface to air missile system
Yet another lie by you.

I dare you to source your informality and prove this. Should be pretty well documented right?

Dear friends,
Remember Star Wars? Do you remember the Pentagon's Strategic Defense Initiative to build a massive missile defense system that raised so much controversy during the Reagan and first Bush years? 130 billion of our tax dollars were poured into developing that system. It was designed to detect and intercept missiles fired from an unknown destination traveling at well over 10 times the speed of a commercial airliner, and to shoot them down in 15 minutes or less, before they reached their US targets.
According the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) website, "a defensive system may need to hit a warhead smaller than an oil drum that is traveling above the atmosphere at speeds greater than 13,000 miles per hour." The CBO report states that missile defense and intercept systems must take down an ICBM in a matter of minutes or it is all over.
You may remember that before 9/11, there were a number of tests of the Pentagon's missile defense systems. Some tests failed, while others succeeded. But there is an important question here. If these sophisticated military systems were designed to detect missiles fired from unknown locations at over 13,000 mph and shoot them down in mere minutes, why on 9/11 could they not detect any one of the four large airliners traveling at a mere 600 mph, especially when two of them were known to be lost for over 40 minutes before they crashed?
This question applies especially to Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon. The first plane hijacking on 9/11 was reported at about 8:20 AM (see NY Times article), well over an hour before Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon at 9:38. According to the Times article, Flight 77 was reported lost at 8:56 A.M., 42 minutes before it crashed. Even if the FAA radar systems completely failed and FAA officials failed to alert the military, all military leaders certainly knew within minutes that the World Trade Center had been hit at 8:46. By 9:03, when the second tower was hit, they certainly knew there were big problems.
How is it possible that the Pentagon's highly touted missile detections systems could not locate Flight 77 in the 42 minutes it was known to be lost before it crashed into the heart of the defense system of the U.S.? The missile detection systems did not depend on FAA radar and were programmed to pick up any unaccounted for objects and raise alarms immediately, as mentioned on the CBO website.
Here's another related question. Why was the Pentagon's billion-dollar missile defense system such a hot topic in the media before 9/11, yet we've heard almost nothing about it since? Could it be that there are elements in the government and military who don't want people to think about questions like those asked here? And an even bigger question is why isn't our media asking these questions and more?
Why is it that the 9/11 Commission budget was far less than the budget allotted to the Challenger space shuttle disaster or even the Monica Lewinsky affair? The 9/11 commission was originally allotted only $3 million. Eventually, after much begging and haggling, the commission was given $15 million. Yet a CNN article lists the cost of the Lewinsky investigation at $30 million. A Los Angeles Times article states the cost of the Columbia space shuttle disaster investigation was $175 million.
How could 9/11 – the greatest disaster in American history – be given such a small budget for investigation? Why didn't the Pentagon aggressively investigate the greatest failure ever in U.S. defenses? And why did both the president (see CNN article) and vice-president (see Newsweek article) initially oppose any investigation at all?
Why aren't we, the public, asking these questions and demanding answers? It's not too late. Let us take action now and seek answers to these vital questions. For further reliable information on this topic, go to the revealing two-page 9/11 summary at available here. All information is taken only from major media sources. You can easily verify each fact by using the links provided to the original articles on the major media websites from which the facts were taken. Then watch a 15-minute clip of the powerful, eye-opening documentary 9/11: Press for Truth at this link. The box below also contains excellent ideas on what you can do to make a difference.
To understand why all of this disturbing information isn't getting extensive media coverage, visit this link. If these facts were reported in headline news where they belong, caring citizens would be astounded and demand to know more. This has not happened, which is why we feel compelled to provide them here. It is now up to us, the citizens of all countries to come together to bring light to the hidden shadows so that we can more effectively work towards a better world for all of us.

The entire website at www.WantToKnow.info is dedicated both to providing a concise, reliable introduction to important information that is being hidden from us, and to inspiring us to work together to strengthen democracy and to build a better world. You can help to build a brighter future right now by educating yourself on these vital issues, and by forwarding this message to your friends and colleagues and asking them to do the same. Thank you for caring. Together we can and will build a better world for ourselves and our children.
With best wishes,
Fred Burks for PEERS and WantToKnow.info
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton

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