I'm right about World Trade Centers and have an idea how they fell

Coming from a "me too" troll that is nothing but a bug on the windshield of life" in my world that has a big ol bag of nothin'? I laugh loud and long at you....hope you enjoy the cyber pat on the head. (snicker)

Considering just how factually and thoroughly your lies have been refuted and the fact that your response has been to change the subject, double down on your "truther" silliness or pull another "I know more than you" outta your empty quiver, I'd say your laughter is that of an insecure BOZO.

I used every piece of ammo , real or not to smack "truthers" around with great glee....I would pull up websites complete with "cut and paste" in an attempt to debunk their anti-Neo-con/PNAC theory so spare me....I was the master on busting on "truthers" and I had a huge following of people on the internet that looked to me to show them how to fend off the leftard clown posse of sniveling fools. I was a frigging "ICON"....no one could flame posters like I could. If planes actually hit the WTC 1 and 2, they were controlled by the drone control. The plane that allegedly hit the Pentagon was hit by a moron that couldn't even master the controls of a single engine Cessna....go sell your bullshit somewhere else....I have enough to deal with here.

Yeah ... you're a regular legend in your own pompous mind and your desire to escape the corner you have been in for weeks is understandable yet predictably typical. Believe it or not you are not the best, smartest or most knowledgeable 9/11 CT to spew that silliness here and, like the rest, you have had your arrogant yet remarkably ignorant head handed to you.

Clearly you have finally figured out you aren't enjoying the smell of the mendacious 9/11 CTBS your nose has been dipped in by those who are way smarter and more knowledgeable than you. Perhaps that is your "epiphany."

A sledge hammer hits with a force of 1,000 times it's weight.

This alleged plane didn't "hammer down"......want to try again?

True, but the floors above certainly hammered down on those below.

That you and TheCrusader can't (or won't) even comprehend so basic a physical concept is irrefutable evidence that you just aren't smart enough to participate in this conversation (as one-sided as it has been for weeks).
The conspiracy version of events is wildly more complex, involving hundreds if not thousands of people in a perfect conspiracy that has never been broken, ever. The Pentagon had to be involved, the FBI would have to be in on it, Congrss would have to be in on it, explosives had to be planted, all the people on the plane who were lost, their families, the FAA, the local fire departments, the folks who died in the pentagon and their families, the radar records would have to be faked, the black boxes, all the evidence would have to be planted, reports faked...both inside the US government and outside it. As the ASCE did its own study of the impact and found it was perfectly consistent with a plane impact.

And then there all the people who saw the plane. This didn't happen in some remote location, but in broad daylight with Flight 77 flying over I-395 in the middle of a traffic jam. ALL of those witnesses would have to be faked as well.

All of them, tens of thousands of people, would have to be in the conspiracy, all with perfect secrecy for nearly 15 years and counting. And of course, without evidence of any of your conspiracy actually happening.

That's ludicrously complicated. Contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And without any credible factual basis. While a plane crashed into the building is far, far simpler and matches the evidence.

That's why folks don't buy the truther conspiracy. Its just a stupidly awful explanation of events.
I love how you decide what the conspiracy is, and how it worked for those who don't believe the official story. What a complete and total hoot.

Laughing.....wait, you *haven't* told us 'what the conspiracy is'?

Can I take it from that little blunder that your ilk don't handle criticism well? Because you ignored virtually every point made, pretending none of it existed. Yet it did. For your conspiracy to work, ALL of these people had to be in on it:

The FBI.
The first reponders. Both cops and fire fighters.
The US Military.
The Pentagon.
All the witnesses on I-395
The FAA.
The American Society of Civil Engineers.
All of the air traffic controllers at both Reagan and Dulles airports.
American Airlines.
The people who died in the plane crash.
The families of those who died in the plane crash.
The people who died in the Pentagon.
The families of those who died in the Pentagon.
All the folks who planted the bombs in the Pentagon.

Thousands upon thousands of people just joining together spontaneously in the most stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy in the history of mankind. Which they've maintained with perfect secrecy for almost 15 years.


........the plane just crashed into the Pentagon.

Occam's Razor and the evidence definitely picks a side. And its not yours. Your explanation is a piss poor, half assed account that makes no sense, is insanely complicated, is contradicted by overwhelming evidence, and supported by virtually nothing.

That. That right there, is why folks don't believe the silly Truther conspiracy. Its just stupidly awful at explaining what happened.
You ignored my last post, so I'll ignore this one.

I had no idea you were a twoofer.
If really comes down to a simple equation that has never really been sorted out.

Means, motive, and opportunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For me, the "terrorists" never really had much of these except for motive.

The folks that really did it though? They had all three. It's just that simple.

And who are 'these folks'? What is their 'motive', according to you?

As for 'means' and 'opportunity', explain your narrative. We will compare it to the evidence and see how it holds up.
I love how you decide what the conspiracy is, and how it worked for those who don't believe the official story. What a complete and total hoot.

Laughing.....wait, you *haven't* told us 'what the conspiracy is'?

Can I take it from that little blunder that your ilk don't handle criticism well? Because you ignored virtually every point made, pretending none of it existed. Yet it did. For your conspiracy to work, ALL of these people had to be in on it:

The FBI.
The first reponders. Both cops and fire fighters.
The US Military.
The Pentagon.
All the witnesses on I-395
The FAA.
The American Society of Civil Engineers.
All of the air traffic controllers at both Reagan and Dulles airports.
American Airlines.
The people who died in the plane crash.
The families of those who died in the plane crash.
The people who died in the Pentagon.
The families of those who died in the Pentagon.
All the folks who planted the bombs in the Pentagon.

Thousands upon thousands of people just joining together spontaneously in the most stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy in the history of mankind. Which they've maintained with perfect secrecy for almost 15 years.


........the plane just crashed into the Pentagon.

Occam's Razor and the evidence definitely picks a side. And its not yours. Your explanation is a piss poor, half assed account that makes no sense, is insanely complicated, is contradicted by overwhelming evidence, and supported by virtually nothing.

That. That right there, is why folks don't believe the silly Truther conspiracy. Its just stupidly awful at explaining what happened.
You ignored my last post, so I'll ignore this one.

I had no idea you were a twoofer.
If really comes down to a simple equation that has never really been sorted out.

Means, motive, and opportunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For me, the "terrorists" never really had much of these except for motive.

The folks that really did it though? They had all three. It's just that simple.

And who are 'these folks'? What is their 'motive', according to you?

As for 'means' and 'opportunity', explain your narrative. We will compare it to the evidence and see how it holds up.
"We will" do no such thing.

I have discussed things with you already. You selectively discuss subjects at your whim.

When your 911 skeptics pages have answers, you post them here. When those pages don't have credible answers or believable lies, you remain silent and my best posts lay forgotten, unresponded to, buried pages back in the thread. I think, on this subject, it's over buddy.

Sorry, I'm done with your ad hominem attacks and disrespect Skylar. Go find some other critical free thinker to pick on with your nonsense, bullying, hyperbole, and sophistry.
Laughing.....wait, you *haven't* told us 'what the conspiracy is'?

Can I take it from that little blunder that your ilk don't handle criticism well? Because you ignored virtually every point made, pretending none of it existed. Yet it did. For your conspiracy to work, ALL of these people had to be in on it:

The FBI.
The first reponders. Both cops and fire fighters.
The US Military.
The Pentagon.
All the witnesses on I-395
The FAA.
The American Society of Civil Engineers.
All of the air traffic controllers at both Reagan and Dulles airports.
American Airlines.
The people who died in the plane crash.
The families of those who died in the plane crash.
The people who died in the Pentagon.
The families of those who died in the Pentagon.
All the folks who planted the bombs in the Pentagon.

Thousands upon thousands of people just joining together spontaneously in the most stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy in the history of mankind. Which they've maintained with perfect secrecy for almost 15 years.


........the plane just crashed into the Pentagon.

Occam's Razor and the evidence definitely picks a side. And its not yours. Your explanation is a piss poor, half assed account that makes no sense, is insanely complicated, is contradicted by overwhelming evidence, and supported by virtually nothing.

That. That right there, is why folks don't believe the silly Truther conspiracy. Its just stupidly awful at explaining what happened.
You ignored my last post, so I'll ignore this one.

I had no idea you were a twoofer.
If really comes down to a simple equation that has never really been sorted out.

Means, motive, and opportunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For me, the "terrorists" never really had much of these except for motive.

The folks that really did it though? They had all three. It's just that simple.

And who are 'these folks'? What is their 'motive', according to you?

As for 'means' and 'opportunity', explain your narrative. We will compare it to the evidence and see how it holds up.
"We will" do no such thing.

I have discussed things with you already. You selectively discuss subjects at your whim.

When your 911 skeptics pages have answers, you post them here. When those pages don't have credible answers or believable lies, you remain silent and my best posts lay forgotten, unresponded to, buried pages back in the thread. I think, on this subject, it's over buddy.

Sorry, I'm done with your ad hominem attacks and disrespect Skylar. Go find some other critical free thinker to pick on with your nonsense, bullying, hyperbole, and sophistry.

Here's my post. Show me where I offered you any ad hominem. Just highlight it for us.

And who are 'these folks'? What is their 'motive', according to you?

As for 'means' and 'opportunity', explain your narrative. We will compare it to the evidence and see how it holds up.

There is none. If your claims had merit, you could answer such direct and simple questions honestly and clearly. Instead, you give me excuses why you can't.

Try again.

Go find some other critical free thinker to pick on with your nonsense, bullying, hyperbole, and sophistry.

A critical free thinker could have answer the questions I posed about your claims. You couldn't.

Remember that. I certainly will.
Oh, and as a general question to our resident conspiracy theorists regarding their 'Larry Silverstein' and his 'pull it' quote:

Are you claiming that Larry Silverstein ordered them to 'pull it' and they explosively demolished the building?
Coming from a "me too" troll that is nothing but a bug on the windshield of life" in my world that has a big ol bag of nothin'? I laugh loud and long at you....hope you enjoy the cyber pat on the head. (snicker)

Considering just how factually and thoroughly your lies have been refuted and the fact that your response has been to change the subject, double down on your "truther" silliness or pull another "I know more than you" outta your empty quiver, I'd say your laughter is that of an insecure BOZO.

I used every piece of ammo , real or not to smack "truthers" around with great glee....I would pull up websites complete with "cut and paste" in an attempt to debunk their anti-Neo-con/PNAC theory so spare me....I was the master on busting on "truthers" and I had a huge following of people on the internet that looked to me to show them how to fend off the leftard clown posse of sniveling fools. I was a frigging "ICON"....no one could flame posters like I could. If planes actually hit the WTC 1 and 2, they were controlled by the drone control. The plane that allegedly hit the Pentagon was hit by a moron that couldn't even master the controls of a single engine Cessna....go sell your bullshit somewhere else....I have enough to deal with here.

Yeah ... you're a regular legend in your own pompous mind and your desire to escape the corner you have been in for weeks is understandable yet predictably typical. Believe it or not you are not the best, smartest or most knowledgeable 9/11 CT to spew that silliness here and, like the rest, you have had your arrogant yet remarkably ignorant head handed to you.

Clearly you have finally figured out you aren't enjoying the smell of the mendacious 9/11 CTBS your nose has been dipped in by those who are way smarter and more knowledgeable than you. Perhaps that is your "epiphany."

A sledge hammer hits with a force of 1,000 times it's weight.

This alleged plane didn't "hammer down"......want to try again?

True, but the floors above certainly hammered down on those below.

That you and TheCrusader can't (or won't) even comprehend so basic a physical concept is irrefutable evidence that you just aren't smart enough to participate in this conversation (as one-sided as it has been for weeks).

You and "irrefutable evidence" don't even have a nodding acquaintance with each other. Your pal's claimed that one of the WTC towers fell in 15 seconds has been disputed by the NIST that push the official narrative. Your pal claims that eye-witnesses saw a 757 jet at the Pentagon even though they can't say that they saw it hit it and there is no film footage that can back this up but yet they are "credible" but people that claim to have heard multiple explosions at WTC 1, 2 and 7 are not. I don't need eyewitness accounts to tell me what I did or did not see. The cover-up is obvious and should be to anyone with the ability to think critically. You are a time waster as you bring nothing to the table...you sit in the "amen pew" hoping for a cyber pat on the head.
I love how you decide what the conspiracy is, and how it worked for those who don't believe the official story. What a complete and total hoot.

Laughing.....wait, you *haven't* told us 'what the conspiracy is'?

Can I take it from that little blunder that your ilk don't handle criticism well? Because you ignored virtually every point made, pretending none of it existed. Yet it did. For your conspiracy to work, ALL of these people had to be in on it:

The FBI.
The first reponders. Both cops and fire fighters.
The US Military.
The Pentagon.
All the witnesses on I-395
The FAA.
The American Society of Civil Engineers.
All of the air traffic controllers at both Reagan and Dulles airports.
American Airlines.
The people who died in the plane crash.
The families of those who died in the plane crash.
The people who died in the Pentagon.
The families of those who died in the Pentagon.
All the folks who planted the bombs in the Pentagon.

Thousands upon thousands of people just joining together spontaneously in the most stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy in the history of mankind. Which they've maintained with perfect secrecy for almost 15 years.


........the plane just crashed into the Pentagon.

Occam's Razor and the evidence definitely picks a side. And its not yours. Your explanation is a piss poor, half assed account that makes no sense, is insanely complicated, is contradicted by overwhelming evidence, and supported by virtually nothing.

That. That right there, is why folks don't believe the silly Truther conspiracy. Its just stupidly awful at explaining what happened.
You ignored my last post, so I'll ignore this one.

I had no idea you were a twoofer.
If really comes down to a simple equation that has never really been sorted out.

Means, motive, and opportunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For me, the "terrorists" never really had much of these except for motive.

The folks that really did it though? They had all three. It's just that simple.

And who are 'these folks'? What is their 'motive', according to you?

As for 'means' and 'opportunity', explain your narrative. We will compare it to the evidence and see how it holds up.
Oh, and as a general question to our resident conspiracy theorists regarding their 'Larry Silverstein' and his 'pull it' quote:

Are you claiming that Larry Silverstein ordered them to 'pull it' and they explosively demolished the building?
Laughing.....wait, you *haven't* told us 'what the conspiracy is'?

Can I take it from that little blunder that your ilk don't handle criticism well? Because you ignored virtually every point made, pretending none of it existed. Yet it did. For your conspiracy to work, ALL of these people had to be in on it:

The FBI.
The first reponders. Both cops and fire fighters.
The US Military.
The Pentagon.
All the witnesses on I-395
The FAA.
The American Society of Civil Engineers.
All of the air traffic controllers at both Reagan and Dulles airports.
American Airlines.
The people who died in the plane crash.
The families of those who died in the plane crash.
The people who died in the Pentagon.
The families of those who died in the Pentagon.
All the folks who planted the bombs in the Pentagon.

Thousands upon thousands of people just joining together spontaneously in the most stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy in the history of mankind. Which they've maintained with perfect secrecy for almost 15 years.


........the plane just crashed into the Pentagon.

Occam's Razor and the evidence definitely picks a side. And its not yours. Your explanation is a piss poor, half assed account that makes no sense, is insanely complicated, is contradicted by overwhelming evidence, and supported by virtually nothing.

That. That right there, is why folks don't believe the silly Truther conspiracy. Its just stupidly awful at explaining what happened.
You ignored my last post, so I'll ignore this one.

I had no idea you were a twoofer.
If really comes down to a simple equation that has never really been sorted out.

Means, motive, and opportunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For me, the "terrorists" never really had much of these except for motive.

The folks that really did it though? They had all three. It's just that simple.

And who are 'these folks'? What is their 'motive', according to you?

As for 'means' and 'opportunity', explain your narrative. We will compare it to the evidence and see how it holds up.

We know that the Patriot Act was written in advance of this false flag event and we know that the apparatus to spy on everyone's on-line activity and cell-phone data was ready to go before 9/11. We have PNAC's own papers written in 1999 for a new American century that it would take a Pearl Harbor like event to bring about these draconian measures. We already know that troops were being sent to Afghanistan and staged a few weeks before 9/11. We also know that Osama bin Laden whose CIA identity was "Tim Osman" and was and had always been a CIA asset that was part of the mujahideen that was put in place to fight a proxy war against the USSR in 1979 by globalist Zbigniew Brzensksi that was Jimmy Carter's security advisor. Osama bin laden was under going treatment for Marfan's disease and was on kidney dialysis and was in the last stages. The military industrial complex stood to gain BILLIONS from a war and their corporate entities that would be making money for security equipment for airports. The "underwear bomber" was a CIA staged event complete with a handler and that introduced body scanning technology at the air ports. No bid contracts for Halliburton and their subsidiaries like KBR, Blackwater security, etc, etc....

But the biggest prize was 240 billion dollars in oil and natural gas in ten year securities due to the Black Eagle Trust that were bought illegally b the Bush crime family that off of the back of of Leo Wanta's currency swaps that brought own the ruble. The SEC that was investigating insider trading crimes was meeting in WTC 1 that day and would have had to authenticate the 240 BILLION dollars in Russian oil and natural gas would have had a lot of questions about ownership.....9/11 solved for them.
Laughing.....wait, you *haven't* told us 'what the conspiracy is'?

Can I take it from that little blunder that your ilk don't handle criticism well? Because you ignored virtually every point made, pretending none of it existed. Yet it did. For your conspiracy to work, ALL of these people had to be in on it:

The FBI.
The first reponders. Both cops and fire fighters.
The US Military.
The Pentagon.
All the witnesses on I-395
The FAA.
The American Society of Civil Engineers.
All of the air traffic controllers at both Reagan and Dulles airports.
American Airlines.
The people who died in the plane crash.
The families of those who died in the plane crash.
The people who died in the Pentagon.
The families of those who died in the Pentagon.
All the folks who planted the bombs in the Pentagon.

Thousands upon thousands of people just joining together spontaneously in the most stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy in the history of mankind. Which they've maintained with perfect secrecy for almost 15 years.


........the plane just crashed into the Pentagon.

Occam's Razor and the evidence definitely picks a side. And its not yours. Your explanation is a piss poor, half assed account that makes no sense, is insanely complicated, is contradicted by overwhelming evidence, and supported by virtually nothing.

That. That right there, is why folks don't believe the silly Truther conspiracy. Its just stupidly awful at explaining what happened.
You ignored my last post, so I'll ignore this one.

I had no idea you were a twoofer.
If really comes down to a simple equation that has never really been sorted out.

Means, motive, and opportunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For me, the "terrorists" never really had much of these except for motive.

The folks that really did it though? They had all three. It's just that simple.

And who are 'these folks'? What is their 'motive', according to you?

As for 'means' and 'opportunity', explain your narrative. We will compare it to the evidence and see how it holds up.
"We will" do no such thing.

I have discussed things with you already. You selectively discuss subjects at your whim.

When your 911 skeptics pages have answers, you post them here. When those pages don't have credible answers or believable lies, you remain silent and my best posts lay forgotten, unresponded to, buried pages back in the thread. I think, on this subject, it's over buddy.

Sorry, I'm done with your ad hominem attacks and disrespect Skylar. Go find some other critical free thinker to pick on with your nonsense, bullying, hyperbole, and sophistry.

I think you're confusing Skylar with me. lol
Oh, and as a general question to our resident conspiracy theorists regarding their 'Larry Silverstein' and his 'pull it' quote:

Are you claiming that Larry Silverstein ordered them to 'pull it' and they explosively demolished the building?
Goddamnit. You've gone and piqued my curiosity now, only 'cuz I've recently caught wind of an interesting trend in the OCTard community. I'm curious as to whether that's the direction you're hoping to go with the infamously ambiguous Silverswine quote.

Personally, I make no "claim" regarding the "pull it" quote, even though there's anecdotal evidence which suggests that Silverstein had controlled demolition on the brain on 9/11/01.

For instance, in the words of Jeff Shapiro:

"Shortly before the building [WTC 7] collapsed, several NYPD officers and Con-Edison workers told me that Larry Silverstein, the property developer of One World Financial Center was on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building..."

Nevertheless, in my view, his choice of phrasing in the PBS documentary was ambiguous enough to make the quote a non-issue.

What are your thoughts on the matter, though?
Last edited:
Your pal's claimed that one of the WTC towers fell in 15 seconds has been disputed by the NIST that push the official narrative.
The NIST refuted it?! What a bunch of garbage! Below is the excerpt from NIST's FAQ page taken from FAQs - NIST WTC Towers Investigation

11. How could the WTC towers collapse in only 11 seconds (WTC 1) and 9 seconds (WTC 2)—speeds that approximate that of a ball dropped from similar height in a vacuum (with no air resistance)?
NIST estimated the elapsed times for the first exterior panels to strike the ground after the collapse initiated in each of the towers to be approximately 11 seconds for WTC 1 and approximately 9 seconds for WTC 2. These elapsed times were based on: (1) precise timing of the initiation of collapse from video evidence, and (2) ground motion (seismic) signals recorded at Palisades, N.Y., that also were precisely time-calibrated for wave transmission times from lower Manhattan (see NIST NCSTAR 1-5A).
As documented in Section 6.14.4 of NIST NCSTAR 1, these collapse times show that:
“The structure below the level of collapse initiation offered minimal resistance to the falling building mass at and above the impact zone. The potential energy released by the downward movement of the large building mass far exceeded the capacity of the intact structure below to absorb that energy through energy of deformation.
Since the stories below the level of collapse initiation provided little resistance to the tremendous energy released by the falling building mass, the building section above came down essentially in free fall, as seen in videos. As the stories below sequentially failed, the falling mass increased, further increasing the demand on the floors below, which were unable to arrest the moving mass.”
In other words, the momentum (which equals mass times velocity) of the 12 to 28 stories (WTC 1 and WTC 2, respectively) falling on the supporting structure below (which was designed to support only the static weight of the floors above and not any dynamic effects due to the downward momentum) so greatly exceeded the strength capacity of the structure below that it (the structure below) was unable to stop or even to slow the falling mass. The downward momentum felt by each successive lower floor was even larger due to the increasing mass.
From video evidence, significant portions of the cores of both buildings (roughly 60 stories of WTC 1 and 40 stories of WTC 2) are known to have stood 15 to 25 seconds after collapse initiation before they, too, began to collapse. Neither the duration of the seismic records nor video evidence (due to obstruction of view caused by debris clouds) are reliable indicators of the total time it took for each building to collapse completely.

How did the NIST refute the total collapse time of more than 15 seconds when they themselves say that a portion of the core remained standing for 15 seconds after the collapse initiation?

You're crazy...
You and "irrefutable evidence" don't even have a nodding acquaintance with each other. Your pal's claimed that one of the WTC towers fell in 15 seconds has been disputed by the NIST that push the official narrative... The cover-up is obvious and should be to anyone with the ability to think critically. You are a time waster as you bring nothing to the table...you sit in the "amen pew" hoping for a cyber pat on the head.

If only you had the integrity to think critically. Instead you've become a mindless sycophant to a long defunct movement that requires its remnants to repeat such lies as "the Towers fell in 9 seconds."

No matter how often (or loudly) you repeat your lies nor how desperately you needs to believe them, they remain and always will remain lies.

Your pal's claimed that one of the WTC towers fell in 15 seconds has been disputed by the NIST that push the official narrative.
The NIST refuted it?! What a bunch of garbage! Below is the excerpt from NIST's FAQ page taken from FAQs - NIST WTC Towers Investigation
NIST estimated the elapsed times for the first exterior panels to strike the ground after the collapse initiated in each of the towers to be approximately 11 seconds for WTC 1 and approximately 9 seconds for WTC 2. These elapsed times were based on: (1) precise timing of the initiation of collapse from video evidence, and (2) ground motion (seismic) signals recorded at Palisades, N.Y., that also were precisely time-calibrated for wave transmission times from lower Manhattan (see NIST NCSTAR 1-5A).
As documented in Section 6.14.4 of NIST NCSTAR 1, these collapse times show that:
“The structure below the level of collapse initiation offered minimal resistance to the falling building mass at and above the impact zone. The potential energy released by the downward movement of the large building mass far exceeded the capacity of the intact structure below to absorb that energy through energy of deformation.
Since the stories below the level of collapse initiation provided little resistance to the tremendous energy released by the falling building mass, the building section above came down essentially in free fall, as seen in videos. As the stories below sequentially failed, the falling mass increased, further increasing the demand on the floors below, which were unable to arrest the moving mass.”
In other words, the momentum (which equals mass times velocity) of the 12 to 28 stories (WTC 1 and WTC 2, respectively) falling on the supporting structure below (which was designed to support only the static weight of the floors above and not any dynamic effects due to the downward momentum) so greatly exceeded the strength capacity of the structure below that it (the structure below) was unable to stop or even to slow the falling mass. The downward momentum felt by each successive lower floor was even larger due to the increasing mass.
From video evidence, significant portions of the cores of both buildings (roughly 60 stories of WTC 1 and 40 stories of WTC 2) are known to have stood 15 to 25 seconds after collapse initiation before they, too, began to collapse. Neither the duration of the seismic records nor video evidence (due to obstruction of view caused by debris clouds) are reliable indicators of the total time it took for each building to collapse completely.

How did the NIST refute the total collapse time of more than 15 seconds when they themselves say that a portion of the core remained standing for 15 seconds after the collapse initiation?

You're crazy...[/QUOTE]

It's clearly a self-induced lunacy. Poor Smith is so wedded to his 9/11 CT beliefs he can't (or won't) accept that they are anything less than the truth despite hard proof that they are not.
You and "irrefutable evidence" don't even have a nodding acquaintance with each other. Your pal's claimed that one of the WTC towers fell in 15 seconds has been disputed by the NIST that push the official narrative... The cover-up is obvious and should be to anyone with the ability to think critically. You are a time waster as you bring nothing to the table...you sit in the "amen pew" hoping for a cyber pat on the head.

If only you had the integrity to think critically. Instead you've become a mindless sycophant to a long defunct movement that requires its remnants to repeat such lies as "the Towers fell in 9 seconds."

No matter how often (or loudly) you repeat your lies nor how desperately you needs to believe them, they remain and always will remain lies.

Your pal's claimed that one of the WTC towers fell in 15 seconds has been disputed by the NIST that push the official narrative.
The NIST refuted it?! What a bunch of garbage! Below is the excerpt from NIST's FAQ page taken from FAQs - NIST WTC Towers Investigation
NIST estimated the elapsed times for the first exterior panels to strike the ground after the collapse initiated in each of the towers to be approximately 11 seconds for WTC 1 and approximately 9 seconds for WTC 2. These elapsed times were based on: (1) precise timing of the initiation of collapse from video evidence, and (2) ground motion (seismic) signals recorded at Palisades, N.Y., that also were precisely time-calibrated for wave transmission times from lower Manhattan (see NIST NCSTAR 1-5A).
As documented in Section 6.14.4 of NIST NCSTAR 1, these collapse times show that:
“The structure below the level of collapse initiation offered minimal resistance to the falling building mass at and above the impact zone. The potential energy released by the downward movement of the large building mass far exceeded the capacity of the intact structure below to absorb that energy through energy of deformation.
Since the stories below the level of collapse initiation provided little resistance to the tremendous energy released by the falling building mass, the building section above came down essentially in free fall, as seen in videos. As the stories below sequentially failed, the falling mass increased, further increasing the demand on the floors below, which were unable to arrest the moving mass.”
In other words, the momentum (which equals mass times velocity) of the 12 to 28 stories (WTC 1 and WTC 2, respectively) falling on the supporting structure below (which was designed to support only the static weight of the floors above and not any dynamic effects due to the downward momentum) so greatly exceeded the strength capacity of the structure below that it (the structure below) was unable to stop or even to slow the falling mass. The downward momentum felt by each successive lower floor was even larger due to the increasing mass.
From video evidence, significant portions of the cores of both buildings (roughly 60 stories of WTC 1 and 40 stories of WTC 2) are known to have stood 15 to 25 seconds after collapse initiation before they, too, began to collapse. Neither the duration of the seismic records nor video evidence (due to obstruction of view caused by debris clouds) are reliable indicators of the total time it took for each building to collapse completely.

How did the NIST refute the total collapse time of more than 15 seconds when they themselves say that a portion of the core remained standing for 15 seconds after the collapse initiation?

You're crazy...

It's clearly a self-induced lunacy. Poor Smith is so wedded to his 9/11 CT beliefs he can't (or won't) accept that they are anything less than the truth despite hard proof that they are not.[/QUOTE]

Only a brain dead idiot believes that two planes totally demolished three buildings that collapsed inside their own footprint all in less than 8 hours and that the Pentagon doesn't have actual footage of what hit the side of the Pentagon with expendables that were researching and trying to find the missing 2.3 TRILLION dollars that Rumsfeld said could not be accounted for just the day before...seriously, how fucking STUPID are you????
Only a brain dead idiot believes that two planes totally demolished three buildings that collapsed inside their own footprint all in less than 8 hours and that the Pentagon doesn't have actual footage of what hit the side of the Pentagon with expendables that were researching and trying to find the missing 2.3 TRILLION dollars that Rumsfeld said could not be accounted for just the day before...seriously, how fucking STUPID are you????

Sorry, Dale....but your explanation is stupidly awful. Truthers have posited the 'no plane theory', where all footage of the planes hitting the towers was faked and all the people that saw the impacts were plants or hallucinating. Which is fantasticaly idiotic.

And when you look into the 2.3 Trillion dollar claim, it doesn't support your conspiracy:

In fiscal 1999, a defense audit found that about $2.3 trillion of balances, transactions and adjustments were inadequately documented. These "unsupported" transactions do not mean the department ultimately cannot account for them, she advised, but that tracking down needed documents would take a long time. Auditors, she said, might have to go to different computer systems, to different locations or access different databases to get information.


With Senator Robert Bird making the same claims in the LA Times at the beginning of 2001:

Senator Byrd: A recent article in the Los Angeles Times, written by a retired vice admiral and a civilian employee in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, accused the Department of Defense of being unable to account for the funds that Congress appropriates to it. The authors wrote, and I quote in part, quote, "The Pentagon's books are in such utter disarray that no one knows what America's military actually owns or spends." ...

That audit report found that out of $7.6 trillion in department-level accounting interest, 2.3 trillion in entries either did not contain adequate documentation or were improperly reconciled or were made to force buyer and seller data to agree. This DoD-IG report is very disturbing....

January 11th, 2001


With similar stories run by PBS, Lou Dobbs, Inspector General reports from 2000, given in congressional speeches, etc. All months or years before Rumsfeld.

Even Rumsfeld himself, in the very quote you're offering......demonstrates this is an accounting issue related to antiquated databases that can't talk to each other.

The technology revolution has transformed organizations across the private sector, but not ours, not fully, not yet. We are, as they say, tangled in our anchor chain. Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building because it's stored on dozens of technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible.

The bolded portion is your quote. The rest is the quote in context. Which demonstrates the absurdity of your conspiracy.

Back in reality, its not that the 2.3 trillion was 'missing'. Its that the systems tracking it weren't integrated, were in different locations and couldn't talk to each other. Its an issue of inadequate documentation. It was a call to upgrade the accounting system at the pentagon and fix the databasing problem.

All of which already know, Dale. Yet you really hope we don't. You intentionally and systematically deny us extraordinarily relevant information about your claim that you KNOW contradicts your conspiracy account....in the hopes of convincing us something you know isn't true.

Why? Because you're so emotionally invested in your stupidly complicated, insanely elaborate, and baseless conspiracy theory.....that you've committed to deceive to support it. Because you know the evidence doesn't.

Why would any rational person ignore the evidence you withheld?
If you drop 18 floors 15 feet, how much force does that generate?

Meh, why would they bother to acknowledge the acceleration of gravity?

I mean, place a cinderblock on your head. Now drop the same cinderblock onto your head from 15 feet up (*). Is it the same amount of force impacting your noggin?

(*) You'll probably only be able to do this experiment once. So pay close attention.
Only a brain dead idiot believes that two planes totally demolished three buildings that collapsed inside their own footprint all in less than 8 hours and that the Pentagon doesn't have actual footage of what hit the side of the Pentagon with expendables that were researching and trying to find the missing 2.3 TRILLION dollars that Rumsfeld said could not be accounted for just the day before...seriously, how fucking STUPID are you????

Sorry, Dale....but your explanation is stupidly awful. Truthers have posited the 'no plane theory', where all footage of the planes hitting the towers was faked and all the people that saw the impacts were plants or hallucinating. Which is fantasticaly idiotic.

And when you look into the 2.3 Trillion dollar claim, it doesn't support your conspiracy:

In fiscal 1999, a defense audit found that about $2.3 trillion of balances, transactions and adjustments were inadequately documented. These "unsupported" transactions do not mean the department ultimately cannot account for them, she advised, but that tracking down needed documents would take a long time. Auditors, she said, might have to go to different computer systems, to different locations or access different databases to get information.


With Senator Robert Bird making the same claims in the LA Times at the beginning of 2001:

Senator Byrd: A recent article in the Los Angeles Times, written by a retired vice admiral and a civilian employee in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, accused the Department of Defense of being unable to account for the funds that Congress appropriates to it. The authors wrote, and I quote in part, quote, "The Pentagon's books are in such utter disarray that no one knows what America's military actually owns or spends." ...

That audit report found that out of $7.6 trillion in department-level accounting interest, 2.3 trillion in entries either did not contain adequate documentation or were improperly reconciled or were made to force buyer and seller data to agree. This DoD-IG report is very disturbing....

January 11th, 2001


With similar stories run by PBS, Lou Dobbs, Inspector General reports from 2000, given in congressional speeches, etc. All months or years before Rumsfeld.

Even Rumsfeld himself, in the very quote you're offering......demonstrates this is an accounting issue related to antiquated databases that can't talk to each other.

The technology revolution has transformed organizations across the private sector, but not ours, not fully, not yet. We are, as they say, tangled in our anchor chain. Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building because it's stored on dozens of technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible.

The bolded portion is your quote. The rest is the quote in context. Which demonstrates the absurdity of your conspiracy.

Back in reality, its not that the 2.3 trillion was 'missing'. Its that the systems tracking it weren't integrated, were in different locations and couldn't talk to each other. Its an issue of inadequate documentation. It was a call to upgrade the accounting system at the pentagon and fix the databasing problem.

All of which already know, Dale. Yet you really hope we don't. You intentionally and systematically deny us extraordinarily relevant information about your claim that you KNOW contradicts your conspiracy account....in the hopes of convincing us something you know isn't true.

Why? Because you're so emotionally invested in your stupidly complicated, insanely elaborate, and baseless conspiracy theory.....that you've committed to deceive to support it. Because you know the evidence doesn't.

Why would any rational person ignore the evidence you withheld?
The War On Waste
Only a brain dead idiot believes that two planes totally demolished three buildings that collapsed inside their own footprint all in less than 8 hours and that the Pentagon doesn't have actual footage of what hit the side of the Pentagon with expendables that were researching and trying to find the missing 2.3 TRILLION dollars that Rumsfeld said could not be accounted for just the day before...seriously, how fucking STUPID are you????

Sorry, Dale....but your explanation is stupidly awful. Truthers have posited the 'no plane theory', where all footage of the planes hitting the towers was faked and all the people that saw the impacts were plants or hallucinating. Which is fantasticaly idiotic.

And when you look into the 2.3 Trillion dollar claim, it doesn't support your conspiracy:

In fiscal 1999, a defense audit found that about $2.3 trillion of balances, transactions and adjustments were inadequately documented. These "unsupported" transactions do not mean the department ultimately cannot account for them, she advised, but that tracking down needed documents would take a long time. Auditors, she said, might have to go to different computer systems, to different locations or access different databases to get information.


With Senator Robert Bird making the same claims in the LA Times at the beginning of 2001:

Senator Byrd: A recent article in the Los Angeles Times, written by a retired vice admiral and a civilian employee in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, accused the Department of Defense of being unable to account for the funds that Congress appropriates to it. The authors wrote, and I quote in part, quote, "The Pentagon's books are in such utter disarray that no one knows what America's military actually owns or spends." ...

That audit report found that out of $7.6 trillion in department-level accounting interest, 2.3 trillion in entries either did not contain adequate documentation or were improperly reconciled or were made to force buyer and seller data to agree. This DoD-IG report is very disturbing....

January 11th, 2001


With similar stories run by PBS, Lou Dobbs, Inspector General reports from 2000, given in congressional speeches, etc. All months or years before Rumsfeld.

Even Rumsfeld himself, in the very quote you're offering......demonstrates this is an accounting issue related to antiquated databases that can't talk to each other.

The technology revolution has transformed organizations across the private sector, but not ours, not fully, not yet. We are, as they say, tangled in our anchor chain. Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building because it's stored on dozens of technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible.

The bolded portion is your quote. The rest is the quote in context. Which demonstrates the absurdity of your conspiracy.

Back in reality, its not that the 2.3 trillion was 'missing'. Its that the systems tracking it weren't integrated, were in different locations and couldn't talk to each other. Its an issue of inadequate documentation. It was a call to upgrade the accounting system at the pentagon and fix the databasing problem.

All of which already know, Dale. Yet you really hope we don't. You intentionally and systematically deny us extraordinarily relevant information about your claim that you KNOW contradicts your conspiracy account....in the hopes of convincing us something you know isn't true.

Why? Because you're so emotionally invested in your stupidly complicated, insanely elaborate, and baseless conspiracy theory.....that you've committed to deceive to support it. Because you know the evidence doesn't.

Why would any rational person ignore the evidence you withheld?
The War On Waste

And again, here's Rumsfeld's quote in context:

The technology revolution has transformed organizations across the private sector, but not ours, not fully, not yet. We are, as they say, tangled in our anchor chain. Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building because it's stored on dozens of technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible.

You know this. But you only offer Rumsfeld quote without any of the context as part of your stupidly elaborate conspiracy theory. Even though what you omit is amazingly relevant and contradicts your conspiracy.

In fiscal 1999, a defense audit found that about $2.3 trillion of balances, transactions and adjustments were inadequately documented. These "unsupported" transactions do not mean the department ultimately cannot account for them, she advised, but that tracking down needed documents would take a long time. Auditors, she said, might have to go to different computer systems, to different locations or access different databases to get information.


You know this too. That these transactions were inadequately documented because of antiquated databasing systems that made it a long and difficult process to pull the docs.

Yet you intentionally omitted this information so you could misrepresent Rumsfeld's statement.

When did your 'evolution' involve intentional misrepresentations, willful omissions of relevant information, and reliance on the ignorance of your audience?

If your claims had merit....why would you need to?

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