I'm right about World Trade Centers and have an idea how they fell

To those that know that 9/11/01 was a false flag event, don't let the naysayers get you down. They are not bad people nor are they stupid....they are simply not ready to accept that things are not what they seem.

More accurately, we're unwilling to accept your version of events because they don't match the evidence, are overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence and are ludicrously complicated and fantastically elaborate. Which fails a test of logic known as Occam's Razor.
To those that know that 9/11/01 was a false flag event, don't let the naysayers get you down. They are not bad people nor are they stupid....they are simply not ready to accept that things are not what they seem.

More accurately, we're unwilling to accept your version of events because they don't match the evidence, are overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence and are ludicrously complicated and fantastically elaborate. Which fails a test of logic known as Occam's Razor.

Pro-official story – American Airlines Flight 77, hijacked by Islamic terrorists, hits the Pentagon, killing 125 employees along with 64 people on the plane.

Anti-official story – A complicated conspiracy involving dozens if not hundreds of government people was employed to create the illusion that a passenger plane hit the Pentagon when in fact it did not. Explosions were set off inside the building and a passenger plane flew past the Pentagon as the outer wall exploded.

Using Occam’s Razor, the first one must be true, right? It’s clearly simpler. But let’s take a closer look at the inevitability of the official story when a few more details are included:

A group of Islamic terrorists slipped through airport security with knives and box cutters, which they then used to take control of Flight 77, even though the Flight Data Recorder indicated that the cockpit door never opened during the flight. With just these crude weapons, the hijackers herded everyone, including the crew, into the back of the plane. The pilots were somehow prevented from dialing a four-digit code indicating to air traffic controllers that a hijack was in progress.

One of the hijackers, a failed flight student who had been refused rental of a Cessna a month earlier because of his poor piloting skills, took over. He flew several hundred miles west without being detected by radar, pulled a 180-degree turn and headed back to Washington. No fighters were able to intercept this or any of the other three hijacked planes that day.

Then, instead of simply flying straight into the Pentagon and doing maximum damage, he initiated an incredibly difficult 330-degree spiral to hit the building on the one side that would result in very few casualties. The plane hit the building, making a small hole, and then completely disappeared into the building. There was minimal damage to the building’s facade, including where the plane’s engines and tail section would have hit. The plane hit the first floor of the building but caused no damage to the lawn.

The plane travelled at 530 mph even though professional pilots will tell you that it is physically impossible to fly at that speed just a few feet above the ground. No airplane part that could positively be tied to Flight 77 was found. Photos of the damaged section of the building show that columns that would have to have been destroyed for the plane to completely enter the building are still intact.

Suddenly the official story isn’t so simple after all. True, the “inside job” theory is extremely complex and would involve many things going according to plan, but it doesn’t break the laws of physics several times the way the official account does.

The other thing to keep in mind through all of this is that when one story (the official one) is unquestioningly accepted by the media, all the onus is on those who disagree with the government account to prove it to be false. All contrary versions have to be measured against the official story, which itself doesn’t have to be proved; it is taken for granted.
How Occam’s Razor can be twisted to serve “the official story”
Last edited:
To those that know that 9/11/01 was a false flag event, don't let the naysayers get you down. They are not bad people nor are they stupid....they are simply not ready to accept that things are not what they seem.

More accurately, we're unwilling to accept your version of events because they don't match the evidence, are overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence and are ludicrously complicated and fantastically elaborate. Which fails a test of logic known as Occam's Razor.

Pro-official story – American Airlines Flight 77, hijacked by Islamic terrorists, hits the Pentagon, killing 125 employees along with 64 people on the plane.

Anti-official story – A complicated conspiracy involving dozens if not hundreds of government people was employed to create the illusion that a passenger plane hit the Pentagon when in fact it did not. Explosions were set off inside the building and a passenger plane flew past the Pentagon as the outer wall exploded.

Using Occam’s Razor, the first one must be true, right? It’s clearly simpler. But let’s take a closer look at the inevitability of the official story when a few more details are included:

A group of Islamic terrorists slipped through airport security with knives and box cutters, which they then used to take control of Flight 77, even though the Flight Data Recorder indicated that the cockpit door never opened during the flight. With just these crude weapons, the hijackers herded everyone, including the crew, into the back of the plane. The pilots were somehow prevented from dialing a four-digit code indicating to air traffic controllers that a hijack was in progress.

One of the hijackers, a failed flight student who had been refused rental of a Cessna a month earlier because of his poor piloting skills, took over. He flew several hundred miles west without being detected by radar, pulled a 180-degree turn and headed back to Washington. No fighters were able to intercept this or any of the other three hijacked planes that day.

Then, instead of simply flying straight into the Pentagon and doing maximum damage, he initiated an incredibly difficult 330-degree spiral to hit the building on the one side that would result in very few casualties. The plane hit the building, making a small hole, and then completely disappeared into the building. There was minimal damage to the building’s facade, including where the plane’s engines and tail section would have hit. The plane hit the first floor of the building but caused no damage to the lawn.

The plane travelled at 530 mph even though professional pilots will tell you that it is physically impossible to fly at that speed just a few feet above the ground. No airplane part that could positively be tied to Flight 77 was found. Photos of the damaged section of the building show that columns that would have to have been destroyed for the plane to completely enter the building are still intact.

Suddenly the official story isn’t so simple after all. True, the “inside job” theory is extremely complex and would involve many things going according to plan, but it doesn’t break the laws of physics several times the way the official account does.

The other thing to keep in mind through all of this is that when one story (the official one) is unquestioningly accepted by the media, all the onus is on those who disagree with the government account to prove it to be false. All contrary versions have to be measured against the official story, which itself doesn’t have to be proved; it is taken for granted.
How Occam’s Razor can be twisted to serve “the official story”

The conspiracy version of events is wildly more complex, involving hundreds if not thousands of people in a perfect conspiracy that has never been broken, ever. The Pentagon had to be involved, the FBI would have to be in on it, Congrss would have to be in on it, explosives had to be planted, all the people on the plane who were lost, their families, the FAA, the local fire departments, the folks who died in the pentagon and their families, the radar records would have to be faked, the black boxes, all the evidence would have to be planted, reports faked...both inside the US government and outside it. As the ASCE did its own study of the impact and found it was perfectly consistent with a plane impact.

And then there all the people who saw the plane. This didn't happen in some remote location, but in broad daylight with Flight 77 flying over I-395 in the middle of a traffic jam. ALL of those witnesses would have to be faked as well.

All of them, tens of thousands of people, would have to be in the conspiracy, all with perfect secrecy for nearly 15 years and counting. And of course, without evidence of any of your conspiracy actually happening.

That's ludicrously complicated. Contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And without any credible factual basis. While a plane crashed into the building is far, far simpler and matches the evidence.

That's why folks don't buy the truther conspiracy. Its just a stupidly awful explanation of events.
To those that know that 9/11/01 was a false flag event, don't let the naysayers get you down. They are not bad people nor are they stupid....they are simply not ready to accept that things are not what they seem.

More accurately, we're unwilling to accept your version of events because they don't match the evidence, are overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence and are ludicrously complicated and fantastically elaborate. Which fails a test of logic known as Occam's Razor.

Pro-official story – American Airlines Flight 77, hijacked by Islamic terrorists, hits the Pentagon, killing 125 employees along with 64 people on the plane.

Anti-official story – A complicated conspiracy involving dozens if not hundreds of government people was employed to create the illusion that a passenger plane hit the Pentagon when in fact it did not. Explosions were set off inside the building and a passenger plane flew past the Pentagon as the outer wall exploded.

Using Occam’s Razor, the first one must be true, right? It’s clearly simpler. But let’s take a closer look at the inevitability of the official story when a few more details are included:

A group of Islamic terrorists slipped through airport security with knives and box cutters, which they then used to take control of Flight 77, even though the Flight Data Recorder indicated that the cockpit door never opened during the flight. With just these crude weapons, the hijackers herded everyone, including the crew, into the back of the plane. The pilots were somehow prevented from dialing a four-digit code indicating to air traffic controllers that a hijack was in progress.

One of the hijackers, a failed flight student who had been refused rental of a Cessna a month earlier because of his poor piloting skills, took over. He flew several hundred miles west without being detected by radar, pulled a 180-degree turn and headed back to Washington. No fighters were able to intercept this or any of the other three hijacked planes that day.

Then, instead of simply flying straight into the Pentagon and doing maximum damage, he initiated an incredibly difficult 330-degree spiral to hit the building on the one side that would result in very few casualties. The plane hit the building, making a small hole, and then completely disappeared into the building. There was minimal damage to the building’s facade, including where the plane’s engines and tail section would have hit. The plane hit the first floor of the building but caused no damage to the lawn.

The plane travelled at 530 mph even though professional pilots will tell you that it is physically impossible to fly at that speed just a few feet above the ground. No airplane part that could positively be tied to Flight 77 was found. Photos of the damaged section of the building show that columns that would have to have been destroyed for the plane to completely enter the building are still intact.

Suddenly the official story isn’t so simple after all. True, the “inside job” theory is extremely complex and would involve many things going according to plan, but it doesn’t break the laws of physics several times the way the official account does.

The other thing to keep in mind through all of this is that when one story (the official one) is unquestioningly accepted by the media, all the onus is on those who disagree with the government account to prove it to be false. All contrary versions have to be measured against the official story, which itself doesn’t have to be proved; it is taken for granted.
How Occam’s Razor can be twisted to serve “the official story”

The conspiracy version of events is wildly more complex, involving hundreds if not thousands of people in a perfect conspiracy that has never been broken, ever. The Pentagon had to be involved, the FBI would have to be in on it, Congrss would have to be in on it, explosives had to be planted, all the people on the plane who were lost, their families, the FAA, the local fire departments, the folks who died in the pentagon and their families, the radar records would have to be faked, the black boxes, all the evidence would have to be planted, reports faked...both inside the US government and outside it. As the ASCE did its own study of the impact and found it was perfectly consistent with a plane impact.

And then there all the people who saw the plane. This didn't happen in some remote location, but in broad daylight with Flight 77 flying over I-395 in the middle of a traffic jam. ALL of those witnesses would have to be faked as well.

All of them, tens of thousands of people, would have to be in the conspiracy, all with perfect secrecy for nearly 15 years and counting. And of course, without evidence of any of your conspiracy actually happening.

That's ludicrously complicated. Contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And without any credible factual basis. While a plane crashed into the building is far, far simpler and matches the evidence.

That's why folks don't buy the truther conspiracy. Its just a stupidly awful explanation of events.
I love how you decide what the conspiracy is, and how it worked for those who don't believe the official story. What a complete and total hoot.

For most that understand the NIST findings and the 9/11 committee report are complete and utter horseshit, they haven't got a clue what happened.

But YOU, oh YOU have got it all figured out, how it must have happened and why, if it happened that way, it must be complete crap.

No wonder you have to believe the official story. The alternative you have constructed in your head is so absurd, it's a complete riot.

It's clear, that on this topic, you just don't know what you are talking about.


Classified information in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


With these techniques, they can make 99% of the official story match the conspiracy, so those who have been compartmentalized would have no idea and not be any bit the wiser.
Here's an example, the smoking gun if you will, of compartmentalization. . .

Mineta's Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) testimony was also edited out of the 9/11 Commission video archive.
When questioned about this, representatives at the National Archive stated that the video may have been lost because of a 'snafu'. Following is a brief summary of the scrubbed video along with links to recently obtained C-SPAN video.

Mineta responds to an opening question by Commissioner Hamilton about the events in the PEOC and an alleged shoot down order. He describes a conversation between Cheney and a young man:

Mineta: "During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President...the plane is 50 miles out...the plane is 30 miles out....and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president "do the orders still stand?" And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said "Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!??"
To those that know that 9/11/01 was a false flag event, don't let the naysayers get you down. They are not bad people nor are they stupid....they are simply not ready to accept that things are not what they seem.

More accurately, we're unwilling to accept your version of events because they don't match the evidence, are overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence and are ludicrously complicated and fantastically elaborate. Which fails a test of logic known as Occam's Razor.

Pro-official story – American Airlines Flight 77, hijacked by Islamic terrorists, hits the Pentagon, killing 125 employees along with 64 people on the plane.

Anti-official story – A complicated conspiracy involving dozens if not hundreds of government people was employed to create the illusion that a passenger plane hit the Pentagon when in fact it did not. Explosions were set off inside the building and a passenger plane flew past the Pentagon as the outer wall exploded.

The conspiracy version of events is wildly more complex, involving hundreds if not thousands of people in a perfect conspiracy that has never been broken, ever. The Pentagon had to be involved, the FBI would have to be in on it, Congress would have to be in on it, explosives had to be planted, all the people on the plane who were lost, their families, the FAA, the local fire departments, the folks who died in the pentagon and their families, the radar records would have to be faked, the black boxes, all the evidence would have to be planted, reports faked...both inside the US government and outside it. As the ASCE did its own study of the impact and found it was perfectly consistent with a plane impact.

And then there all the people who saw the plane. This didn't happen in some remote location, but in broad daylight with Flight 77 flying over I-395 in the middle of a traffic jam. ALL of those witnesses would have to be faked as well.

All of them, tens of thousands of people, would have to be in the conspiracy, all with perfect secrecy for nearly 15 years and counting. And of course, without evidence of any of your conspiracy actually happening.

That's ludicrously complicated. Contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And without any credible factual basis. While a plane crashed into the building is far, far simpler and matches the evidence.

That's why folks don't buy the truther conspiracy. Its just a stupidly awful explanation of events.
I love how you decide what the conspiracy is, and how it worked for those who don't believe the official story. What a complete and total hoot.

For most that understand the NIST findings and the 9/11 committee report are complete and utter horseshit, they haven't got a clue what happened.

But YOU, oh YOU have got it all figured out, how it must have happened and why, if it happened that way, it must be complete crap.

No wonder you have to believe the official story. The alternative you have constructed in your head is so absurd, it's a complete riot...

Say What?

posted the "Pro" and "Anti" positions and Sky responded to your "anti" position:

"A complicated conspiracy involving dozens if not hundreds of government people was employed to create the illusion that a passenger plane hit the Pentagon when in fact it did not. Explosions were set off inside the building and a passenger plane flew past the Pentagon as the outer wall exploded."

Whatever is the current CT rage amongst the ragtag remnants of the 9/11 "Truth" Movement, it likely pales when compared to the official version and that has been the case for every 9/11 CT since the first one hit the market ... about 15 minutes after the 2nd Tower fell.

Or, as Sky put it:

"More accurately, we're unwilling to accept your version of events because they don't match the evidence, are overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence and are ludicrously complicated and fantastically elaborate." - Skylar

Not to mention downright impossible. Please start by explaining how the extensive demo rigging - which could not possibly have been done without notice - survived the chaotic and very hot fires caused by the "planes that did not exist."

9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
To those that know that 9/11/01 was a false flag event, don't let the naysayers get you down. They are not bad people nor are they stupid....they are simply not ready to accept that things are not what they seem.

More accurately, we're unwilling to accept your version of events because they don't match the evidence, are overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence and are ludicrously complicated and fantastically elaborate. Which fails a test of logic known as Occam's Razor.

Pro-official story – American Airlines Flight 77, hijacked by Islamic terrorists, hits the Pentagon, killing 125 employees along with 64 people on the plane.

Anti-official story – A complicated conspiracy involving dozens if not hundreds of government people was employed to create the illusion that a passenger plane hit the Pentagon when in fact it did not. Explosions were set off inside the building and a passenger plane flew past the Pentagon as the outer wall exploded.

Using Occam’s Razor, the first one must be true, right? It’s clearly simpler. But let’s take a closer look at the inevitability of the official story when a few more details are included:

A group of Islamic terrorists slipped through airport security with knives and box cutters, which they then used to take control of Flight 77, even though the Flight Data Recorder indicated that the cockpit door never opened during the flight. With just these crude weapons, the hijackers herded everyone, including the crew, into the back of the plane. The pilots were somehow prevented from dialing a four-digit code indicating to air traffic controllers that a hijack was in progress.

One of the hijackers, a failed flight student who had been refused rental of a Cessna a month earlier because of his poor piloting skills, took over. He flew several hundred miles west without being detected by radar, pulled a 180-degree turn and headed back to Washington. No fighters were able to intercept this or any of the other three hijacked planes that day.

Then, instead of simply flying straight into the Pentagon and doing maximum damage, he initiated an incredibly difficult 330-degree spiral to hit the building on the one side that would result in very few casualties. The plane hit the building, making a small hole, and then completely disappeared into the building. There was minimal damage to the building’s facade, including where the plane’s engines and tail section would have hit. The plane hit the first floor of the building but caused no damage to the lawn.

The plane travelled at 530 mph even though professional pilots will tell you that it is physically impossible to fly at that speed just a few feet above the ground. No airplane part that could positively be tied to Flight 77 was found. Photos of the damaged section of the building show that columns that would have to have been destroyed for the plane to completely enter the building are still intact.

Suddenly the official story isn’t so simple after all. True, the “inside job” theory is extremely complex and would involve many things going according to plan, but it doesn’t break the laws of physics several times the way the official account does.

The other thing to keep in mind through all of this is that when one story (the official one) is unquestioningly accepted by the media, all the onus is on those who disagree with the government account to prove it to be false. All contrary versions have to be measured against the official story, which itself doesn’t have to be proved; it is taken for granted.
How Occam’s Razor can be twisted to serve “the official story”

The conspiracy version of events is wildly more complex, involving hundreds if not thousands of people in a perfect conspiracy that has never been broken, ever. The Pentagon had to be involved, the FBI would have to be in on it, Congrss would have to be in on it, explosives had to be planted, all the people on the plane who were lost, their families, the FAA, the local fire departments, the folks who died in the pentagon and their families, the radar records would have to be faked, the black boxes, all the evidence would have to be planted, reports faked...both inside the US government and outside it. As the ASCE did its own study of the impact and found it was perfectly consistent with a plane impact.

And then there all the people who saw the plane. This didn't happen in some remote location, but in broad daylight with Flight 77 flying over I-395 in the middle of a traffic jam. ALL of those witnesses would have to be faked as well.

All of them, tens of thousands of people, would have to be in the conspiracy, all with perfect secrecy for nearly 15 years and counting. And of course, without evidence of any of your conspiracy actually happening.

That's ludicrously complicated. Contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And without any credible factual basis. While a plane crashed into the building is far, far simpler and matches the evidence.

That's why folks don't buy the truther conspiracy. Its just a stupidly awful explanation of events.
I love how you decide what the conspiracy is, and how it worked for those who don't believe the official story. What a complete and total hoot.

Laughing.....wait, you *haven't* told us 'what the conspiracy is'?

Can I take it from that little blunder that your ilk don't handle criticism well? Because you ignored virtually every point made, pretending none of it existed. Yet it did. For your conspiracy to work, ALL of these people had to be in on it:

The FBI.
The first reponders. Both cops and fire fighters.
The US Military.
The Pentagon.
All the witnesses on I-395
The FAA.
The American Society of Civil Engineers.
All of the air traffic controllers at both Reagan and Dulles airports.
American Airlines.
The people who died in the plane crash.
The families of those who died in the plane crash.
The people who died in the Pentagon.
The families of those who died in the Pentagon.
All the folks who planted the bombs in the Pentagon.

Thousands upon thousands of people just joining together spontaneously in the most stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy in the history of mankind. Which they've maintained with perfect secrecy for almost 15 years.


........the plane just crashed into the Pentagon.

Occam's Razor and the evidence definitely picks a side. And its not yours. Your explanation is a piss poor, half assed account that makes no sense, is insanely complicated, is contradicted by overwhelming evidence, and supported by virtually nothing.

That. That right there, is why folks don't believe the silly Truther conspiracy. Its just stupidly awful at explaining what happened.
To those that know that 9/11/01 was a false flag event, don't let the naysayers get you down. They are not bad people nor are they stupid....they are simply not ready to accept that things are not what they seem.

More accurately, we're unwilling to accept your version of events because they don't match the evidence, are overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence and are ludicrously complicated and fantastically elaborate. Which fails a test of logic known as Occam's Razor.

Pro-official story – American Airlines Flight 77, hijacked by Islamic terrorists, hits the Pentagon, killing 125 employees along with 64 people on the plane.

Anti-official story – A complicated conspiracy involving dozens if not hundreds of government people was employed to create the illusion that a passenger plane hit the Pentagon when in fact it did not. Explosions were set off inside the building and a passenger plane flew past the Pentagon as the outer wall exploded.

Using Occam’s Razor, the first one must be true, right? It’s clearly simpler. But let’s take a closer look at the inevitability of the official story when a few more details are included:

A group of Islamic terrorists slipped through airport security with knives and box cutters, which they then used to take control of Flight 77, even though the Flight Data Recorder indicated that the cockpit door never opened during the flight. With just these crude weapons, the hijackers herded everyone, including the crew, into the back of the plane. The pilots were somehow prevented from dialing a four-digit code indicating to air traffic controllers that a hijack was in progress.

One of the hijackers, a failed flight student who had been refused rental of a Cessna a month earlier because of his poor piloting skills, took over. He flew several hundred miles west without being detected by radar, pulled a 180-degree turn and headed back to Washington. No fighters were able to intercept this or any of the other three hijacked planes that day.

Then, instead of simply flying straight into the Pentagon and doing maximum damage, he initiated an incredibly difficult 330-degree spiral to hit the building on the one side that would result in very few casualties. The plane hit the building, making a small hole, and then completely disappeared into the building. There was minimal damage to the building’s facade, including where the plane’s engines and tail section would have hit. The plane hit the first floor of the building but caused no damage to the lawn.

The plane travelled at 530 mph even though professional pilots will tell you that it is physically impossible to fly at that speed just a few feet above the ground. No airplane part that could positively be tied to Flight 77 was found. Photos of the damaged section of the building show that columns that would have to have been destroyed for the plane to completely enter the building are still intact.

Suddenly the official story isn’t so simple after all. True, the “inside job” theory is extremely complex and would involve many things going according to plan, but it doesn’t break the laws of physics several times the way the official account does.

The other thing to keep in mind through all of this is that when one story (the official one) is unquestioningly accepted by the media, all the onus is on those who disagree with the government account to prove it to be false. All contrary versions have to be measured against the official story, which itself doesn’t have to be proved; it is taken for granted.
How Occam’s Razor can be twisted to serve “the official story”

The conspiracy version of events is wildly more complex, involving hundreds if not thousands of people in a perfect conspiracy that has never been broken, ever. The Pentagon had to be involved, the FBI would have to be in on it, Congrss would have to be in on it, explosives had to be planted, all the people on the plane who were lost, their families, the FAA, the local fire departments, the folks who died in the pentagon and their families, the radar records would have to be faked, the black boxes, all the evidence would have to be planted, reports faked...both inside the US government and outside it. As the ASCE did its own study of the impact and found it was perfectly consistent with a plane impact.

And then there all the people who saw the plane. This didn't happen in some remote location, but in broad daylight with Flight 77 flying over I-395 in the middle of a traffic jam. ALL of those witnesses would have to be faked as well.

All of them, tens of thousands of people, would have to be in the conspiracy, all with perfect secrecy for nearly 15 years and counting. And of course, without evidence of any of your conspiracy actually happening.

That's ludicrously complicated. Contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And without any credible factual basis. While a plane crashed into the building is far, far simpler and matches the evidence.

That's why folks don't buy the truther conspiracy. Its just a stupidly awful explanation of events.
I love how you decide what the conspiracy is, and how it worked for those who don't believe the official story. What a complete and total hoot.

Laughing.....wait, you *haven't* told us 'what the conspiracy is'?

Can I take it from that little blunder that your ilk don't handle criticism well? Because you ignored virtually every point made, pretending none of it existed. Yet it did. For your conspiracy to work, ALL of these people had to be in on it:

The FBI.
The first reponders. Both cops and fire fighters.
The US Military.
The Pentagon.
All the witnesses on I-395
The FAA.
The American Society of Civil Engineers.
All of the air traffic controllers at both Reagan and Dulles airports.
American Airlines.
The people who died in the plane crash.
The families of those who died in the plane crash.
The people who died in the Pentagon.
The families of those who died in the Pentagon.
All the folks who planted the bombs in the Pentagon.

Thousands upon thousands of people just joining together spontaneously in the most stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy in the history of mankind. Which they've maintained with perfect secrecy for almost 15 years.


........the plane just crashed into the Pentagon.

Occam's Razor and the evidence definitely picks a side. And its not yours. Your explanation is a piss poor, half assed account that makes no sense, is insanely complicated, is contradicted by overwhelming evidence, and supported by virtually nothing.

That. That right there, is why folks don't believe the silly Truther conspiracy. Its just stupidly awful at explaining what happened.
You ignored my last post, so I'll ignore this one.
To those that know that 9/11/01 was a false flag event, don't let the naysayers get you down. They are not bad people nor are they stupid....they are simply not ready to accept that things are not what they seem.

More accurately, we're unwilling to accept your version of events because they don't match the evidence, are overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence and are ludicrously complicated and fantastically elaborate. Which fails a test of logic known as Occam's Razor.

Pro-official story – American Airlines Flight 77, hijacked by Islamic terrorists, hits the Pentagon, killing 125 employees along with 64 people on the plane.

Anti-official story – A complicated conspiracy involving dozens if not hundreds of government people was employed to create the illusion that a passenger plane hit the Pentagon when in fact it did not. Explosions were set off inside the building and a passenger plane flew past the Pentagon as the outer wall exploded.

The conspiracy version of events is wildly more complex, involving hundreds if not thousands of people in a perfect conspiracy that has never been broken, ever. The Pentagon had to be involved, the FBI would have to be in on it, Congress would have to be in on it, explosives had to be planted, all the people on the plane who were lost, their families, the FAA, the local fire departments, the folks who died in the pentagon and their families, the radar records would have to be faked, the black boxes, all the evidence would have to be planted, reports faked...both inside the US government and outside it. As the ASCE did its own study of the impact and found it was perfectly consistent with a plane impact.

And then there all the people who saw the plane. This didn't happen in some remote location, but in broad daylight with Flight 77 flying over I-395 in the middle of a traffic jam. ALL of those witnesses would have to be faked as well.

All of them, tens of thousands of people, would have to be in the conspiracy, all with perfect secrecy for nearly 15 years and counting. And of course, without evidence of any of your conspiracy actually happening.

That's ludicrously complicated. Contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And without any credible factual basis. While a plane crashed into the building is far, far simpler and matches the evidence.

That's why folks don't buy the truther conspiracy. Its just a stupidly awful explanation of events.
I love how you decide what the conspiracy is, and how it worked for those who don't believe the official story. What a complete and total hoot.

For most that understand the NIST findings and the 9/11 committee report are complete and utter horseshit, they haven't got a clue what happened.

But YOU, oh YOU have got it all figured out, how it must have happened and why, if it happened that way, it must be complete crap.

No wonder you have to believe the official story. The alternative you have constructed in your head is so absurd, it's a complete riot...

Say What?

posted the "Pro" and "Anti" positions and Sky responded to your "anti" position:

"A complicated conspiracy involving dozens if not hundreds of government people was employed to create the illusion that a passenger plane hit the Pentagon when in fact it did not. Explosions were set off inside the building and a passenger plane flew past the Pentagon as the outer wall exploded."

Whatever is the current CT rage amongst the ragtag remnants of the 9/11 "Truth" Movement, it likely pales when compared to the official version and that has been the case for every 9/11 CT since the first one hit the market ... about 15 minutes after the 2nd Tower fell.

Or, as Sky put it:

"More accurately, we're unwilling to accept your version of events because they don't match the evidence, are overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence and are ludicrously complicated and fantastically elaborate." - Skylar

Not to mention downright impossible. Please start by explaining how the extensive demo rigging - which could not possibly have been done without notice - survived the chaotic and very hot fires caused by the "planes that did not exist."

9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't have a "version" of events. I only know the official version is bunk.
More accurately, we're unwilling to accept your version of events because they don't match the evidence, are overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence and are ludicrously complicated and fantastically elaborate. Which fails a test of logic known as Occam's Razor.

Pro-official story – American Airlines Flight 77, hijacked by Islamic terrorists, hits the Pentagon, killing 125 employees along with 64 people on the plane.

Anti-official story – A complicated conspiracy involving dozens if not hundreds of government people was employed to create the illusion that a passenger plane hit the Pentagon when in fact it did not. Explosions were set off inside the building and a passenger plane flew past the Pentagon as the outer wall exploded.

Using Occam’s Razor, the first one must be true, right? It’s clearly simpler. But let’s take a closer look at the inevitability of the official story when a few more details are included:

A group of Islamic terrorists slipped through airport security with knives and box cutters, which they then used to take control of Flight 77, even though the Flight Data Recorder indicated that the cockpit door never opened during the flight. With just these crude weapons, the hijackers herded everyone, including the crew, into the back of the plane. The pilots were somehow prevented from dialing a four-digit code indicating to air traffic controllers that a hijack was in progress.

One of the hijackers, a failed flight student who had been refused rental of a Cessna a month earlier because of his poor piloting skills, took over. He flew several hundred miles west without being detected by radar, pulled a 180-degree turn and headed back to Washington. No fighters were able to intercept this or any of the other three hijacked planes that day.

Then, instead of simply flying straight into the Pentagon and doing maximum damage, he initiated an incredibly difficult 330-degree spiral to hit the building on the one side that would result in very few casualties. The plane hit the building, making a small hole, and then completely disappeared into the building. There was minimal damage to the building’s facade, including where the plane’s engines and tail section would have hit. The plane hit the first floor of the building but caused no damage to the lawn.

The plane travelled at 530 mph even though professional pilots will tell you that it is physically impossible to fly at that speed just a few feet above the ground. No airplane part that could positively be tied to Flight 77 was found. Photos of the damaged section of the building show that columns that would have to have been destroyed for the plane to completely enter the building are still intact.

Suddenly the official story isn’t so simple after all. True, the “inside job” theory is extremely complex and would involve many things going according to plan, but it doesn’t break the laws of physics several times the way the official account does.

The other thing to keep in mind through all of this is that when one story (the official one) is unquestioningly accepted by the media, all the onus is on those who disagree with the government account to prove it to be false. All contrary versions have to be measured against the official story, which itself doesn’t have to be proved; it is taken for granted.
How Occam’s Razor can be twisted to serve “the official story”

The conspiracy version of events is wildly more complex, involving hundreds if not thousands of people in a perfect conspiracy that has never been broken, ever. The Pentagon had to be involved, the FBI would have to be in on it, Congrss would have to be in on it, explosives had to be planted, all the people on the plane who were lost, their families, the FAA, the local fire departments, the folks who died in the pentagon and their families, the radar records would have to be faked, the black boxes, all the evidence would have to be planted, reports faked...both inside the US government and outside it. As the ASCE did its own study of the impact and found it was perfectly consistent with a plane impact.

And then there all the people who saw the plane. This didn't happen in some remote location, but in broad daylight with Flight 77 flying over I-395 in the middle of a traffic jam. ALL of those witnesses would have to be faked as well.

All of them, tens of thousands of people, would have to be in the conspiracy, all with perfect secrecy for nearly 15 years and counting. And of course, without evidence of any of your conspiracy actually happening.

That's ludicrously complicated. Contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And without any credible factual basis. While a plane crashed into the building is far, far simpler and matches the evidence.

That's why folks don't buy the truther conspiracy. Its just a stupidly awful explanation of events.
I love how you decide what the conspiracy is, and how it worked for those who don't believe the official story. What a complete and total hoot.

Laughing.....wait, you *haven't* told us 'what the conspiracy is'?

Can I take it from that little blunder that your ilk don't handle criticism well? Because you ignored virtually every point made, pretending none of it existed. Yet it did. For your conspiracy to work, ALL of these people had to be in on it:

The FBI.
The first reponders. Both cops and fire fighters.
The US Military.
The Pentagon.
All the witnesses on I-395
The FAA.
The American Society of Civil Engineers.
All of the air traffic controllers at both Reagan and Dulles airports.
American Airlines.
The people who died in the plane crash.
The families of those who died in the plane crash.
The people who died in the Pentagon.
The families of those who died in the Pentagon.
All the folks who planted the bombs in the Pentagon.

Thousands upon thousands of people just joining together spontaneously in the most stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy in the history of mankind. Which they've maintained with perfect secrecy for almost 15 years.


........the plane just crashed into the Pentagon.

Occam's Razor and the evidence definitely picks a side. And its not yours. Your explanation is a piss poor, half assed account that makes no sense, is insanely complicated, is contradicted by overwhelming evidence, and supported by virtually nothing.

That. That right there, is why folks don't believe the silly Truther conspiracy. Its just stupidly awful at explaining what happened.
You ignored my last post, so I'll ignore this one.
That's what I would say if I was badly losing a debate. Run away conspiracy man, run away.
More accurately, we're unwilling to accept your version of events because they don't match the evidence, are overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence and are ludicrously complicated and fantastically elaborate. Which fails a test of logic known as Occam's Razor.

Pro-official story – American Airlines Flight 77, hijacked by Islamic terrorists, hits the Pentagon, killing 125 employees along with 64 people on the plane.

Anti-official story – A complicated conspiracy involving dozens if not hundreds of government people was employed to create the illusion that a passenger plane hit the Pentagon when in fact it did not. Explosions were set off inside the building and a passenger plane flew past the Pentagon as the outer wall exploded.

The conspiracy version of events is wildly more complex, involving hundreds if not thousands of people in a perfect conspiracy that has never been broken, ever. The Pentagon had to be involved, the FBI would have to be in on it, Congress would have to be in on it, explosives had to be planted, all the people on the plane who were lost, their families, the FAA, the local fire departments, the folks who died in the pentagon and their families, the radar records would have to be faked, the black boxes, all the evidence would have to be planted, reports faked...both inside the US government and outside it. As the ASCE did its own study of the impact and found it was perfectly consistent with a plane impact.

And then there all the people who saw the plane. This didn't happen in some remote location, but in broad daylight with Flight 77 flying over I-395 in the middle of a traffic jam. ALL of those witnesses would have to be faked as well.

All of them, tens of thousands of people, would have to be in the conspiracy, all with perfect secrecy for nearly 15 years and counting. And of course, without evidence of any of your conspiracy actually happening.

That's ludicrously complicated. Contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And without any credible factual basis. While a plane crashed into the building is far, far simpler and matches the evidence.

That's why folks don't buy the truther conspiracy. Its just a stupidly awful explanation of events.
I love how you decide what the conspiracy is, and how it worked for those who don't believe the official story. What a complete and total hoot.

For most that understand the NIST findings and the 9/11 committee report are complete and utter horseshit, they haven't got a clue what happened.

But YOU, oh YOU have got it all figured out, how it must have happened and why, if it happened that way, it must be complete crap.

No wonder you have to believe the official story. The alternative you have constructed in your head is so absurd, it's a complete riot...

Say What?

posted the "Pro" and "Anti" positions and Sky responded to your "anti" position:

"A complicated conspiracy involving dozens if not hundreds of government people was employed to create the illusion that a passenger plane hit the Pentagon when in fact it did not. Explosions were set off inside the building and a passenger plane flew past the Pentagon as the outer wall exploded."

Whatever is the current CT rage amongst the ragtag remnants of the 9/11 "Truth" Movement, it likely pales when compared to the official version and that has been the case for every 9/11 CT since the first one hit the market ... about 15 minutes after the 2nd Tower fell.

Or, as Sky put it:

"More accurately, we're unwilling to accept your version of events because they don't match the evidence, are overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence and are ludicrously complicated and fantastically elaborate." - Skylar

Not to mention downright impossible. Please start by explaining how the extensive demo rigging - which could not possibly have been done without notice - survived the chaotic and very hot fires caused by the "planes that did not exist."

9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't have a "version" of events. I only know the official version is bunk.

You know jack shit. Your conspiracy is one of the stupidest, most fantastically elaborate pieces of pseudo-intellectual nonsense I've ever heard. Literally THOUSANDS upon thousands of people, all spontaneously coming together to form the most perfect, wildly complex conspiracy in the history of mankind?

Maintaining perfect secrecy for almost 15 years?

Um, no. You can't support your claims factually, there's overwhelming evidence contradicting you, your claims make absolutely no sense, and they're uselessly complicated for particular reason.

This is why your conspiracy just isn't taken seriously.
Pro-official story – American Airlines Flight 77, hijacked by Islamic terrorists, hits the Pentagon, killing 125 employees along with 64 people on the plane.

Anti-official story – A complicated conspiracy involving dozens if not hundreds of government people was employed to create the illusion that a passenger plane hit the Pentagon when in fact it did not. Explosions were set off inside the building and a passenger plane flew past the Pentagon as the outer wall exploded.

The conspiracy version of events is wildly more complex, involving hundreds if not thousands of people in a perfect conspiracy that has never been broken, ever. The Pentagon had to be involved, the FBI would have to be in on it, Congress would have to be in on it, explosives had to be planted, all the people on the plane who were lost, their families, the FAA, the local fire departments, the folks who died in the pentagon and their families, the radar records would have to be faked, the black boxes, all the evidence would have to be planted, reports faked...both inside the US government and outside it. As the ASCE did its own study of the impact and found it was perfectly consistent with a plane impact.

And then there all the people who saw the plane. This didn't happen in some remote location, but in broad daylight with Flight 77 flying over I-395 in the middle of a traffic jam. ALL of those witnesses would have to be faked as well.

All of them, tens of thousands of people, would have to be in the conspiracy, all with perfect secrecy for nearly 15 years and counting. And of course, without evidence of any of your conspiracy actually happening.

That's ludicrously complicated. Contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And without any credible factual basis. While a plane crashed into the building is far, far simpler and matches the evidence.

That's why folks don't buy the truther conspiracy. Its just a stupidly awful explanation of events.
I love how you decide what the conspiracy is, and how it worked for those who don't believe the official story. What a complete and total hoot.

For most that understand the NIST findings and the 9/11 committee report are complete and utter horseshit, they haven't got a clue what happened.

But YOU, oh YOU have got it all figured out, how it must have happened and why, if it happened that way, it must be complete crap.

No wonder you have to believe the official story. The alternative you have constructed in your head is so absurd, it's a complete riot...

Say What?

posted the "Pro" and "Anti" positions and Sky responded to your "anti" position:

"A complicated conspiracy involving dozens if not hundreds of government people was employed to create the illusion that a passenger plane hit the Pentagon when in fact it did not. Explosions were set off inside the building and a passenger plane flew past the Pentagon as the outer wall exploded."

Whatever is the current CT rage amongst the ragtag remnants of the 9/11 "Truth" Movement, it likely pales when compared to the official version and that has been the case for every 9/11 CT since the first one hit the market ... about 15 minutes after the 2nd Tower fell.

Or, as Sky put it:

"More accurately, we're unwilling to accept your version of events because they don't match the evidence, are overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence and are ludicrously complicated and fantastically elaborate." - Skylar

Not to mention downright impossible. Please start by explaining how the extensive demo rigging - which could not possibly have been done without notice - survived the chaotic and very hot fires caused by the "planes that did not exist."

9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't have a "version" of events. I only know the official version is bunk.

You know jack shit. Your conspiracy is one of the stupidest, most fantastically elaborate pieces of pseudo-intellectual nonsense I've ever heard. Literally THOUSANDS upon thousands of people, all spontaneously coming together to form the most perfect, wildly complex conspiracy in the history of mankind?

Maintaining perfect secrecy for almost 15 years?

Um, no. You can't support your claims factually, there's overwhelming evidence contradicting you, your claims make absolutely no sense, and they're uselessly complicated for particular reason.

This is why your conspiracy just isn't taken seriously.
So tell me then, what is "my conspiracy?"
Pro-official story – American Airlines Flight 77, hijacked by Islamic terrorists, hits the Pentagon, killing 125 employees along with 64 people on the plane.

Anti-official story – A complicated conspiracy involving dozens if not hundreds of government people was employed to create the illusion that a passenger plane hit the Pentagon when in fact it did not. Explosions were set off inside the building and a passenger plane flew past the Pentagon as the outer wall exploded.

The conspiracy version of events is wildly more complex, involving hundreds if not thousands of people in a perfect conspiracy that has never been broken, ever. The Pentagon had to be involved, the FBI would have to be in on it, Congress would have to be in on it, explosives had to be planted, all the people on the plane who were lost, their families, the FAA, the local fire departments, the folks who died in the pentagon and their families, the radar records would have to be faked, the black boxes, all the evidence would have to be planted, reports faked...both inside the US government and outside it. As the ASCE did its own study of the impact and found it was perfectly consistent with a plane impact.

And then there all the people who saw the plane. This didn't happen in some remote location, but in broad daylight with Flight 77 flying over I-395 in the middle of a traffic jam. ALL of those witnesses would have to be faked as well.

All of them, tens of thousands of people, would have to be in the conspiracy, all with perfect secrecy for nearly 15 years and counting. And of course, without evidence of any of your conspiracy actually happening.

That's ludicrously complicated. Contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And without any credible factual basis. While a plane crashed into the building is far, far simpler and matches the evidence.

That's why folks don't buy the truther conspiracy. Its just a stupidly awful explanation of events.
I love how you decide what the conspiracy is, and how it worked for those who don't believe the official story. What a complete and total hoot.

For most that understand the NIST findings and the 9/11 committee report are complete and utter horseshit, they haven't got a clue what happened.

But YOU, oh YOU have got it all figured out, how it must have happened and why, if it happened that way, it must be complete crap.

No wonder you have to believe the official story. The alternative you have constructed in your head is so absurd, it's a complete riot...

Say What?

posted the "Pro" and "Anti" positions and Sky responded to your "anti" position:

"A complicated conspiracy involving dozens if not hundreds of government people was employed to create the illusion that a passenger plane hit the Pentagon when in fact it did not. Explosions were set off inside the building and a passenger plane flew past the Pentagon as the outer wall exploded."

Whatever is the current CT rage amongst the ragtag remnants of the 9/11 "Truth" Movement, it likely pales when compared to the official version and that has been the case for every 9/11 CT since the first one hit the market ... about 15 minutes after the 2nd Tower fell.

Or, as Sky put it:

"More accurately, we're unwilling to accept your version of events because they don't match the evidence, are overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence and are ludicrously complicated and fantastically elaborate." - Skylar

Not to mention downright impossible. Please start by explaining how the extensive demo rigging - which could not possibly have been done without notice - survived the chaotic and very hot fires caused by the "planes that did not exist."

9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't have a "version" of events. I only know the official version is bunk.

You know jack shit. Your conspiracy is one of the stupidest, most fantastically elaborate pieces of pseudo-intellectual nonsense I've ever heard. Literally THOUSANDS upon thousands of people, all spontaneously coming together to form the most perfect, wildly complex conspiracy in the history of mankind?

Maintaining perfect secrecy for almost 15 years?

Um, no. You can't support your claims factually, there's overwhelming evidence contradicting you, your claims make absolutely no sense, and they're uselessly complicated for particular reason.

This is why your conspiracy just isn't taken seriously.[/QUOTE
Explain WTC 6....looks like it was scooped out with with an ice cream scoop but yet the exterior walls are still standing. That doesn't seem odd to you? Or the put options activity on United and American Airlines that was 5 times higher than the call options? Why was FEMA deployed to New York City Monday , September 10th? How could those fires burn for three months? The BBC announces WTC 7 fell 26 minutes before it did?? Hmmmmmm?
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The conspiracy version of events is wildly more complex, involving hundreds if not thousands of people in a perfect conspiracy that has never been broken, ever. The Pentagon had to be involved, the FBI would have to be in on it, Congress would have to be in on it, explosives had to be planted, all the people on the plane who were lost, their families, the FAA, the local fire departments, the folks who died in the pentagon and their families, the radar records would have to be faked, the black boxes, all the evidence would have to be planted, reports faked...both inside the US government and outside it. As the ASCE did its own study of the impact and found it was perfectly consistent with a plane impact.

And then there all the people who saw the plane. This didn't happen in some remote location, but in broad daylight with Flight 77 flying over I-395 in the middle of a traffic jam. ALL of those witnesses would have to be faked as well.

All of them, tens of thousands of people, would have to be in the conspiracy, all with perfect secrecy for nearly 15 years and counting. And of course, without evidence of any of your conspiracy actually happening.

That's ludicrously complicated. Contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And without any credible factual basis. While a plane crashed into the building is far, far simpler and matches the evidence.

That's why folks don't buy the truther conspiracy. Its just a stupidly awful explanation of events.
I love how you decide what the conspiracy is, and how it worked for those who don't believe the official story. What a complete and total hoot.

For most that understand the NIST findings and the 9/11 committee report are complete and utter horseshit, they haven't got a clue what happened.

But YOU, oh YOU have got it all figured out, how it must have happened and why, if it happened that way, it must be complete crap.

No wonder you have to believe the official story. The alternative you have constructed in your head is so absurd, it's a complete riot...

Say What?

posted the "Pro" and "Anti" positions and Sky responded to your "anti" position:

"A complicated conspiracy involving dozens if not hundreds of government people was employed to create the illusion that a passenger plane hit the Pentagon when in fact it did not. Explosions were set off inside the building and a passenger plane flew past the Pentagon as the outer wall exploded."

Whatever is the current CT rage amongst the ragtag remnants of the 9/11 "Truth" Movement, it likely pales when compared to the official version and that has been the case for every 9/11 CT since the first one hit the market ... about 15 minutes after the 2nd Tower fell.

Or, as Sky put it:

"More accurately, we're unwilling to accept your version of events because they don't match the evidence, are overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence and are ludicrously complicated and fantastically elaborate." - Skylar

Not to mention downright impossible. Please start by explaining how the extensive demo rigging - which could not possibly have been done without notice - survived the chaotic and very hot fires caused by the "planes that did not exist."

9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't have a "version" of events. I only know the official version is bunk.

You know jack shit. Your conspiracy is one of the stupidest, most fantastically elaborate pieces of pseudo-intellectual nonsense I've ever heard. Literally THOUSANDS upon thousands of people, all spontaneously coming together to form the most perfect, wildly complex conspiracy in the history of mankind?

Maintaining perfect secrecy for almost 15 years?

Um, no. You can't support your claims factually, there's overwhelming evidence contradicting you, your claims make absolutely no sense, and they're uselessly complicated for particular reason.

This is why your conspiracy just isn't taken seriously.
So tell me then, what is "my conspiracy?"

Any variant of the Truther conspiracy that posits that flight 77 didn't crash into the Pentagon. The 'official version' is that Flight 77 did crash into the Pentagon. Which you insist you 'know' didn't happen.

The evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that it did.
I love how you decide what the conspiracy is, and how it worked for those who don't believe the official story. What a complete and total hoot.

For most that understand the NIST findings and the 9/11 committee report are complete and utter horseshit, they haven't got a clue what happened.

But YOU, oh YOU have got it all figured out, how it must have happened and why, if it happened that way, it must be complete crap.

No wonder you have to believe the official story. The alternative you have constructed in your head is so absurd, it's a complete riot...

Say What?

posted the "Pro" and "Anti" positions and Sky responded to your "anti" position:

"A complicated conspiracy involving dozens if not hundreds of government people was employed to create the illusion that a passenger plane hit the Pentagon when in fact it did not. Explosions were set off inside the building and a passenger plane flew past the Pentagon as the outer wall exploded."

Whatever is the current CT rage amongst the ragtag remnants of the 9/11 "Truth" Movement, it likely pales when compared to the official version and that has been the case for every 9/11 CT since the first one hit the market ... about 15 minutes after the 2nd Tower fell.

Or, as Sky put it:

"More accurately, we're unwilling to accept your version of events because they don't match the evidence, are overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence and are ludicrously complicated and fantastically elaborate." - Skylar

Not to mention downright impossible. Please start by explaining how the extensive demo rigging - which could not possibly have been done without notice - survived the chaotic and very hot fires caused by the "planes that did not exist."

9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't have a "version" of events. I only know the official version is bunk.

You know jack shit. Your conspiracy is one of the stupidest, most fantastically elaborate pieces of pseudo-intellectual nonsense I've ever heard. Literally THOUSANDS upon thousands of people, all spontaneously coming together to form the most perfect, wildly complex conspiracy in the history of mankind?

Maintaining perfect secrecy for almost 15 years?

Um, no. You can't support your claims factually, there's overwhelming evidence contradicting you, your claims make absolutely no sense, and they're uselessly complicated for particular reason.

This is why your conspiracy just isn't taken seriously.
So tell me then, what is "my conspiracy?"

Any variant of the Truther conspiracy that posits that flight 77 didn't crash into the Pentagon. The 'official version' is that Flight 77 did crash into the Pentagon. Which you insist you 'know' didn't happen.

The evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that it did.

No, it's the lack of evidence that is of concern....like how they have never released footage of the alleged attack except for 4 frames that you can't make out what it is that hits the building.
Say What?

posted the "Pro" and "Anti" positions and Sky responded to your "anti" position:

"A complicated conspiracy involving dozens if not hundreds of government people was employed to create the illusion that a passenger plane hit the Pentagon when in fact it did not. Explosions were set off inside the building and a passenger plane flew past the Pentagon as the outer wall exploded."

Whatever is the current CT rage amongst the ragtag remnants of the 9/11 "Truth" Movement, it likely pales when compared to the official version and that has been the case for every 9/11 CT since the first one hit the market ... about 15 minutes after the 2nd Tower fell.

Or, as Sky put it:

"More accurately, we're unwilling to accept your version of events because they don't match the evidence, are overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence and are ludicrously complicated and fantastically elaborate." - Skylar

Not to mention downright impossible. Please start by explaining how the extensive demo rigging - which could not possibly have been done without notice - survived the chaotic and very hot fires caused by the "planes that did not exist."

9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't have a "version" of events. I only know the official version is bunk.

You know jack shit. Your conspiracy is one of the stupidest, most fantastically elaborate pieces of pseudo-intellectual nonsense I've ever heard. Literally THOUSANDS upon thousands of people, all spontaneously coming together to form the most perfect, wildly complex conspiracy in the history of mankind?

Maintaining perfect secrecy for almost 15 years?

Um, no. You can't support your claims factually, there's overwhelming evidence contradicting you, your claims make absolutely no sense, and they're uselessly complicated for particular reason.

This is why your conspiracy just isn't taken seriously.
So tell me then, what is "my conspiracy?"

Any variant of the Truther conspiracy that posits that flight 77 didn't crash into the Pentagon. The 'official version' is that Flight 77 did crash into the Pentagon. Which you insist you 'know' didn't happen.

The evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that it did.

No, it's the lack of evidence that is of concern....like how they have never released footage of the alleged attack except for 4 frames that you can't make out what it is that hits the building.

The obvious problem Mr. "Nothing can ever convince me' is that you assume that there is video of the plane hitting the pentagon that isn't being released. But you have nothing to factually back that assumption. You merely believe it to be so....because nothing can ever convince you. And your assumption is irrational. As the the frame rate on the cameras filming an area including the impact zone were entirely too slow to capture the impacting plane.

So you have an irrational assumption backed by nothing. And on this alone, you ignore overwhelming evidence affirming that the plane hit the Pentagon.

Parts consistent with a Boeing 757 being pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
Parts consistent with a Boeing 757-223, the exact model that American Airlines used for Flight 77, being pulled from Pentagon the crash site.
Both voice and data flight recorders from Flight 77 pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
The bodies of passengers and crew from flight 77 pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
Damage consistent with an impact from a boeing 757 at the Pentagon crash site.
Dozens if not hundreds of witnesses who saw a plane consistent with FLight 77 flying toward or impacting the Pentagon
Debris consistent with American Airlines flight 77 strewn around the crash site.
Radar records tracking Flight 77 flying toward the Pentagon, with the plane being tracked crashing at that exact site.

....and the list of overwhelming evidence affirming that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. And you ignore every last bit of it, without exception. Why would you do this? You explained it to me the first time we talked:

"Nothing will ever convince me"

But why would a rational person ignore the mountains of evidence confirming Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon? They wouldn't. And they overwhelmingly don't. As the alternative theories given by Truthers are stupidly complicated, horrible explanations of the events, backed by jack shit, and contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

While Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon is simple and overwhelming supported by evidence. Occam's Razor, my friend. It cuts your theory to ribbons.
Last edited:
I don't have a "version" of events. I only know the official version is bunk.

You know jack shit. Your conspiracy is one of the stupidest, most fantastically elaborate pieces of pseudo-intellectual nonsense I've ever heard. Literally THOUSANDS upon thousands of people, all spontaneously coming together to form the most perfect, wildly complex conspiracy in the history of mankind?

Maintaining perfect secrecy for almost 15 years?

Um, no. You can't support your claims factually, there's overwhelming evidence contradicting you, your claims make absolutely no sense, and they're uselessly complicated for particular reason.

This is why your conspiracy just isn't taken seriously.
So tell me then, what is "my conspiracy?"

Any variant of the Truther conspiracy that posits that flight 77 didn't crash into the Pentagon. The 'official version' is that Flight 77 did crash into the Pentagon. Which you insist you 'know' didn't happen.

The evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that it did.

No, it's the lack of evidence that is of concern....like how they have never released footage of the alleged attack except for 4 frames that you can't make out what it is that hits the building.

The obvious problem Mr. "Nothing can ever convince me' is that you assume that there is video of the plane hitting the pentagon that isn't being released. But you have nothing to factually back that assumption. You merely believe it to be so....because nothing can ever convince you. And your assumption is irrational. As the the frame rate on the cameras filming an area including the impact zone were entirely too slow to capture the impacting plane.

So you have an irrational assumption backed by nothing. And on this alone, you ignore overwhelming evidence affirming that the plane hit the Pentagon.

Parts consistent with a Boeing 757 being pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
Parts consistent with a Boeing 757-223, the exact model that American Airlines used for Flight 77, being pulled from Pentagon the crash site.
Both voice and data flight recorders from Flight 77 pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
The bodies of passengers and crew from flight 77 pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
Damage consistent with an impact from a boeing 757 at the Pentagon crash site.
Dozens if not hundreds of witnesses who saw a plane consistent with FLight 77 flying toward or impacting the Pentagon
Debris consistent with American Airlines flight 77 strewn around the crash site.
Radar records tracking Flight 77 flying toward the Pentagon, with the plane being tracked crashing at that exact site.

....and the list of overwhelming evidence affirming that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. And you ignore every last bit of it, without exception. Why would you do this? You explained it to me the first time we talked:

"Nothing will ever convince me"

But why would a rational person ignore the mountains of evidence confirming Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon? They wouldn't. And they overwhelmingly don't. As the alternative theories given by Truthers are stupidly complicated, horrible explanations of the events, backed by jack shit, and contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

While Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon is simple and overwhelming supported by evidence.

Dozens of witnesses said they heard explosions in the basements of both WTC 1 and 2...why is their testimony not credible but the ones that claim they say a plane hit the Pentagon are? Where are the wings to the airliner? They certainly didn't go through that small hole and if they were knocked off on the way into the building, how was this amateur pilot able to steer it?
Why is there not a scratch on the Pentagon lawn since this alleged airliner came in on a flat trajectory? 1,500 pics and not one seat cushion or piece of luggage in any of them? Why were there so many war games going on that day while leaving only two fighter jets to protect the east coast? The Pentagon has the most secured airspace in the world but yet an amateur pilot beat their system? Dick Cheney gave stand down orders:

MR. HAMILTON: We thank you for that. I wanted to focus just a moment on the Presidential Emergency Operating Center. You were there for a good part of the day. I think you were there with the vice president. And when you had that order given, I think it was by the president, that authorized the shooting down of commercial aircraft that were suspected to be controlled by terrorists, were you there when that order was given?

MR. MINETA: No, I was not. I was made aware of it during the time that the airplane coming into the Pentagon. There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice president, "The plane is 50 miles out. The plane is 30 miles out." And when it got down to, "The plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the vice president, "Do the orders still stand?" And the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?" 2
You know jack shit. Your conspiracy is one of the stupidest, most fantastically elaborate pieces of pseudo-intellectual nonsense I've ever heard. Literally THOUSANDS upon thousands of people, all spontaneously coming together to form the most perfect, wildly complex conspiracy in the history of mankind?

Maintaining perfect secrecy for almost 15 years?

Um, no. You can't support your claims factually, there's overwhelming evidence contradicting you, your claims make absolutely no sense, and they're uselessly complicated for particular reason.

This is why your conspiracy just isn't taken seriously.
So tell me then, what is "my conspiracy?"

Any variant of the Truther conspiracy that posits that flight 77 didn't crash into the Pentagon. The 'official version' is that Flight 77 did crash into the Pentagon. Which you insist you 'know' didn't happen.

The evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that it did.

No, it's the lack of evidence that is of concern....like how they have never released footage of the alleged attack except for 4 frames that you can't make out what it is that hits the building.

The obvious problem Mr. "Nothing can ever convince me' is that you assume that there is video of the plane hitting the pentagon that isn't being released. But you have nothing to factually back that assumption. You merely believe it to be so....because nothing can ever convince you. And your assumption is irrational. As the the frame rate on the cameras filming an area including the impact zone were entirely too slow to capture the impacting plane.

So you have an irrational assumption backed by nothing. And on this alone, you ignore overwhelming evidence affirming that the plane hit the Pentagon.

Parts consistent with a Boeing 757 being pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
Parts consistent with a Boeing 757-223, the exact model that American Airlines used for Flight 77, being pulled from Pentagon the crash site.
Both voice and data flight recorders from Flight 77 pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
The bodies of passengers and crew from flight 77 pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
Damage consistent with an impact from a boeing 757 at the Pentagon crash site.
Dozens if not hundreds of witnesses who saw a plane consistent with FLight 77 flying toward or impacting the Pentagon
Debris consistent with American Airlines flight 77 strewn around the crash site.
Radar records tracking Flight 77 flying toward the Pentagon, with the plane being tracked crashing at that exact site.

....and the list of overwhelming evidence affirming that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. And you ignore every last bit of it, without exception. Why would you do this? You explained it to me the first time we talked:

"Nothing will ever convince me"

But why would a rational person ignore the mountains of evidence confirming Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon? They wouldn't. And they overwhelmingly don't. As the alternative theories given by Truthers are stupidly complicated, horrible explanations of the events, backed by jack shit, and contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

While Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon is simple and overwhelming supported by evidence.

Dozens of witnesses said they heard explosions in the basements of both WTC 1 and 2...why is their testimony not credible but the ones that claim they say a plane hit the Pentagon are? Where are the wings to the airliner? They certainly didn't go through that small hole and if they were knocked off on the way into the building, how was this amateur pilot able to steer it?
Why is there not a scratch on the Pentagon lawn since this alleged airliner came in on a flat trajectory? 1,500 pics and not one seat cushion or piece of luggage in any of them? Why were there so many war games going on that day while leaving only two fighter jets to protect the east coast? The Pentagon has the most secured airspace in the world but yet an amateur pilot beat their system? Dick Cheney gave stand down orders:

MR. HAMILTON: We thank you for that. I wanted to focus just a moment on the Presidential Emergency Operating Center. You were there for a good part of the day. I think you were there with the vice president. And when you had that order given, I think it was by the president, that authorized the shooting down of commercial aircraft that were suspected to be controlled by terrorists, were you there when that order was given?

MR. MINETA: No, I was not. I was made aware of it during the time that the airplane coming into the Pentagon. There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice president, "The plane is 50 miles out. The plane is 30 miles out." And when it got down to, "The plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the vice president, "Do the orders still stand?" And the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?" 2

Ah, Conspiracy Whacka-mole!

I ask you questions about the Pentagon....so you switch to WTC 1 and 2. And if I address WTC 1 and 2 you switch to WTC 7. And when I address WTC 7, you switch to the Pentagon.

If your argument had actual merit, you wouldn't need to run everytime I pointed out the truck sized holes in yoru claims. Again, the evidence confirming that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon is absolutely overwhelming:

Parts consistent with a Boeing 757 being pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
Parts consistent with a Boeing 757-223, the exact model that American Airlines used for Flight 77, being pulled from Pentagon the crash site.
Both voice and data flight recorders from Flight 77 pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
The bodies of passengers and crew from flight 77 pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
Damage consistent with an impact from a boeing 757 at the Pentagon crash site.
Dozens if not hundreds of witnesses who saw a plane consistent with FLight 77 flying toward or impacting the Pentagon
Debris consistent with American Airlines flight 77 strewn around the crash site.
Radar records tracking Flight 77 flying toward the Pentagon, with the plane being tracked crashing at that exact site.

You ignore all of this evidence.....and then make up your own story, backed by jack shit.
And contradicted by the actual evidence. How do you account for *all* of the evidence contradicting you? If you want to be taken seriously, you need to have a credible, factual accounting that explains all the actual evidence.

And you can't. Your story is stupidly complicated and a simply awful explanation of the events. All you can do is ignore the evidence and pretend that because you ignored it, it disappears. But it doesn't disappear. Its still there....contradicting you.

Which is exactly why the Truther conspiracy isn't taken seriously. Even you don't take your bullshit seriously. As when faced with the evidence....you change the topic.
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So tell me then, what is "my conspiracy?"

Any variant of the Truther conspiracy that posits that flight 77 didn't crash into the Pentagon. The 'official version' is that Flight 77 did crash into the Pentagon. Which you insist you 'know' didn't happen.

The evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that it did.

No, it's the lack of evidence that is of concern....like how they have never released footage of the alleged attack except for 4 frames that you can't make out what it is that hits the building.

The obvious problem Mr. "Nothing can ever convince me' is that you assume that there is video of the plane hitting the pentagon that isn't being released. But you have nothing to factually back that assumption. You merely believe it to be so....because nothing can ever convince you. And your assumption is irrational. As the the frame rate on the cameras filming an area including the impact zone were entirely too slow to capture the impacting plane.

So you have an irrational assumption backed by nothing. And on this alone, you ignore overwhelming evidence affirming that the plane hit the Pentagon.

Parts consistent with a Boeing 757 being pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
Parts consistent with a Boeing 757-223, the exact model that American Airlines used for Flight 77, being pulled from Pentagon the crash site.
Both voice and data flight recorders from Flight 77 pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
The bodies of passengers and crew from flight 77 pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
Damage consistent with an impact from a boeing 757 at the Pentagon crash site.
Dozens if not hundreds of witnesses who saw a plane consistent with FLight 77 flying toward or impacting the Pentagon
Debris consistent with American Airlines flight 77 strewn around the crash site.
Radar records tracking Flight 77 flying toward the Pentagon, with the plane being tracked crashing at that exact site.

....and the list of overwhelming evidence affirming that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. And you ignore every last bit of it, without exception. Why would you do this? You explained it to me the first time we talked:

"Nothing will ever convince me"

But why would a rational person ignore the mountains of evidence confirming Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon? They wouldn't. And they overwhelmingly don't. As the alternative theories given by Truthers are stupidly complicated, horrible explanations of the events, backed by jack shit, and contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

While Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon is simple and overwhelming supported by evidence.

Dozens of witnesses said they heard explosions in the basements of both WTC 1 and 2...why is their testimony not credible but the ones that claim they say a plane hit the Pentagon are? Where are the wings to the airliner? They certainly didn't go through that small hole and if they were knocked off on the way into the building, how was this amateur pilot able to steer it?
Why is there not a scratch on the Pentagon lawn since this alleged airliner came in on a flat trajectory? 1,500 pics and not one seat cushion or piece of luggage in any of them? Why were there so many war games going on that day while leaving only two fighter jets to protect the east coast? The Pentagon has the most secured airspace in the world but yet an amateur pilot beat their system? Dick Cheney gave stand down orders:

MR. HAMILTON: We thank you for that. I wanted to focus just a moment on the Presidential Emergency Operating Center. You were there for a good part of the day. I think you were there with the vice president. And when you had that order given, I think it was by the president, that authorized the shooting down of commercial aircraft that were suspected to be controlled by terrorists, were you there when that order was given?

MR. MINETA: No, I was not. I was made aware of it during the time that the airplane coming into the Pentagon. There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice president, "The plane is 50 miles out. The plane is 30 miles out." And when it got down to, "The plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the vice president, "Do the orders still stand?" And the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?" 2

Ah, Conspiracy Whacka-mole!

I ask you questions about the Pentagon....so you switch to WTC 1 and 2. And if I address WTC 1 and 2 you switch to WTC 7. And when I address WTC 7, you switch to the Pentagon.

If your argument had actual merit, you wouldn't need to run everytime I pointed out the truck sized holes in yoru claims. Again, the evidence confirming that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon is absolutely overwhelming:

Parts consistent with a Boeing 757 being pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
Parts consistent with a Boeing 757-223, the exact model that American Airlines used for Flight 77, being pulled from Pentagon the crash site.
Both voice and data flight recorders from Flight 77 pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
The bodies of passengers and crew from flight 77 pulled from the Pentagon crash site.
Damage consistent with an impact from a boeing 757 at the Pentagon crash site.
Dozens if not hundreds of witnesses who saw a plane consistent with FLight 77 flying toward or impacting the Pentagon
Debris consistent with American Airlines flight 77 strewn around the crash site.
Radar records tracking Flight 77 flying toward the Pentagon, with the plane being tracked crashing at that exact site.

You ignore all of this evidence.....and then make up your own story, backed by jack shit.
And contradicted by the actual evidence.

Which is exactly why the Truther conspiracy isn't taken seriously. Even you don't take your bullshit seriously. As when faced with the evidence....you change the topic.
No, I askted legitimate questions about the Pentagon. You seem to be only interested in eye witnesses at the Pentagon that saw a plane but not the witnesses of people and fire-fighters that heard explosions in the basement and lower floors. WTC 7 collapse is a slam dunk as far as I am concerned that it was a planned demolition. In some videos you can see the charges going off and you have Silverstein say they decided to "pull it" which
is a demolition term. The only problem with that is how did they put the explosives put in place? A demolition takes a few weeks to plan. Nothing is going to convince you and that's fine. It's your whining about people that question this false flag event that is amusing.

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