I'm very skeptical of claims that Putin is having pain inflicted on him and being sanctioned strongly enough to hurt him

Things were not looking good for Russia's largest companies this morning (3/2/22 as the Moscow Stock Exchange remained shuttered for the third day in a row:

Share Prices of Russia’s Largest Companies Drop to Pennies on the London Stock Exchange Today

"As of this morning, some of Russia’s largest companies are trading for pennies in London.

"As of 11:00 a.m. (London time), Russia’s giant energy company, Gazprom, was trading at 3 cents a share, a 99 percent decline from the start of the year.

"Russia’s largest crude oil exporter, Rosneft, was trading at 96 cents shortly after 12 noon in London.

"Russia’s largest natural gas company, Novatek, was trading at 61 cents at 11:30 a.m. London time.

"Novatek was a $238 stock in London at the beginning of the year."
These sanctions are not going away anytime soon

It will get much worse
These sanctions are not going away anytime soon

It will get much worse
Retired Colonel Larry Wilkerson (Colin Powell's former chief-of-staff) thinks Putin may have just repeated the Soviet mistake in Afghanistan:

Ukraine: Russian Crimes, American Hypocrisy - Wilkerson and Jay

"...if Putin really does have something truly heinous in mind for Ukraine, not just solidifying his control over the oblast he already pretty much controls, but really something serious, let him do it.

"In two years, he’ll be out of power.

"The Russian armed forces will look worse than they looked when they came out of Afghanistan.

"After ten years, the Russian State will be collapsing.

"It will be five times worse than when the Soviet Union collapsed because they have nothing but gas stations.

"They have no economy."
Suddenly this is about biden? You don’t think Putin would have done this if trump was president? The guy who kissed Putin’s ass? Trump said what he did was brilliant.

And if trump would have went to war over this, is that what you want?
Biden supporters want this war. This all belongs to Democrats. There is no rational way you can blame Trump for this.
You see what you're told to see. That's it.
I see what trump says. First I see him say Putin is brilliant then I see him say the next day that’s fake news. I didn’t see him praising Putin.

We also see the white evangelical Americans love Putin too.
And no war was fought over that. Thousands of graves went unfilled.

And Iran has suffered in power and influence for all of their actions. Ergo, I see no parallel with that situation and this one whatsoever even though I may agree with the sentiment that when we fail to project our leadership another will take its place.

However, the language of 'weak' or 'strong' presidents has always been a rather inane sentiment IMHO. It is not a matter of strength, it is a matter of projecting our influence or retracting it.

And retracting it has been a mantra from the left AND right since Bush Jr. A sentiment directly tied to his monumental FP fuckups. We have been on a bad trajectory ever since as it seem the public just cannot distinguish between projecting power properly or improperly.

The best the electorate can seem to do is be totally war like or totally isolationist.
Iranian people suffered, the Mullahs and those around them prospered like never before, while they joined the US in screwing their own people. Ergo, the sanctions didn't do jack, not for Iran, N. Korea, and it also won't do anything to Putin. The Russian people are the only ones that will suffer.
Suddenly this is about biden? You don’t think Putin would have done this if trump was president? The guy who kissed Putin’s ass? Trump said what he did was brilliant.

And if trump would have went to war over this, is that what you want?
Trump knew how to deal with dictators and get them to respect and fear him, while he massaged their egos. And he always gave up nothing for something. Your dufus president has already shut down our own pipelines and made us energy dependent, while still purchasing half a million gallons of oil a day from the Russians, which is funding the genocide of Ukraine. All the while the entire country is paying through it's nose for gas and all goods and services. Brilliant. Best president ever. :cuckoo:
These sanctions are not going away anytime soon

It will get much worse
Yeah, they did a lot for Iran and N. Korea. The leaders stayed in power and got more brutal and richer, while life turned into a hell hole for the people. That's exactly what's in store for Russia, unless someone like a general or assassin takes Putin out.
Iranian people suffered, the Mullahs and those around them prospered like never before, while they joined the US in screwing their own people. Ergo, the sanctions didn't do jack, not for Iran, N. Korea, and it also won't do anything to Putin. The Russian people are the only ones that will suffer.
Sanctions are not there to hurt the leadership. they exist to hurt the people, that is just a hard reality.

The idea is simple, the people will either oust the current political regime for one that will work with us OR the country will lose wealth, power and influence.

In that vein, sanctions work every time - they weaken our political foes. They do not, however, change actions or plans as Russia, Iran and N. Korea show.

That does not mean the nations are not far weaker than they would have been.
Biden is making that claim right now, but he is by no means the only one.

Putin will be a wealthy oligarch until he either dies of old age, or gets the traditional Russian bullet in the back of the head. If that bullet comes in the middle of the night, tonight, Putin is still winners for having survived almost seventy years as an old school KGB torture/murder thug.

Putin is not harmed by the Russian stock market declining, nor his energy sales losing customers. He's not harmed by the Ruble declining in value. He's still wealthier and more powerful than any king of the old world and any U.S. billionaire. He is surrounded by yes men. Those yes men do not even have to lie. The truth - that his armies are raping Ukraine and no one is lifting a finger to help them - is good enough for him.

The French and their fellow surrender monkeys will never help Ukraine. They will happily allow "NATO" to do it, because that would only mean the U.S. spending its blood and treasure to once again save Europe from itself. Then the French et al will tell their grandchildren stories of how the resistance defeated the tyrants. I see no reason to accept that role again.

Globalism is a failure. The Ukraine disaster is only the latest proof of that.
Why are you blaming the French? The brits are the foremost US lapdog, er...ally. Where are the brits and all their mighty military? Nowhere near the action, brit surrender monkeys 🐒
Putin laughs at sanctions.
Russia is bombing Ukraine into oblivion.
That's Russia, Chair of the UN Security Council...LOL
The world does nothing, too scared of Russia to blink let alone try to stop it.
They must be rolling around on the floor laughing in the Kremlin.
Why are you blaming the French? The brits are the foremost US lapdog, er...ally. Where are the brits and all their mighty military? Nowhere near the action, brit surrender monkeys 🐒
Britain is part of NATO. NATO operates as a group, not countries alone.
Britain is part of the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance.
Britain has something to contribute.
Biden supporters want this war. This all belongs to Democrats. There is no rational way you can blame Trump for this.
NATO has been expanding eastward since Clinton came to DC, and the threat to Russia continued during Trump's reign:

Enlargement of NATO - Wikipedia

"In 1999, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic joined NATO, amid much debate within the organization and Russian opposition.

"Another expansion came with the accession of seven Central and Eastern European countries: Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

"These nations were invited to begin membership talks during the 2002 Prague summit, and joined NATO shortly before the 2004 Istanbul summit. Albania and Croatia joined on 1 April 2009, prior to the 2009 Strasbourg–Kehl summit.

"The most recent member states to be added to NATO are Montenegro on 5 June 2017 and North Macedonia on 27 March 2020."
Why are you blaming the French? The brits are the foremost US lapdog, er...ally. Where are the brits and all their mighty military? Nowhere near the action, brit surrender monkeys 🐒
Fair criticism.

It isn’t just the French, they are just the best example of European protectorates who rely on American salvation, while insulting us at every turn. No doubt the Brits are the biggest beneficiaries of NATO protecting them from Russia, just as “the allies” protected them from Germany (twice).

Europe is not lifting a finger to help Ukraine precisely because the U.S. has not committed to winning the war on their behalf. This is an embarrassment to a continent that already has plenty to be embarrassed about. Years ago, Istarted to call myself “European American” in response to all the other _______-Americans. But that just made me feel dirty and ashamed. I’ll just be a Texas white boy, and never mind what nationality ship my Great-grandpop jumped in Galveston.
Yeah, they did a lot for Iran and N. Korea. The leaders stayed in power and got more brutal and richer, while life turned into a hell hole for the people. That's exactly what's in store for Russia, unless someone like a general or assassin takes Putin out.
Winner, winner Chicken Dinner!

Exactly the intent of our Presidents sanctions
Turn Russia into N Korea and Iran
Putin laughs at sanctions.
Russia is bombing Ukraine into oblivion.
That's Russia, Chair of the UN Security Council...LOL
The world does nothing, too scared of Russia to blink let alone try to stop it.
They must be rolling around on the floor laughing in the Kremlin.

The US should not be the worlds policeman sending in our Army every time some Dictator gets out of line.
Not every problem can be fixed with a gun

These sanctions are brutal and permanent
Like with Afghanistan, Russia will learn that occupying another nation takes $$$.
Money that their economy can’t support
Winner, winner Chicken Dinner!

Exactly the intent of our Presidents sanctions
Turn Russia into N Korea and Iran
But Russia isn’t N Korea or Iran, its currently it’s a nuclear superpower with advanced weaponry such as hypersonic missiles for which we have no defense for at this time.

Seems like Obama and Biden are the refugee / genocide kings, during both their disastrous presidencies the world has witnessed massive suffering and millions of people fleeing into Europe and other countries. Democrat policies in action. Best president ever. :cuckoo:
But Russia isn’t N Korea or Iran, its currently it’s a nuclear superpower with advanced weaponry such as hypersonic missiles for which we have no defense for at this time.

Seems like Obama and Biden are the refugee / genocide kings, during both their disastrous presidencies the world has witnessed massive suffering and millions of people fleeing into Europe and other countries. Democrat policies in action. Best president ever. :cuckoo:
They still have an economy

An economy that is crippled if they don’t have access to global markets.
The USSR collapsed from the burden of occupying Afghanistan
Can a crippled Russia afford to occupy Ukraine?

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