I'm Very Surprised There Were No Racial Riots.....

Stupid bait thread is, .......well, ....... stupid.
Its not a bait thread. When Jack Johnson kicked the white heavyweight champions ass, whites rioted. I was just wondering why the same thing didnt happen last night. Was it because Connor wasnt actually an american?

When Jack Johnson fought in 1910 there were still millions of active KKK, you do realize their numbers have dwindled to less then 2000 until just recently? why? because America has rejected their message of racism.

Of course your going to say nothing has changed since 1910. There is just as much racism as then. Obviously because that is your expectation.

And you say your wondering why there were no race riots? All this time you keep telling us how well you know whites because you worked with some pussies in the IT industry. I really cant believe with all your wisdom that you are now at a loss.
I dont think their numbers have dwindled. I just think they went into law enforcement and the military. America may reject their racism but not all americans are white.

Its not the pussies that do the rioting. Its normally the inbred ones with nothing to lose and their wives have left them for a Black guy.

You don't think the number of KKK in America has gone down since 1910. Ok. I just have to make note of that while I laugh. I'll remember that one though.

yeahhh, I think the numbers have gone down. You know why I think that? because the message of racial superiority and the hate that comes with it is shit. Year after year the KKK has had their marches, people ignore them and their numbers drop. You wouldn't know this but for the most part the KKK and their type have been marginalized by most other whites and was on trajectory to die out.

Anyway, so you say all the kkk, milllions of them have gone into the military and the police force. I'm just kind of wondering when the memo went out. Or was it a mass email? Or do army recruiters only recruit racists? that position isn't logical but what I think is this. for racism to die out, people simply have to learn to live together, work together, like each other, die and then hopefully the kids who replace them will be progressively better from generation to generation in the way they get along. I think things had gotten somewhat better up through the 90s because people were simply moving forward, new kids comming along and learning how to live with each other. but in the last 8 years there has been a pretty good effort to polarize everyone and move us backwards through time.

You can pretty much sum that up with the rise of the media sensation of cops targeting blacks, over and over again until half the country believes the other half is racist. There is racism in law enforcement but with about 1/2 million cops nationwide , if they were really targeting blacks as portrayed by the media, there would be thousands of black people being shot by the police. After all, you say thats where the millions of KKK went to....

Thats not to say each case of police mis-conduct should not be treated on its merit and cops shouldnt be punished accordingly, and those cases have to be taken seriously but I think instead of the Media and groups like BLM selling the idea of 1/2 million police officers being the enemy of black americans, they should have instead placed some of that energy on the COURT SYSTEM who give black youths harsher sentences for non-violent crimes. I see that as a much bigger problem and disparity. the majority of cop shootings happen because of police criminal interactions.
But it's not just cops shooting unarmed blacks it's the fact almost all the cops walked too.

That news had to have been put out by a corporate media. It couldn't have been the liberal media because that kind of news did liberals no good. It discouraged blacks from voting and got whites to show up in mass.

And sometimes the cops should not have walked, but cops walk just as well when they have shot white people, so I think despite that the coverage on many of these incidents were designed to make it all about race. Which was a disservice to us all because it has raised the animosity between people. Now there actually has been an uptick in the white supremist movement because of a push back.
....after Connor got embarrassed by Floyd Mayweather. We know that whites have a history of rioting over things like boxing matches and pumpkins. I see online that whites are in denial over the fight. Scratch that. american whites are in denial. The Irish broadcasters saw it for what it was. A master at his art teaching the novice why he should stick to MMA.

Did they fight with boxing rules or MMA rules?
Boxing rules. Connor set himself up to lose.

I have a good friend who is a professional boxing trainer and he felt that Mcgregor knew that he would lose, plus Mayweather is far too cautious to sign up for a match at this stage of his career that would have been a legitimate risk.

McGregor made 30 million plus part of the PPV revenue.

I've never heard of an MMA or UFC fighter earning that much for one match.
They keyed off the high level of racism whites express quietly. Its an age old tactic boxing promoters use. They find the pulse of the country and then thats what they sell. There is a reason Connor called Mayweather a "boy" and told him to dance for him. They played the racial angle and both got paid.
Stupid bait thread is, .......well, ....... stupid.
Its not a bait thread. When Jack Johnson kicked the white heavyweight champions ass, whites rioted. I was just wondering why the same thing didnt happen last night. Was it because Connor wasnt actually an american?

When Jack Johnson fought in 1910 there were still millions of active KKK, you do realize their numbers have dwindled to less then 2000 until just recently? why? because America has rejected their message of racism.

Of course your going to say nothing has changed since 1910. There is just as much racism as then. Obviously because that is your expectation.

And you say your wondering why there were no race riots? All this time you keep telling us how well you know whites because you worked with some pussies in the IT industry. I really cant believe with all your wisdom that you are now at a loss.
I dont think their numbers have dwindled. I just think they went into law enforcement and the military. America may reject their racism but not all americans are white.

Its not the pussies that do the rioting. Its normally the inbred ones with nothing to lose and their wives have left them for a Black guy.

You don't think the number of KKK in America has gone down since 1910. Ok. I just have to make note of that while I laugh. I'll remember that one though.

yeahhh, I think the numbers have gone down. You know why I think that? because the message of racial superiority and the hate that comes with it is shit. Year after year the KKK has had their marches, people ignore them and their numbers drop. You wouldn't know this but for the most part the KKK and their type have been marginalized by most other whites and was on trajectory to die out.

Anyway, so you say all the kkk, milllions of them have gone into the military and the police force. I'm just kind of wondering when the memo went out. Or was it a mass email? Or do army recruiters only recruit racists? that position isn't logical but what I think is this. for racism to die out, people simply have to learn to live together, work together, like each other, die and then hopefully the kids who replace them will be progressively better from generation to generation in the way they get along. I think things had gotten somewhat better up through the 90s because people were simply moving forward, new kids comming along and learning how to live with each other. but in the last 8 years there has been a pretty good effort to polarize everyone and move us backwards through time.

You can pretty much sum that up with the rise of the media sensation of cops targeting blacks, over and over again until half the country believes the other half is racist. There is racism in law enforcement but with about 1/2 million cops nationwide , if they were really targeting blacks as portrayed by the media, there would be thousands of black people being shot by the police. After all, you say thats where the millions of KKK went to....

Thats not to say each case of police mis-conduct should not be treated on its merit and cops shouldnt be punished accordingly, and those cases have to be taken seriously but I think instead of the Media and groups like BLM selling the idea of 1/2 million police officers being the enemy of black americans, they should have instead placed some of that energy on the COURT SYSTEM who give black youths harsher sentences for non-violent crimes. I see that as a much bigger problem and disparity. the majority of cop shootings happen because of police criminal interactions.
i have no issue with you not believing but my point stands. The FBI even put out a memo on the fact they were infiltrating law enforcement agencies like the police departments and the military. I doubt they left a paper trail just like they dont leave one when they hire a less qualified white person over a Black person for any job. I was in the military so I know for a fact they recruit racists. I had to touch up a couple of them while I was active. Whites simply have no desire to work together with Blacks or other people of color. Its not in their best interests and they know and understand this. The caste system here in the US exists with the approval of whites as a group. The law enforcement agencies have long been used to control Black and other people of colors communities. The judicial system works with them to incarcerate more Blacks than whites. This has already been proven. IF there has been an effort to polarize us its been the white backlash to a Black person being elected just like I predicted. Your present clown in chief ran on that platform.
Its not a bait thread. When Jack Johnson kicked the white heavyweight champions ass, whites rioted. I was just wondering why the same thing didnt happen last night. Was it because Connor wasnt actually an american?

When Jack Johnson fought in 1910 there were still millions of active KKK, you do realize their numbers have dwindled to less then 2000 until just recently? why? because America has rejected their message of racism.

Of course your going to say nothing has changed since 1910. There is just as much racism as then. Obviously because that is your expectation.

And you say your wondering why there were no race riots? All this time you keep telling us how well you know whites because you worked with some pussies in the IT industry. I really cant believe with all your wisdom that you are now at a loss.
I dont think their numbers have dwindled. I just think they went into law enforcement and the military. America may reject their racism but not all americans are white.

Its not the pussies that do the rioting. Its normally the inbred ones with nothing to lose and their wives have left them for a Black guy.

You don't think the number of KKK in America has gone down since 1910. Ok. I just have to make note of that while I laugh. I'll remember that one though.

yeahhh, I think the numbers have gone down. You know why I think that? because the message of racial superiority and the hate that comes with it is shit. Year after year the KKK has had their marches, people ignore them and their numbers drop. You wouldn't know this but for the most part the KKK and their type have been marginalized by most other whites and was on trajectory to die out.

Anyway, so you say all the kkk, milllions of them have gone into the military and the police force. I'm just kind of wondering when the memo went out. Or was it a mass email? Or do army recruiters only recruit racists? that position isn't logical but what I think is this. for racism to die out, people simply have to learn to live together, work together, like each other, die and then hopefully the kids who replace them will be progressively better from generation to generation in the way they get along. I think things had gotten somewhat better up through the 90s because people were simply moving forward, new kids comming along and learning how to live with each other. but in the last 8 years there has been a pretty good effort to polarize everyone and move us backwards through time.

You can pretty much sum that up with the rise of the media sensation of cops targeting blacks, over and over again until half the country believes the other half is racist. There is racism in law enforcement but with about 1/2 million cops nationwide , if they were really targeting blacks as portrayed by the media, there would be thousands of black people being shot by the police. After all, you say thats where the millions of KKK went to....

Thats not to say each case of police mis-conduct should not be treated on its merit and cops shouldnt be punished accordingly, and those cases have to be taken seriously but I think instead of the Media and groups like BLM selling the idea of 1/2 million police officers being the enemy of black americans, they should have instead placed some of that energy on the COURT SYSTEM who give black youths harsher sentences for non-violent crimes. I see that as a much bigger problem and disparity. the majority of cop shootings happen because of police criminal interactions.
But it's not just cops shooting unarmed blacks it's the fact almost all the cops walked too.

That news had to have been put out by a corporate media. It couldn't have been the liberal media because that kind of news did liberals no good. It discouraged blacks from voting and got whites to show up in mass.

And sometimes the cops should not have walked, but cops walk just as well when they have shot white people, so I think despite that the coverage on many of these incidents were designed to make it all about race. Which was a disservice to us all because it has raised the animosity between people. Now there actually has been an uptick in the white supremist movement because of a push back.
The problem with that is that cops that shoot white people certainly dont shoot them because they are white so thats a dumb analogy.
When Jack Johnson fought in 1910 there were still millions of active KKK, you do realize their numbers have dwindled to less then 2000 until just recently? why? because America has rejected their message of racism.

Of course your going to say nothing has changed since 1910. There is just as much racism as then. Obviously because that is your expectation.

And you say your wondering why there were no race riots? All this time you keep telling us how well you know whites because you worked with some pussies in the IT industry. I really cant believe with all your wisdom that you are now at a loss.
I dont think their numbers have dwindled. I just think they went into law enforcement and the military. America may reject their racism but not all americans are white.

Its not the pussies that do the rioting. Its normally the inbred ones with nothing to lose and their wives have left them for a Black guy.

You don't think the number of KKK in America has gone down since 1910. Ok. I just have to make note of that while I laugh. I'll remember that one though.

yeahhh, I think the numbers have gone down. You know why I think that? because the message of racial superiority and the hate that comes with it is shit. Year after year the KKK has had their marches, people ignore them and their numbers drop. You wouldn't know this but for the most part the KKK and their type have been marginalized by most other whites and was on trajectory to die out.

Anyway, so you say all the kkk, milllions of them have gone into the military and the police force. I'm just kind of wondering when the memo went out. Or was it a mass email? Or do army recruiters only recruit racists? that position isn't logical but what I think is this. for racism to die out, people simply have to learn to live together, work together, like each other, die and then hopefully the kids who replace them will be progressively better from generation to generation in the way they get along. I think things had gotten somewhat better up through the 90s because people were simply moving forward, new kids comming along and learning how to live with each other. but in the last 8 years there has been a pretty good effort to polarize everyone and move us backwards through time.

You can pretty much sum that up with the rise of the media sensation of cops targeting blacks, over and over again until half the country believes the other half is racist. There is racism in law enforcement but with about 1/2 million cops nationwide , if they were really targeting blacks as portrayed by the media, there would be thousands of black people being shot by the police. After all, you say thats where the millions of KKK went to....

Thats not to say each case of police mis-conduct should not be treated on its merit and cops shouldnt be punished accordingly, and those cases have to be taken seriously but I think instead of the Media and groups like BLM selling the idea of 1/2 million police officers being the enemy of black americans, they should have instead placed some of that energy on the COURT SYSTEM who give black youths harsher sentences for non-violent crimes. I see that as a much bigger problem and disparity. the majority of cop shootings happen because of police criminal interactions.
But it's not just cops shooting unarmed blacks it's the fact almost all the cops walked too.

That news had to have been put out by a corporate media. It couldn't have been the liberal media because that kind of news did liberals no good. It discouraged blacks from voting and got whites to show up in mass.

And sometimes the cops should not have walked, but cops walk just as well when they have shot white people, so I think despite that the coverage on many of these incidents were designed to make it all about race. Which was a disservice to us all because it has raised the animosity between people. Now there actually has been an uptick in the white supremist movement because of a push back.
The problem with that is that cops that shoot white people certainly dont shoot them because they are white so thats a dumb analogy.

And I don't think white cops shoot blacks because they are black but I think they will shoot a black for the same thing they wouldn't shoot a white for.

SEATTLE, June 19 (Reuters) - Two white Seattle police officers on Sunday fatally shot a 30-year-old black mother who had called them to investigate a burglary and whose family said had deteriorating mental health.

Both Seattle Police Department officers opened fire on the woman, named by family as Charleena Lyles, inside the apartment building after they said she confronted them brandishing a knife, police said. She died at the scene.


Ok, the more I look into it the more I see cops will shoot anyone carrying a knife. The point is a lot of cops shoot blacks for shit they wouldnt shoot a white for.
Or is that just what the corporate media told us last year. The news that got whites to show up in droves but got blacks to stay home because things hadn't gotten better for them under Obama. IN fact they felt like they took a step back last year.

I think we got punked/played by the corporate media.

For example some conseravative schmuck said the court was liberal last year because it gave us gay marriage. Let me ask you something do you give a fuck about gay marriage? Me neither. SO they can keep their gay faggot marriage. Give us something that matters.
I dont think their numbers have dwindled. I just think they went into law enforcement and the military. America may reject their racism but not all americans are white.

Its not the pussies that do the rioting. Its normally the inbred ones with nothing to lose and their wives have left them for a Black guy.

You don't think the number of KKK in America has gone down since 1910. Ok. I just have to make note of that while I laugh. I'll remember that one though.

yeahhh, I think the numbers have gone down. You know why I think that? because the message of racial superiority and the hate that comes with it is shit. Year after year the KKK has had their marches, people ignore them and their numbers drop. You wouldn't know this but for the most part the KKK and their type have been marginalized by most other whites and was on trajectory to die out.

Anyway, so you say all the kkk, milllions of them have gone into the military and the police force. I'm just kind of wondering when the memo went out. Or was it a mass email? Or do army recruiters only recruit racists? that position isn't logical but what I think is this. for racism to die out, people simply have to learn to live together, work together, like each other, die and then hopefully the kids who replace them will be progressively better from generation to generation in the way they get along. I think things had gotten somewhat better up through the 90s because people were simply moving forward, new kids comming along and learning how to live with each other. but in the last 8 years there has been a pretty good effort to polarize everyone and move us backwards through time.

You can pretty much sum that up with the rise of the media sensation of cops targeting blacks, over and over again until half the country believes the other half is racist. There is racism in law enforcement but with about 1/2 million cops nationwide , if they were really targeting blacks as portrayed by the media, there would be thousands of black people being shot by the police. After all, you say thats where the millions of KKK went to....

Thats not to say each case of police mis-conduct should not be treated on its merit and cops shouldnt be punished accordingly, and those cases have to be taken seriously but I think instead of the Media and groups like BLM selling the idea of 1/2 million police officers being the enemy of black americans, they should have instead placed some of that energy on the COURT SYSTEM who give black youths harsher sentences for non-violent crimes. I see that as a much bigger problem and disparity. the majority of cop shootings happen because of police criminal interactions.
But it's not just cops shooting unarmed blacks it's the fact almost all the cops walked too.

That news had to have been put out by a corporate media. It couldn't have been the liberal media because that kind of news did liberals no good. It discouraged blacks from voting and got whites to show up in mass.

And sometimes the cops should not have walked, but cops walk just as well when they have shot white people, so I think despite that the coverage on many of these incidents were designed to make it all about race. Which was a disservice to us all because it has raised the animosity between people. Now there actually has been an uptick in the white supremist movement because of a push back.
The problem with that is that cops that shoot white people certainly dont shoot them because they are white so thats a dumb analogy.

And I don't think white cops shoot blacks because they are black but I think they will shoot a black for the same thing they wouldn't shoot a white for.

SEATTLE, June 19 (Reuters) - Two white Seattle police officers on Sunday fatally shot a 30-year-old black mother who had called them to investigate a burglary and whose family said had deteriorating mental health.

Both Seattle Police Department officers opened fire on the woman, named by family as Charleena Lyles, inside the apartment building after they said she confronted them brandishing a knife, police said. She died at the scene.


Ok, the more I look into it the more I see cops will shoot anyone carrying a knife. The point is a lot of cops shoot blacks for shit they wouldnt shoot a white for.
Or is that just what the corporate media told us last year. The news that got whites to show up in droves but got blacks to stay home because things hadn't gotten better for them under Obama. IN fact they felt like they took a step back last year.

I think we got punked/played by the corporate media.

For example some conseravative schmuck said the court was liberal last year because it gave us gay marriage. Let me ask you something do you give a fuck about gay marriage? Me neither. SO they can keep their gay faggot marriage. Give us something that matters.

A lesson learned. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.
Stupid bait thread is, .......well, ....... stupid.
Its not a bait thread. When Jack Johnson kicked the white heavyweight champions ass, whites rioted. I was just wondering why the same thing didnt happen last night. Was it because Connor wasnt actually an american?

It's because whites are more well behaved than your fellow savage blacks.
Whites are the most primitive feral race on the planet and they documented it themselves in their version of history books. There is a reason they excel at bellicose endeavors.

Stupid bait thread is, .......well, ....... stupid.
Its not a bait thread. When Jack Johnson kicked the white heavyweight champions ass, whites rioted. I was just wondering why the same thing didnt happen last night. Was it because Connor wasnt actually an american?

It's because whites are more well behaved than your fellow savage blacks.
Whites are the most primitive feral race on the planet and they documented it themselves in their version of history books. There is a reason they excel at bellicose endeavors.


How civilized?
Stupid bait thread is, .......well, ....... stupid.
Its not a bait thread. When Jack Johnson kicked the white heavyweight champions ass, whites rioted. I was just wondering why the same thing didnt happen last night. Was it because Connor wasnt actually an american?

It's because whites are more well behaved than your fellow savage blacks.
Whites are the most primitive feral race on the planet and they documented it themselves in their version of history books. There is a reason they excel at bellicose endeavors.

View attachment 146465

How civilized?
Look at the savage scum

Stupid bait thread is, .......well, ....... stupid.
Its not a bait thread. When Jack Johnson kicked the white heavyweight champions ass, whites rioted. I was just wondering why the same thing didnt happen last night. Was it because Connor wasnt actually an american?

It's because whites are more well behaved than your fellow savage blacks.
Whites are the most primitive feral race on the planet and they documented it themselves in their version of history books. There is a reason they excel at bellicose endeavors.

View attachment 146465

How civilized?
Look at the savage scum


I don't see any black people there. Try again, BOY.
Its not a bait thread. When Jack Johnson kicked the white heavyweight champions ass, whites rioted. I was just wondering why the same thing didnt happen last night. Was it because Connor wasnt actually an american?

It's because whites are more well behaved than your fellow savage blacks.
Whites are the most primitive feral race on the planet and they documented it themselves in their version of history books. There is a reason they excel at bellicose endeavors.

View attachment 146465

How civilized?
Look at the savage scum


I don't see any black people there. Try again, BOY.
You wouldnt. They are all white. Feral animals all of them.
It's because whites are more well behaved than your fellow savage blacks.
Whites are the most primitive feral race on the planet and they documented it themselves in their version of history books. There is a reason they excel at bellicose endeavors.

View attachment 146465

How civilized?
Look at the savage scum


I don't see any black people there. Try again, BOY.
You wouldnt. They are all white. Feral animals all of them.

That's why I didn't see any savages. No blacks.
Whites are the most primitive feral race on the planet and they documented it themselves in their version of history books. There is a reason they excel at bellicose endeavors.

View attachment 146465

How civilized?
Look at the savage scum


I don't see any black people there. Try again, BOY.
You wouldnt. They are all white. Feral animals all of them.

That's why I didn't see any savages. No blacks.
You didnt see any savages because your eyes were closed. Whites are savages.

I don't see any black people there. Try again, BOY.
You wouldnt. They are all white. Feral animals all of them.

That's why I didn't see any savages. No blacks.
You didnt see any savages because your eyes were closed. Whites are savages.

I didn't see savages because only white people were in the picture.
Look at the savage scum


I don't see any black people there. Try again, BOY.
You wouldnt. They are all white. Feral animals all of them.

That's why I didn't see any savages. No blacks.
You didnt see any savages because your eyes were closed. Whites are savages.

I didn't see savages because only white people were in the picture.
You dont see savages because you were pretending it was opposite day.
I don't see any black people there. Try again, BOY.
You wouldnt. They are all white. Feral animals all of them.

That's why I didn't see any savages. No blacks.
You didnt see any savages because your eyes were closed. Whites are savages.

I didn't see savages because only white people were in the picture.
You dont see savages because you were pretending it was opposite day.

I don't see savages because no blacks were in the picture. I did see savages in the picture I posted.
You wouldnt. They are all white. Feral animals all of them.

That's why I didn't see any savages. No blacks.
You didnt see any savages because your eyes were closed. Whites are savages.

I didn't see savages because only white people were in the picture.
You dont see savages because you were pretending it was opposite day.

I don't see savages because no blacks were in the picture. I did see savages in the picture I posted.
You see a savage feral animal every time you look in the mirror. You smell one constantly because you give off the odor of wet dog.
That's why I didn't see any savages. No blacks.
You didnt see any savages because your eyes were closed. Whites are savages.

I didn't see savages because only white people were in the picture.
You dont see savages because you were pretending it was opposite day.

I don't see savages because no blacks were in the picture. I did see savages in the picture I posted.
You see a savage feral animal every time you look in the mirror. You smell one constantly because you give off the odor of wet dog.

I don't see you when I look in the mirror, boy. I don't smell one either since you're not around me.
You didnt see any savages because your eyes were closed. Whites are savages.

I didn't see savages because only white people were in the picture.
You dont see savages because you were pretending it was opposite day.

I don't see savages because no blacks were in the picture. I did see savages in the picture I posted.
You see a savage feral animal every time you look in the mirror. You smell one constantly because you give off the odor of wet dog.

I don't see you when I look in the mirror, boy. I don't smell one either since you're not around me.
I didnt say you saw me little one. I said you see feral animal when you see yourself.

I know you smell yourself. You smell like a wet dog or wet monkey.

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