I'm voting for Trump


Gold Member
Sep 24, 2013
For one reason, and one reason only. He stood up in defiance when everyone else in his party folded to the wants of the religious zealots with money.

He's an idiot... for sure!

But the others swore their oaths to the Jewish religion, and it's only because of the money! Did you hear the shit they said?!?

I was totally disgusted by their desperate pleas for money. And pledging their commitment to a religion, for that money.... It could have been a Catholic/Muslim gathering and I would feel the same way! They would have done the same thing!

Except Trump. He defied them all. I like that. I respect that. I still think he's an idiot, but I do not like religious influence in our gov't. And if he can make a beginning out of that, maybe we can finish up for him.
And I like his position on immigration and political correctness, but I am having a hard time with his poor common manners. You don't make fum of someone's appearance or the fact that they are handicapped. You don't paint an entire group of people as rapists. You don't say little of what you would do as president, but keep crowing "The people love me....The blacks love me....The Hispanics love me...." I wish he would stop talking about himself but what he would do as president.
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I totally agree, that's why I still think he's an idiot. : -)

But I also think the President has been a figurehead for a long time. Decisions being made for the President based on corrupt influences, and the President being the one to sell it to the public. I am very very jaded towards politicians and the level of corruption involved (to put it lightly) in our government, so I very rarely post about politics because it makes me sick.

So Trump's complete dismissal of a group contributing to a large part of the corruption/lobbyist problem, was awesome!!!

Being that everyone else is also going to be terrible, at least Trump gave me this one ray of hope! And like I said, it's up to us to keep shunning lobbyists and special interest groups afterwards, from having a say in our government and lives. This can be a start if he's truthful about it...
For one reason, and one reason only. He stood up in defiance when everyone else in his party folded to the wants of the religious zealots with money.

He's an idiot... for sure!

But the others swore their oaths to the Jewish religion, and it's only because of the money! Did you hear the shit they said?!?

I was totally disgusted by their desperate pleas for money. And pledging their commitment to a religion, for that money.... It could have been a Catholic/Muslim gathering and I would feel the same way! They would have done the same thing!

Except Trump. He defied them all. I like that. I respect that. I still think he's an idiot, but I do not like religious influence in our gov't. And if he can make a beginning out of that, maybe we can finish up for him.
"I'm voting for Trump"

In your state's primary, perhaps – but not for president, because he won't be the GOP nominee; and he's not running 'third party.'
For one reason, and one reason only. He stood up in defiance when everyone else in his party folded to the wants of the religious zealots with money.

He's an idiot... for sure!

But the others swore their oaths to the Jewish religion, and it's only because of the money! Did you hear the shit they said?!?

I was totally disgusted by their desperate pleas for money. And pledging their commitment to a religion, for that money.... It could have been a Catholic/Muslim gathering and I would feel the same way! They would have done the same thing!

Except Trump. He defied them all. I like that. I respect that. I still think he's an idiot, but I do not like religious influence in our gov't. And if he can make a beginning out of that, maybe we can finish up for him.
"I'm voting for Trump"

In your state's primary, perhaps – but not for president, because he won't be the GOP nominee; and he's not running 'third party.'

Oh, are the primaries over ?

Or are you showing your arrogance again ?
For one reason, and one reason only. He stood up in defiance when everyone else in his party folded to the wants of the religious zealots with money.

He's an idiot... for sure!

But the others swore their oaths to the Jewish religion, and it's only because of the money! Did you hear the shit they said?!?

I was totally disgusted by their desperate pleas for money. And pledging their commitment to a religion, for that money.... It could have been a Catholic/Muslim gathering and I would feel the same way! They would have done the same thing!

Except Trump. He defied them all. I like that. I respect that. I still think he's an idiot, but I do not like religious influence in our gov't. And if he can make a beginning out of that, maybe we can finish up for him.

Bernie Sanders is a better bet.
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Are you an apologist for the jewish coalition?
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The thing that drives me crazy more than anything... is when a President ends his speech with, "God Bless America".

What happened to separation of religion and state?

The reason the President says that, is to solidify the shit he poured on you, with a blanket of religion. You have to agree with him, if you agree with God! Because he said so!

Religion needs to be removed from government. And we have to start with the Jews and the Christians, and any other religion that infiltrates our law-making process.

Get them all the fuck out of there!

To be honest, a real government should be run by Atheists. People who understand the actions of humans are actually by humans. People who understand that they are the ones that will make decisions to make the country great, not waiting on blessings of "god".
For one reason, and one reason only. He stood up in defiance when everyone else in his party folded to the wants of the religious zealots with money.

He's an idiot... for sure!

But the others swore their oaths to the Jewish religion, and it's only because of the money! Did you hear the shit they said?!?

I was totally disgusted by their desperate pleas for money. And pledging their commitment to a religion, for that money.... It could have been a Catholic/Muslim gathering and I would feel the same way! They would have done the same thing!

Except Trump. He defied them all. I like that. I respect that. I still think he's an idiot, but I do not like religious influence in our gov't. And if he can make a beginning out of that, maybe we can finish up for him.

Stood up and insulted people, not only with verbal insults, but also insulting their intelligence.

People vote Trump because they can't think for themselves, and see defeating the enemy in battle as the best way to improve their miserable lives.
Trump said to the Jewish Coalition, that he does not want their money, and they cannot control him.

That is HUGE!

Show any other candidate, regardless of party, that says the same.

We need to remove jewish influences in our government. We also need to remove Christian influences in our gov't. No religion should have influence on our government. That is the Constitution!

But we're fighting wars on behalf of a Jewish state. We are the Big Brother, and have to defend Israel because they're Jewish. And have a lot of money and influence in our country.
Fuck them all! Let them bomb each other to kingdom kom!

They will be irrelevant once we have an alternative fuel source.
Donald Trump makes me laugh, but I couldn't possibly vote for him. Although I like the fact he was among those who were right that Iraq was doomed by us invading them, his rhetoric about bombing the shit out of Syria is so very disappointing because if bombing were the answer to the problems over there, we'd have won years ago. Bombing only seems to create more terrorists.

What I was hoping he'd say is that we ought to hire and train more undercover Muslim types to assimilate with terror cells all over the world and to nab them before they act. This is a perfectly doable thing and one of the best ways to fight people who exploit free countries in order to go around undetected in day-to-day life among the population.

If he were a more serious person and actually talked up a real plan on most any issue, I'd certainly listen, but Trump so far has only got the support of people who like the red meat he's throwing out there on the same two or three issues. It's just not enough to build a real winning coalition.
Trump said to the Jewish Coalition, that he does not want their money, and they cannot control him.

That is HUGE!

Show any other candidate, regardless of party, that says the same.

We need to remove jewish influences in our government. We also need to remove Christian influences in our gov't. No religion should have influence on our government. That is the Constitution!

But we're fighting wars on behalf of a Jewish state. We are the Big Brother, and have to defend Israel because they're Jewish. And have a lot of money and influence in our country.

So, he says he doesn't care about the Jews. He doesn't care about the Jews, the Hispanics, the blacks, the women, the gay, the disabled, those captured in battle for his country, that's a lot of people he doesn't care about, regardless of how much money they may or may not have.

A president of America or a president of old stupid white men?
He is an idiot, no doubt about.

But I like the fact that he's incorruptible, at least incorruptible any further than he already is.

Every other candidate proved that they are willing to be bought....

That's all I'm sayin... And that's a start.
And btw, he said that electing him will be the best thing for Israel.

Likely because he'll just want to bomb all the surrounding countries and take the oil, and remove all of Israel's enemies at the same time.

He only said that he cannot be bought by Israel, and be their puppet. That's what they were offended by.

How dare a candidate say that they will not allow religious lobbyists???

That defiance is something we should be striving for!

I am totally for a separation of church and state. The way it's supposed to be. But the way it rolls, is that religion still dominates our foreign and domestic policy.

We have to remove that cancer of religion, from government. Because eventually, we'll become like the ones that we currently detest, if we haven't already.
I'll vote for him if he is nominated but I still don't believe Trump is serious about being president. I see his campaign as a pre-publication book tour.

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