Imagine a Conservative takeover of the country

Which group of items do you vote to add to the United States Constitution?

  • Allowing prayer in school, banning a federal income tax and banning of sodomy

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
OP if you want to avoid looking like an ignorant dishonest liberal of below average intelligence stop drinking the liberal koolaid.

This is something I discussed with Bonzi. My honesty is irrelevant. I am just curious as to which of these issues are the most pressing and which one(s) don't matter too much.

Since you accuse me of being a liberal I will set the record straight. I am a moderate Republican that has a hard time understanding what my fellow republicans find so intoxicating about focusing on our losses. I am a republican that wants my team to win. I'm tired of watching us lose and then crying about losing. I don't like it and I want the whining to stop. If tea party nut jobs want to cry then this thread is the best place for it.

Which one of these issues can we stop crying about? We can at least shut up about one of them. Am I right?
Doesn't matter..................there are no yes or no votes for any amendment proposed..............which would be no.............

Votes for ratification don't work that way...............and to say you can only vote yes on amendments is utter horse shit.

No. You don't have to vote at all. I added that option.

Let others decide for you..............Not an option....................and votes are up or down unless you live under a rock................there is no voting place to say NO..............and the not voting options is bs as well.
OP if you want to avoid looking like an ignorant dishonest liberal of below average intelligence stop drinking the liberal koolaid.

This is something I discussed with Bonzi. My honesty is irrelevant. I am just curious as to which of these issues are the most pressing and which one(s) don't matter too much.

Since you accuse me of being a liberal I will set the record straight. I am a moderate Republican that has a hard time understanding what my fellow republicans find so intoxicating about focusing on our losses. I am a republican that wants my team to win. I'm tired of watching us lose and then crying about losing. I don't like it and I want the whining to stop. If tea party nut jobs want to cry then this thread is the best place for it.

Which one of these issues can we stop crying about? We can at least shut up about one of them. Am I right?
Doesn't matter..................there are no yes or no votes for any amendment proposed..............which would be no.............

Votes for ratification don't work that way...............and to say you can only vote yes on amendments is utter horse shit.

No. You don't have to vote at all. I added that option.

Every time I vote I lose to Progs so I stopped doing it.

Mainly I just like to hang around and laugh at Progs in charge of things while the world goes to hell in a hand basket
Just like progs to propose a vote that you may only vote FOR IT and NOT AGAINST IT...............

Sounds like their polling machines as well.........
You know squat about conservatives, your OP is a joke born from liberal lies.
OP if you want to avoid looking like an ignorant dishonest liberal of below average intelligence stop drinking the liberal koolaid.

What are the four main goals of conservatives in order?

Here is my guess:

1. Ending the income tax.
2. Outlawing abortion.
3. Outlawing sodomy.
4. Allowing Christian prayer in school.

If I am wrong then you should correct me with the true 4 top priorities of conservatives.

Don't let me rule the roost. You should give us the truth or run away like a scared girl. Either is fine with me.
OP if you want to avoid looking like an ignorant dishonest liberal of below average intelligence stop drinking the liberal koolaid.

This is something I discussed with Bonzi. My honesty is irrelevant. I am just curious as to which of these issues are the most pressing and which one(s) don't matter too much.

Since you accuse me of being a liberal I will set the record straight. I am a moderate Republican that has a hard time understanding what my fellow republicans find so intoxicating about focusing on our losses. I am a republican that wants my team to win. I'm tired of watching us lose and then crying about losing. I don't like it and I want the whining to stop. If tea party nut jobs want to cry then this thread is the best place for it.

Which one of these issues can we stop crying about? We can at least shut up about one of them. Am I right?
Doesn't matter..................there are no yes or no votes for any amendment proposed..............which would be no.............

Votes for ratification don't work that way...............and to say you can only vote yes on amendments is utter horse shit.

No. You don't have to vote at all. I added that option.

Let others decide for you..............Not an option....................and votes are up or down unless you live under a rock................there is no voting place to say NO..............and the not voting options is bs as well.

And why not list each thing individually. The choices in this poll suck!
Mmm, let's hope this never actually happens. :lol:

Do you hate the thought of banning abortions?
Do you hate the thought of outlawing the income tax?
Do you hate the thought of outlawing sodomy?
Do you hate the thought of allowing prayer in school?

Which one of these bothers you the most? Which one of these bothers you the least?

I don't like the idea of "banning" things period.

I agree, murder should not be banned.

There is nothing more cathartic.

You can't really "ban" actions. Just things.

Why then does the government pass around 40,000 new laws and regulations every year?

Are they stupid?
And why not list each thing individually. The choices in this poll suck!

Here is a list for you:

Do you support banning abortion? Yes or no
Do you support allowing Christian prayer in school? Yes or no
Do you support banning sodomy? Yes or no
Do you support the end to the federal income tax? Yes or no

(You could have done this yourself but I'll hold your hand for you.)
Mmm, let's hope this never actually happens. :lol:

Do you hate the thought of banning abortions?
Do you hate the thought of outlawing the income tax?
Do you hate the thought of outlawing sodomy?
Do you hate the thought of allowing prayer in school?

Which one of these bothers you the most? Which one of these bothers you the least?

I don't like the idea of "banning" things period.

I agree, murder should not be banned.

There is nothing more cathartic.

You can't really "ban" actions. Just things.

Why then does the government pass around 40,000 new laws and regulations every year?

Are they stupid?

I'm not talking about laws to control actions. That's not banning things.
If Social Conservative Ruled The World:

1. Every child born would have the right to bear arms and be issued a AR-15 the moment they left between their mother legs.

2. Prayer in School would only be Christian and any other religion would be consider witchcraft including Judaism which Jesus was a Jew.

3. A fair wage would be what Corporate America dictate and you would be own by the company store like your great-grandparents had to live in the early 1900's.

4. A woman body is owned by god and her husband and if no husband then by her father or brother which could end up being her husband.

5. Freedom of Religion as long as it is Christianity.

6. Marriage will be define as between a man and woman which mean your 12 year old daughter would be a virgin on the run in Massachusetts from 30 year old pedophile males.

7. Genetic tests will be given to babies to see if they are gay and the test will have two picture and one will be of Anderson Cooper and the other one will be of Ann Coulter and the child that goes for Cooper will be deemed gay and will be sent to the Ann Coulter re-education school and be shocked into being cure of their Gay Gene.

8. Anyone that does not fit the WASP description of what a American should look like will be deported to Cuba, so non-whites will be sent to Cuba on a leaky dinghy.

9. Sodomy will be made illegal and anyone caught committing the sinful act will be tied to a boulder and tossed in a lake and if they die from drowning then their sodomy sin will be forgiven but if they float then they will be burn at the stake.

10. If Conservative Rule the World then Pinky and the Brain have just became real and we are screwed...

Now as you finish reading my top ten list and vomit from the site of it please note I fart Rainbows, piss silver and my crap is gold, and if you do not believe me then you realize my response was total bullshit because of the strawman OP, and thanks for reading...

You know squat about conservatives, your OP is a joke born from liberal lies.
OP if you want to avoid looking like an ignorant dishonest liberal of below average intelligence stop drinking the liberal koolaid.

What are the four main goals of conservatives in order?

Here is my guess:

1. Ending the income tax.
2. Outlawing abortion.
3. Outlawing sodomy.
4. Allowing Christian prayer in school.

If I am wrong then you should correct me with the true 4 top priorities of conservatives.

Don't let me rule the roost. You should give us the truth or run away like a scared girl. Either is fine with me.
Tea Party Movement Platform
1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
4. Protect Free Markets
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
7. Reduce the Overall Size of Government
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence
And why not list each thing individually. The choices in this poll suck!

Here is a list for you:

Do you support banning abortion? Yes or no
Do you support allowing Christian prayer in school? Yes or no
Do you support banning sodomy? Yes or no
Do you support the end to the federal income tax? Yes or no

(You could have done this yourself but I'll hold your hand for you.)

No. Your poll still sucks.
You know squat about conservatives, your OP is a joke born from liberal lies.
OP if you want to avoid looking like an ignorant dishonest liberal of below average intelligence stop drinking the liberal koolaid.

What are the four main goals of conservatives in order?

Here is my guess:

1. Ending the income tax.
2. Outlawing abortion.
3. Outlawing sodomy.
4. Allowing Christian prayer in school.

If I am wrong then you should correct me with the true 4 top priorities of conservatives.

Don't let me rule the roost. You should give us the truth or run away like a scared girl. Either is fine with me.

It would depend on whom you ask.

Now assuming they were conservative, they would probably lean toward states making these decisions rather than 9 hand picked stooges to vote a certain way.
And why not list each thing individually. The choices in this poll suck!

Here is a list for you:

Do you support banning abortion? Yes or no
Do you support allowing Christian prayer in school? Yes or no
Do you support banning sodomy? Yes or no
Do you support the end to the federal income tax? Yes or no

(You could have done this yourself but I'll hold your hand for you.)

1. No

2. No

3. No

4. Yes
"Banning" federal income tax. That sounds stupid. You should have said "eliminate." Makes more sense, sounds more intelligent.
And why not list each thing individually. The choices in this poll suck!

Here is a list for you:

Do you support banning abortion? Yes or no
Do you support allowing Christian prayer in school? Yes or no
Do you support banning sodomy? Yes or no
Do you support the end to the federal income tax? Yes or no

(You could have done this yourself but I'll hold your hand for you.)

1. No

2. No

3. No

4. Yes

And which tax proposal do you support? Fair tax? Flat tax?
"Banning" federal income tax. That sounds stupid. You should have said "eliminate." Makes more sense, sounds more intelligent.

Maybe I am stupid but that doesn't make any difference. That's a pointless detail. Just because I am stupid doesn't mean your opinion is invalid. Your opinion still counts.
You know squat about conservatives, your OP is a joke born from liberal lies.
OP if you want to avoid looking like an ignorant dishonest liberal of below average intelligence stop drinking the liberal koolaid.

What are the four main goals of conservatives in order?

Here is my guess:

1. Ending the income tax.
2. Outlawing abortion.
3. Outlawing sodomy.
4. Allowing Christian prayer in school.

If I am wrong then you should correct me with the true 4 top priorities of conservatives.

Don't let me rule the roost. You should give us the truth or run away like a scared girl. Either is fine with me.
Tea Party Movement Platform
1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
4. Protect Free Markets
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
7. Reduce the Overall Size of Government
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence

Free trade? Abide by the Constitution? Balance a budget?

Have you gone mad?
And why not list each thing individually. The choices in this poll suck!

Here is a list for you:

Do you support banning abortion? Yes or no
Do you support allowing Christian prayer in school? Yes or no
Do you support banning sodomy? Yes or no
Do you support the end to the federal income tax? Yes or no

(You could have done this yourself but I'll hold your hand for you.)

No. Your poll still sucks.

run away
"Banning" federal income tax. That sounds stupid. You should have said "eliminate." Makes more sense, sounds more intelligent.

Maybe I am stupid but that doesn't make any difference. That's a pointless detail. Just because I am stupid doesn't mean your opinion is invalid. Your opinion still counts.

I didn't say YOU were stupid. I said the way you worded that as "ban" federal income tax sounds stupid. :p
And why not list each thing individually. The choices in this poll suck!

Here is a list for you:

Do you support banning abortion? Yes or no
Do you support allowing Christian prayer in school? Yes or no
Do you support banning sodomy? Yes or no
Do you support the end to the federal income tax? Yes or no

(You could have done this yourself but I'll hold your hand for you.)

No. Your poll still sucks.

run away

Run away? What's that supposed to mean? Do you think you are intimidating or something? Also, this is certainly not the first biased and/or nonsensical poll you've created.

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