Imagine a Conservative takeover of the country

Which group of items do you vote to add to the United States Constitution?

  • Allowing prayer in school, banning a federal income tax and banning of sodomy

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Penn State and Nebraska before the game in response to the attacks by the ACLU and threatening lawsuits....
Our rights shall not be infringed.
If Social Conservative Ruled The World:

1. Every child born would have the right to bear arms and be issued a AR-15 the moment they left between their mother legs.

2. Prayer in School would only be Christian and any other religion would be consider witchcraft including Judaism which Jesus was a Jew.

3. A fair wage would be what Corporate America dictate and you would be own by the company store like your great-grandparents had to live in the early 1900's.

4. A woman body is owned by god and her husband and if no husband then by her father or brother which could end up being her husband.

5. Freedom of Religion as long as it is Christianity.

6. Marriage will be define as between a man and woman which mean your 12 year old daughter would be a virgin on the run in Massachusetts from 30 year old pedophile males.

7. Genetic tests will be given to babies to see if they are gay and the test will have two picture and one will be of Anderson Cooper and the other one will be of Ann Coulter and the child that goes for Cooper will be deemed gay and will be sent to the Ann Coulter re-education school and be shocked into being cure of their Gay Gene.

8. Anyone that does not fit the WASP description of what a American should look like will be deported to Cuba, so non-whites will be sent to Cuba on a leaky dinghy.

9. Sodomy will be made illegal and anyone caught committing the sinful act will be tied to a boulder and tossed in a lake and if they die from drowning then their sodomy sin will be forgiven but if they float then they will be burn at the stake.

10. If Conservative Rule the World then Pinky and the Brain have just became real and we are screwed...

Now as you finish reading my top ten list and vomit from the site of it please note I fart Rainbows, piss silver and my crap is gold, and if you do not believe me then you realize my response was total bullshit because of the strawman OP, and thanks for reading...


Sadly there is some truth here.

Both parties are all about a centralized Big Government running everything. The end result is tyranny. The only question becomes, can you stand the smell of their stench, or perhaps you like it while others hate it.

This was not how the Founders envisioned government and why they limited federal power in the first place.

Let me just say, I have no interest in trying to vote for the most benevolent dictator.

Jeb scares me about as much as Hildabeast.

No doubt but Corporate Media select our candidates for us, and we will either chose candidate A or Candidate B and if there is a Candidate C then let be really honest they have no chance at all...

The idea of more power to the states is great but states are willing to give up those rights and live off the tit of the government. They enjoy not having to deal with the social and economic issues and are willing to allow the nanny state dictate to them what they need to do usually.

As for limiting the power of the federal Government that day has gone. The beast has jumped out of Pandora Box and live while sucking all power away from the individual and state.

Finally, the common person lack the commonsense to know that it is better to leave the power of government to the lower part and instead suckles at the tit of corporate media and believe the nanny state knows best while in reality it would be better for everyone if the local and state governments had more power and the Federal Government was limited but alas as i wrote they lack that essential part.
Here is a list for you:

Do you support banning abortion? Yes or no
Do you support allowing Christian prayer in school? Yes or no
Do you support banning sodomy? Yes or no
Do you support the end to the federal income tax? Yes or no

(You could have done this yourself but I'll hold your hand for you.)

1. No

2. No

3. No

4. Yes

And which tax proposal do you support? Fair tax? Flat tax?

Federal Sales Tax...

Will it happen?

Nope, but there is my answer for you...
aka a VAT and go the way of thanks........

Flat tax on deductions..........
Spending cuts to 18% of GDP..........which is the historical average since WWII.
Our Federal Budget is more than the GDP of any other nation on earth, and anyone who says we don't have a spending problem is living under a rock.

we do have a spending problem but here is the reality and that is politicians love to spend. I know how dare I let out the dirty little secret but the reality is there. We have politicians that love to waste tax dollars on military projects, or social welfare projects that can be handle by the state, or highway bills that are not needed like Bridges to Nowhere.

So as you kindly pointed out we have a spending problem. Now you wrote you would like a flat tax and that is all great if everyone paid into the system but the sad reality is that they do not. Illegals do not usually pay into the tax system except through the sale tax system and taxes on fuel and maybe land taxes but through work they usually do not.

So how do you get their tax money into the flat tax system?

Now before you write deport let live in reality and play nice and admit deporting them is not going to happen, so a tax system has to be made that will hit everyone equally and not a certain portion of the population.

Just my two cents.
I'm not going to play nice............E-VERIFY or you don't work here.........If companies want to sponsor them then they shall pay to play under the current rules of immigration here.............companies who violate it.............get fined and our jailed and end this nonsense..........

Is the term illegal not understood by you............and you are looking for a back door VAT out of this example..........

I'm not playing that game.
Prayer in schools...............I agree with it..................but not to infringe on the rights of others............If students want to pray by themselves or in groups then as a free country they should be able to do so.................Not as a function of class............that is not the schools function..........Just as those of other religions have that right.............again not to infringe on others............

When all this bs started they were attempting to thwart damned near anything............the students themselves banned together themselves and began prayer in protests in school and sporting events................I remember one football game...........where they had ruled to ban prayer in schools.............both teams came to the center of the field and kneeled in prayer.............a prayer was said, and then the game was started............

This was in direct response to the ACLU'S blatant attacks upon anything christian in schools.............the kids responded in kind.............and told the ACLU where it could put it's legal action.

And I agree.

We have a culture in this is diverse but majority christian.................there has been a prolonged siege against it...........attacking's purpose is to diminish our culture for the likes of the minorities offensive........why should we respect their culture when they disrespect ours.

Well, I agree that if the students want to pray in private on their own, that is fine.

Christian prayers before starting the day. Buddhist chants before breakfast. Muslim prayers before lunch. Pastafarian prayers before science class. Hindu prayers at the end of the school day. Mormon and Scientology prayers when riding on a spaceship to Mars.
If Social Conservative Ruled The World:

1. Every child born would have the right to bear arms and be issued a AR-15 the moment they left between their mother legs.

2. Prayer in School would only be Christian and any other religion would be consider witchcraft including Judaism which Jesus was a Jew.

3. A fair wage would be what Corporate America dictate and you would be own by the company store like your great-grandparents had to live in the early 1900's.

4. A woman body is owned by god and her husband and if no husband then by her father or brother which could end up being her husband.

5. Freedom of Religion as long as it is Christianity.

6. Marriage will be define as between a man and woman which mean your 12 year old daughter would be a virgin on the run in Massachusetts from 30 year old pedophile males.

7. Genetic tests will be given to babies to see if they are gay and the test will have two picture and one will be of Anderson Cooper and the other one will be of Ann Coulter and the child that goes for Cooper will be deemed gay and will be sent to the Ann Coulter re-education school and be shocked into being cure of their Gay Gene.

8. Anyone that does not fit the WASP description of what a American should look like will be deported to Cuba, so non-whites will be sent to Cuba on a leaky dinghy.

9. Sodomy will be made illegal and anyone caught committing the sinful act will be tied to a boulder and tossed in a lake and if they die from drowning then their sodomy sin will be forgiven but if they float then they will be burn at the stake.

10. If Conservative Rule the World then Pinky and the Brain have just became real and we are screwed...

Now as you finish reading my top ten list and vomit from the site of it please note I fart Rainbows, piss silver and my crap is gold, and if you do not believe me then you realize my response was total bullshit because of the strawman OP, and thanks for reading...


Sadly there is some truth here.

Both parties are all about a centralized Big Government running everything. The end result is tyranny. The only question becomes, can you stand the smell of their stench, or perhaps you like it while others hate it.

This was not how the Founders envisioned government and why they limited federal power in the first place.

Let me just say, I have no interest in trying to vote for the most benevolent dictator.

Jeb scares me about as much as Hildabeast.

No doubt but Corporate Media select our candidates for us, and we will either chose candidate A or Candidate B and if there is a Candidate C then let be really honest they have no chance at all...

The idea of more power to the states is great but states are willing to give up those rights and live off the tit of the government. They enjoy not having to deal with the social and economic issues and are willing to allow the nanny state dictate to them what they need to do usually.

As for limiting the power of the federal Government that day has gone. The beast has jumped out of Pandora Box and live while sucking all power away from the individual and state.

Finally, the common person lack the commonsense to know that it is better to leave the power of government to the lower part and instead suckles at the tit of corporate media and believe the nanny state knows best while in reality it would be better for everyone if the local and state governments had more power and the Federal Government was limited but alas as i wrote they lack that essential part.
It is gone because we don't stand against it as one nation..............the politics are here to divide us, and used to keep our attention elsewhere................and to keep the uniformed public glued to the next American Idol...........or Desperate house wives............Or the Rebel Flag.....................

Anything but what they are doing........................and the Media is their pawn.
1. No

2. No

3. No

4. Yes

And which tax proposal do you support? Fair tax? Flat tax?

Federal Sales Tax...

Will it happen?

Nope, but there is my answer for you...
aka a VAT and go the way of thanks........

Flat tax on deductions..........
Spending cuts to 18% of GDP..........which is the historical average since WWII.
Our Federal Budget is more than the GDP of any other nation on earth, and anyone who says we don't have a spending problem is living under a rock.

we do have a spending problem but here is the reality and that is politicians love to spend. I know how dare I let out the dirty little secret but the reality is there. We have politicians that love to waste tax dollars on military projects, or social welfare projects that can be handle by the state, or highway bills that are not needed like Bridges to Nowhere.

So as you kindly pointed out we have a spending problem. Now you wrote you would like a flat tax and that is all great if everyone paid into the system but the sad reality is that they do not. Illegals do not usually pay into the tax system except through the sale tax system and taxes on fuel and maybe land taxes but through work they usually do not.

So how do you get their tax money into the flat tax system?

Now before you write deport let live in reality and play nice and admit deporting them is not going to happen, so a tax system has to be made that will hit everyone equally and not a certain portion of the population.

Just my two cents.
I'm not going to play nice............E-VERIFY or you don't work here.........If companies want to sponsor them then they shall pay to play under the current rules of immigration here.............companies who violate it.............get fined and our jailed and end this nonsense..........

Is the term illegal not understood by you............and you are looking for a back door VAT out of this example..........

I'm not playing that game.

First off i am not looking for a damn thing so please do not even attempt that. As for E-Verify that is all great but there is ways around it like everything else. I could have someone use my ID's and get around the system so it is not as simple.

Also companies are not going to pay and you know this, and fining them is great but they will find ways around like I pointed out, so let be logical and admit illegals are part of this nation like it or not. it would be nice if our border was small and putting resources into immigration would work, but with two massive borders and two major oceans the reality illegals will enter one way or the other.

As I wrote I am fine with a flat tax if you can get everyone into the system but as it is now that is not the case and the best case is a sales tax while removing the income tax system and of course you disagree and I am not going to fight you on your disagreement.

Now excuse me but it is late where I am at, and I prefer to slap my dick up against a hot stove then carry on this conversation and bid you a peaceful and wonderful evening and thank you for the conversation...
And which tax proposal do you support? Fair tax? Flat tax?

Federal Sales Tax...

Will it happen?

Nope, but there is my answer for you...
aka a VAT and go the way of thanks........

Flat tax on deductions..........
Spending cuts to 18% of GDP..........which is the historical average since WWII.
Our Federal Budget is more than the GDP of any other nation on earth, and anyone who says we don't have a spending problem is living under a rock.

we do have a spending problem but here is the reality and that is politicians love to spend. I know how dare I let out the dirty little secret but the reality is there. We have politicians that love to waste tax dollars on military projects, or social welfare projects that can be handle by the state, or highway bills that are not needed like Bridges to Nowhere.

So as you kindly pointed out we have a spending problem. Now you wrote you would like a flat tax and that is all great if everyone paid into the system but the sad reality is that they do not. Illegals do not usually pay into the tax system except through the sale tax system and taxes on fuel and maybe land taxes but through work they usually do not.

So how do you get their tax money into the flat tax system?

Now before you write deport let live in reality and play nice and admit deporting them is not going to happen, so a tax system has to be made that will hit everyone equally and not a certain portion of the population.

Just my two cents.
I'm not going to play nice............E-VERIFY or you don't work here.........If companies want to sponsor them then they shall pay to play under the current rules of immigration here.............companies who violate it.............get fined and our jailed and end this nonsense..........

Is the term illegal not understood by you............and you are looking for a back door VAT out of this example..........

I'm not playing that game.

First off i am not looking for a damn thing so please do not even attempt that. As for E-Verify that is all great but there is ways around it like everything else. I could have someone use my ID's and get around the system so it is not as simple.

Also companies are not going to pay and you know this, and fining them is great but they will find ways around like I pointed out, so let be logical and admit illegals are part of this nation like it or not. it would be nice if our border was small and putting resources into immigration would work, but with two massive borders and two major oceans the reality illegals will enter one way or the other.

As I wrote I am fine with a flat tax if you can get everyone into the system but as it is now that is not the case and the best case is a sales tax while removing the income tax system and of course you disagree and I am not going to fight you on your disagreement.

Now excuse me but it is late where I am at, and I prefer to slap my dick up against a hot stove then carry on this conversation and bid you a peaceful and wonderful evening and thank you for the conversation...

Oh, I am definitely against illegal immigration. For goodness sake, that is supposed to be the actual JOB of the feds! I think there are options rather than just giving up and saying "oh well!"
Prayer in schools...............I agree with it..................but not to infringe on the rights of others............If students want to pray by themselves or in groups then as a free country they should be able to do so.................Not as a function of class............that is not the schools function..........Just as those of other religions have that right.............again not to infringe on others............

When all this bs started they were attempting to thwart damned near anything............the students themselves banned together themselves and began prayer in protests in school and sporting events................I remember one football game...........where they had ruled to ban prayer in schools.............both teams came to the center of the field and kneeled in prayer.............a prayer was said, and then the game was started............

This was in direct response to the ACLU'S blatant attacks upon anything christian in schools.............the kids responded in kind.............and told the ACLU where it could put it's legal action.

And I agree.

We have a culture in this is diverse but majority christian.................there has been a prolonged siege against it...........attacking's purpose is to diminish our culture for the likes of the minorities offensive........why should we respect their culture when they disrespect ours.

Well, I agree that if the students want to pray in private on their own, that is fine.

Christian prayers before starting the day. Buddhist chants before breakfast. Muslim prayers before lunch. Pastafarian prayers before science class. Hindu prayers at the end of the school day. Mormon and Scientology prayers when riding on a spaceship to Mars.
So do you do as they have already tried to do.............attempt to ban their right UNDER THE 1ST AMENDMENT TO PRAYER...........if they are getting up in the middle of the class and chanting while the teacher is teaching............that's one thing.............but it's another if they do it at times that do not disrupt the classes.................

Bring it back up..........and try to enforce it in schools again..............and you will see the same results under threat of lawsuits..............just as you saw in the past...................whether you like it or not most in this country are still attack it you will continue to get the blow back.................but the attack groups want it destroyed and over time have taken bites out of it............

In a country, if you forfeit your culture in the purpose of DIVERSITY you lose your country as a result.......

1. No

2. No

3. No

4. Yes

And which tax proposal do you support? Fair tax? Flat tax?

Federal Sales Tax...

Will it happen?

Nope, but there is my answer for you...
aka a VAT and go the way of thanks........

Flat tax on deductions..........
Spending cuts to 18% of GDP..........which is the historical average since WWII.
Our Federal Budget is more than the GDP of any other nation on earth, and anyone who says we don't have a spending problem is living under a rock.

we do have a spending problem but here is the reality and that is politicians love to spend. I know how dare I let out the dirty little secret but the reality is there. We have politicians that love to waste tax dollars on military projects, or social welfare projects that can be handle by the state, or highway bills that are not needed like Bridges to Nowhere.

So as you kindly pointed out we have a spending problem. Now you wrote you would like a flat tax and that is all great if everyone paid into the system but the sad reality is that they do not. Illegals do not usually pay into the tax system except through the sale tax system and taxes on fuel and maybe land taxes but through work they usually do not.

So how do you get their tax money into the flat tax system?

Now before you write deport let live in reality and play nice and admit deporting them is not going to happen, so a tax system has to be made that will hit everyone equally and not a certain portion of the population.

Just my two cents.
I'm not going to play nice............E-VERIFY or you don't work here.........If companies want to sponsor them then they shall pay to play under the current rules of immigration here.............companies who violate it.............get fined and our jailed and end this nonsense..........

Is the term illegal not understood by you............and you are looking for a back door VAT out of this example..........

I'm not playing that game.

Agree with E-Verify. Also it would help with identity theft too and could replace all other 'IDs' that we have. It makes good sense to me! :)
Penn State and Nebraska before the game in response to the attacks by the ACLU and threatening lawsuits....
Our rights shall not be infringed.
God cares not for a football game. And if any school needs to pray for forgiveness, Penn State would be top of the damn list.
DId you ask him that personally.................The precious ACLU told these people not to pray..............This is their response....................that response is also to you..............if you choose to ignore or whine about it that is your problem and not theirs or mine.
Prayer in schools...............I agree with it..................but not to infringe on the rights of others............If students want to pray by themselves or in groups then as a free country they should be able to do so.................Not as a function of class............that is not the schools function..........Just as those of other religions have that right.............again not to infringe on others............

When all this bs started they were attempting to thwart damned near anything............the students themselves banned together themselves and began prayer in protests in school and sporting events................I remember one football game...........where they had ruled to ban prayer in schools.............both teams came to the center of the field and kneeled in prayer.............a prayer was said, and then the game was started............

This was in direct response to the ACLU'S blatant attacks upon anything christian in schools.............the kids responded in kind.............and told the ACLU where it could put it's legal action.

And I agree.

We have a culture in this is diverse but majority christian.................there has been a prolonged siege against it...........attacking's purpose is to diminish our culture for the likes of the minorities offensive........why should we respect their culture when they disrespect ours.

Well, I agree that if the students want to pray in private on their own, that is fine.

Christian prayers before starting the day. Buddhist chants before breakfast. Muslim prayers before lunch. Pastafarian prayers before science class. Hindu prayers at the end of the school day. Mormon and Scientology prayers when riding on a spaceship to Mars.

The students have scheduled breaks and they could do that kind of thing then.
Prayer in schools...............I agree with it..................but not to infringe on the rights of others............If students want to pray by themselves or in groups then as a free country they should be able to do so.................Not as a function of class............that is not the schools function..........Just as those of other religions have that right.............again not to infringe on others............

When all this bs started they were attempting to thwart damned near anything............the students themselves banned together themselves and began prayer in protests in school and sporting events................I remember one football game...........where they had ruled to ban prayer in schools.............both teams came to the center of the field and kneeled in prayer.............a prayer was said, and then the game was started............

This was in direct response to the ACLU'S blatant attacks upon anything christian in schools.............the kids responded in kind.............and told the ACLU where it could put it's legal action.

And I agree.

We have a culture in this is diverse but majority christian.................there has been a prolonged siege against it...........attacking's purpose is to diminish our culture for the likes of the minorities offensive........why should we respect their culture when they disrespect ours.

Well, I agree that if the students want to pray in private on their own, that is fine.

Christian prayers before starting the day. Buddhist chants before breakfast. Muslim prayers before lunch. Pastafarian prayers before science class. Hindu prayers at the end of the school day. Mormon and Scientology prayers when riding on a spaceship to Mars.
So do you do as they have already tried to do.............attempt to ban their right UNDER THE 1ST AMENDMENT TO PRAYER...........if they are getting up in the middle of the class and chanting while the teacher is teaching............that's one thing.............but it's another if they do it at times that do not disrupt the classes.................

Bring it back up..........and try to enforce it in schools again..............and you will see the same results under threat of lawsuits..............just as you saw in the past...................whether you like it or not most in this country are still attack it you will continue to get the blow back.................but the attack groups want it destroyed and over time have taken bites out of it............

In a country, if you forfeit your culture in the purpose of DIVERSITY you lose your country as a result.......


The first amendment needs to be replaced if we are to ban Muslim prayer 5 times a day and allow Christian prayer at the beginning of the school day.
The students have scheduled breaks and they could do that kind of thing then.

It should be semi-mandatory. The prayers would be said at allotted times. The children that do not want to participate can go stand in the corner with a dunce hat on. It would be the choice of the individual student. Nothing would be forced.
The students have scheduled breaks and they could do that kind of thing then.

It should be semi-mandatory. The prayers would be said at allotted times. The children that do not want to participate can go stand in the corner with a dunce hat on. It would be the choice of the individual student. Nothing would be forced.

Oh, so now you're going to start with the stupid? My mistake in thinking you actually wanted to have a serious discussion. I should have known based upon your behavior at the other forum.
Prayer in schools...............I agree with it..................but not to infringe on the rights of others............If students want to pray by themselves or in groups then as a free country they should be able to do so.................Not as a function of class............that is not the schools function..........Just as those of other religions have that right.............again not to infringe on others............

When all this bs started they were attempting to thwart damned near anything............the students themselves banned together themselves and began prayer in protests in school and sporting events................I remember one football game...........where they had ruled to ban prayer in schools.............both teams came to the center of the field and kneeled in prayer.............a prayer was said, and then the game was started............

This was in direct response to the ACLU'S blatant attacks upon anything christian in schools.............the kids responded in kind.............and told the ACLU where it could put it's legal action.

And I agree.

We have a culture in this is diverse but majority christian.................there has been a prolonged siege against it...........attacking's purpose is to diminish our culture for the likes of the minorities offensive........why should we respect their culture when they disrespect ours.

Well, I agree that if the students want to pray in private on their own, that is fine.

Christian prayers before starting the day. Buddhist chants before breakfast. Muslim prayers before lunch. Pastafarian prayers before science class. Hindu prayers at the end of the school day. Mormon and Scientology prayers when riding on a spaceship to Mars.
So do you do as they have already tried to do.............attempt to ban their right UNDER THE 1ST AMENDMENT TO PRAYER...........if they are getting up in the middle of the class and chanting while the teacher is teaching............that's one thing.............but it's another if they do it at times that do not disrupt the classes.................

Bring it back up..........and try to enforce it in schools again..............and you will see the same results under threat of lawsuits..............just as you saw in the past...................whether you like it or not most in this country are still attack it you will continue to get the blow back.................but the attack groups want it destroyed and over time have taken bites out of it............

In a country, if you forfeit your culture in the purpose of DIVERSITY you lose your country as a result.......


The first amendment needs to be replaced if we are to ban Muslim prayer 5 times a day and allow Christian prayer at the beginning of the school day.
Who's denying the Muslim prayers.
The students have scheduled breaks and they could do that kind of thing then.

It should be semi-mandatory. The prayers would be said at allotted times. The children that do not want to participate can go stand in the corner with a dunce hat on. It would be the choice of the individual student. Nothing would be forced.

Oh, so now you're going to start with the stupid? My mistake in thinking you actually wanted to have a serious discussion. I should have known based upon your behavior at the other forum.

This whole thread is stupid. You insults are always irrelevant to the topic of discussion. They don't distract anybody but me and you. Everybody else is still paying attention to the subject matter.
Prayer in schools...............I agree with it..................but not to infringe on the rights of others............If students want to pray by themselves or in groups then as a free country they should be able to do so.................Not as a function of class............that is not the schools function..........Just as those of other religions have that right.............again not to infringe on others............

When all this bs started they were attempting to thwart damned near anything............the students themselves banned together themselves and began prayer in protests in school and sporting events................I remember one football game...........where they had ruled to ban prayer in schools.............both teams came to the center of the field and kneeled in prayer.............a prayer was said, and then the game was started............

This was in direct response to the ACLU'S blatant attacks upon anything christian in schools.............the kids responded in kind.............and told the ACLU where it could put it's legal action.

And I agree.

We have a culture in this is diverse but majority christian.................there has been a prolonged siege against it...........attacking's purpose is to diminish our culture for the likes of the minorities offensive........why should we respect their culture when they disrespect ours.

Well, I agree that if the students want to pray in private on their own, that is fine.

Christian prayers before starting the day. Buddhist chants before breakfast. Muslim prayers before lunch. Pastafarian prayers before science class. Hindu prayers at the end of the school day. Mormon and Scientology prayers when riding on a spaceship to Mars.
So do you do as they have already tried to do.............attempt to ban their right UNDER THE 1ST AMENDMENT TO PRAYER...........if they are getting up in the middle of the class and chanting while the teacher is teaching............that's one thing.............but it's another if they do it at times that do not disrupt the classes.................

Bring it back up..........and try to enforce it in schools again..............and you will see the same results under threat of lawsuits..............just as you saw in the past...................whether you like it or not most in this country are still attack it you will continue to get the blow back.................but the attack groups want it destroyed and over time have taken bites out of it............

In a country, if you forfeit your culture in the purpose of DIVERSITY you lose your country as a result.......


The first amendment needs to be replaced if we are to ban Muslim prayer 5 times a day and allow Christian prayer at the beginning of the school day.
Who's denying the Muslim prayers.

I was a senior in high school when this battle reached Dekalb County Alabama. I don't think I knew what a Muslim was back in 1996. All the activists and protesters were evangelical Christians.

It was a war between all the students in the county versus one atheist student at Valley Head High School that recently moved to the area.

Before this guy moved to our county we were reading from the Bible and saying prayers in Jesus name. We weren't reading the Qu'ran or praying to Allah.
Last edited:
OP if you want to avoid looking like an ignorant dishonest liberal of below average intelligence stop drinking the liberal koolaid.

This is something I discussed with Bonzi. My honesty is irrelevant. I am just curious as to which of these issues are the most pressing and which one(s) don't matter too much.

Since you accuse me of being a liberal I will set the record straight. I am a moderate Republican that has a hard time understanding what my fellow republicans find so intoxicating about focusing on our losses. I am a republican that wants my team to win. I'm tired of watching us lose and then crying about losing. I don't like it and I want the whining to stop. If tea party nut jobs want to cry then this thread is the best place for it.

Which one of these issues can we stop crying about? We can at least shut up about one of them. Am I right?

You know squat about conservatives, your OP is a joke born from liberal lies.

Please set the record straight. This is how many Americans view the conservative movement. Some of them may be using US Message Board. You should set all the idiots straight.

There is no such thing as "the conservative movement" fool. Prime example proving my point.
OP if you want to avoid looking like an ignorant dishonest liberal of below average intelligence stop drinking the liberal koolaid.

This is something I discussed with Bonzi. My honesty is irrelevant. I am just curious as to which of these issues are the most pressing and which one(s) don't matter too much.

Since you accuse me of being a liberal I will set the record straight. I am a moderate Republican that has a hard time understanding what my fellow republicans find so intoxicating about focusing on our losses. I am a republican that wants my team to win. I'm tired of watching us lose and then crying about losing. I don't like it and I want the whining to stop. If tea party nut jobs want to cry then this thread is the best place for it.

Which one of these issues can we stop crying about? We can at least shut up about one of them. Am I right?

You know squat about conservatives, your OP is a joke born from liberal lies.

Go away from this thread and don't ever come back.

:crybaby: if you are going to lie about conservatives be prepared to be called out on your lies.

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