Immigration is Destroying America.


Geometric , just like I said. And this J curve is damn near right-angle vertical. The population change was near linear from 1950-1970. Since then, ZOOM. Like a rocket going up.

Yes or no you can see it is not geometric after 2000 by your chart. To be geometric it would have had to be around 50million in 2008, not 35million.

Are you trying to break records for stupidity in this forum ? The chart shows that from 1900 1970, the growth of foreign born in America, was pretty steady (and it even DROPPED from 1940 to 1970), and then from 1970 to now, it has jumped up like a basketball player doing a stuff shot. What does it take to get an admission out of you.? Good grief, man! Get real!

I'll repeat. Clearly you don't understand the term geometric. It was only geometric between 1970 and 2000 at which point it decelerated significantly and is no longer geometric. All the rest of the data points on that chart show that it is not geometric at all. Many of the data points even showed it decreasing.

Face it, you are wrong.
Yes or no you can see it is not geometric after 2000 by your chart. To be geometric it would have had to be around 50million in 2008, not 35million.

Are you trying to break records for stupidity in this forum ? The chart shows that from 1900 1970, the growth of foreign born in America, was pretty steady (and it even DROPPED from 1940 to 1970), and then from 1970 to now, it has jumped up like a basketball player doing a stuff shot. What does it take to get an admission out of you.? Good grief, man! Get real!

I'll repeat. Clearly you don't understand the term geometric. It was only geometric between 1970 and 2000 at which point it decelerated significantly and is no longer geometric. All the rest of the data points on that chart show that it is not geometric at all. Many of the data points even showed it decreasing.

Face it, you are wrong.

Face it, you are wrong. TOTALLY wrong. But from you, that's to be expected, since you hardly ever get ANYTHING right.

Dude, just because your school didn't use the word "geometric" to describe exponential growth, doesn't mean it cant be used. Geometric growth is growth that is increasing with the passage of time,, as opposed to arithmetic growth that remains constant. Blabber all you want. What I just said is right. Maybe you just don't understand American English.

Arithmetic growth > 2 -4 - 6- 8 - 10 - 12 - 14 - 16 (x to the first power)

Geometric growth > 3 - 9 - 27 - 81 - (x to the third power; cubic)

Who am I ? Your tutor ?
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Are you trying to break records for stupidity in this forum ? The chart shows that from 1900 1970, the growth of foreign born in America, was pretty steady (and it even DROPPED from 1940 to 1970), and then from 1970 to now, it has jumped up like a basketball player doing a stuff shot. What does it take to get an admission out of you.? Good grief, man! Get real!

I'll repeat. Clearly you don't understand the term geometric. It was only geometric between 1970 and 2000 at which point it decelerated significantly and is no longer geometric. All the rest of the data points on that chart show that it is not geometric at all. Many of the data points even showed it decreasing.

Face it, you are wrong.

Face it, you are wrong. TOTALLY wrong. But from you, that's to be expected, since you hardly ever get ANYTHING right.

Dude, just because your school didn't use the word "geometric" to describe exponential growth, doesn't mean it cant be used. Geometric growth is growth that is increasing with the passage of time,, as opposed to arithmetic growth that remains constant. Blabber all you want. What I just said is right. Maybe you just don't understand American English.

Arithmetic growth > 2 -4 - 6- 8 - 10 - 12 - 14 - 16 (x to the first power)

Geometric growth > 3 - 9 - 27 - 81 - (x to the third power; cubic)

Who am I ? Your tutor ?

Read the chart again and my comments again. Like I said, your chart does not read like... "Geometric growth > 3 - 9 - 27 - 81" now does it? Why don't you write down all of the numbers in the graph and compare them yourself to your own example of geometric growth then explain to the class how your chart shows geometric growth from the numbers in the graph.

Immigrants are 30% more likely than non-immigrants to start a business. In case anyone forgot, businesses are those things that create jobs and grow the economy.

Should we count how many times in this thread I said I support immigrants who bring capital, with which to open businesses, and create jobs, for AMERICANS ? I guess it's at least 5 times (probably more)

How do you feel about immigrants who bring low-cost labor to work AMERICAN industries?
I'll repeat. Clearly you don't understand the term geometric. It was only geometric between 1970 and 2000 at which point it decelerated significantly and is no longer geometric. All the rest of the data points on that chart show that it is not geometric at all. Many of the data points even showed it decreasing.

Face it, you are wrong.

Face it, you are wrong. TOTALLY wrong. But from you, that's to be expected, since you hardly ever get ANYTHING right.

Dude, just because your school didn't use the word "geometric" to describe exponential growth, doesn't mean it cant be used. Geometric growth is growth that is increasing with the passage of time,, as opposed to arithmetic growth that remains constant. Blabber all you want. What I just said is right. Maybe you just don't understand American English.

Arithmetic growth > 2 -4 - 6- 8 - 10 - 12 - 14 - 16 (x to the first power)

Geometric growth > 3 - 9 - 27 - 81 - (x to the third power; cubic)

Who am I ? Your tutor ?

Read the chart again and my comments again. Like I said, your chart does not read like... "Geometric growth > 3 - 9 - 27 - 81" now does it? Why don't you write down all of the numbers in the graph and compare them yourself to your own example of geometric growth then explain to the class how your chart shows geometric growth from the numbers in the graph.

I've already explained to you and everyone else here how it shows it. Not my fault if your too dumb to grasp it. Note the underlined word, dummy. Not my fault. NOT MY PROBLEM. :badgrin:

Immigrants are 30% more likely than non-immigrants to start a business. In case anyone forgot, businesses are those things that create jobs and grow the economy.

Should we count how many times in this thread I said I support immigrants who bring capital, with which to open businesses, and create jobs, for AMERICANS ? I guess it's at least 5 times (probably more)

How do you feel about immigrants who bring low-cost labor to work AMERICAN industries?

They are invaders in a 21st century type of imperialist war against America, which has resulted in Mexico sacking America for hundreds of Billions$$$ (by remittances and welfare), which has become Mexico's # 1 source of income. They are the cheap, labor "troops in this war, and Mexico is our # 1 enemy in the war, constantly at war with America.
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Should we count how many times in this thread I said I support immigrants who bring capital, with which to open businesses, and create jobs, for AMERICANS ? I guess it's at least 5 times (probably more)

How do you feel about immigrants who bring low-cost labor to work AMERICAN industries?

They are invaders in a 21st century type of imperialist war against America, which has resulted in Mexico sacking America for hundreds of Billions$$$ (by remittances and welfare), which has become Mexico's # 1 source of income. They are the cheap, labor "troops in this war, and Mexico is our # 1 enemy in the war, constantly at war with America.
Mexican GDP is approximately 1.4 trillion. Remittances are 22 billion. Your numbers a way off.
How do you feel about immigrants who bring low-cost labor to work AMERICAN industries?

They are invaders in a 21st century type of imperialist war against America, which has resulted in Mexico sacking America for hundreds of Billions$$$ (by remittances and welfare), which has become Mexico's # 1 source of income. They are the cheap, labor "troops in this war, and Mexico is our # 1 enemy in the war, constantly at war with America.
Mexican GDP is approximately 1.4 trillion. Remittances are 22 billion. Your numbers a way off.

First of all I'm talking about remittances AND human services payouts (us paying their poverty bill) COMBINED.

Secondly, I'm talking about INCOME from outside the country. GDP is internal, and another subject. Only income that compares with imperialism upon the USA is Mexico's oil exports, which is greater than US remittances, but not greater than remittances COMBINED with welfare, to Mexicans in the US (using false documentation and the anchor baby racket). My numbers are correct. All the following articles mention US remittances to Mexico, as Mexico's second largest source of income, after their oil exports.

Yearly Mexican remittances drop - World news - Americas | NBC News

As U.S. economy worsens, illegal aliens send even more money back home - National Immigration Reform |

BBC NEWS | Business | Slowdown hits Mexico remittances

FRONTLINE/WORLD . Mexico - The Ballad of Juan Quezada . Facts | PBS
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Face it, you are wrong. TOTALLY wrong. But from you, that's to be expected, since you hardly ever get ANYTHING right.

Dude, just because your school didn't use the word "geometric" to describe exponential growth, doesn't mean it cant be used. Geometric growth is growth that is increasing with the passage of time,, as opposed to arithmetic growth that remains constant. Blabber all you want. What I just said is right. Maybe you just don't understand American English.

Arithmetic growth > 2 -4 - 6- 8 - 10 - 12 - 14 - 16 (x to the first power)

Geometric growth > 3 - 9 - 27 - 81 - (x to the third power; cubic)

Who am I ? Your tutor ?

Read the chart again and my comments again. Like I said, your chart does not read like... "Geometric growth > 3 - 9 - 27 - 81" now does it? Why don't you write down all of the numbers in the graph and compare them yourself to your own example of geometric growth then explain to the class how your chart shows geometric growth from the numbers in the graph.

I've already explained to you and everyone else here how it shows it. Not my fault if your too dumb to grasp it. Note the underlined word, dummy. Not my fault. NOT MY PROBLEM. :badgrin:

Yes or no, fool, is 35 equal to 50?
Read the chart again and my comments again. Like I said, your chart does not read like... "Geometric growth > 3 - 9 - 27 - 81" now does it? Why don't you write down all of the numbers in the graph and compare them yourself to your own example of geometric growth then explain to the class how your chart shows geometric growth from the numbers in the graph.

I've already explained to you and everyone else here how it shows it. Not my fault if your too dumb to grasp it. Note the underlined word, dummy. Not my fault. NOT MY PROBLEM. :badgrin:

Yes or no, fool, is 35 equal to 50?

1. Has nothing to do with what I've said.

2. Every American should be contacting their congressman, and asking for a mass deportation program of all illegal aliens, and the passage of a law making immigration ILLEGAL, with only the 2 exceptions I stipulated before.
I've already explained to you and everyone else here how it shows it. Not my fault if your too dumb to grasp it. Note the underlined word, dummy. Not my fault. NOT MY PROBLEM. :badgrin:

Yes or no, fool, is 35 equal to 50?

1. Has nothing to do with what I've said.

2. Every American should be contacting their congressman, and asking for a mass deportation program of all illegal aliens, and the passage of a law making immigration ILLEGAL, with only the 2 exceptions I stipulated before.

Utter nonsense from a paranoid xenophobe who thinks the population of our country should be equal to the population of the state of texas or we are all gonna die for lack of resources. ROFL what a fool.
Yes or no, fool, is 35 equal to 50?

1. Has nothing to do with what I've said.

2. Every American should be contacting their congressman, and asking for a mass deportation program of all illegal aliens, and the passage of a law making immigration ILLEGAL, with only the 2 exceptions I stipulated before.

Utter nonsense from a paranoid xenophobe who thinks the population of our country should be equal to the population of the state of texas or we are all gonna die for lack of resources. ROFL what a fool.

Utter nonsense from a fool who chronically makes up things about what somebody says, and than attacks him for it. I've shown no indications of being "xenophobe". No indications of any kind of "paranoia". No indication that "we are all gonna die". This forum is open to lunatics who inisist on showing of their lunacy though. So, oh well. Another day at the forum. Yawn *****

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

About $50 Billion/year >> FOR MEXICO.


Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.
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A lot of good it does to present a report based on another report from a 100% BIASED, lobbying, shill, group for immigrants. (NAFSA) In their own website NAFSA openly admits their # 1 goal to be >> "Advocate for public policies that lead to a more globally engaged and welcoming United States."

For those who may be a bit propaganda-challenged, "welcoming" means supporting immigration and immigrants. Another joke post from Unkotare, with no objective substance whatsoever. :lame2:
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