Immigration is Destroying America.

There have always been cowards and idiots, but that has never stopped our great nation from moving forward and becoming stronger, in large part due to the contributions of immigrants who have become Americans.

Your great nation ? ...obviously you're referring to the train wreck known as Mexico (moving forward and becoming stronger, in large part due to the "contributions" of immigrants who have become Americans. (remittances$$ + anchor baby racket)

In fact, these 2 together are Mexico's # 1 source of income, "moving forward and becoming stronger" (at the expense of the US economy)
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Cowards and fools who do not, cannot, or will not understand American history and what our great nation stands for and was built upon should not call themselves "Americans."

Yet, in an act of shameful fraud, some do anyway...
Cowards and fools who do not, cannot, or will not understand American history and what our great nation stands for and was built upon should not call themselves "Americans." Yet, in an act of shameful fraud, some do anyway...

This thread is not about history. So you are OFF TOPIC!!

Fools who don't understand America's history cannot understand America today, because we are a nation founded upon principles that are as central to our identity as a nation and a people now as they were at our founding (and arguably before).
Fools who don't understand America's history cannot understand America today, because we are a nation founded upon principles that are as central to our identity as a nation and a people now as they were at our founding (and arguably before).

Get ON TOPIC, or get out of the thread, ass clown!
Fortunately there are still plenty of Americans who understand and believe in what America is. Some of these brethren have had family on this continent since long before the Republic, and some just became US Citizens very recently, and every time in between. Family is family. If you ever want to be inspired about the purpose, principle, and promise of America just attend a naturalization ceremony. No real American can be witness to that moment and not be moved.
Hey Unkotare. They're declaring that the Central American bus riders are legal to immigrate in, due to the 2008 trafficking law. So if they're legal, then you're OK with this tsunmai of human disease, right ? Right Unkotare ? Right ? Right ?
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Another hell of a DODGE. 3 days gone by now since I posted # 1907. Still no response. What's the matter Mr. Link ? No ability post without a link ? Cat got your tongue ?

Maybe he's celebrating our independence. But you wouldn't know anything about that since Mexico's independence day is different than ours.

One does not celebrate Independence Day for 4 days. (July 8, today).
Another hell of a DODGE. 3 days gone by now since I posted # 1907. Still no response. What's the matter Mr. Link ? No ability post without a link ? Cat got your tongue ?

Maybe he's celebrating our independence. But you wouldn't know anything about that since Mexico's independence day is different than ours.

One does not celebrate Independence Day for 4 days. (July 8, today).

As I see it, Independence Day is each day we are independent. As for you, you've been an idiot for longer than four days.
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Hold the Central American countries accountable for this atrocious INVASION. Note how silent they have been through all this latest border crisis. If they were not complicit in this, they would be apologizing, and rushing in to help repair the situation. They're not doing that because they are the ENGINEERS OF IT.

They've seen Mexico use migration of poor people into the US as a tactic bringing Mexico their # 1 source of income (remittances + welfare relief), and now they are wanting to cash in as well, as long as they have Obama and his crew, allowing it to happen.

This activity on the part of the Central American nations is a conscious, deliberate invasion and act of WAR, and it should be treated as such, with economic and/or military action taken against these imperialistic raiders.
Hold the Central American countries accountable for this atrocious INVASION. Note how silent they have been through all this latest border crisis. If they were not complicit in this, they would be apologizing, and rushing in to help repair the situation. They're not doing that because they are the ENGINEERS OF IT.

They've seen Mexico use migration of poor people into the US as a tactic bringing Mexico their # 1 source of income (remittances + welfare relief), and now they are wanting to cash in as well, as long as they have Obama and his crew, allowing it to happen.

This activity on the part of the Central American nations is a conscious, deliberate invasion and act of WAR, and it should be treated as such, with economic and/or military action taken against these imperialistic raiders.
So you think they should have walls to keep their people in... ROFL

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