Immigration reform favors illegal aliens ahead of americans


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Frosty Wooldridge -- Immigration Reform Favors Illegal Aliens Ahead of Americans

You must understand the duplicity of our U.S. Congress and President Obama. They place the interests of illegal aliens and businesses who hire them over and above American citizens. The White House and Congress place illegality of businesses who hire illegal aliens and the illegality of the alien migrants—above 47 million Americans who cannot secure jobs, but must live on taxpayer funded food stamps.

Ironically, Obama and Congress import 100,000 legal immigrants every 30 days in light of the fact that we suffer 14 million unemployed Americans. They import green card-holding Somalian, Congolese, Sudanese and Indian immigrants who displace and take jobs from our own minority working poor. When those immigrants can’t find jobs, they apply for and receive welfare in free food, housing, medical and allowances. It costs you billions of dollars as a taxpaying American. With 100,000 immigrants added every 30 days, there is no let-up. Yet, Congress and Obama want to legalize 20 million illegal aliens to give them access to our Social Security, housing, food stamps, medical and schools. In a swoop of the pen, our financially broken and $16 trillion in-debt country will take on 20 million dish washers, nannies, gardeners and unskilled and uneducated poor. The Heritage Foundation projected the total cost of legalizing 12 million illegals at over $3 trillion. With greater numbers, it will rise to $5 trillion. It defies anyone’s imagination.

Obama won’t enforce the laws on the books, but he and Congress want to legalize illegality. They won’t enforce any new laws either, thus, millions more can be expected to pour into America like a Human Katrina.

“Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide [that adds 80 million net gain annually to the planet], but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all—ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet.” Dr. Otis Graham, Unguarded Gates

Another reader remarked, “My suspicion is that the figure is closer to 15 million illegals not ten million. If one ever thought that politicians were far sighted, here is an example of extreme myopia. All of this endless business of immigration as a means to an increased quality of life for millions is driven by delusion and illusion. Technology and hope can only support so much insanity as is seen in the government. Water tables collapse, green spaces disappear and wilderness shrinks in the face of numbers. More laws, more pesticides, herbicides, anti- biotics as the population swells while the overall quality of the environment declines and so does life. Politicians are not educated; they are just well trained glad-handers with, in most cases, a need for self-aggrandizement. A very sad commentary on the condition of life boat Earth. If you had a 12 pound turkey( can be a politician) for food in a life boat with 15 people in it with no sign of land for weeks, why would you pull on board another 15 people and another and another? Wake up! The Earth is a life boat; unless, you think divine intervention will save us. We are alone in this cosmic sea until we get it right!”

Has Obama destroyed America ?
Immigration reform favors illegal aliens ahead of americans

I'M SHOCKED! :eek:

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