Immigration Reform may mean 8,520,000 new Dem voters. Obama won by 3,000,000. votes.


Irritated Indy Voter
Apr 8, 2013
The actual link I need to open this thread is not yet available. Last night on Bill Maher's real time it was pointed out that in 2012 President Obama received 71% of the Hispanic vote.

Maher was discussing that if the 12,000,000 illegal immigrants in the United States took a pathway to citizenship, and could vote, 71% would equal 8,520,000 Democrats and 3,480,000 Republicans. Obama beat Romney by 3,000,000 votes in 2012. This could mean that Democrats could automatically win a national election before a candidate was even nominated!

The question of 12,000,000 new voters was given as a reason why Republicans will defeat Immigration Reform. However, this too is controversial.

This is the closest link I could find to this subject, (but in this case it looks as though any opinion would be as good as any other). It makes sense to me.

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I don't remember all the details as to when this happened.
I do seem to remember Hillary Clinton wanting to give the vote to felons.

That's quite a few votes for the Democrat party don't ya think....
I don't remember all the details as to when this happened.
I do seem to remember Hillary Clinton wanting to give the vote to felons.

That's quite a few votes for the Democrat party don't ya think....

Yes, that is a significant number of votes. More than enough to change election results.

Got curious about your post. Did not find anything about Hillary Clinton, but only 11 States do not allow Felons to vote for life. Voter Disfranchisement | American Civil Liberties Union Apparently, the ACLU is on the cases.

To relate this to the topic, I do not know what the percentage is of illegal aliens who are felons. However, the deportation rate for illegal aliens is about 400,000 per year. President Obama made felons a top priority for deportation. I would imagine the number of felons is less than 3% after doing some quick math.


P. S. Love your avatar, loved Fast Times at Ridgemont.
Wait a second, I thought Joe Arapio was wrong to target Hispanics as Illegals?

Are most Illegals Hispanic according to Bill Maher?
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I don't remember all the details as to when this happened.
I do seem to remember Hillary Clinton wanting to give the vote to felons.

That's quite a few votes for the Democrat party don't ya think....
I have a friend who works in the prison system where he is an officer, and the criminals there he claimed voted.
I don't remember all the details as to when this happened.
I do seem to remember Hillary Clinton wanting to give the vote to felons.

That's quite a few votes for the Democrat party don't ya think....

Yes, that is a significant number of votes. More than enough to change election results.

Got curious about your post. Did not find anything about Hillary Clinton, but only 11 States do not allow Felons to vote for life. Voter Disfranchisement | American Civil Liberties Union Apparently, the ACLU is on the cases.

To relate this to the topic, I do not know what the percentage is of illegal aliens who are felons. However, the deportation rate for illegal aliens is about 400,000 per year. President Obama made felons a top priority for deportation. I would imagine the number of felons is less than 3% after doing some quick math.


P. S. Love your avatar, loved Fast Times at Ridgemont.
If these illegals weren't here in the numbers in which they are, then our schools could revert back to freedom in education, where as if a middle school student decides he or she doesn't want to be educated anymore around seventh grade and beyond, then he or she could quit, but they should be ready to take on some responsibility in a job in which the illegals were filling in so many sectors. This would settle a lot of problems in America, where as right now we have to many Americans, and not enough jobs available to them, so they are being forced to remain in areas in which they don't want to be in (including school), and when this happens trouble ensues quickly afterwards due to rebellion that is created in them by such forcing upon them. We must turn this nation back into a free nation, and quit forcing issues until we create a bad situation just as we have done in America to date. Years ago a young person had two options available to them, either remain in school after seventh grade or drop out and get a job in which there were plenty. Then when the young person see's that their abilities are limited in these early on chosen jobs by them, they still have the option to go back to school part time while working, in order to get the rest of that needed education in which they now realize they needed and should have gotten. The illegals changed all this, where as they came here in the millions, and they took away this freedom Americans had in choice, so this caused Americans to be forced to stay in many areas in which they felt they didn't want to stay in, so it all began closing in on them, and this is where we had Hollywood come in to fill up their minds with garbage, and to finish the rebellious mind with all sorts of bad in which they began emulating upon society at large. Talk about a one two and then a third punch to Americans real freedoms of choice...WOW. Hmm another part of this dilemma faced today, is the no parent household, in which this means that both parents are out working, so if a child decides to quit school in order to pursue something else, they have no structural support system at home to accommodate this move by them. What this also means is that the schools have become a day care center for young people, while the parents are out trying to make ends meet, and still can't make ends meet in todays set up. This problem then makes the child who is forced to stay at school, angry about being there, and not being out there helping his parents make ends meet also, so rebellion comes next, and this may come in and/or takes many forms. What about the children who are far advanced in their minds, but the schools don't recognize this, and so they are left there to feels as if they are being dragged along in a wasted situation, because they feel they are already ready to get out and make some real money to help themselves or help their families ? What about such a child in which is then being disrespected due to the lack of understanding by the school in which has no way to understand what such a student wants in life at this point, and is more interested in that child remaining there due to his or her head count instead ? The private sector once accommodated the balance in our society well, but somehow they gave this responsibility completely over to the government, who is mainly interested in control, and in head counts, and this is done to somehow control it all for future votes now.
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Why do you think Obama is big on CHANGING our immigration system and says it BROKEN..

He and Democrats know EXCATLY what they are's shame the American CITIZENS in this country don't care more
I don't remember all the details as to when this happened.
I do seem to remember Hillary Clinton wanting to give the vote to felons.

That's quite a few votes for the Democrat party don't ya think....

Why should someone be denied their right to vote because they've been convicted of a crime?

Especially if they've already completed their sentence?
I don't remember all the details as to when this happened.
I do seem to remember Hillary Clinton wanting to give the vote to felons.

That's quite a few votes for the Democrat party don't ya think....

Why should someone be denied their right to vote because they've been convicted of a crime?

Especially if they've already completed their sentence?
What about the voter drive that went on in the prisons ? If a person commits a crime and is serving time, then they should have absolutely no rights to vote while in prison serving any sentence given them. Now once they get out then yes they should be able to participate again in such activity.
I don't remember all the details as to when this happened.
I do seem to remember Hillary Clinton wanting to give the vote to felons.

That's quite a few votes for the Democrat party don't ya think....

Why should someone be denied their right to vote because they've been convicted of a crime?

Especially if they've already completed their sentence?
What about the voter drive that went on in the prisons ? If a person commits a crime and is serving time, then they should have absolutely no rights to vote while in prison serving any sentence given them. Now once they get out then yes they should be able to participate again in such activity.

Most voter drives in prisons are for people who either haven't been convicted of a crime or aren't accused of anything that serious.

Here's the thing though. We have 2 million in prison and 7 million on probation or parole. Most of them being minority and or poor. Obviously, our politics would be very different if they were fully enfranchised, which makes me wonder if that's the point.
Why should someone be denied their right to vote because they've been convicted of a crime?

Especially if they've already completed their sentence?
What about the voter drive that went on in the prisons ? If a person commits a crime and is serving time, then they should have absolutely no rights to vote while in prison serving any sentence given them. Now once they get out then yes they should be able to participate again in such activity.

Most voter drives in prisons are for people who either haven't been convicted of a crime or aren't accused of anything that serious.

Here's the thing though. We have 2 million in prison and 7 million on probation or parole. Most of them being minority and or poor. Obviously, our politics would be very different if they were fully enfranchised, which makes me wonder if that's the point.

Huh ? What are they doing in jail or prison then ? I thought when convicted of a crime, and one is incarcerated, then that person gives up certain rights or is forced to until free again ? Otherwise isn't this part of the punishment, where as to make a person feel that their activities has made them a non-participant in certain areas, and this in order to make them feel that what they have done is not acceptable by society in anyway ? Now wouldn't it be nice to gather up as many of ones ilk as possible to vote, in order to vote for what ever type of society one wants, and this be it an immoral society or a moral society upon which ever direction it all takes ? We must always shoot for a moral society, and make it where an immoral society can't vote itself into the leadership roles of society, so prison and jails should always be excluded from the process of voting period.
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Huh ? What are they doing in jail or prison then ? I thought when convicted of a crime, and one is incarcerated, then that person gives up certain rights or is forced to until free again ? Otherwise isn't this part of the punishment, where as to make a person feel that their activities has made them a non-participant in certain areas, and this in order to make them feel that what they have done is not acceptable by society in anyway ? Now wouldn't it be nice to gather up as many of ones ilk as possible to vote, in order to vote for what ever type of society one wants, and this be it an immoral society or a moral society upon which ever direction it all takes ? We must always shoot for a moral society, and make it where an immoral society can't vote itself into the leadership roles of society, so prison and jails should always be excluded from the process of voting period.

Poor people can languish in prison for months awaiting their trials if they can't afford bail or aren't granted bail.

And, no, I don't think we should exclude prisoners of their right to vote.

The problem is of course, is that we've turned prisons into a profit industry, which is why we've gone from half a million in prisons in 1980 to over 2 million today.
Why should someone be denied their right to vote because they've been convicted of a crime?

Especially if they've already completed their sentence?
What about the voter drive that went on in the prisons ? If a person commits a crime and is serving time, then they should have absolutely no rights to vote while in prison serving any sentence given them. Now once they get out then yes they should be able to participate again in such activity.

Most voter drives in prisons are for people who either haven't been convicted of a crime or aren't accused of anything that serious.

Here's the thing though. We have 2 million in prison and 7 million on probation or parole. Most of them being minority and or poor. Obviously, our politics would be very different if they were fully enfranchised, which makes me wonder if that's the point.

If someone is in prison they have been convicted in a court and remanded to state prison. If they have not been convicted of a crime and are being held because they cannot make bail or are ineligible for bail, they are in jail.
History will look back on republicans with shame. Like what this country did to blacks, Japanese, Chinese, Indians etc.

You people are just shameful.
History will look back on republicans with shame. Like what this country did to blacks, Japanese, Chinese, Indians etc.

You people are just shameful.
And you say this why ? How about be more specific before making blanket statements in which make you appear as a racist against what you deem in your mind for whom Republicans are. You know that old white race that just abused and fought people for no good reason in order to establish this nation and all, I mean just go on and say it why don't you ? That's who you think that they are, and probably someone like you will never change in your twisted mind concerning your education about these things, because you were probably educated like Barack and Michelle were in the church in which they attended.
What about the voter drive that went on in the prisons ? If a person commits a crime and is serving time, then they should have absolutely no rights to vote while in prison serving any sentence given them. Now once they get out then yes they should be able to participate again in such activity.

Most voter drives in prisons are for people who either haven't been convicted of a crime or aren't accused of anything that serious.

Here's the thing though. We have 2 million in prison and 7 million on probation or parole. Most of them being minority and or poor. Obviously, our politics would be very different if they were fully enfranchised, which makes me wonder if that's the point.

If someone is in prison they have been convicted in a court and remanded to state prison. If they have not been convicted of a crime and are being held because they cannot make bail or are ineligible for bail, they are in jail.
How is it that one is HELD without being accused or convicted of a crime, and without proper and direct evidence against them ? What happened to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law statute ? If one is innocent until proven guilty, then how are they being detained or held in jail ? If have nothing solid on an individual, are they not to be allowed to go free until called back in for further questioning about the problem when evidence arises against them, or rather a witness steps forward to directly bring charges against the person, therefore giving the law the right to HOLD the person based on accusations that are serious in nature or the law actually has evidence to hold the person due to evidence in which they have gathered in which is then known by them to also justify holding them as well ? If they hold a person in jail, then they have strong evidence against them, and at this point I think voting should be the last thing on any ones mind. I would think that the person would have to be cleared of all charges against them, before returning to full status of a citizen, and then I think they should be compensated slightly (within reason) for being detained without enough evidence against them in the first place. For every person improperly detained, and then later let go as being innocent, they should be given $5,000 dollars as a departing gift, where as this would be a deterrent to help stop abuse of law enforcement when arresting and holding innocent people without proper evidence being met or established against them. A state by state assessment could be made of those states who use the fund set up more so than others, thus prompting an investigation into their reasoning for detaining citizens without proper evidence involved against them. Hmmm, but this could make law enforcement even more corrupt against the citizens if not careful. Maybe in a every police station across the land, they could have a federal officer who would make reports on all that he would note on such activity, and then would report it as to the operational standards being conducted within these precincts and/or stations across America.

I still say prisoners or jail birds should not vote or they should not be tapped by political parties to vote. Keep voting out of this area is my honest opinion, as it just isn't right to allow prisoners to vote. It undermines their punishment, and that is what's wrong with this nation now it seems.
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Wait a second, I thought Joe Arapio was wrong to target Hispanics as Illegals?

Are most Illegals Hispanic according to Bill Maher?

Neither Bill Maher, nor I for that matter are saying anything against Illegal aliens of Hispanics.

All that is being pointed out is that President Obama received 71% of the Hispanic vote in 2012. If a pathway to citizenship were given the 12,000,000 Hispanic illegal aliens already in the United States, it would create 8,520,000 Democratic voters. Keep in mind that President Obama defeated Romney by 3,000,000 votes. It is possible under Immigration Reform that when all 12,000,000 illegal aliens were made citizens, Democrats could win the General Election before a candidate was nominated.

This is to say nothing bad about Hispanics or illegal aliens. It is simply a way to crunch the numbers. It was a discussion on Bill Maher's Real Time television show and may NOT be a fact. However, I find it to be a reasonable consideration. Republicans have mentioned it, and it MAY be a factor in why Republicans are impeding progress on Immigration Reform. Political pundits on Real Time predict that Immigration Reform will probably fail in the U. S. Senate. Republican, U. S. Senator, Marco Rubio of Florida authored the bill, and now plans to vote against his own bill!


History will look back on republicans with shame. Like what this country did to blacks, Japanese, Chinese, Indians etc.

You people are just shameful.
And you say this why ? How about be more specific before making blanket statements in which make you appear as a racist against what you deem in your mind for whom Republicans are. You know that old white race that just abused and fought people for no good reason in order to establish this nation and all, I mean just go on and say it why don't you ? That's who you think that they are, and probably someone like you will never change in your twisted mind concerning your education about these things, because you were probably educated like Barack and Michelle were in the church in which they attended.

Well said. You have a way with the written word.

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