Imo the dems frustration with Rosentstein is .... premature


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
Dem frustration grows with Rosenstein

it's more than a little likely that Rosentstein is a toady who agreed to toss Le Grande Orange's salad daily in exchange for his job. But some of us recall a distaste from seeing the DOJ embrace the BLM folks. the DOJ is a political animal. Some win some lose.

Comey should have been fired over his October antics. Obama was too shrewd to do it, and left Comey as a festering wound for the Trump admin. Trump showed over and over again, he chooses loyalty and boot licking over competence and candor. He was blowing air kisses at Comey when he should have fired him in the first two weeks.

So long as Mueller gets the resources he asks for, and the DOJ doesn't interfere with him .... I don't see the complaiints.

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