Impeachment committees HAVE NO SUBPOENA POWER....

Until the house votes on an impeachment investigation they hold no subpoena powers...

The US Constitution clearly states;

Article 1, Section 2;

"The House of Representatives ...... shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."

It does not say the speaker shall... Until a vote is taken on the resolution they have no authority to conduct such an inquiry. This is one of the few areas that is dictated by the US Constitutions verbiage.
Yup. Speaker IS NOT THE HOUSE, neither are these committee heads. They each have ONE vote. They cannot do it by themselves, only the House, acting as an institution, can launch an impeachment inquiry.

The House acts by voting. It has never voted to conduct an inquiry into whether President Trump should be impeached. Consequently, there is no House impeachment inquiry.

This exhibition includes strident letters from a cabal of committee chairs, all Democrats, falsely claiming that a refusal by Trump-administration officials to comply with their demands for information and testimony “shall constitute evidence of obstruction of the House’s impeachment inquiry.”

Chairman Elijah Cummings (D., Md.) strategically waited until the House closed for a two-week recess; then issued a memo on Wednesday, absurdly claiming that there was too much urgency to wait so a vote could be taken; then issued the subpoena late Friday, thus ensuring that no Republican could object and no Democrat would be forced to go on record supporting impeachment, which much of the public strongly opposes. Under House rules, the Oversight chairman has been delegated unilateral authority to issue subpoenas, so the subpoena is valid, but it is also pure gamesmanship.

After a couple of pages of throat-clearing about the purported “impeachment inquiry,” the chairmen observe that, even without such an inquiry, the Oversight Committee has its own independent authority to conduct oversight investigations and issue subpoenas. In other words, information is actually being demanded under Congress’s routine authority to scrutinize executive activities. There would be nothing extraordinary about it . . . except that senior Democrats have decided to hang an “impeachment” sign on the exercise, hoping you won’t notice that the House has not voted to explore impeachment, and that its Democratic leaders are going out of their way to avoid such a vote.

In their letter, Cummings, Schiff, and Engel give Mulvaney the Democrats now standard admonition about obstruction. It is nonsense. Even when a formal House committee proceeding is underway, such that the obstruction statute could clearly apply, there is no legal presumption that the recipient’s refusal to comply with a subpoena is evidence of obstruction.

Trump Impeachment Inquiry: House Must Vote or It’s Just a Democratic Stunt | National Review
Until the house votes on an impeachment investigation they hold no subpoena powers...

The US Constitution clearly states;

Article 1, Section 2;

"The House of Representatives ...... shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."

It does not say the speaker shall... Until a vote is taken on the resolution they have no authority to conduct such an inquiry. This is one of the few areas that is dictated by the US Constitutions verbiage.

Exactly. A speaker is one person and can not act alone. The house acts by voting.
Just going rogue with individuals flinging subpoenas everywhere. No wonder Shits flubbed up like he did and treated it like a joke; it is one.
Dems don’t want to impeach anyway as that runs the risk of bringing things to a conclusion. They don’t want conclusion but rather seek to cast a constant cloud over Trump with the hopes that America will buy it. 95% of conservatives don’t and even 1/3 of liberals don’t.

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