Impeachment inquiry off to a great start for the Repubs...

The implication was, there is a lot of concerning evidence that needs to be investigated.

They are looking for a crime. They are sure in their mind there was one, and now they are looking for it.

When that happens to other people it is called that a witch-hunt
They are looking for a crime. They are sure in their mind there was one, and now they are looking for it.

When that happens to other people it is called that a witch-hunt
It seems pretty obvious that Joe was involved at this point. There are WAAAY too many coincidences. It seems important to investigate if its the POTUS for Christ sake. I dont think we are asking for much here. An inquiry is very reasonable.
Noting you leave out Obozo and his wingman Holder who both ignored subpoenas. Not so much fun when the opposition does it to you is it?
First of all, Obama was never subpoenaed to testify before congress or in any court proceeding and ignored it

And when he was subpoenaed to continuously hand over documents, over and over again...he ultimately complied....

"it’s untrue to say that the Obama administration refused to comply with congressional requests for information. There were a handful of occasions where the Obama administration initially rebuffed extensive congressional document requests, but ultimately complied, either voluntarily or under court order."

I know you love black dick in your mouth, but it's pathetic the way you keep going "what about Obama?" - "what about this other black guy!!"

Bottom line folks are so pathetic that your panties are moist about what happened today that even Republicans themselves admit was a disappointment....
It seems pretty obvious that Joe was involved at this point. There are WAAAY too many coincidences. It seems important to investigate if its the POTUS for Christ sake. I dont think we are asking for much here. An inquiry is very reasonable.
Involved in what?

What is the criminal statute that he broke?

Name it

Vague innuendos and broad generalizations aren't how crimes work

Furthermore, you are simping for a guy right now who is indicted with over 91 felonies, had a judge in a civil case essentially classify him as a rapist, and had another judge just this week basically say Trump's businesses are a criminal scheme..but Joe Biden is the criminal?

Cool...if they can manage to convict him in a court a law too....lock both of them up.......weird how Republicans can't say that

First of all, Obama was never subpoenaed to testify before congress or in any court proceeding and ignored it

And when he was subpoenaed to continuously hand over documents, over and over again...he ultimately complied....

"it’s untrue to say that the Obama administration refused to comply with congressional requests for information. There were a handful of occasions where the Obama administration initially rebuffed extensive congressional document requests, but ultimately complied, either voluntarily or under court order."

I know you love black dick in your mouth, but it's pathetic the way you keep going "what about Obama?" - "what about this other black guy!!"

Bottom line folks are so pathetic that your panties are moist about what happened today that even Republicans themselves admit was a disappointment....
Eric Holder absolutely ignored a subpoena from Congress.

Involved in what?

What is the criminal statute that he broke?

Name it

Vague innuendos and broad generalizations aren't how crimes work
Influence peddling, bribery, FARA violations and they didnt pay taxes on ANY of those payments, for starters. You are not allowed to trade policy decisions in order to get money for your family. You cant threaten to withhold a billion from Ukraine in order to fire a prosecutor to help your sons partners.
Influence peddling, bribery, FARA violatins and they didnt pay taxes on ANY of those payments, for starters. You are not allowed to trade policy decisions in order to get money for your family. You cant force Ukraine to fire a prosecutor to help your sons partners.
What policy decisions did he receive bribes for?

Because if the Ukraine thing is your evidence -- you are a bigger moron than I thought

That is so debunked, when Democrats wanted to subpoena Rudy Giuliani (the person who started that lie) -- Republicans refused...because they know its bullshit
Trading a billion US tax dollars in order to get the Ukrainian prosecutor fired.
So you think the majority of NATO countries, as well the president of the United States; all engaged in a bribery scheme just to protect Hunter Biden? Do you understand how much of a moron you are?
Idiots. It's just about having the subpoena power to get the proof as to how bad Biden sold his office and

make it known.

They're not going to impeach Biden. The results of what a successful impeachment of Biden will happen

anyway around the turn of the year. It will be president Comma-La.
Remember when magaturds were whining and crying about the democrats using investigations 'in search of crimes' against TFG?

Pepperidge Farms remembers...
So you think the majority of NATO countries, as well the president of the United States; all engaged in a bribery scheme just to protect Hunter Biden? Do you understand how much of a moron you are?
England was not happy with Shokin's firing. They had frozen Poroshenko's assets for a reason, and it wasnt because they thought he was innocent. Once Shokin was fired, the entire investigation came to an abrupt end, much to the elation of Burisma, Hunter and all involved in the scheme.
England was not happy with Shokin's firing. They had frozen Poroshenko's assets for a reason, and it wasnt because they thought he was innocent. Once Shokin was fired, the entire investigation came to an abrupt end, much to the elation of Burisma, Hunter and all involved in the scheme.

"EU diplomats working on Ukraine at the time have, however, told the FT that they were looking for ways to persuade Kiev to remove Mr Shokin well before Mr Biden entered the picture. The push for Mr Shokin’s removal was part of an international effort to bolster Ukraine’s institutions following Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the armed conflict in the eastern part of the country.

“All of us were really pushing [former Ukrainian president Petro] Poroshenko that he needs to do something, because the prosecutor was not following any of the corruption issues. He was really bad news,” said an EU diplomat involved in the discussions.

Another senior Obama administration official at the time added: “The idea that Shokin was investigating Burisma, I learnt that theory for the first time from Rudy Giuliani.”

Rudy Giuliani -- the same guy Republicans refuse to let come in and testify......Like I are a moron...
Democrats had Hillary, a corrupted FBI and a faked "dossier" to impeach the former president. So far republicans are light years ahead of that.

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