IMPEACHMENT: What would Trump supporters do?

Just looking for opinions here, but what would supporters of Donald Trump do if President Trump were impeached, removed from office, and sent to prison? I know the idea seems far fetched, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Trump campaign held at least 2 high level meetings with the Russians, one with Donald Jr. Manafort, Kirshner, and several high ranking Russians to discuss the campaign, and one in the oval office where after removing all American's Trump stated confidently to the Russians that his firing of Director Comey "took pressure off the Russia investigation" leading a number of legal experts to conclude that Mueller's case for obstruction of justice is stronger than many believe, add on financial crime investigations, and it looks like there much more to come! In addition, Trump has lashed out and made enemies out of a number of high ranking Republicans, causing some GOP members to openly speculate his base of support with Congressional Republicans is less than rock solid (NOT helpful in an impeachment proceeding!)

So, what would Trump supporters do if he were removed? Would they riot? Seek legal action in the courts? Take the law into their own hands? Just wondering.....:bye1:
/----/ What will Libs do when Trump is completely cleared? How will the react to the Dem leadership who lead them down this rabbit hole?

Like they always do, make up some conspiracy story.
They would do nothing. Maybe a few outbursts here and there, but then they'd have President Pence. It's not like Hillary could gallop in on her white horse to steal the white house away from them.

We'd be standing with Pence outside the White House door, with the militia, refusing to hand over our Cheeto to George Soros.

Actually, Pence respects the law, so that wouldn't happen.

Anyway, 99% chance Trump doesn't get impeached, unless something truly damning gets dug up. Which I imagine would've happened by now. Trump isn't smart enough to get away with treason.
Just looking for opinions here, but what would supporters of Donald Trump do if President Trump were impeached, removed from office, and sent to prison? I know the idea seems far fetched, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Trump campaign held at least 2 high level meetings with the Russians, one with Donald Jr. Manafort, Kirshner, and several high ranking Russians to discuss the campaign, and one in the oval office where after removing all American's Trump stated confidently to the Russians that his firing of Director Comey "took pressure off the Russia investigation" leading a number of legal experts to conclude that Mueller's case for obstruction of justice is stronger than many believe, add on financial crime investigations, and it looks like there much more to come! In addition, Trump has lashed out and made enemies out of a number of high ranking Republicans, causing some GOP members to openly speculate his base of support with Congressional Republicans is less than rock solid (NOT helpful in an impeachment proceeding!)

So, what would Trump supporters do if he were removed? Would they riot? Seek legal action in the courts? Take the law into their own hands? Just wondering.....:bye1:

Like every time we get pissed, we take our anger out at the polls. We come out in droves, we talk to potential voters, we inspire people to vote our way by telling them the truth.

Of course your idea is far fetched. No matter how much Trump is hated by some Republicans, they are not going to destroy their leadership because of it.
Just looking for opinions here, but what would supporters of Donald Trump do if President Trump were impeached, removed from office, and sent to prison? I know the idea seems far fetched, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Trump campaign held at least 2 high level meetings with the Russians, one with Donald Jr. Manafort, Kirshner, and several high ranking Russians to discuss the campaign, and one in the oval office where after removing all American's Trump stated confidently to the Russians that his firing of Director Comey "took pressure off the Russia investigation" leading a number of legal experts to conclude that Mueller's case for obstruction of justice is stronger than many believe, add on financial crime investigations, and it looks like there much more to come! In addition, Trump has lashed out and made enemies out of a number of high ranking Republicans, causing some GOP members to openly speculate his base of support with Congressional Republicans is less than rock solid (NOT helpful in an impeachment proceeding!)

So, what would Trump supporters do if he were removed? Would they riot? Seek legal action in the courts? Take the law into their own hands? Just wondering.....:bye1:
Most really wouldn’t care and start blindly supporting Pence – in fact, most on the right wouldn’t care who is in the WH, as long as he has an ‘R’ after his name.
They would do nothing. Maybe a few outbursts here and there, but then they'd have President Pence. It's not like Hillary could gallop in on her white horse to steal the white house away from them.

We'd be standing with Pence outside the White House door, with the militia, refusing to hand over our Cheeto to George Soros.

Actually, Pence respects the law, so that wouldn't happen.

Anyway, 99% chance Trump doesn't get impeached, unless something truly damning gets dug up. Which I imagine would've happened by now. Trump isn't smart enough to get away with treason.

Bull. If Obama can pull off treason, anybody can....
They would do nothing. Maybe a few outbursts here and there, but then they'd have President Pence. It's not like Hillary could gallop in on her white horse to steal the white house away from them.

We'd be standing with Pence outside the White House door, with the militia, refusing to hand over our Cheeto to George Soros.

Actually, Pence respects the law, so that wouldn't happen.

Anyway, 99% chance Trump doesn't get impeached, unless something truly damning gets dug up. Which I imagine would've happened by now. Trump isn't smart enough to get away with treason.

Bull. If Obama can pull off treason, anybody can....

For all his faults, Obama was several times more intelligent than Trump.

Anyway, when did Obama commit treason?
Strange but not unexpected that the hate filled violence prone angry left would dismiss the majority of Americans and the electoral college merely as "Trump supporters". Maybe that's an indication of the democrat party's apparent inability to come to grips with the fact that democrats lost almost every meaningful election in the last decade. We know what Hillary supporters would do (did). They smashed windows and torched cars and threatened the life of the elected president.
Just looking for opinions here, but what would supporters of Donald Trump do if President Trump were impeached, removed from office, and sent to prison? I know the idea seems far fetched, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Trump campaign held at least 2 high level meetings with the Russians, one with Donald Jr. Manafort, Kirshner, and several high ranking Russians to discuss the campaign, and one in the oval office where after removing all American's Trump stated confidently to the Russians that his firing of Director Comey "took pressure off the Russia investigation" leading a number of legal experts to conclude that Mueller's case for obstruction of justice is stronger than many believe, add on financial crime investigations, and it looks like there much more to come! In addition, Trump has lashed out and made enemies out of a number of high ranking Republicans, causing some GOP members to openly speculate his base of support with Congressional Republicans is less than rock solid (NOT helpful in an impeachment proceeding!)

So, what would Trump supporters do if he were removed? Would they riot? Seek legal action in the courts? Take the law into their own hands? Just wondering.....:bye1:
It is never going to happen. But if you are just wondering in case if it did. We will all stop taking our anti-psychotic medications and start ramming our vehicles into crowds of the left and congress.

Just looking for opinions here, but what would supporters of Donald Trump do if President Trump were impeached, removed from office, and sent to prison? I know the idea seems far fetched, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Trump campaign held at least 2 high level meetings with the Russians, one with Donald Jr. Manafort, Kirshner, and several high ranking Russians to discuss the campaign, and one in the oval office where after removing all American's Trump stated confidently to the Russians that his firing of Director Comey "took pressure off the Russia investigation" leading a number of legal experts to conclude that Mueller's case for obstruction of justice is stronger than many believe, add on financial crime investigations, and it looks like there much more to come! In addition, Trump has lashed out and made enemies out of a number of high ranking Republicans, causing some GOP members to openly speculate his base of support with Congressional Republicans is less than rock solid (NOT helpful in an impeachment proceeding!)

So, what would Trump supporters do if he were removed? Would they riot? Seek legal action in the courts? Take the law into their own hands? Just wondering.....:bye1:
Most really wouldn’t care and start blindly supporting Pence – in fact, most on the right wouldn’t care who is in the WH, as long as he has an ‘R’ after his name.

Unlike Democrats, huh?

You ran a drunken woman that was under FBI investigations. You ran an admitted Socialist who might have been the nominee without Democrat rigging. And we would support anybody with an "R" next to their name? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
They would do nothing. Maybe a few outbursts here and there, but then they'd have President Pence. It's not like Hillary could gallop in on her white horse to steal the white house away from them.

We'd be standing with Pence outside the White House door, with the militia, refusing to hand over our Cheeto to George Soros.

Actually, Pence respects the law, so that wouldn't happen.

Anyway, 99% chance Trump doesn't get impeached, unless something truly damning gets dug up. Which I imagine would've happened by now. Trump isn't smart enough to get away with treason.

Bull. If Obama can pull off treason, anybody can....

For all his faults, Obama was several times more intelligent than Trump.

Anyway, when did Obama commit treason?

Not in a million years is Obama more intelligent. Turn off the teleprompter and all Obama could utter was, "uuh,uuh,uuh." He vacationed and partied and gave George Soros the key to the country.

As for treason, you could start with aiding and abetting the enemy. His little JV team got all those Humvees and Fords from somewhere. Then there is the gun running to drug dealers. Failure to enforce immigration laws. Secret plane loads of laundered tax money to sanctioned Iran...
It seems Obama's hypocrisy knows no bounds.
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Most Americans are waiting for all the investigations to be completed and the Grand Jury or Juries are done. If Republicans feel threatened by supporting Trump stand by.
Bookmark this thread. IMPEACHMENT will NEVER happen!!

Trump won't be impeached because he did NOT do anything & you KNOW it!!

LOL- and you know every secret of your Dear Leader?

Look- there is nothing we know about so far that is an impeachable offense- and I hope that there aren't any.
I hope that President Snowflake is not impeached.

But you don't know that he did not do anything that is illegal- you just assume that Trump hasn't.

The investigations will continue and eventually conclude- hopefully the conclusion is that the Trump campaign did nothing illegal.

But you don't know that they didn't
Is it sad you get up every day knowing Trump is still our President? You need to grow up, OP.


I bet Jean Claude voted for Trump.
They would do nothing. Maybe a few outbursts here and there, but then they'd have President Pence. It's not like Hillary could gallop in on her white horse to steal the white house away from them.

We'd be standing with Pence outside the White House door, with the militia, refusing to hand over our Cheeto to George Soros.

Actually, Pence respects the law, so that wouldn't happen.

Anyway, 99% chance Trump doesn't get impeached, unless something truly damning gets dug up. Which I imagine would've happened by now. Trump isn't smart enough to get away with treason.
/----/ Hildabeast couldn't beat someone as dumb as Trump. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Just looking for opinions here, but what would supporters of Donald Trump do if President Trump were impeached, removed from office, and sent to prison? I know the idea seems far fetched, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Trump campaign held at least 2 high level meetings with the Russians, one with Donald Jr. Manafort, Kirshner, and several high ranking Russians to discuss the campaign, and one in the oval office where after removing all American's Trump stated confidently to the Russians that his firing of Director Comey "took pressure off the Russia investigation" leading a number of legal experts to conclude that Mueller's case for obstruction of justice is stronger than many believe, add on financial crime investigations, and it looks like there much more to come! In addition, Trump has lashed out and made enemies out of a number of high ranking Republicans, causing some GOP members to openly speculate his base of support with Congressional Republicans is less than rock solid (NOT helpful in an impeachment proceeding!)

So, what would Trump supporters do if he were removed? Would they riot? Seek legal action in the courts? Take the law into their own hands? Just wondering.....:bye1:
No one knows what "they" would do, including "they" themselves. But what is certain is this: the Jews will have succeeded, with one blow, in accomplishing what the organizers of Charlottesville were attempting: uniting whites. Even the flakiest snowflakes will feel the pull of racial indignation because the Jews have already succeeded in painting Trump as the white people's president. Once again, Jewish hubris will blow up in their faces.
Just looking for opinions here, but what would supporters of Donald Trump do if President Trump were impeached, removed from office, and sent to prison? I know the idea seems far fetched, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Trump campaign held at least 2 high level meetings with the Russians, one with Donald Jr. Manafort, Kirshner, and several high ranking Russians to discuss the campaign, and one in the oval office where after removing all American's Trump stated confidently to the Russians that his firing of Director Comey "took pressure off the Russia investigation" leading a number of legal experts to conclude that Mueller's case for obstruction of justice is stronger than many believe, add on financial crime investigations, and it looks like there much more to come! In addition, Trump has lashed out and made enemies out of a number of high ranking Republicans, causing some GOP members to openly speculate his base of support with Congressional Republicans is less than rock solid (NOT helpful in an impeachment proceeding!)

So, what would Trump supporters do if he were removed? Would they riot? Seek legal action in the courts? Take the law into their own hands? Just wondering.....:bye1:

IDK, what would I do if gravity reversed itself?

It will be interesting to see what will the left do when Trump wins his next 4 years.

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