IMPEACHMENT: What would Trump supporters do?

Barry violated both law and Constitution, was found In Contempt twice, armed Mexican drug cartels, protected Hezbollah drug ops for Iran, protected ISIS Black Market Oil Ops, treasonously took the nation to war to help Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3000 Americans - take over their own country, abandoned Americans to die needlessly, illegally invaded Syria, illegally spied on Americans / US Senators / USSC Justices / a presidential candidate / a president, and illegally used the IRS to target Americans who were legally opposing his re-election, gave Putin uranium / Crimea / 2 years of counter-Intel ops and hacking in the US.....never even had close to the success Trump has had...but snowflakes have defended all of this rather to impeach him a dozen times over, which is what should have happened....
Most of us Trump supports will sit back and laugh at the Dims making total fools of themselves.

A bunch of idiots will sign on to impeachment articles that Pelosi will drag her feet on, doing her best not to send it to a committee for consideration.

If it does go to committee, the hearings will be a riot giving us even more to laugh at.

If and when it passes out of committee on a strictly partisan vote. it will be a free-for-all on the House floor.

And finally - if it does pass the House, it's dead in the Senate. Done. Fried. Kaput. Terminado. Bye bye.

Turn DC into Beirut 1984. Why wait for impeachment?

No. Turn the entire country into Hamburg, Germany, circa 1945; after the fire-bombing attacks.

We wait to see if any in your side will step forward to stop the ridiculous attempts to thwart a legitimate presidency or if you are complicit with the acts of your masters.
Turn DC into Beirut 1984. Why wait for impeachment?

No. Turn the entire country into Hamburg, Germany, circa 1945; after the fire-bombing attacks.

We wait to see if any in your side will step forward to stop the ridiculous attempts to thwart a legitimate presidency or if you are complicit with the acts of your masters.
Struggling with comprehension this morning? Since when do seditious anarchists seek to stop thwarting the tear down of any part of the duopoly? It’s a tossup whether the trumpsters are more entertaining than the hysteria of the dimocrap minions, but at the end of the day they are all vermin stealing from the common folk to feather their nests.

Turning DC into a flaming ruin is quite enough. It is built on stolen goods, most everything else belongs to somebody.
... Since when do seditious anarchists seek to stop thwarting the tear down of any part of the duopoly?...

Turning DC into a flaming ruin is quite enough. It is built on stolen goods, most everything else belongs to somebody.

I’m a seditious Authoritarian, not an Anarchist, thank you very much!! My intention is to tear down one side of the duopoly and empower the other.

No, just turning DC Into a wasteland isn’t enough. The Centrists, Moderates, Leftists and Progressives need to feel the pain in their Main Streets and neighborhoods as well. DC is too far removed from them to be a worthwhile example by itself.
Impeachment is a political process, hot a legal one, and, what is needed are Congressional votes. Do Republicans feel they will be held accountable by the public if they fail to remove Trump?
Impeachment is a political process, hot a legal one, and, what is needed are Congressional votes. Do Republicans feel they will be held accountable by the public if they fail to remove Trump?
The question is, will Democrats be held responsible for, as you say, having no interest in the law other than how it can be manipulated to serve political ends?
A hot civil war.
There are indeed many far-right militias who have considered committing terrorist acts, which many people on this forum support. I wouldn't say all Trump supporters on here support this stuff, but many do.
Democrats are not going to impeach Trump. They're not going to bring it to a vote. They know the American people are not going to go for it. Democrats know their polls are bogus. They know things are going well, and all they have is hate and disdain. You don't impeach a President simply because you failed to win.

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