IMPEACHMENT: What would Trump supporters do?

Just looking for opinions here, but what would supporters of Donald Trump do if President Trump were impeached, removed from office, and sent to prison? I know the idea seems far fetched, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Trump campaign held at least 2 high level meetings with the Russians, one with Donald Jr. Manafort, Kirshner, and several high ranking Russians to discuss the campaign, and one in the oval office where after removing all American's Trump stated confidently to the Russians that his firing of Director Comey "took pressure off the Russia investigation" leading a number of legal experts to conclude that Mueller's case for obstruction of justice is stronger than many believe, add on financial crime investigations, and it looks like there much more to come! In addition, Trump has lashed out and made enemies out of a number of high ranking Republicans, causing some GOP members to openly speculate his base of support with Congressional Republicans is less than rock solid (NOT helpful in an impeachment proceeding!)

So, what would Trump supporters do if he were removed? Would they riot? Seek legal action in the courts? Take the law into their own hands? Just wondering.....:bye1:
No one knows what "they" would do, including "they" themselves. But what is certain is this: the Jews will have succeeded, with one blow, in accomplishing what the organizers of Charlottesville were attempting: uniting whites. Even the flakiest snowflakes will feel the pull of racial indignation because the Jews have already succeeded in painting Trump as the white people's president. Once again, Jewish hubris will blow up in their faces.
/----/ There is no hater like a Jew hater like you.
Just looking for opinions here, but what would supporters of Donald Trump do if President Trump were impeached, removed from office, and sent to prison? I know the idea seems far fetched, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Trump campaign held at least 2 high level meetings with the Russians, one with Donald Jr. Manafort, Kirshner, and several high ranking Russians to discuss the campaign, and one in the oval office where after removing all American's Trump stated confidently to the Russians that his firing of Director Comey "took pressure off the Russia investigation" leading a number of legal experts to conclude that Mueller's case for obstruction of justice is stronger than many believe, add on financial crime investigations, and it looks like there much more to come! In addition, Trump has lashed out and made enemies out of a number of high ranking Republicans, causing some GOP members to openly speculate his base of support with Congressional Republicans is less than rock solid (NOT helpful in an impeachment proceeding!)

So, what would Trump supporters do if he were removed? Would they riot? Seek legal action in the courts? Take the law into their own hands? Just wondering.....:bye1:

At least you retards are admitting the idea of his impeachment is pure fantasy.

Good thing you've now got the very real "threat" of a few dozen white supremacists protesting the removal of statues. You people obviously need the distraction since Russia-gate fell flat on its face.
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Trump won't be impeached because he did NOT do anything & you KNOW it!!

LOL- and you know every secret of your Dear Leader?

Look- there is nothing we know about so far that is an impeachable offense- and I hope that there aren't any.
I hope that President Snowflake is not impeached.

But you don't know that he did not do anything that is illegal- you just assume that Trump hasn't.

The investigations will continue and eventually conclude- hopefully the conclusion is that the Trump campaign did nothing illegal.

But you don't know that they didn't

Of course he won't be impeached. You don't understand how the left works.

The Democrats have nothing to offer America.........nothing. So the only way they can win elections is by trying to cut the other guy down. "But OH! Look at Trump's terrible poll numbers!" Yes, his terrible poll numbers. Given the fact 95% of reporting on Trump is negative, nobody could have positive poll numbers. That's the point.

This is how the slimy left works. They know there won't be any impeachment like there is nothing to this idiotic Russia thing. But as long as they and their buddies in the media can keep throwing things like that out there, they are able to maintain a negative aura around the Trump administration.

Democrats can't compete against Republicans on a level playing field. Democrats know this. They have to use any underhanded trick they can think of. So they keep this "impeachment" thing out there to try and convince the dopes that it's actually a possibility.
Just looking for opinions here, but what would supporters of Donald Trump do if President Trump were impeached, removed from office, and sent to prison? I know the idea seems far fetched, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Trump campaign held at least 2 high level meetings with the Russians, one with Donald Jr. Manafort, Kirshner, and several high ranking Russians to discuss the campaign, and one in the oval office where after removing all American's Trump stated confidently to the Russians that his firing of Director Comey "took pressure off the Russia investigation" leading a number of legal experts to conclude that Mueller's case for obstruction of justice is stronger than many believe, add on financial crime investigations, and it looks like there much more to come! In addition, Trump has lashed out and made enemies out of a number of high ranking Republicans, causing some GOP members to openly speculate his base of support with Congressional Republicans is less than rock solid (NOT helpful in an impeachment proceeding!)

So, what would Trump supporters do if he were removed? Would they riot? Seek legal action in the courts? Take the law into their own hands? Just wondering.....:bye1:
No one knows what "they" would do, including "they" themselves. But what is certain is this: the Jews will have succeeded, with one blow, in accomplishing what the organizers of Charlottesville were attempting: uniting whites. Even the flakiest snowflakes will feel the pull of racial indignation because the Jews have already succeeded in painting Trump as the white people's president. Once again, Jewish hubris will blow up in their faces.
/----/ There is no hater like a Jew hater like you.
I say the truth, you call it 'hate'. Truth still true..
Just looking for opinions here, but what would supporters of Donald Trump do if President Trump were impeached, removed from office, and sent to prison? I know the idea seems far fetched, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Trump campaign held at least 2 high level meetings with the Russians, one with Donald Jr. Manafort, Kirshner, and several high ranking Russians to discuss the campaign, and one in the oval office where after removing all American's Trump stated confidently to the Russians that his firing of Director Comey "took pressure off the Russia investigation" leading a number of legal experts to conclude that Mueller's case for obstruction of justice is stronger than many believe, add on financial crime investigations, and it looks like there much more to come! In addition, Trump has lashed out and made enemies out of a number of high ranking Republicans, causing some GOP members to openly speculate his base of support with Congressional Republicans is less than rock solid (NOT helpful in an impeachment proceeding!)

So, what would Trump supporters do if he were removed? Would they riot? Seek legal action in the courts? Take the law into their own hands? Just wondering.....:bye1:

Sounds like your polling is still set for Nov 8th 10AM
Bookmark this thread. IMPEACHMENT will NEVER happen!!

Trump won't be impeached because he did NOT do anything & you KNOW it!!

LOL- and you know every secret of your Dear Leader?

Look- there is nothing we know about so far that is an impeachable offense- and I hope that there aren't any.
I hope that President Snowflake is not impeached.

But you don't know that he did not do anything that is illegal- you just assume that Trump hasn't.

The investigations will continue and eventually conclude- hopefully the conclusion is that the Trump campaign did nothing illegal.

But you don't know that they didn't

Of course he won't be impeached. You don't understand how the left works..

President Trump probably won't be impeached- and frankly I hope that the investigations find no cause for impeachment.

Given that Republicans of today control the House- there will only be an impeachment if Trump is found handing the nuclear codes to Putin personally. Republicans of today are not the principled Republicans of the Nixon era.

Frankly you display everyday here at USMB you have no clue how the 'left' works. To you it is all "Trump is great- Left is bad"
Just looking for opinions here, but what would supporters of Donald Trump do if President Trump were impeached, removed from office, and sent to prison? I know the idea seems far fetched, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Trump campaign held at least 2 high level meetings with the Russians, one with Donald Jr. Manafort, Kirshner, and several high ranking Russians to discuss the campaign, and one in the oval office where after removing all American's Trump stated confidently to the Russians that his firing of Director Comey "took pressure off the Russia investigation" leading a number of legal experts to conclude that Mueller's case for obstruction of justice is stronger than many believe, add on financial crime investigations, and it looks like there much more to come! In addition, Trump has lashed out and made enemies out of a number of high ranking Republicans, causing some GOP members to openly speculate his base of support with Congressional Republicans is less than rock solid (NOT helpful in an impeachment proceeding!)

So, what would Trump supporters do if he were removed? Would they riot? Seek legal action in the courts? Take the law into their own hands? Just wondering.....:bye1:
No one knows what "they" would do, including "they" themselves. But what is certain is this: the Jews will have succeeded,.

Always a fascinating insight to hear from Trump voters.

Blame it all on the Jews.....
Bookmark this thread. IMPEACHMENT will NEVER happen!!

Trump won't be impeached because he did NOT do anything & you KNOW it!!

LOL- and you know every secret of your Dear Leader?

Look- there is nothing we know about so far that is an impeachable offense- and I hope that there aren't any.
I hope that President Snowflake is not impeached.

But you don't know that he did not do anything that is illegal- you just assume that Trump hasn't.

The investigations will continue and eventually conclude- hopefully the conclusion is that the Trump campaign did nothing illegal.

But you don't know that they didn't

Of course he won't be impeached. You don't understand how the left works..

President Trump probably won't be impeached- and frankly I hope that the investigations find no cause for impeachment.

Given that Republicans of today control the House- there will only be an impeachment if Trump is found handing the nuclear codes to Putin personally. Republicans of today are not the principled Republicans of the Nixon era.

Frankly you display everyday here at USMB you have no clue how the 'left' works. To you it is all "Trump is great- Left is bad"

No, I never said Trump was great. I think he's doing a pretty good job considering he's never held any kind of office before.

But yes, the left is bad.
Probably whatever Bannon or Putin tells them to. Do you really think they care about Trump?
Just looking for opinions here, but what would supporters of Donald Trump do if President Trump were impeached, removed from office, and sent to prison? I know the idea seems far fetched, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Trump campaign held at least 2 high level meetings with the Russians, one with Donald Jr. Manafort, Kirshner, and several high ranking Russians to discuss the campaign, and one in the oval office where after removing all American's Trump stated confidently to the Russians that his firing of Director Comey "took pressure off the Russia investigation" leading a number of legal experts to conclude that Mueller's case for obstruction of justice is stronger than many believe, add on financial crime investigations, and it looks like there much more to come! In addition, Trump has lashed out and made enemies out of a number of high ranking Republicans, causing some GOP members to openly speculate his base of support with Congressional Republicans is less than rock solid (NOT helpful in an impeachment proceeding!)

So, what would Trump supporters do if he were removed? Would they riot? Seek legal action in the courts? Take the law into their own hands? Just wondering.....:bye1:
No one knows what "they" would do, including "they" themselves. But what is certain is this: the Jews will have succeeded,.

Always a fascinating insight to hear from Trump voters.

Blame it all on the Jews.....
If the beanie fits...
Bookmark this thread. IMPEACHMENT will NEVER happen!!

Trump won't be impeached because he did NOT do anything & you KNOW it!!

LOL- and you know every secret of your Dear Leader?

Look- there is nothing we know about so far that is an impeachable offense- and I hope that there aren't any.
I hope that President Snowflake is not impeached.

But you don't know that he did not do anything that is illegal- you just assume that Trump hasn't.

The investigations will continue and eventually conclude- hopefully the conclusion is that the Trump campaign did nothing illegal.

But you don't know that they didn't

Of course he won't be impeached. You don't understand how the left works..

President Trump probably won't be impeached- and frankly I hope that the investigations find no cause for impeachment.

Given that Republicans of today control the House- there will only be an impeachment if Trump is found handing the nuclear codes to Putin personally. Republicans of today are not the principled Republicans of the Nixon era.

Frankly you display everyday here at USMB you have no clue how the 'left' works. To you it is all "Trump is great- Left is bad"
"Republicans" have nothing to do with it, you clueless twit.
trump has lost the republican party. No one fears him. republicans are openly dumping on him now.

republicans would remove him so as not to go down with the trumptanic. They would be trying to rebuild lost honor & character.

Removal is clearly an option now.
Bookmark this thread. IMPEACHMENT will NEVER happen!!

Trump won't be impeached because he did NOT do anything & you KNOW it!!

LOL- and you know every secret of your Dear Leader?

Look- there is nothing we know about so far that is an impeachable offense- and I hope that there aren't any.
I hope that President Snowflake is not impeached.

But you don't know that he did not do anything that is illegal- you just assume that Trump hasn't.

The investigations will continue and eventually conclude- hopefully the conclusion is that the Trump campaign did nothing illegal.

But you don't know that they didn't

Of course he won't be impeached. You don't understand how the left works..

President Trump probably won't be impeached- and frankly I hope that the investigations find no cause for impeachment.

Given that Republicans of today control the House- there will only be an impeachment if Trump is found handing the nuclear codes to Putin personally. Republicans of today are not the principled Republicans of the Nixon era.

Frankly you display everyday here at USMB you have no clue how the 'left' works. To you it is all "Trump is great- Left is bad"

No, I never said Trump was great. I think he's doing a pretty good job considering he's never held any kind of office before.

But yes, the left is bad.
First you all claimed trump is great cuz he is an outsider. Now you use the outsider label to excuse massive failure cuz he is a rookie?

The swamp knows better than to impeach Trump. They will fund raise off of the idea but they will never do it. They know their days in power would be numbered if they did.

The problem is the nutty democrat base wants them to impeach Trump in the worst way, they will be increasingly pissed off as time goes by with Trump fore filling his term in office with a big toothy grin.
trump has lost the republican party. No one fears him. republicans are openly dumping on him now.

republicans would remove him so as not to go down with the trumptanic. They would be trying to rebuild lost honor & character.

Removal is clearly an option now.
Trump never had the Party behind him.
Bookmark this thread. IMPEACHMENT will NEVER happen!!

Trump won't be impeached because he did NOT do anything & you KNOW it!!

LOL- and you know every secret of your Dear Leader?

Look- there is nothing we know about so far that is an impeachable offense- and I hope that there aren't any.
I hope that President Snowflake is not impeached.

But you don't know that he did not do anything that is illegal- you just assume that Trump hasn't.

The investigations will continue and eventually conclude- hopefully the conclusion is that the Trump campaign did nothing illegal.

But you don't know that they didn't

Of course he won't be impeached. You don't understand how the left works..

President Trump probably won't be impeached- and frankly I hope that the investigations find no cause for impeachment.

Given that Republicans of today control the House- there will only be an impeachment if Trump is found handing the nuclear codes to Putin personally. Republicans of today are not the principled Republicans of the Nixon era.

Frankly you display everyday here at USMB you have no clue how the 'left' works. To you it is all "Trump is great- Left is bad"
"Republicans" have nothing to do with it, you clueless twit.

LOL- Republicans have everything to do with any impeachment that might happen.

Of course the "Republicans" of today have little in common with the principled Republicans of the Nixon era.
The problem is the nutty democrat base wants them to impeach Trump in the worst way, they will be increasingly pissed off as time goes by with Trump fore filling his term in office with a big toothy grin.

So you are comparing the nutty Democrat base with the nutty Republican base that wanted to impeach Obama in the worst way- and were increasingly pissed off when the voters elected President Obama for the second time?
Bookmark this thread. IMPEACHMENT will NEVER happen!!

Trump won't be impeached because he did NOT do anything & you KNOW it!!

LOL- and you know every secret of your Dear Leader?

Look- there is nothing we know about so far that is an impeachable offense- and I hope that there aren't any.
I hope that President Snowflake is not impeached.

But you don't know that he did not do anything that is illegal- you just assume that Trump hasn't.

The investigations will continue and eventually conclude- hopefully the conclusion is that the Trump campaign did nothing illegal.

But you don't know that they didn't

Of course he won't be impeached. You don't understand how the left works..

President Trump probably won't be impeached- and frankly I hope that the investigations find no cause for impeachment.

Given that Republicans of today control the House- there will only be an impeachment if Trump is found handing the nuclear codes to Putin personally. Republicans of today are not the principled Republicans of the Nixon era.

Frankly you display everyday here at USMB you have no clue how the 'left' works. To you it is all "Trump is great- Left is bad"

No, I never said Trump was great. I think he's doing a pretty good job considering he's never held any kind of office before.

But yes, the left is bad.
First you all claimed trump is great cuz he is an outsider. Now you use the outsider label to excuse massive failure cuz he is a rookie?


What massive failure do you speak of? It can't be the economy because the economy is doing great. It can't be consumer confidence because that's doing great as well. It can't be foreign policy because Trump got Kimmy to pipe down and China to say they are stepping out of the ring which I'm sure really concerns North Korea greatly. It can't be immigration because that greatly slowed down, Trump added 25 more decoration courts, and is going to add another 25 courts in the near future to speed up the process. It can't be financial because the stock market is breaking records all the time.

I see no massive failure that you speak of, so it must be the MSM brainwashing scheme that makes you think that way.
trump has lost the republican party. No one fears him. republicans are openly dumping on him now.

republicans would remove him so as not to go down with the trumptanic. They would be trying to rebuild lost honor & character.

Removal is clearly an option now.

The Republican party is not about to destroy itself. Trump is in because many Republicans (and some Democrats) got sick of the status quo. There is no reason to get rid of Trump unless the RNC wants to destroy their own party.

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