Impeachment will happen


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
2,320 Wisconsin. While it needs to happen in Wisconsin, it should also happen in DC. In Wisconsin, Wolfe is the one who needs to go. The GOP representatives in Wisconsin know we cannot tolerate voter fraud.

---Breaking: Wisconsin Republicans Introduce 15 Articles of Impeachment Against Elections Administrator Meagan Wolfe---

MAGAs don't see inpeachment as facing responsibility for specific crimes. They see it as revenge only.
MAGAs don't see inpeachment as facing responsibility for specific crimes. They see it as revenge only.
Trying to be civil with a party that lives off of anarchy and in your face theatrics has failed over decades. Progs even think that the small number of right-wing conservatives in congress are the reason for all issues. These people are warning you. And you are blinded by your power. To really make you understand what your politicians are, pure nasty Hitler like people need to be elected in the Democracy you love to counteract you. You are past rights and are pushing us into a sci fi dystopian existence now.
MAGAs don't see inpeachment as facing responsibility for specific crimes. They see it as revenge only.
Just as a ballpark many lawyers do you think the GOP (nationwide--including state GOP offices) employ? I'm guessing tens of thousands. I think this may be an indication of why they are, as a group, the most bitter folks on the planet. Hell...look at this board! They have come to rely on the one group that is almost universally despised by people throughout the ideological spectrum. They seek to do in the courts what they can't get done at the ballot boxes.
Trying to be civil with a party that lives off of anarchy and in your face theatrics has failed over decades. Progs even think that the small number of right-wing conservatives in congress are the reason for all issues. These people are warning you. And you are blinded by your power. To really make you understand what your politicians are, pure nasty Hitler like people need to be elected in the Democracy you love to counteract you. You are past rights and are pushing us into a sci fi dystopian existence now.
Quit being so hystrionic. You've been brainwashed into believing all those silly things. Wisconsin. While it needs to happen in Wisconsin, it should also happen in DC. In Wisconsin, Wolfe is the one who needs to go. The GOP representatives in Wisconsin know we cannot tolerate voter fraud.

---Breaking: Wisconsin Republicans Introduce 15 Articles of Impeachment Against Elections Administrator Meagan Wolfe---

Who cares?
MAGAs don't see inpeachment as facing responsibility for specific crimes. They see it as revenge only.
you mean like the democratic party seeked revenge for Hillary's loss to Trump by impeaching him?

And I still get a kick out of how people on the left refer to "Make America Great Again" as a bad thing.
you mean like the democratic party seeked revenge for Hillary's loss to Trump by impeaching him?

And I still get a kick out of how people on the left refer to "Make America Great Again" as a bad thing.
You seem to have gotten several kicks -------- to the head.
The GOP representatives in Wisconsin know we cannot tolerate voter fraud.
There was no fraud.

Attempts to remove Wolfe are due to her refusal to go along with the delusional lies of WI Repubs.
As you were brainwashed into believing there was an abundance of evidence that Trump colluded with Russia?

You mean like that?
The fifth and final volume of the Select Intelligence Committee’s bipartisan report on Russian interference in the 2016 election is an incredibly long and detailed document. At a whopping 966 pages, volume 5 alone is more than twice the length of the Mueller report, and it covers a great deal more ground.

It is important for another reason: Along with the shorter volumes 1-4, the Senate’s report is the only credible account of the events of 2016 to which Republican elected officials have signed their names. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in a press release praised the report on the investigation he set in motion way back in December 2016, saying, “I commend my colleagues on both sides for keeping their work out of the partisan spotlight and focused on the facts.” McConnell, in the same press release, echoes the statements of Acting Committee Chairman Marco Rubio, stating that “[t]heir report reaffirms Special Counsel Mueller’s finding that President Trump did not collude with Russia.”

It is a bit of a mug’s game at this point to fight over whether what either Mueller or the Intelligence Committee found constitutes collusion and, if so, in what sense. The question turns almost entirely on what one means by the term “collusion”—a word without any precise meaning in the context of campaign engagement with foreign actors interfering with an election.

So rather than engaging over whether the Intelligence Committee found collusion, we decided to read the document with a focus on identifying precisely what the committee found about the engagement over a long period of time between Trump and his campaign and Russian government or intelligence actors and their cut-outs.

As you were brainwashed into believing there was an abundance of evidence that Trump colluded with Russia?

You mean like that?
Benedict Donald was not impeached for the considerable support Donnie received from Russia/Putin in 2016. It was the Shakedown Plot in the Ukraine as well as the Don's attempt to illegally overturn the 2020 election.

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