IN 2020, the CIA lied to the US Senate, saying that the Hunter Biden laptop story was "Russian disinformation"

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The leftists can't let it go. They look like utter buffoons admitting their Russia collusion fraud after years of pressing that fraud.
Wait a Minute. It was ole' Stumblebum who claimed he had no involvement with Hunter's business partnes or Hunter's business deals. That was a fraud.

Keep moving those Goalposts Sweetie

Your claims are moving from Biden Influence Peddling to Biden shook hands with Hunters friends
No one is claiming trust is a requirement. Can you refute anything Mile Lee has presented?
Mike Lee has only presented a claim without supporting evidence.

If we don’t have to trust his statement, then there’s nothing to refute.
The content of the briefing.
The briefing by Biden's lying flunkies in the corrupt DOJ?

June 26, 2024 | Doug P.
Posted on 6/26/2024, 3:17:04 PM by DeplorablePaul

By now everybody knows about the infamous letter that was signed by over 50 former (but many still very active) members of the intelligence community claiming that, in their opinion, stories about Hunter Biden's laptop and its contents were likely part of a "Russian disinformation campaign" to interfere in the 2020 presidential election.

Ironically, those claims about a "disinformation campaign" were themselves part of a disinformation campaign designed to bury the truth so it wouldn't harm the Democrat nominee in the days leading up to the election.

The House Intelligence Committee says these efforts were known about at the highest level of the CIA and nothing was done:
The original post is also a lie.

Despicable by a member of Congress but he knows the gullible audience he is playing too.

You want me to post what the FBI said?

I want to see you squirm, obfuscate and deflect when you are confronted with the proof.

This has nothing to do with the corrupt FBI's lies on behalf of Biden.

This is about the CIA telling congress the same lie to help Joe Biden get elected.

They colluded on their insurrection, exactly what they later accused Trump of doing.

Every DemoKKKrat accusation is a confession. Every time.
Yes. Are we supposed to trust Republicans about the content of this briefing?
If you're claiming the briefing never happened, support your claim. Am I supposed to trust leftists who have a demonstrated pattern of lies and fraud?
If you're claiming the briefing never happened, support your claim. Am I supposed to trust leftists who have a demonstrated pattern of lies and fraud?
Let’s assume the briefing happened. Who is describing the contents of the briefing?
The disinformation is that the laptop contain evidence proving some kind of corruption by Joe Biden. Typical Russian agitprop complete with accusations of Hunter fucking his underage niece.

There is no evidence from the laptop proving any of their wild accusations.
I havrnt personally seen what was on the laptop

And neither have you

We both only have what the CIA tells us about it

You may trust the Deep State but I dont
Let’s assume the briefing happened. Who is describing the contents of the briefing?
Similarly, who has perpetrated and perpetuated a fraud about the laptop? Do you Have anything to refute what was reported about the briefing? The briefing you seem to doubt took place.
Similarly, who has perpetrated and perpetuated a fraud about the laptop? Do you Have anything to refute what was reported about the briefing? The briefing you seem to doubt took place.
There’s nothing to refute if we are not required to trust Mike Lee.

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