In 2020, Trump sent a federal task force to step in to crack down on gangs - Biden ended the program and 2023 became the deadliest year ever in KC

Biden and his gang of tools is the worst thing ever to happen to America.

They're dangerous in so many ways. This is but one of those ways.


There are things happening that we dont know what is going on. Behind the scenes, the federal corrupted government is planning something really big and it is going to be this year that US citizens will be the target of. These little events in the Democrat Cities are just the beginning...
This was happening when trump was president.
It was already happening before Trump became president. Trump neutered the gangs. Biden resuscitated them.
Trump didn't neuter a damn thing. Stop lying about the trump presidency.
Biden and his gang of tools is the worst thing ever to happen to America.

They're dangerous in so many ways. This is but one of those ways.

Clue, your problem is guns.
All you rubes have a gun, whats the problem?
I'd think you'd need no protection.
I mean that is what you always say.
Your guy makes your safe. Cops are always to late anyway.
Not sure why you are crying now.
Tell you what, get back to me when you want a gun free state.

Oh and post a citation to support the thread cap. Thanks
Clue, your problem is guns.
All you rubes have a gun, whats the problem?
I'd think you'd need no protection.
I mean that is what you always say.
Your guy makes your safe. Cops are always to late anyway.
Not sure why you are crying now.
Tell you what, get back to me when you want a gun free state.

Oh and post a citation to support the thread cap. Thanks

The problem is blacks.
It was called Operation Legend. Here is a link to the program that Trump started, and a link to where Biden ends it.
And here is what the link to end it says....


Some of the several hundred federal agents assigned last summer to fight violent crime in Chicago have now been returned to their home bases. Others have managed permanent reassignment here, so there has been a net increase of federal law enforcement resources. U.S. authorities said cases that started under Operation Legend will continue to result in new arrests and prosecutions in the coming months.

Full statement from the FBI:​

Operation Legend was a coordinated effort with our local law enforcement and prosecutorial partners to aggressively investigate our most violent crimes. Despite the ongoing pandemic, over 6000 arrests were conducted at the local, state, and federal level nationwide, and over 2600 firearms seized. Though this operation was intended as a short-term surge of resources, our work does not stop here. Our mission to protect the American people is unending, and we will continue to build on this momentum going forward.
Biden and his gang of tools is the worst thing ever to happen to America.

They're dangerous in so many ways. This is but one of those ways.

Yep........the violence in these cities is a direct result of the democrat party and their pro-criminal policies...
Clue, your problem is guns.
All you rubes have a gun, whats the problem?
I'd think you'd need no protection.
I mean that is what you always say.
Your guy makes your safe. Cops are always to late anyway.
Not sure why you are crying now.
Tell you what, get back to me when you want a gun free state.

Oh and post a citation to support the thread cap. Thanks

You are a simple clod.

We have over 600 million guns in private hands.

We have over 22 million Americans who can legally carry guns in public for self defense....

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings and stabbings.....

The people who are using guns for crime and murder can't buy, own or carry them legally, and have criminal records......but they are released over and over again by democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians........over and over again...

The gun free nations of Europe murdered 20 million of their own Citizens in 6 years, after registering, banning and confiscating guns from law abiding citizens....

Gun murder in the U.S. over our entire 247 year history?

Around 2,470,000 and the majority of those murdered are criminals, not innocents

So tell us, you long will it take the U.S. to catch up to the gun free nations of Europe and the people they murdered after banning and confiscating guns....?
You are a simple clod.

We have over 600 million guns in private hands.

We have over 22 million Americans who can legally carry guns in public for self defense....

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings and stabbings.....

The people who are using guns for crime and murder can't buy, own or carry them legally, and have criminal records......but they are released over and over again by democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians........over and over again...

The gun free nations of Europe murdered 20 million of their own Citizens in 6 years, after registering, banning and confiscating guns from law abiding citizens....

Gun murder in the U.S. over our entire 247 year history?

Around 2,470,000 and the majority of those murdered are criminals, not innocents

So tell us, you long will it take the U.S. to catch up to the gun free nations of Europe and the people they murdered after banning and confiscating guns....?
cultist I see
you know, a mind is a terrible thing to waste

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