In a stunning reversal, Wayne County, MI Republican canvassers rescind certification votes

Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

Trump lost
By my reading of the Constitution if Michigan doesn't certify its ballots the membership in the Electoral College this year drops from 538 to 522 and thus the required majority drops from 270 down to 262. If I were a hopeful Trumpster I'd figure out a way to get the number of electors appointed down by another 60 from Biden states to 462.
Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

They cant rescind it. They are the evil rascists.
Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

Trump lost

Really, America lost.
You cant spell liberal without bile or lie...or brie for that matter. Apparently they like lousy chese.
Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

Trump lost

Please provide a link to the certification of Joe Biden for all electoral votes.

Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

Too late..their votes are cast and that's that. There is no provision for 'do-overs'--much like the election itself.

I notice you have no comment regarding the threatening of children and threats of violence.
Could it be that you merely care that you get you me way?
How very “ends justify the means” of you.
You lack integrity and character. Noted.
Man, you guys are too much.

" Joe Biden defeated Trump in Wayne County, a Democratic stronghold, by more than a 2-1 margin and won Michigan by 146,000 votes, according to unofficial results. "
And if Wayne County isn't certified, Biden loses Michigan....

DemBiden, Joe
GOPTrump, Donald i264,55330.33%
Too bad Republicans agreed to certify it. Their latest tantrum that tickled your nipple work excitement is irrelevant because they already sent the papers to the Secretary of State. Go weep some more:

But the law doesn't say that any old shit has to be certified...

The law is also clear that a signature obtained under duress isn't valid...

Sounds like it's time for the 2 commissioners to kick it up the ladder...
Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

Too late..their votes are cast and that's that. There is no provision for 'do-overs'--much like the election itself.

The law is actually pretty clear that a signature obtained under duress isn't valid...
Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

Too late..their votes are cast and that's that. There is no provision for 'do-overs'--much like the election itself.

The law is actually pretty clear that a signature obtained under duress isn't valid...
It's not clear that any documents have been signed.
On what grounds would these two maintain that there were serious irregularities in the election?
And another one that ignores the threats made, to children no less.

They will not condemn because they approve. I say it over and over and over. Liberals are morally bankrupt soulless ghouls.

Threatening children Is cool, as long as they get their way.

Abraham Aiyash should be arrested and removed from office. His Gestapo tactics cannot be tolerated by those in polite society.
Not really surprising that baby killers would threaten children, these people are the scum of the earth.
Democrats think a revolution cannot happen in America and thus they aren't prepared for one. They think the cops they hate, demean, and force to kneel are going to defend them from revolutionaries.
If that ever did happen, which I highly highly doubt...
A good percentage of cops would absolutely side with them. Not because they agree with them, but because they will do the bidding of their higher ups... the chief and the mayor. They aren’t going to risk losing their pensions and risk their families’ well being.
If you think the majority of police and/or law enforce the are going to side with you, you’re dreaming.
Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

Trump lost

Really, America lost.

America won when Trump lost.
Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

Trump lost
please show me the official results.

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