In a weird way, the GOP may have handed itself an opportunity on ABORTION

The argument was 16 weeks. You aren't going to get Democrats go along with that. Third reimester? Possible but that's what we had with RvW and Republicans threw that out.
How's that working out for them?

I'm saying there's room for compromise in the pro choice side but not at less than 24 weeks.
and compromise is a good thing.

Show me a living 12 week old fetus outside the womb.
Or just admit that lie too.

Saying one can not live outside of the womb is not the same as saying it's not human. There are no other options other than being human.
No, it is a human fetus.
Until it is born it is a fetus.
If you're unable to acknowledge that fact of life then you're scientifically incapable of participating in the discussion.

A human fetus is human life.
Saying one can not live outside of the womb is not the same as saying it's not human. There are no other options other than being human.
An egg is not a chicken
Not a chicken till it hatches.
Not different with humans.
What's a good compromise in your estimation?
If I may.

At 24 weeks and later if a women is in need of an abortion.

An independent panel will make a determination as to viability.
If the panel decides the fetus is not viable, the abortion may proceed without further action.
If the panel makes the finding the fetus is viable
A panel will make a determination as to whether carrying or birthing the fetus poses a
significant threat to the woman's life or health.
If there is a threat to the woman's life or health a further determination as to the immediacy of
the threat.
When the fetus can be safely birthed via cesarean it is removed and made a ward of the state.
Put up for adoption as soon as medically advisable.

That's my compromise.
If I may.

At 24 weeks and later if a women is in need of an abortion.

An independent panel will make a determination as to viability.
If the panel decides the fetus is not viable, the abortion may proceed without further action.
If the panel makes the finding the fetus is viable
A panel will make a determination as to whether carrying or birthing the fetus poses a
significant threat to the woman's life or health.
If there is a threat to the woman's life or health a further determination as to the immediacy of
the threat.
When the fetus can be safely birthed via cesarean it is removed and made a ward of the state.
Put up for adoption as soon as medically advisable.

That's my compromise.
A panel of who?

What was wrong with Roe?
You can't blame Democrats for rewarding a candidate who compromise.
To a party whose base considers compromise akin to treason?
View attachment 856819
I'm not a fan of the Dems either, but yeah, right now the GQP is still mired in their purity testing. The Dems have played it right, just staying calm and pointing at the GOP. The True Believers running the party seem to think purity is good politics. I don't get it.
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Watch this...

/——/ First, I’m sorry the woman lost her baby. Secondly, she should have shopped around for another OBGYN. Nowhere did they say it was illegal to abort a stillborn, but it had to be verified otherwise the doctor and mother could lie. 3. If it was my wife, I wouldn’t have sat on my ass waiting, I’d have driven her to another state to get it done.
4. The news story was slanted, and they preyed upon a grieving mother.
Show me a living 12 week old fetus outside the womb.
Or just admit that lie too.
Thats your made up standard

People on life support are no more human than the unborn child

Sometimes the family pulls the plug on them but only after there is no chance of recovery

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