In a weird way, the GOP may have handed itself an opportunity on ABORTION

A large majority of pro choice type are willing to go for regulation after 24 weeks.
Some at 16 weeks
So there is some room in the pro choice side.

The argument was 16 weeks. You aren't going to get Democrats go along with that. Third reimester? Possible but that's what we had with RvW and Republicans threw that out.
What is the point of compromising with abortionists?
As my momma used to say

They say misery loves company. Nobody is as miserable as a leftist, and they sure like company.

Your message implies that all women are pro-choice. How fucked-up dumb is that?
Based on the polling it appears that women who can't have babies are willing to trust the government with their decision.
I'm seeing several articles on how the GOP is trying to figure out a way to mitigate the damage from their overreach on abortion (yes, I know some of the True Believers will deny there has been any overreach, but we're going to deal with reality here).

The answer may be right in front of them. All they have to do is embrace a word that appears to scare the living shit out of their base.

Their smartest move may be to say, "okay, let's compromise on abortion. We want strict limits, you want no limits. WE are willing to COMPROMISE. Let's have a 16-week limit, plus the regular exceptions. We can meet in the middle, it will be available in a vast majority of situations, and everyone can get some of what they really want."

Instead of their standard, ham handed, all-or-nothing approach, they have a chance to be the adult in the room for a change. And who knows, maybe it won't kill them, and they'll be able to lead the way on OTHER issues, TOO. Maybe this could START something.

Not holding my breath.

Yes. That was the genesis of this. I often wonder what he really thought of what he started.
Limbaugh didn't give a shit about that. Limbaugh only cared about drumming up anger to get people out to vote for Republicans. It was his singular MO.
Yeah, that's almost certainly true. This would need to be FAR more than one or two of them. They have to put their foot down.

If it were effective electorally, maybe the base would wake up. Maybe.
I have serious doubts. They've been indoctrinated on the subject for decades, you can't turn that around on a few months.
/——/ No state bans aborting a dead fetus.
Watch this...

I'll add that a woman can be ok (health wise) for up to a week with a dead fetus in the womb. Some women have no idea there is a problem during the 1st week.
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