In just a few weeks I have written two novels and almost finished a third...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...I now have over 110,000 words of a science fiction saga, and when the third novel is completed, the saga will not even be close to finished.

Basically, what I've done is sat down at my lap top on a Friday around six in the evening and write straight through until eight at night the next day, a solid 26 hours of non-stop writing, with only breaks to eat and go to the bathroom.

My rough draft has bouncing around p.o.v.'s and my daughter says I need to nail down who is the p.o.v. character in each chapter and rewrite.

My story is very adult, and not at all appropriate for children or at least half my family.
...I now have over 110,000 words of a science fiction saga, and when the third novel is completed, the saga will not even be close to finished.

Basically, what I've done is sat down at my lap top on a Friday around six in the evening and write straight through until eight at night the next day, a solid 26 hours of non-stop writing, with only breaks to eat and go to the bathroom.

My rough draft has bouncing around p.o.v.'s and my daughter says I need to nail down who is the p.o.v. character in each chapter and rewrite.

My story is very adult, and not at all appropriate for children or at least half my family.

Congrats. I submitted a sci-fi horror novel to BAEN and am awaiting word. Good luck to you, you ought to check out this website: Scribophile
The main character is a boy who is confused about who he is and so he calls himself "E" and refers to himself with "E" as every pronoun, i.e. "E" instead of "I", "me", "him", "his" and "E-self" instead of "himself" and "myself."

He's not doing this because he's confused about his gender, he's doing it because he believes he is a member of an asexual species.

I have a bisexual female writer friend who thinks the story is great, but I'm afraid at least half my family is not going to understand the story at all.
...I now have over 110,000 words of a science fiction saga, and when the third novel is completed, the saga will not even be close to finished.

Basically, what I've done is sat down at my lap top on a Friday around six in the evening and write straight through until eight at night the next day, a solid 26 hours of non-stop writing, with only breaks to eat and go to the bathroom.

My rough draft has bouncing around p.o.v.'s and my daughter says I need to nail down who is the p.o.v. character in each chapter and rewrite.

My story is very adult, and not at all appropriate for children or at least half my family.
No job, eh?
I have now completed five books and I'm on my sixth.

I'm stalled on the sixth book because I now have a major plot hole due to my "seat of the pants" writing method.

The main character was given a quest in the first book but then she dropped it and it really makes no sense that she would, so there's a plot hole.
A strange method. I look to the Stephan King model of writting.

Write 2k words a day. Do not stop writing that day until you have put 2k words on the screen. Do this for 90 days.

This will give you 180k words which is good. You have to have enough meat on the first draft to start the rewriting.
I've broken through a one-month writer's block and now on the way to completing the sixth book. I thought there might be a seventh book, but now I'm not sure.

So far I have 269,499 words.
Have you ever heard of NaNoWriMo? Its National Novel Writing Month. Its usually in November. You start Nov 1st with a blank slate and your goal is a 50,000 word rough draft by the end of the month. I tried it once and found my writing style doesn't go with this method. As I write I will change things. To reach the goal, they say you should not go back and fix the things you need to to accommodate the changes. I can't focus on the story until I do.

My sons do it every year. My middle son managed a 250,000 word rough draft when he was in college. He is sort of an overachiever. lol

Keep churning out the words!!
I have gone over the first three books and I think they're going good, but I am thinking that things go wrong in the fourth book so it needs a major rewrite.
I've finished the sixth book, and have started the seventh and final book.
I am working on the seventh book and now have 299,994 words.
I'm planning another 24-hour-mega-writing session tonight. First, I will have dinner with my ex-wife, who is making waffles. We will watch a bit of TV. Then, after she leaves I will sit down at my lap top and type away!!!
I had another marathon 26-hour writing session, and wrote approximately 18,000 words. I'm now nearly half-way through the seventh book.
I bought a program called Scrivener which is like an organizer for book writers. I spent last weekend putting my first book and it took 13 hours. it will take a very long time to get all seven books in.
I have now completed the seventh and final book and now have 367,598 words.

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