In Multiple Messages, Biden Warns Beijing Over Expansionism


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
There can be issues of disagreement. For me though, continuing, and in my mind, increasing pressure against China would be the best policy from the Trump administration that the Biden admin. could replicate. It has to be loud and public. It simply HAS to be. The communist will not listen to a mouse.

It seems to me some in the intelligence community have been given permission to speak freely and the incoming administration is listening.

We are going to witness the greatest shift in global history in short order. America is going to have to fight tooth and nail to defend capitalism and liberty. China will be going full steam ahead. From sources I have read and listened to online, the constant buzzing of Chinese jets near Taiwan are to collect data, wear down their pilots and their hardware.

China is applying A.I everywhere. Imagine how much they have learned about Taiwans response and their jets already?

One week into the job, President Joe Biden has sent a sharp warning to Beijing against any expansionist intentions in East and Southeast Asia.

In multiple calls and statements, he and his top security officials have underscored support for allies Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, signalling Washington's rejection of China's disputed territorial claims in those areas.

On Wednesday, Biden told Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga that his administration is committed to defending Japan, including the Senkaku Islands, which are claimed both by Japan and China, which calls them the Diaoyu Islands.

That stance was echoed by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who told Japanese counterpart Nobuo Kishi on Saturday that the contested islands were covered by the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty.

Austin affirmed that the United States "remains opposed to any unilateral attempts to change the status quo in the East China Sea," according to a Pentagon statement on the call.

Meanwhile, three days into the Biden administration, State Department spokesman Ned Price warned China about menacing Taiwan after it repeatedly sent more than a dozen military fighters and bombers through the island's air defense zone.

"We will stand with friends and allies to advance our shared prosperity security and values in the Indo-Pacific region -- and that includes deepening our ties with Democratic Taiwan," Price said in a statement.
There can be issues of disagreement. For me though, continuing, and in my mind, increasing pressure against China would be the best policy from the Trump administration that the Biden admin. could replicate. It has to be loud and public. It simply HAS to be. The communist will not listen to a mouse.

It seems to me some in the intelligence community have been given permission to speak freely and the incoming administration is listening.

We are going to witness the greatest shift in global history in short order. America is going to have to fight tooth and nail to defend capitalism and liberty. China will be going full steam ahead. From sources I have read and listened to online, the constant buzzing of Chinese jets near Taiwan are to collect data, wear down their pilots and their hardware.

China is applying A.I everywhere. Imagine how much they have learned about Taiwans response and their jets already?

One week into the job, President Joe Biden has sent a sharp warning to Beijing against any expansionist intentions in East and Southeast Asia.

In multiple calls and statements, he and his top security officials have underscored support for allies Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, signalling Washington's rejection of China's disputed territorial claims in those areas.

On Wednesday, Biden told Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga that his administration is committed to defending Japan, including the Senkaku Islands, which are claimed both by Japan and China, which calls them the Diaoyu Islands.

That stance was echoed by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who told Japanese counterpart Nobuo Kishi on Saturday that the contested islands were covered by the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty.

Austin affirmed that the United States "remains opposed to any unilateral attempts to change the status quo in the East China Sea," according to a Pentagon statement on the call.

Meanwhile, three days into the Biden administration, State Department spokesman Ned Price warned China about menacing Taiwan after it repeatedly sent more than a dozen military fighters and bombers through the island's air defense zone.

"We will stand with friends and allies to advance our shared prosperity security and values in the Indo-Pacific region -- and that includes deepening our ties with Democratic Taiwan," Price said in a statement.
capitalism is an economic system not a political one and the Chinese already play capitalism
As an American Citizen and Army veteran when I examine Joe Biden the man, the lifelong politician and the sitting U.S. President, I see only China sympathizer. Biden's own words, spoken on many occasions in public, reinforce this opinion or assessment. Clinton, Bush II, Obama and now Biden have been pro-CCP across the board, going back nearly forty years. The only U.S. President to stand up to China in recent history has been Donald J. Trump. Biden might give the illusion of a tough stance on Chinese communist expansion, but behind the scenes I believe China will be pulling the man's strings. I have seen no evidence to believe otherwise. Biden is no chameleon and China is the ultimate duck who quacks and walks like one.
Biden might give the illusion of a tough stance on Chinese communist expansion, but behind the scenes I believe China will be pulling the man's strings.
Exactly. Biden is just giving Japan lip service but his loyalties are with Master Xi and the CCP. As you pointed out, the only recent President to stand up and actually DO SOMETHING to push back against the CCP is Donald Trump. Biden will talk a good game, but will do nothing to stop China. In fact he will facilitate their intrusion into America as he has already demonstrated.

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