In my fourth attempt to get information, I ask forum Democrats to provide proof that Russia...

The problem is that Russia hacking our voting machines, Russia putting out fake news, several people close to Trump have lied about Russian contacts, sevreal people left because of it, several people getting money directly from Russia or Russian stooges, Trump telling Russia to find the emails Hillary deleted and they'll be rewarded, Russia hacking both political parties computers....none of that is proof of anything to you.

Not even 2 of them REGISTERING as Foreign agents isn't even proof of anything fishy at least.

Hell one guy received a friends hip award from Putin himself. BUT even that doesn't mean anything.

So when you say you've asked and never received an answer, the problem is that you don't accept any answer as being proof, circumstancial direct or even eye brow raising.
The problem is that Russia hacking our voting machines, Russia putting out fake news, several people close to Trump have lied about Russian contacts, sevreal people left because of it, several people getting money directly from Russia or Russian stooges, Trump telling Russia to find the emails Hillary deleted and they'll be rewarded, Russia hacking both political parties computers....none of that is proof of anything to you.

Not even 2 of them REGISTERING as Foreign agents isn't even proof of anything fishy at least.

Hell one guy received a friends hip award from Putin himself. BUT even that doesn't mean anything.

So when you say you've asked and never received an answer, the problem is that you don't accept any answer as being proof, circumstancial direct or even eye brow raising.

Let's have some links to your accusations. Yes, I am asking for proof.
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.

You can go to this link on this board--I am tired of coping and pasting it all of the time--and in this is a lot of information. Video's and links.
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What you won't find in the above link is the most recent news. Paul Manafort, Trumps former campaign manager was forced to register as a Foreign Agent by the Justice department two days ago. He apparently was working for the Russians in 2012--2014 receiving 17 million from them as an adviser regarding Russian/Ukraian and how to influence the United States--and this will tie into "More Trump advisers admit to meeting with the Russian Ambassador" in the above link the Evidence against Trump.
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent
The Hillary gang grabbed a bunch of cash.
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.

You can go to this link on this board--I am tired of coping and pasting it all of the time--and in this is a lot of information. Video's and links.
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

What you won't find in the above link is the most recent news. Paul Manafort, Trumps former campaign manager was forced to register as a Foreign Agent by the Justice department two days ago. He apparently was working for the Russians in 2012--2014 receiving 17 million from them as an adviser regarding Russian/Ukraian and how to influence the United States--and this will tie into "More Trump advisers admit to meeting with the Russian Ambassador" in the above link the Evidence against Trump.
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent
Did the Russians force you to change your vote?

It doesn't matter if the Russians changed a single vote. Collusiion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American Election is Treason.
Prove collusion.

Do you approve of the collusion by Obama during his efforts to affect foreign officials and elections?
If it looks like collusion, smells like collusion, if Trump acts like he has something to hide, then we have an investigation for the safety of the United States. That's how it works.

The safety of the united States is not about making the USA into a communist state. Asshole
Well, if I was a forum moderator, I think I would have conversation with the admin and other moderators to have all Trump-Russia threads put in the Conspiracy Theory section, because so far, that's all it is.

But it isn't a conspiracy theory, it's simply the excuse that the DNC/Deep State/MIC/globalist 1% settled on to explain the loss of the 'most qualified psychotic, warmongering princess in history' and to keep the new cold war going and justify all those $billions for the insane war budget

A true conspiracy theory would require that Hillary, Comey, Brennan, Clapper and all the other assorted 'progressives' really believed the evil Russians put Trump in the oval office

...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.
Hey, little silly ass, that is Mueller's job, not that of anyone on this forum.

Donald J. Trump


Hillary Clinton colluded with the Democratic Party in order to beat Crazy Bernie Sanders. Is she allowed to so collude? Unfair to Bernie!

5:00 AM - 25 Jun 2017

So, the fat senile old lying orange clown seems to be saying that working within a political party in the US is the same as colluding to affect an American election with an adversarial foreign government. Yes, I do believe that the dumb fuck is stupid enough to see treason as just another political tactic.
JBond, post: 17631200
Do you believe Russia changed your vote?

The question is do you believe Russia interefered in order to steer the election to one candidate that would end sanctions on the Russian regime?

If you don't, you are a self blinded unAmerican hack.

Your question is not related to the conversation about defending our democracy since it doesn't excuse what Putin attempts to do not only here but with US allies as well.
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Blackrook, post: 17630907
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.

Let's have some 'proof' from you that this attack upon our democratic institutions is not worth investigating.

Is it worth investigating? Yes or No? Simple question.
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.
You keep asking the same question keep getting the same answer
Trump has not been indicted
No jury is asked to find him guilty
There is sufficient evidence to warrant an investigation
If that investigation finds no criminal acts....nothing happens
If they find a crime...indictments will follow
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.
You keep asking the same question keep getting the same answer
Trump has not been indicted
No jury is asked to find him guilty
There is sufficient evidence to warrant an investigation
If that investigation finds no criminal acts....nothing happens
If they find a crime...indictments will follow

I'm not sure what question you're answering, but it's definitely not the on asked by the OP.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you have your threads mixed up

...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.
Didn't happen.

That fairy tale has been debunked...and the snowflakes lived un-happily ever after. :p
'Trump told Russia to hack Hillary'

Every now and then I tell a snowflake to 'gfy'. If they end up doing so, it doesn't mean we 'colluded'.

Hillary was hiding...and bleachbit-ting her e-mails. Obama was protecting her. Lynch was protecting her. Comey was protecting her.

So Trump spouts out during a debate, "I hope the Russians do hack her emails.'" I hoped they would, too - I hoped ANYONE would and would finally expose the truth about her. Doesn't mean I colluded with the Russians, either.

This is the biggest case of sour grapes, butt-hurt loser syndrome over a lost election in US election history.

That's all...
The problem is that Russia hacking our voting machines, Russia putting out fake news, several people close to Trump have lied about Russian contacts, sevreal people left because of it, several people getting money directly from Russia or Russian stooges, Trump telling Russia to find the emails Hillary deleted and they'll be rewarded, Russia hacking both political parties computers....none of that is proof of anything to you.

Not even 2 of them REGISTERING as Foreign agents isn't even proof of anything fishy at least.

Hell one guy received a friends hip award from Putin himself. BUT even that doesn't mean anything.

So when you say you've asked and never received an answer, the problem is that you don't accept any answer as being proof, circumstancial direct or even eye brow raising.
Please provide a link to prove any of what you have just said.
What credentials or experience do you have to indicate you would recognize evidence if it were shown to you? Evidence is often circumstantial and often a matter of subjective opinion. That is how you are able to deny or ignore evidence that is presented as a response to your inquiries.
Individuals connected to trump lied about contacts with Russian officials and contacts, even to the point of signing and submitting national security applications. That is evidence, but what you are looking for is a smoking gun, so you reject this evidence.
My credentials are not the issue, your lack of evidence is the issue. And I note you have not provided me with a link to back up what you say. Surely, you must have something?
I just gave you something and as predicted, you go into denial and play stupid mode. Do you really need a link to show that trump associated got caught hiding meetings with Russian contacts? It's been front page news for months and the trump associates have admitted the contacts.
Your response indicates you are not serious or seeking an honest discussion. You obviously prefer a circle jerk kind of trash talking game with others who will agree with your opinions. Another truth bashing thread for the poorly informed and.or brainwashed cult of trump.
So someone talked to a Russian. Then what happened?
So, this is the play stupid mode I predicted for you would use.
I'm not playing stupid, I'm asking a legitimate question.

You must know that merely speaking to Russian officials is not a crime.

You must know something more about these conversations that make them illegal.

Please elaborate, and provide links.
Right...talking to Russian officials isn't a why lie about it?
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.
You keep asking the same question keep getting the same answer
Trump has not been indicted
No jury is asked to find him guilty
There is sufficient evidence to warrant an investigation
If that investigation finds no criminal acts....nothing happens
If they find a crime...indictments will follow

I'm not sure what question you're answering, but it's definitely not the on asked by the OP.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you have your threads mixed up

There is sufficient evidence to justify an investigation

We will see where it leads won't we?

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