In my fourth attempt to get information, I ask forum Democrats to provide proof that Russia...

JBond, post: 17631200
Do you believe Russia changed your vote?

The question is do you believe Russia interefered in order to steer the election to one candidate that would end sanctions on the Russian regime?

If you don't, you are a self blinded unAmerican hack.

Your question is not related to the conversation about defending our democracy since it doesn't excuse what Putin attempts to do not only here but with US allies as well.
The Podesta clan worked to remove Russian sanctions. Bill Clinton took money from Chinese Intelligence. The Clintons also took piles of cash from the Russians. The US under Democrat leadership interfered with elections in the Ukraine and Israel. This is not a new phenomenon.
The problem is that Russia hacking our voting machines, Russia putting out fake news, several people close to Trump have lied about Russian contacts, sevreal people left because of it, several people getting money directly from Russia or Russian stooges, Trump telling Russia to find the emails Hillary deleted and they'll be rewarded, Russia hacking both political parties computers....none of that is proof of anything to you.

Not even 2 of them REGISTERING as Foreign agents isn't even proof of anything fishy at least.

Hell one guy received a friends hip award from Putin himself. BUT even that doesn't mean anything.

So when you say you've asked and never received an answer, the problem is that you don't accept any answer as being proof, circumstancial direct or even eye brow raising.
Do you believe Russia changed your vote? all you got. Sheesh. Notice again, no denials just deflections.
It was a simple question. Do you believe Russia changed your vote?

What I believe is not the topic champ.
The problem is that Russia hacking our voting machines, Russia putting out fake news, several people close to Trump have lied about Russian contacts, sevreal people left because of it, several people getting money directly from Russia or Russian stooges, Trump telling Russia to find the emails Hillary deleted and they'll be rewarded, Russia hacking both political parties computers....none of that is proof of anything to you.

Not even 2 of them REGISTERING as Foreign agents isn't even proof of anything fishy at least.

Hell one guy received a friends hip award from Putin himself. BUT even that doesn't mean anything.

So when you say you've asked and never received an answer, the problem is that you don't accept any answer as being proof, circumstancial direct or even eye brow raising.
Do you believe Russia changed your vote? all you got. Sheesh. Notice again, no denials just deflections.
It was a simple question. Do you believe Russia changed your vote?

What I believe is not the topic champ.
Every top security official has testified that there is no evidence of collusion, so I was asking you, because you seem to believe the Russians changed your vote.

Did you have an issue with Obama's interference in the Ukraine and Israel elections? Many have died in the Ukraine as a result of Obama's actions.
If Russia helped Trump win the election, please explain what they're getting for their help.

Hillary Clinton took a bribe from the Russians and they gained a huge pile of uranium.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Wouldn't the Russians have preferred Hillary, since they already had a great working relationship?

This isn't the FOX News Facebook page.--if you're going to make claims like that--get a verifiable trusted link to go along with it, as was done for all the evidence you have been asking for that was given to you on post # 19 on this thread.

This is not about Hillary Clinton, this is about Trump.

Partisan politics often leads to seeing the truth, knowing the truth while still defending and promoting the lies. Go back to post # 19 and try again.

Post#19 was too "busy". Go back and pull out top item and summarize it please. If that is found useful then you can do next important peice. Pareto it pls.
The problem is that Russia hacking our voting machines, Russia putting out fake news, several people close to Trump have lied about Russian contacts, sevreal people left because of it, several people getting money directly from Russia or Russian stooges, Trump telling Russia to find the emails Hillary deleted and they'll be rewarded, Russia hacking both political parties computers....none of that is proof of anything to you.

Not even 2 of them REGISTERING as Foreign agents isn't even proof of anything fishy at least.

Hell one guy received a friends hip award from Putin himself. BUT even that doesn't mean anything.

So when you say you've asked and never received an answer, the problem is that you don't accept any answer as being proof, circumstancial direct or even eye brow raising.
Do you believe Russia changed your vote? all you got. Sheesh. Notice again, no denials just deflections.
It was a simple question. Do you believe Russia changed your vote?

What I believe is not the topic champ.
Every top security official has testified that there is no evidence of collusion, so I was asking you, because you seem to believe the Russians changed your vote.

Did you have an issue with Obama's interference in the Ukraine and Israel elections? Many have died in the Ukraine as a result of Obama's actions.

Collusion and changing votes are 2 different things.
The problem is that Russia hacking our voting machines, Russia putting out fake news, several people close to Trump have lied about Russian contacts, sevreal people left because of it, several people getting money directly from Russia or Russian stooges, Trump telling Russia to find the emails Hillary deleted and they'll be rewarded, Russia hacking both political parties computers....none of that is proof of anything to you.

It is proof of one thing: you are either just another political hackbot or an itinerant idiot. Which is it?

1). Russia hacking our voting machines? Which ones? Tell us because President Obama Himself LAUGHED at the very possibility just last Oct. 18 because of their vast number of systems and diverse separateness and non-interconnectedness and told Trump who raised the issue to quit whining and get a life. So get a life! It would take hacking into a HUGE number of independent systems in order to affect any significant number of votes. If you remember, Jill Stein DID have them recount three states and they were SQUEAKY CLEAN. Of course, if we had just stayed with the old system of counting paper ballots instead of opting for ease, none of this would even be a remote possibility to worry about.
2). Russia putting out fake news? EVERYONE puts out fake news, including YOU, MSNBC and The New York Times. Another specious argument not even holding a cup of air.
3). Several people close to Trump lying about Russia contacts, you mean Flynn who did screw up because he was illegally unmasked in violation of the Espionage Act in a search for someone else? How about Sessions who did not remember giving a speech where among the many in the audience was a Russian Ambassador among many other ambassadors, who might have passed by, said hello or something in a large, brightly lit crowded room? Are those your "Russian connections?" Washington is REPLETE with people who take money in exchange for representing the interests of a foreign nation. They call them LOBBYISTS! Most of the lobbyists today are actually former top government workers. They are real good paying jobs! Washington RUNS on them. And Trump to his credit is the ONLY ONE who has clamped down on it by not allowing anyone from his cabinet to lobby after leaving office for 5 years! In fact, he is unique in that while running, he refused to take lobby money. Hillary was up to her eyeballs in it. Oops!
4). LOTS of people get money from Russia, they are one of the biggest and best places for big business to deal with! Like Bill Clinton who was paid DOUBLE his usual talking fee to give a 1 hour lecture in Moscow for $600,000 right before his wife Hillary turned over 20% of our uranium reserves? You mean like that?!
5). Trump telling Russia to find the emails? You mean that sarcastic remark he made in passing on live TV before a crowd of 20,000 out of frustration of the Clinton coverups and the intransigence of the DOJ to uncover them?? I wouldn't think even a person of 65 IQ would not have taken that as a SERIOUS effort to enlist Russia, especially as there has been anything but a reward ever since. Are you really that dumb? Or do you merely intend to insult us? Are these really the key points of your "case?"
6). Russia and at least a half dozen other hostile countries have been breaking into computers all across this country and world for MANY YEARS. The case could be made that one gateway into scoring some of the best information was hacking into Hillary's personal, private server she kept locked away in a closet, only found out about by accident, chock full of government information held there illegally.

The more you point out the actions of Russia and try to pin them on Trump, the more they point right back to Hillary and the democratic party. Indeed, if there were ANY REAL GENUINE DESIRE BY DEMOCRATS TO UNCOVER ANY VOTER TAMPERING OR FRAUD, especially after laughing off the matter all last year as ridiculous when you thought Hillary would unquestionably win, WHY THEN HAS SEVERAL STATES REFUSED TO TURN OVER THEIR VOTER LOGS TO A PERSON NOW TRYING TO LOOK INTO ALL OF THIS? Among the 4 states refusing are California and New York, the BASTIONS of Democratic Liberalism!!! Why you ask? Because for the first time this man intends to compare state voter logs against the federal ones, which would be the sure-fire way to also uncover any illegals voting! Some estimates put that number up as high as 20 MILLION. And that is the last thing states like California and New York want revealed.

Sucks when you open a can of worms and that can turns around and bits you in your own ass!
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...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.
What credentials or experience do you have to indicate you would recognize evidence if it were shown to you? Evidence is often circumstantial and often a matter of subjective opinion. That is how you are able to deny or ignore evidence that is presented as a response to your inquiries.
Individuals connected to trump lied about contacts with Russian officials and contacts, even to the point of signing and submitting national security applications. That is evidence, but what you are looking for is a smoking gun, so you reject this evidence.
My credentials are not the issue, your lack of evidence is the issue. And I note you have not provided me with a link to back up what you say. Surely, you must have something?
I just gave you something and as predicted, you go into denial and play stupid mode. Do you really need a link to show that trump associated got caught hiding meetings with Russian contacts? It's been front page news for months and the trump associates have admitted the contacts.
Your response indicates you are not serious or seeking an honest discussion. You obviously prefer a circle jerk kind of trash talking game with others who will agree with your opinions. Another truth bashing thread for the poorly informed and.or brainwashed cult of trump.
So someone talked to a Russian. Then what happened?
Then they fucked up our election and we got stuck with the orange shit-gibbon.
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.
What credentials or experience do you have to indicate you would recognize evidence if it were shown to you? Evidence is often circumstantial and often a matter of subjective opinion. That is how you are able to deny or ignore evidence that is presented as a response to your inquiries.
Individuals connected to trump lied about contacts with Russian officials and contacts, even to the point of signing and submitting national security applications. That is evidence, but what you are looking for is a smoking gun, so you reject this evidence.
My credentials are not the issue, your lack of evidence is the issue. And I note you have not provided me with a link to back up what you say. Surely, you must have something?
I just gave you something and as predicted, you go into denial and play stupid mode. Do you really need a link to show that trump associated got caught hiding meetings with Russian contacts? It's been front page news for months and the trump associates have admitted the contacts.
Your response indicates you are not serious or seeking an honest discussion. You obviously prefer a circle jerk kind of trash talking game with others who will agree with your opinions. Another truth bashing thread for the poorly informed and.or brainwashed cult of trump.
So someone talked to a Russian. Then what happened?
Then they fucked up our election and we got stuck with the orange shit-gibbon.

There is no proof the Russians did anything illegal in our election.
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.
Constanze Stelzenmüller, a German at the Brookings Institute testified Wednesday before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Russian influence on the 2016 election. She said (paraphrasing):
We use paper ballots and have hardened security for the systems tallying the vote. We have consensus that the Russians do not interfere with the actual vote tally. What the Russians are trying to do is hack our brains. Influence our political perspectives using fake news and propaganda.

That is exactly what the Russians did in America in 2016. We should give a damn.
Russia hacking our voting machines? Which ones?

Russia putting out fake news? EVERYONE puts out fake news

Several people close to Trump lying about Russia contacts, you mean Flynn who did screw up

LOTS of people get money from Russia,

Trump telling Russia to find the emails? You mean that sarcastic remark

Russia and at least a half dozen other hostile countries have been breaking into computers all across this country

Not one denial that the info I presented was a lie. This poster just went post by post saying "yeah but.." then providing excuses for why it happened. Not that it didn't happen.

Do you believe Russia changed your vote? all you got. Sheesh. Notice again, no denials just deflections.
It was a simple question. Do you believe Russia changed your vote?

What I believe is not the topic champ.
Every top security official has testified that there is no evidence of collusion, so I was asking you, because you seem to believe the Russians changed your vote.

Did you have an issue with Obama's interference in the Ukraine and Israel elections? Many have died in the Ukraine as a result of Obama's actions.

Collusion and changing votes are 2 different things.
Seth Rich, not the Russians, hacked the DNC and gave the info to Wikileaks.

When Hillary Clinton found out, she ordered Seth Rich murdered.

THAT'S what happened. Investigate THAT.
...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.
Hey, little silly ass, that is Mueller's job, not that of anyone on this forum.

Donald J. Trump


Hillary Clinton colluded with the Democratic Party in order to beat Crazy Bernie Sanders. Is she allowed to so collude? Unfair to Bernie!

5:00 AM - 25 Jun 2017

So, the fat senile old lying orange clown seems to be saying that working within a political party in the US is the same as colluding to affect an American election with an adversarial foreign government. Yes, I do believe that the dumb fuck is stupid enough to see treason as just another political tactic.

This is going to be a stale mate.

And it's brilliant by Trump and the's fighting fire with fire.

...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.
Waiting for the investigation...aren't you?


...influenced the election, or that Trump colluded with the Russians in influencing the election.
The Dems are conspiracies theorist. They only lives off of conspiracies but not facts. You tells them the truth just one time, that they will runaway quickly from it. The truth is like Kyptonite to them.




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