in new pro-Liz ad, Dick Cheney says in our nation's history there has never been an individual that's been a greater threat to our republic than Trump

there are just objectively looking at the data:

Those living in counties that voted 60% or higher for Trump in November 2020 had 2.26 times the death rate of those that went by the same margin for Biden. Counties with a higher share of Trump votes had even higher mortality rates.
NPR isn't a scientific data processing group. They're democrat party activists.
NPR isn't a scientific data processing group. They're democrat party activists.
NPR is a news reporting outfit, with a slight left bias, but highly factual.

Forbes reports the same conclusion, and forbes is slightly on the right.
Its just looking a the covid death rates vs proportion of Trump voters. You cant be biased in that. Either the data is wrong or the data is correct.
NPR is a news reporting outfit, with a slight left bias, but highly factual.

Forbes reports the same conclusion, and forbes is slightly on the right.
Its just looking a the covid death rates vs proportion of Trump voters. You cant be biased in that. Either the data is wrong or the data is correct.
Fair enough. However, aren't Biden and Harris vaccinated and both got covid?

in new pro-Liz ad, Dick Cheney says in our nation's history there has never been an individual that's been a greater threat to our republic than Trump​

Dick Cheney is a patriot. Donald Trump is not.

LOOK, Ace, the way the United States has been run and IS being run for the past few decades, we NEED a "threat" to this republic, we need something to change the status quo.

The only thing Trump is any threat to, are the corrupt power brokers which have violated our every right, broken our every law, sold America down the river to global interests while spending us broke on wars and other graft to the tune of 30 trillion dollars, all getting filthy rich while ordinary good Americans must work two jobs just to barely make basic ends meet day to day.
getting covid is different than being hospitalized or dying from it.
Agree. However, I still don't see a connection to Trump. Trump never encouraged people to not take the vaccine. How do we know if these people are Trump supporters?

Dick Cheney has come out in full force against Trump, saying he is the greatest threat to the nation than any other human being on earth.

“In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump," Cheney, wearing a cowboy hat and looking directly into the camera, says in the ad. "He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He is a coward. A real man wouldn't lie to his supporters."

Cheney, the one time demon of the Left who the Left claimed lied about WMD's to send hundreds of thousands of people to their collective deaths, is now the hero of the Left, as well as his daughter.

So does lying and violence equal the Iraqi war? Hmm. Trump never started any wars and did not send hundreds of thousands of people to their deaths, so how could it be cuz Orange man bad?

Dick Cheney has come out in full force against Trump, saying he is the greatest threat to the nation than any other human being on earth.

“In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump," Cheney, wearing a cowboy hat and looking directly into the camera, says in the ad. "He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He is a coward. A real man wouldn't lie to his supporters."

Cheney, the one time demon of the Left who the Left claimed lied about WMD's to send hundreds of thousands of people to their collective deaths, is now the hero of the Left, as well as his daughter.

So does lying and violence equal the Iraqi war? Hmm. Trump never started any wars and did not send hundreds of thousands of people to their deaths, so how could it be cuz Orange man bad?
I hope his donor heart explodes

Dick Cheney has come out in full force against Trump, saying he is the greatest threat to the nation than any other human being on earth.

“In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump," Cheney, wearing a cowboy hat and looking directly into the camera, says in the ad. "He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He is a coward. A real man wouldn't lie to his supporters."

Cheney, the one time demon of the Left who the Left claimed lied about WMD's to send hundreds of thousands of people to their collective deaths, is now the hero of the Left, as well as his daughter.

So does lying and violence equal the Iraqi war? Hmm. Trump never started any wars and did not send hundreds of thousands of people to their deaths, so how could it be cuz Orange man bad?

Coward, Mr Cheney?

You have as many deferments as he does.

A number also shared by Joe Biden.

Does that make you and Joe cowards as well?
Agree. However, I still don't see a connection to Trump. Trump never encouraged people to not take the vaccine. How do we know if these people are Trump supporters?
its implicit in the anti-science position of trumpism. Fauci tells you to take the vaccine, Fauci is the enemy, so therefore the vaccine is bad.
Coward, Mr Cheney?

You have as many deferments as he does.

A number also shared by Joe Biden.

Does that make you and Joe cowards as well?
A coward is sending thousands to put their lives on the line instead of you going, and when they return, not provide them with adequate health care to save government money, like we saw with the Arizona VA scandal Obama said, "Sorry" for. Obama had me as "sorry". It makes up for everything!

But Trump does not fit that description, so how can that be?

I feel so confused now.
After all of the attacks the left made on Dick Cheney over the years, now he is backing Sleepy Fucking Joe.

The crazy thing is that if his daughter did get the nomination in 2024, the libs would still literally crucify her for his "crimes against humanity".
If anyone with a financial brain (I rate this place as VERY poor) would look at a detail

With every job report, the unemployment only ticks down slightly for such big numbers

Now put on your thinking caps and tell me a summary
Coward, Mr Cheney?

You have as many deferments as he does.

A number also shared by Joe Biden.

Does that make you and Joe cowards as well?
You try to support these people who end up being frauds and we the suckers. A man who helped to get many Americans killed and maimed in many ways who never served calling another man who tried to not get any men killed and maimed and did not serve a coward. So, Dick Cheney will now hold a rifle in his hand and lead a battalion of men in a real bloody battlefield battle. Cheney speaks like he would be one first men on the beach at D. Day as they were being mowed down by the Germans. You can only have so many wars. We are in danger of endless overlapping wars with these evil cretins.

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