in new pro-Liz ad, Dick Cheney says in our nation's history there has never been an individual that's been a greater threat to our republic than Trump

Dick Cheney has come out in full force against Trump, saying he is the greatest threat to the nation than any other human being on earth.

“In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump," Cheney, wearing a cowboy hat and looking directly into the camera, says in the ad. "He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He is a coward. A real man wouldn't lie to his supporters."

Cheney, the one time demon of the Left who the Left claimed lied about WMD's to send hundreds of thousands of people to their collective deaths, is now the hero of the Left, as well as his daughter.

So does lying and violence equal the Iraqi war? Hmm. Trump never started any wars and did not send hundreds of thousands of people to their deaths, so how could it be cuz Orange man bad?
Cheney's a liberal hero now; the left still despises him.
If anyone with a financial brain (I rate this place as VERY poor) would look at a detail

With every job report, the unemployment only ticks down slightly for such big numbers

Now put on your thinking caps and tell me a summary
At least the there is no guess work involved about the fed hitting us with another .75 basis point hike this fall so there is that. ;)
Traitorous Bushes and Cheneys. I will freakin' give out candy myself when this little lying bastard dies. I"ll start buying now. He and bush have betrayed Americans and especially americans who supported and voted for these frauds. I won't be forgetting and considering how the primaries are going for trump conservatives....neither will The American people. I spit on the bush dynasty and the cheney hanger on dynasty. bastards traitors. oh i'm not angry. i'm wide awake.
Traitorous Bushes and Cheneys. I will freakin' give out candy myself when this little lying bastard dies. I"ll start buying now. He and bush have betrayed Americans and especially americans who supported and voted for these frauds. I won't be forgetting and considering how the primaries are going for trump conservatives....neither will The American people. I spit on the bush dynasty and the cheney hanger on dynasty. bastards traitors. oh i'm not angry. i'm wide awake.
My God. It is like I wrote it

Trump Butt hurt that miserable bastard and his Chimp so bad they betrayed their own party

Then you see the Bushwhacks sucking on Michael Obama's penis........My God

Bush repooplicans will be extinct soon
Look what the Bush's did. They embraced Bill...a slimeball. Makes you wonder doesn't it? When Obama was destroying this nation, BUsh kept his damn mouth shut. When President Trump was doing good things for this nation where was Bush and Cheney..>stabbing The President who was a benefit to the repunklican party....WHO SINGLEHANDEDLY kept the Repunklican party relevant and alive no thanks to the repunklican party. And that is how bush cheney showed their 'apprecation'. Americans hate the bushes and cheneys as much if not more than they despise the democrats.
We cannot do anything because the endless RINOS and sell outs keep being elected or show up unexpectedly. We are not a Republican Party of moving towards a total right wing. We are voters who want to put a line in the sand and end this crap of letting the opposing party keep moving us left. Move on from there. We are guilted when we do not have to be.

After Dick Cheneys ad came out Trumps approval rating received a 4% bump. Liz probably lost another 5% in her election in the process.
I wonder if Sleepy Joe agreed not to extradite Cheney to The Hague for war crimes in exchange for his support?

Is there a quid pro quo here to keep the former veep out of the hoosegow?
Traitorous Bushes and Cheneys. I will freakin' give out candy myself when this little lying bastard dies. I"ll start buying now. He and bush have betrayed Americans and especially americans who supported and voted for these frauds. I won't be forgetting and considering how the primaries are going for trump conservatives....neither will The American people. I spit on the bush dynasty and the cheney hanger on dynasty. bastards traitors. oh i'm not angry. i'm wide awake.

Were you actually fooled by the invasion of Iraq?
I wonder if Sleepy Joe agreed not to extradite Cheney to The Hague for war crimes in exchange for his support?

Is there a quid pro quo here to keep the former veep out of the hoosegow?

See Bomb the Hague Act.
Cheney's a liberal hero now; the left still despises him.
For the record, the Left hates everyone, even themselves. It is just like how they hate blacks in democrat controlled cities as they foster black on black violence as the media and politicians ignore it, and where places in like New York cities where blacks have had more abortions than births.

The issue is, when are the vocal about their hatred and when do they try to cover it up?
Blood runs thick. The Bushes and Cheney hate trump for his directness. They have thinner skins than even trump.
Democrats have no scruples or conscience so hypocrisy means nothing to them. They’ll seize any opportunity to rag on America and Americans in order to fuel their Marxist campaign.
its implicit in the anti-science position of trumpism. Fauci tells you to take the vaccine, Fauci is the enemy, so therefore the vaccine is bad.
That's called a false narrative. Your baseline is Trump supporters are stupid and anti vaccine. That's not a scientific position. Your Supreme Court Justice can't even define what a woman is. Can men get pregnant?

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