in new pro-Liz ad, Dick Cheney says in our nation's history there has never been an individual that's been a greater threat to our republic than Trump

Dick Cheney has come out in full force against Trump, saying he is the greatest threat to the nation than any other human being on earth.

“In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump," Cheney, wearing a cowboy hat and looking directly into the camera, says in the ad. "He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He is a coward. A real man wouldn't lie to his supporters."

Cheney, the one time demon of the Left who the Left claimed lied about WMD's to send hundreds of thousands of people to their collective deaths, is now the hero of the Left, as well as his daughter.

So does lying and violence equal the Iraqi war? Hmm. Trump never started any wars and did not send hundreds of thousands of people to their deaths, so how could it be cuz Orange man bad?
I heard Jimmy Carter's WH Chef says fellow WH Chefs have spread the word that Donald Trump is a 'Soup Slurper', signs of aggressive, narccistic, strong pro-Constitutional / law tendencies and an aversion to changing his socks....

laughing hilariously.jpg

Dick Cheney? I thought he was dead.

Let me know when a more relevant influence like Pee Wee Herman speaks out against Trump.

(Hilarious - Democrats / the left consider one of the biggest, untrustworthy, vile liars in our history .... but because he is speaking out against Trump here they are defending him, praising him, and pushing what he is saying in a political hit commercial as gospel.

When it comes down to disgusting people, Cheney has Trump beaten by a mile.
I second this!

I wouldn’t vote for Trump nor sit at a table with him ever offered but Richard Bruce Cheney can go to fucking hell and his opinion of Trump is hysterical seeing Cheney had a heart transplant at his old fucking age when that heart could have gone to someone else more deserving!

Fucking Satan is more honorable than Dick Cheney!

Oh, he can go fuck himself!

Dick Cheney has come out in full force against Trump, saying he is the greatest threat to the nation than any other human being on earth.

“In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump," Cheney, wearing a cowboy hat and looking directly into the camera, says in the ad. "He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He is a coward. A real man wouldn't lie to his supporters."

Cheney, the one time demon of the Left who the Left claimed lied about WMD's to send hundreds of thousands of people to their collective deaths, is now the hero of the Left, as well as his daughter.

So does lying and violence equal the Iraqi war? Hmm. Trump never started any wars and did not send hundreds of thousands of people to their deaths, so how could it be cuz Orange man bad?
As bad and horrible as that war was it was not a threat to our Republic. Cheney was speaking towards that point.
A coward is sending thousands to put their lives on the line instead of you going, and when they return, not provide them with adequate health care to save government money, like we saw with the Arizona VA scandal Obama said, "Sorry" for. Obama had me as "sorry". It makes up for everything!

But Trump does not fit that description, so how can that be?

I feel so confused now.
You are correct about the cowardice scenario you described. Trump cowardice comes in a different form when he is to scared to admit defeat and puts his own ego in front of the good of the country. The lies he perpetuated and still pushes rip at the foundation of our country. It a truly disgusting thing
After all of the attacks the left made on Dick Cheney over the years, now he is backing Sleepy Fucking Joe.

The crazy thing is that if his daughter did get the nomination in 2024, the libs would still literally crucify her for his "crimes against humanity".
He is defending his daughter. Most people would. He and his daughter are pretty far from Left
My God. It is like I wrote it

Trump Butt hurt that miserable bastard and his Chimp so bad they betrayed their own party

Then you see the Bushwhacks sucking on Michael Obama's penis........My God

Bush repooplicans will be extinct soon
You sound like a very intelligent person :cuckoo:
We cannot do anything because the endless RINOS and sell outs keep being elected or show up unexpectedly. We are not a Republican Party of moving towards a total right wing. We are voters who want to put a line in the sand and end this crap of letting the opposing party keep moving us left. Move on from there. We are guilted when we do not have to be.
Only truth should have the power to make you feel guilty
You are correct about the cowardice scenario you described. Trump cowardice comes in a different form when he is to scared to admit defeat and puts his own ego in front of the good of the country. The lies he perpetuated and still pushes rip at the foundation of our country. It a truly disgusting thing
And you know what is truly disgusting? If it really came down to it. Really came to true survival, you would trade out anyone you know for that. Most every Prog in office does not believe in their agendas. For they do not live it.
And you know what is truly disgusting? If it really came down to it. Really came to true survival, you would trade out anyone you know for that. Most every Prog in office does not believe in their agendas. For they do not live it.
You have zero clue about what you’re saying… especially when it comes to me and who I would trade. Zero clue
My God. It is like I wrote it

Trump Butt hurt that miserable bastard and his Chimp so bad they betrayed their own party

Then you see the Bushwhacks sucking on Michael Obama's penis........My God

Bush repooplicans will be extinct soon
So funny to watch you clueless, syncophat, cultist MAGATS eating your own in trying to rush to your Fuhrer's defense.


Just PRICELESS to watch!
The Cheney family is just a group of status quo lifetime political elites who have done nothing but enrich themselves through the offices they have held and there political connections much like the Biden family.
You are correct about the cowardice scenario you described. Trump cowardice comes in a different form when he is to scared to admit defeat and puts his own ego in front of the good of the country. The lies he perpetuated and still pushes rip at the foundation of our country. It a truly disgusting thing
Trump was simply fighting the way the Left fights.

Hillary told Joe Biden should not concede the election under any circumstances.

Add to the fact that it looked like Trump had won when everyone went to bed, but then woke up and you had the exact opposite.

But Trump failed to take into account that he cannot fight like the Left, because they will hold him to account everything he does, in addition, make up other things about him, whereas, criminals like Hillary get a free pass every time, no matter what she does or says.

How do you fight a criminal organization called the democrat party when they have full control over the media and organizations that deal out law and justice?

General Flynn almost went to jail for just one supposed lie that was said during a time when he was told it was off the record.

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