In normal world, this is known as "fraud".

World is normal and complete definition criteria for fraud was never met
Certainly. My husband and I are not only assessed on the value of the property we need to borrow to buy or improve or whatever, but our current income and probability of the stability of it, our credit record, and other factors go into the bank's assessment of a) our ability to repay the loan and b) our track record on repayment of loans.

And certainly if we were borrowing millions rather than the relatively modest mortgages or auto loans that my husband and I can qualify for, there would be financial statements and other documentation requested and those can of necessity at times be somewhat subjective.

But no matter what documentation I furnished the lender, the lender would not take my word alone for the value of the collateral underwriting the loan.
Trumps valuation of his multiple properties has utterly nothing to do with a bank willingness to give him a loan. They do not use his info as qualifying criteria. They have their own qualifying criteria and appraisers.
Lib loons opining on high level business when 90% of them have Never done any.
As I have said before I actually would like to see DeSantis win as I think he would accomplish more than Trump or at least be superior to any Democrat interested in running for President. The problem with DeSantis is that he lacks the charisma that Trump generates. He is more of a doer than a talker.

Of course you liberals are out to kill the DeSantis dragon you so fear. For example you said DeSantis banned books in Florida.

Oh look, another off topic attempt at a red herring and another article you didn't read.
Trumps valuation of his multiple properties has utterly nothing to do with a bank willingness to give him a loan. They do not use his info as qualifying criteria. They have their own qualifying criteria and appraisers.
Lib loons opining on high level business when 90% of them have Never done any.
That is correct. He might extrapolate values a bit in pricing his properties or holdings--it is a rare person who ever undervalues such things on purpose. But as I did when writing grants, I often valued various programs and such at more than current balance sheet showed in my belief that these programs would generate certain revenues. (Which they did.) Many people include anticipated appreciation in valuing their various kinds of properties. Unless the financial indicators clearly show a reverse trend that is not fraud. It is anticipation/expectation with a little hope thrown in.
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That is correct. He might extrapolate values a bit in pricing his properties or holdings--it is a rare person who ever undervalues such things on purpose. But as I did when writing grants, I often valued various programs and such at more than current balance sheet showed in my belief that these programs would generate certain revenues. Many people include anticipated appreciation in valuing their various kinds of properties. Unless the financial indicators clearly show a reverse trend that is not fraud. It is anticipation/expectation with a little hope thrown in.

And imagine the mess when these revenues never transpire and the taxpayers are left picking up the pieces.
Except it’s reality snd since you cannot accept the reality of how business works you name call
No, it's hilariously stupid and wrong, and you should probably stop talking. You're embarrassing yourself.

In your fantasy world, Trump committed those crimes not because he thought it would help his loan applications. Apparently he just did it because he was bored.


That is correct. He might extrapolate values a bit in pricing his properties or holdings--it is a rare person who ever undervalues such things on purpose. But as I did when writing grants, I often valued various programs and such at more than current balance sheet showed in my belief that these programs would generate certain revenues. Many people include anticipated appreciation in valuing their various kinds of properties. Unless the financial indicators clearly show a reverse trend that is not fraud. It is anticipation/expectation with a little hope thrown in.
Even if,in liberal wish land, he had tried to use those as collateral security the banks would then take even more steps to protect their interests. So, they don’t take “opinions” and they enact their own procedures.
No, it's hilariously stupid and wrong, and you should probably stop talking. You're embarrassing yourself.

In your fantasy world, Trump committed those crimes not because he thought it would help his loan applications. Apparently he just did it because he was bored.


View attachment 845403
So cute to see a child’s toy as your refutation.
That happened in the housing crash of 2008. It has not happened with any Trump transactions.

And that is why we have such laws. How many times does this need pointed out to you? Just because things haven't crashed again, the way you help ensure that is to actually enforce the laws.

Don't forget Trump's track record.

And that is why we have such laws. How many times does this need pointed out to you? Just because things haven't crashed again, the way you help ensure that is to actually enforce the laws.

Don't forget Trump's track record.

Trump's track record is pretty darn good which is why lenders are willing to lend him millions of dollars for his business ventures. He had nothing whatsoever to do with the 2008 housing crash. That was strictly the unwillingness of the Democrat Congress to act. Bush 43 warned them some 25 times that they needed to act--it required congressional action--and Chris Dodd and Barney Frank went on television time and again to assure the country that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were just fine and don't worry. The GOP offered bills that could have fended off the worst of it and the Democrats wouldn't bring them to the floor.

Trump did get seriously financially hurt in the recession of the early 1990s and was forced to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy to give him time to reorganize his Atlantic City ventures and honor his debts. Chapter 11 does not allow a borrower to dismiss his/her debts but rather gives him/her more time to reorganize to deal with a financial difficulty and pay them. Which he did as agreed with the Court.
Trump's track record is pretty darn good which is why lenders are willing to lend him millions of dollars for his business ventures.

Deutsche Bank is an exception. The big German bank became Trump’s lifeline after U.S. lenders turned against him following a string of hotel and casino bankruptcies in the 1990s. Yet, the relationship has hardly been a harmonious one. In 2008, Trump sued Deutsche Bank in order to win the right to delay paying back an earlier loan.

American banks don’t support Trump — voters soon won’t either

He had nothing whatsoever to do with the 2008 housing crash. That was strictly the unwillingness of the Democrat Congress to act. Bush 43 warned them some 25 times that they needed to act--it required congressional action--and Chris Dodd and Barney Frank went on television time and again to assure the country that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were just fine and don't worry. The GOP offered bills that could have fended off the worst of it and the Democrats wouldn't bring them to the floor.

Trump did get seriously financially hurt in the recession of the early 1990s and was forced to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy to give him time to reorganize his Atlantic City ventures and honor his debts. Chapter 11 does not allow a borrower to dismiss his/her debts but rather gives him/her more time to reorganize to deal with a financial difficulty and pay them. Which he did as agreed with the Court.

Bernanke: There's no housing bubble to go bust
Deutsche Bank is an exception. The big German bank became Trump’s lifeline after U.S. lenders turned against him following a string of hotel and casino bankruptcies in the 1990s. Yet, the relationship has hardly been a harmonious one. In 2008, Trump sued Deutsche Bank in order to win the right to delay paying back an earlier loan.

American banks don’t support Trump — voters soon won’t either

Bernanke: There's no housing bubble to go bust
Your cherry picked article was in 2017 speculating on the probability of Trump completing his first term. It pretty much got it all 100% wrong.

When Bernanke was appointed there wasn't a serious housing bubble. But he was appointed three years before it happened.

And debate via links is super boring and the tools of those who can't articulate an argument or back up their argument with anything of substance. Take the hint.
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Your cherry picked article was in 2017 speculating on the probability of Trump completing his first term. It pretty much got it all 100% wrong.

When Bernanke was appointed there wasn't a serious housing bubble. But he was appointed three years before it happened.

And debate via links is super boring and the tools of those who can't articulate an argument or back up their argument with anything of substance. Take the hint.

Irrelevant to the fact that is was Bernanke arguing right up to the crash that there was no problem.

If you dislike someone providing facts to counter your crap, well, I understand.
Irrelevant to the fact that is was Bernanke arguing right up to the crash that there was no problem.

If you dislike someone providing facts to counter your crap, well, I understand.
I prefer to debate people who actually understand what they're talking about instead of regurgitating left wing propaganda. Thanks for understanding.
I prefer to debate people who actually understand what they're talking about instead of regurgitating left wing propaganda. Thanks for understanding.

You believe facts are "left wing propaganda". That explains a lot.
I prefer to debate people who actually understand what they're talking about instead of regurgitating left wing propaganda. Thanks for understanding.
Then please allow me to give you an email address of a legal expert.

Promise to post the responses here, so we can laugh?

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