In one area there is NO Difference between Trump and Obama... narcissism!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

So what is the difference in the country under Trump versus Obama?
Well we all know the economy is booming so much so this morning in a well known popular national chain restaurant even one of the help asked a patron..."if you know someone that needs a job WE ARE hiring"!!!
And the economic statistics bear out the energy in our economy.
So if Obama and Trump are so self-centered what happened between the two's efforts?
Well maybe these actual STATEMENTS and ACTIONS by Obama which Trump would NEVER say or do but Trump is doing the exact opposite best illustrate why even though under Obama the economy didn't really tank... it didn't explode like it is now.

Now if you truly honest people look at the below statements and actions by Obama explain how any business would want to improve with these statements and actions. And these are just a few of Obama's efforts to tear down America, our economy and basically American way of life because fundamentally Obama considers himself a world citizen first ... THEN American. An attitude that most Americans don't abide simply because the world needs more countries LIKE America and fewer countries like Venezuela or socialists that Obama would prefer!

Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

Trump is not a narcissist, Trump actually has a deep inferiority complex that he attempts to overcome with false bravado and repeatedly telling everyone how great he is. That is the reason why things like crowd size at his inauguration and the response of the Boy Scouts to his speech and such mean so much to him.
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

Trump is not a narcissist, Trump actually has a deep inferiority complex that he attempts to overcome with false bravado and repeatedly telling everyone how great he is. That is the reason why things like crowd size at his inauguration and the response of the Boy Scouts to his speech and such mean so much to him.

Well not knowing your professional credentials I asked the simple question: "Is Trump a narcissist?"

Donald Trump and narcissism: What's behind his big ego?
Narcissists don't accept any criticism.
They consider themselves infallible.
That sounds suspiciously like Donald Trump.
Behind such a big mouth is often a very troubled person, says therapist Bärbel Wardetzki.
In "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump", a book published in October, 27 psychiatrists and mental health experts describe the president's severe personality disorder. The most frequent diagnosis in the book is narcissistic personality disorder.
Donald Trump and narcissism: What's behind his big ego? | DW | 05.01.2018

So I don't know but I do agree with you about his bravado, etc. BUT to me hey I've had bosses just like him, loud, obnoxious, pain in the butt but they get things done as does Trump!
So more power to Trump I say!
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

So what is the difference in the country under Trump versus Obama?
Well we all know the economy is booming so much so this morning in a well known popular national chain restaurant even one of the help asked a patron..."if you know someone that needs a job WE ARE hiring"!!!
And the economic statistics bear out the energy in our economy.
So if Obama and Trump are so self-centered what happened between the two's efforts?
Well maybe these actual STATEMENTS and ACTIONS by Obama which Trump would NEVER say or do but Trump is doing the exact opposite best illustrate why even though under Obama the economy didn't really tank... it didn't explode like it is now.

Now if you truly honest people look at the below statements and actions by Obama explain how any business would want to improve with these statements and actions. And these are just a few of Obama's efforts to tear down America, our economy and basically American way of life because fundamentally Obama considers himself a world citizen first ... THEN American. An attitude that most Americans don't abide simply because the world needs more countries LIKE America and fewer countries like Venezuela or socialists that Obama would prefer!
View attachment 216803

View attachment 216802
The economy is not "exploding". It is continuing the trajectory set by the previous administration.
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

Trump is not a narcissist, Trump actually has a deep inferiority complex that he attempts to overcome with false bravado and repeatedly telling everyone how great he is. That is the reason why things like crowd size at his inauguration and the response of the Boy Scouts to his speech and such mean so much to him.

Well not knowing your professional credentials I asked the simple question: "Is Trump a narcissist?"

Donald Trump and narcissism: What's behind his big ego?
Narcissists don't accept any criticism.
They consider themselves infallible.
That sounds suspiciously like Donald Trump.
Behind such a big mouth is often a very troubled person, says therapist Bärbel Wardetzki.
In "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump", a book published in October, 27 psychiatrists and mental health experts describe the president's severe personality disorder. The most frequent diagnosis in the book is narcissistic personality disorder.
Donald Trump and narcissism: What's behind his big ego? | DW | 05.01.2018

So I don't know but I do agree with you about his bravado, etc. BUT to me hey I've had bosses just like him, loud, obnoxious, pain in the butt but they get things done as does Trump!
So more power to Trump I say!

I have had bosses like him as well, they are effective for a short time till people figure out they are all bark and no bite.
The main difference being ... Obama is a prick, and Trump is not.
Lol, how can anybody be as wrong as you are? Is that even possible? That may be the most ridiculous statement I have heard on this site, and I've heard some dozies here for sure.

Saying President Obama is a prick is a matter of opinion, he is kinda convinced of his own superiority and that's for sure but he doesn't tend to rub it in your face so it doesn't really bother me.

OTOH, saying tRump is not a prick is either a lie or blindness.
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

So what is the difference in the country under Trump versus Obama?
Well we all know the economy is booming so much so this morning in a well known popular national chain restaurant even one of the help asked a patron..."if you know someone that needs a job WE ARE hiring"!!!
And the economic statistics bear out the energy in our economy.
So if Obama and Trump are so self-centered what happened between the two's efforts?
Well maybe these actual STATEMENTS and ACTIONS by Obama which Trump would NEVER say or do but Trump is doing the exact opposite best illustrate why even though under Obama the economy didn't really tank... it didn't explode like it is now.

Now if you truly honest people look at the below statements and actions by Obama explain how any business would want to improve with these statements and actions. And these are just a few of Obama's efforts to tear down America, our economy and basically American way of life because fundamentally Obama considers himself a world citizen first ... THEN American. An attitude that most Americans don't abide simply because the world needs more countries LIKE America and fewer countries like Venezuela or socialists that Obama would prefer!
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View attachment 216802
The economy is not "exploding". It is continuing the trajectory set by the previous administration.

Yes it is continuing to grow but you are ignoring what my contention was that Obama's EFFORTS weren't to the economy's best interest!
I mean how can you have any real growth when this is your belief structure?
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

So what is the difference in the country under Trump versus Obama?
Well we all know the economy is booming so much so this morning in a well known popular national chain restaurant even one of the help asked a patron..."if you know someone that needs a job WE ARE hiring"!!!
And the economic statistics bear out the energy in our economy.
So if Obama and Trump are so self-centered what happened between the two's efforts?
Well maybe these actual STATEMENTS and ACTIONS by Obama which Trump would NEVER say or do but Trump is doing the exact opposite best illustrate why even though under Obama the economy didn't really tank... it didn't explode like it is now.

Now if you truly honest people look at the below statements and actions by Obama explain how any business would want to improve with these statements and actions. And these are just a few of Obama's efforts to tear down America, our economy and basically American way of life because fundamentally Obama considers himself a world citizen first ... THEN American. An attitude that most Americans don't abide simply because the world needs more countries LIKE America and fewer countries like Venezuela or socialists that Obama would prefer!
View attachment 216803

View attachment 216802
The economy is not "exploding". It is continuing the trajectory set by the previous administration.

Oh really? The Obama care mandate is gone, Obama's job killing EPA regulations are gone .....their is no fear of the National minimum wage will be raised ..

Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

So what is the difference in the country under Trump versus Obama?
Well we all know the economy is booming so much so this morning in a well known popular national chain restaurant even one of the help asked a patron..."if you know someone that needs a job WE ARE hiring"!!!
And the economic statistics bear out the energy in our economy.
So if Obama and Trump are so self-centered what happened between the two's efforts?
Well maybe these actual STATEMENTS and ACTIONS by Obama which Trump would NEVER say or do but Trump is doing the exact opposite best illustrate why even though under Obama the economy didn't really tank... it didn't explode like it is now.

Now if you truly honest people look at the below statements and actions by Obama explain how any business would want to improve with these statements and actions. And these are just a few of Obama's efforts to tear down America, our economy and basically American way of life because fundamentally Obama considers himself a world citizen first ... THEN American. An attitude that most Americans don't abide simply because the world needs more countries LIKE America and fewer countries like Venezuela or socialists that Obama would prefer!
View attachment 216803

View attachment 216802
The economy is not "exploding". It is continuing the trajectory set by the previous administration.

Oh really? The Obama care mandate is gone, Obama's job killing EPA regulations are gone .....their is no fear of the National minimum wage will be raised ..

Epa regs weren't "job killing" they were environment protecting. The Obamacare mandate had little to nothing to do with the economy. There is still talk if raising the minimum wage.

Actually more indicative of your mental state! Grow up!

Bite me! :dev3:

Right... just like a junior high schooler! Wow how intelligent of a response!


You really don't understand that you are just reinforcing my belief that any comments you make are really inconsequential.
Response is kind of juvenile.

Actually more indicative of your mental state! Grow up!

Bite me! :dev3:

Right... just like a junior high schooler! Wow how intelligent of a response!


You really don't understand that you are just reinforcing my belief that any comments you make are really inconsequential.

Wow, and that means so very much to me. My whole purpose on this forum was about you and your view of me.

Whatever will I do now! :290968001256257790-final:

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