In one area there is NO Difference between Trump and Obama... narcissism!

Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

So what is the difference in the country under Trump versus Obama?
Well we all know the economy is booming so much so this morning in a well known popular national chain restaurant even one of the help asked a patron..."if you know someone that needs a job WE ARE hiring"!!!
And the economic statistics bear out the energy in our economy.
So if Obama and Trump are so self-centered what happened between the two's efforts?
Well maybe these actual STATEMENTS and ACTIONS by Obama which Trump would NEVER say or do but Trump is doing the exact opposite best illustrate why even though under Obama the economy didn't really tank... it didn't explode like it is now.

Now if you truly honest people look at the below statements and actions by Obama explain how any business would want to improve with these statements and actions. And these are just a few of Obama's efforts to tear down America, our economy and basically American way of life because fundamentally Obama considers himself a world citizen first ... THEN American. An attitude that most Americans don't abide simply because the world needs more countries LIKE America and fewer countries like Venezuela or socialists that Obama would prefer!
View attachment 216803

View attachment 216802

Obama was right about coal.
Obama has vision whereas Trump can't see past his orange, spray-tanned nose.

Coal Isn't Coming Back, Even With Trump Leaving the Paris Accord ...
Terms of Service Violation...
Jun 1, 2017 - President Donald Trump just made good on his campaign vow to leave the Paris climate accord. Now, the hard part: making Americancoal ...
Mass Employment In Coal Mining Is Never Coming Back, No Matter ...
Mar 29, 2017 - The truth is that the future of human labour is indoor work with no heavy lifting. Something we should be celebrating rather than turning back the ...

NO GOING BACK Even coal country knows Trump can't save ... - Quartz
Even coal country knows Trump can’t save it
Jan 30, 2018 - Appalachians understand that industry isn't coming back, but Trump is making it hard for them to move on. “Promising to bring coal jobs back ...

Commentary: Coal jobs won't come back – but there are other ways to ...
Feb 13, 2018 - Trump's message could not have come at a worse time, giving false ... the reality that their jobs weren't coming back – and were embarking on ...

Coal Jobs Aren't Coming Back, No Matter What the Trump - Newsweek
Coal jobs aren’t coming back, no matter what the Trump administration says
Jun 6, 2017 - They did it for Pittsburgh. As he withdrew the United States from the Paris climate agreement last week, President Donald Trump made clear ...
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

So what is the difference in the country under Trump versus Obama?
Well we all know the economy is booming so much so this morning in a well known popular national chain restaurant even one of the help asked a patron..."if you know someone that needs a job WE ARE hiring"!!!
And the economic statistics bear out the energy in our economy.
So if Obama and Trump are so self-centered what happened between the two's efforts?
Well maybe these actual STATEMENTS and ACTIONS by Obama which Trump would NEVER say or do but Trump is doing the exact opposite best illustrate why even though under Obama the economy didn't really tank... it didn't explode like it is now.

Now if you truly honest people look at the below statements and actions by Obama explain how any business would want to improve with these statements and actions. And these are just a few of Obama's efforts to tear down America, our economy and basically American way of life because fundamentally Obama considers himself a world citizen first ... THEN American. An attitude that most Americans don't abide simply because the world needs more countries LIKE America and fewer countries like Venezuela or socialists that Obama would prefer!
View attachment 216803

View attachment 216802

I'll be honest, I don't care about narcissism or anything else, just results. I don't have to share my dinner table with a leader, nor do I expect him to pay my bills. All you want from a leader, is in fact, leadership. Just create the conditions and the rest is up to me. Individual liberty, Rule of Law, Due Process, Free Market capitalism.

Trump has to fight a massive uphill battle and he is doing so where others would have turtled. Frankly he at least has some Right to boast and stick his chest out after a lifetime of building businesses, employing 1000's of Americans and travelling the world. He earned it, he wasn't a career politician.

I and many know what he is fighting. Capitalism will be a subject for the history books unless Americans stand up and tell those smiley, self serving plastic politicians to fly a kite. Trump isn't perfect, but he sure loves America.

Like an athlete who is a little too cocky after he hits a HR. You might not like the antics, but you can't argue the results.
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

So what is the difference in the country under Trump versus Obama?
Well we all know the economy is booming so much so this morning in a well known popular national chain restaurant even one of the help asked a patron..."if you know someone that needs a job WE ARE hiring"!!!
And the economic statistics bear out the energy in our economy.
So if Obama and Trump are so self-centered what happened between the two's efforts?
Well maybe these actual STATEMENTS and ACTIONS by Obama which Trump would NEVER say or do but Trump is doing the exact opposite best illustrate why even though under Obama the economy didn't really tank... it didn't explode like it is now.

Now if you truly honest people look at the below statements and actions by Obama explain how any business would want to improve with these statements and actions. And these are just a few of Obama's efforts to tear down America, our economy and basically American way of life because fundamentally Obama considers himself a world citizen first ... THEN American. An attitude that most Americans don't abide simply because the world needs more countries LIKE America and fewer countries like Venezuela or socialists that Obama would prefer!
View attachment 216803

View attachment 216802
Obama said what people wanted to hear,Trump tells you like it is bad or good.
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

So what is the difference in the country under Trump versus Obama?
Well we all know the economy is booming so much so this morning in a well known popular national chain restaurant even one of the help asked a patron..."if you know someone that needs a job WE ARE hiring"!!!
And the economic statistics bear out the energy in our economy.
So if Obama and Trump are so self-centered what happened between the two's efforts?
Well maybe these actual STATEMENTS and ACTIONS by Obama which Trump would NEVER say or do but Trump is doing the exact opposite best illustrate why even though under Obama the economy didn't really tank... it didn't explode like it is now.

Now if you truly honest people look at the below statements and actions by Obama explain how any business would want to improve with these statements and actions. And these are just a few of Obama's efforts to tear down America, our economy and basically American way of life because fundamentally Obama considers himself a world citizen first ... THEN American. An attitude that most Americans don't abide simply because the world needs more countries LIKE America and fewer countries like Venezuela or socialists that Obama would prefer!
View attachment 216803

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The economy is not "exploding". It is continuing the trajectory set by the previous administration.

Oh really? The Obama care mandate is gone, Obama's job killing EPA regulations are gone .....their is no fear of the National minimum wage will be raised ..

Epa regs weren't "job killing" they were environment protecting. The Obamacare mandate had little to nothing to do with the economy. There is still talk if raising the minimum wage.

YOU are NOT backing your comments up with facts like I'm doing now!
Please I won't have any belief in anything you write because it is subjective, anecdotal and with no substantiation!

NERA also analyzed three other EPA rules using the whole-economy model and found similar results of adverse employment effects:

  • EPA’s Cross State Air Pollution rule would have an impact on worker incomes equivalent to the annual loss of 34,000 jobs from 2013 through 2037, compared with EPA’s claim of 700 jobs per year gained.
  • EPA’s Industrial Boiler Maximum Achievable Technology (MACT) rule would have a negative impact on worker incomes equivalent to 28,000 jobs per year on average from 2013 through 2037, compared to EPA’s claim of 2,200 per year gained.
  • EPA’s planned ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) would reduce worker incomes by the equivalent of 609,000 jobs annually on average from 2013 through 2037. EPA has not yet published an employment impact for the ozone NAAQS.
The past 40 years have seen significant declines in the copper mining, steel, textile, furniture, coal mining and forest products industries. While a variety of factors have played a role in the decline of these industries, a common thread running through all of them has been the role of regulatory mandates and costs. Even when regulations are not the primary cause of change, regulations imposed on an industry can provide the tipping point that leads to plant closures and adverse economic impacts that otherwise might have been avoided or cushioned over time. While EPA continues to issue regulations to protect the environment, it must also be forthcoming and provide Congress and the American people with methodologically complete estimates of the impact its regulations may have on jobs and communities.
Impacts of Regulations on Employment – Examining EPA’s Oft-Repeated Claims that Regulations Create Jobs

Now as far as Obamacare??? Here read the FACTS as to the false statement Obama made that with ONLY 7 votes ACA passed AND also PASSED because as Obama's
ACA architect once said: "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass
Think about it! He called people like you that supported ACA as being STUPID!
Obama promised that Obamacare would save families $2,500/yr, Trump put $2,500 more into their paychecks by lowering tax rates.
Obama said that manufacturing jobs aren't coming back, Trump is bringing them back.
Obama raised corporate taxes and corporations like Pfizer left the US, Trump is negotiating them back to the US
Obama's admin created so many new regulations that business was stifled, Trump unleashed businesses to invest and grow.
Obama stopped pipelines, Trump is building new pipelines
Obama's Paris agreement would have cost the US hundreds of billions, Trump saved hundreds of billions
Obama's rollout of Obamacare was a joke and didn't work, Trump's admin shows much more competence
Obama told Trump that NK was a tough problem, Trump is negotiating de-nuclearization of NK (one way or another)
Obama let the NATO nations let the US pay for their defense, Trump is insisting that they pay more.
Obama let China and other nations plunder the US economy, Trump is re-negotiating trade deals favorable to the US
Obama's economy averaged about 1.8% growth, coming out of a major recession, Trump is giving it new life to about 3% after a major expansion.
Obama had "catch and release", basically open borders, Trump wants merit based immigration to help the economy
Obama had no tariffs to help the US economy, Trump is using tariffs to stop illegal dumping and illegal subsidies
Obama let the US defenses get depleted to dangerous levels of readiness, Trump is restoring US defenses
Obama's redline in Syria was meaningless, Trump took action to protect the helpless civilians from being gassed.
Obama's IRS targeted conservatives, Trump's doesn't target anyone
Obama's FBI/CIA/DOJ were partisan spying on the Trump candidacy, Trump is cleaning up partisan agencies.
Obama let the opioid epidemic spread, Trump is reducing it
Obama let MS-13 get established, Trump is targeting MS-13
Obama let the urban plantations deteriorate, Trump is rebuilding cities with record low unemployment
Obama stifled oil exploration, Trump is allowing it, especially in ANWR
Obamacare gave free healthcare to 30m poor folks, and took it away from 300m actually working for it via unaffordable deductibles
Obama had too many unpopular/partisan regulations for education, Trump removed more than 600 and added apprenticeship programs
Obama let the VA deteriorate, Trump is fixing the VA

There are many more ways Trump is correcting the Obama course, google "Trump's promises kept"
Last edited:
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

Trump is not a narcissist, Trump actually has a deep inferiority complex that he attempts to overcome with false bravado and repeatedly telling everyone how great he is. That is the reason why things like crowd size at his inauguration and the response of the Boy Scouts to his speech and such mean so much to him.

Well not knowing your professional credentials I asked the simple question: "Is Trump a narcissist?"

Donald Trump and narcissism: What's behind his big ego?
Narcissists don't accept any criticism.
They consider themselves infallible.
That sounds suspiciously like Donald Trump.
Behind such a big mouth is often a very troubled person, says therapist Bärbel Wardetzki.
In "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump", a book published in October, 27 psychiatrists and mental health experts describe the president's severe personality disorder. The most frequent diagnosis in the book is narcissistic personality disorder.
Donald Trump and narcissism: What's behind his big ego? | DW | 05.01.2018

So I don't know but I do agree with you about his bravado, etc. BUT to me hey I've had bosses just like him, loud, obnoxious, pain in the butt but they get things done as does Trump!
So more power to Trump I say!

I have had bosses like him as well, they are effective for a short time till people figure out they are all bark and no bite.

I don't believe you ever had any bosses based on your juvenile stupid gifs. Grow up and maybe people will believe you!
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

So what is the difference in the country under Trump versus Obama?
Well we all know the economy is booming so much so this morning in a well known popular national chain restaurant even one of the help asked a patron..."if you know someone that needs a job WE ARE hiring"!!!
And the economic statistics bear out the energy in our economy.
So if Obama and Trump are so self-centered what happened between the two's efforts?
Well maybe these actual STATEMENTS and ACTIONS by Obama which Trump would NEVER say or do but Trump is doing the exact opposite best illustrate why even though under Obama the economy didn't really tank... it didn't explode like it is now.

Now if you truly honest people look at the below statements and actions by Obama explain how any business would want to improve with these statements and actions. And these are just a few of Obama's efforts to tear down America, our economy and basically American way of life because fundamentally Obama considers himself a world citizen first ... THEN American. An attitude that most Americans don't abide simply because the world needs more countries LIKE America and fewer countries like Venezuela or socialists that Obama would prefer!
View attachment 216803

View attachment 216802

Obama was right about coal.
Obama has vision whereas Trump can't see past his orange, spray-tanned nose.

Coal Isn't Coming Back, Even With Trump Leaving the Paris Accord ...
Terms of Service Violation...
Jun 1, 2017 - President Donald Trump just made good on his campaign vow to leave the Paris climate accord. Now, the hard part: making Americancoal ...
Mass Employment In Coal Mining Is Never Coming Back, No Matter ...
Mar 29, 2017 - The truth is that the future of human labour is indoor work with no heavy lifting. Something we should be celebrating rather than turning back the ...

NO GOING BACK Even coal country knows Trump can't save ... - Quartz
Even coal country knows Trump can’t save it
Jan 30, 2018 - Appalachians understand that industry isn't coming back, but Trump is making it hard for them to move on. “Promising to bring coal jobs back ...

Commentary: Coal jobs won't come back – but there are other ways to ...
Feb 13, 2018 - Trump's message could not have come at a worse time, giving false ... the reality that their jobs weren't coming back – and were embarking on ...

Coal Jobs Aren't Coming Back, No Matter What the Trump - Newsweek
Coal jobs aren’t coming back, no matter what the Trump administration says
Jun 6, 2017 - They did it for Pittsburgh. As he withdrew the United States from the Paris climate agreement last week, President Donald Trump made clear ...

You proved my point Obama was an anti bussiness president... We have enough coal to last America 400 years


You have to be narcissist to run for political office. Why do mostly lefties insist on being amateur psychologists?
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

Trump is not a narcissist, Trump actually has a deep inferiority complex that he attempts to overcome with false bravado and repeatedly telling everyone how great he is. That is the reason why things like crowd size at his inauguration and the response of the Boy Scouts to his speech and such mean so much to him.

Well not knowing your professional credentials I asked the simple question: "Is Trump a narcissist?"

Donald Trump and narcissism: What's behind his big ego?
Narcissists don't accept any criticism.
They consider themselves infallible.
That sounds suspiciously like Donald Trump.
Behind such a big mouth is often a very troubled person, says therapist Bärbel Wardetzki.
In "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump", a book published in October, 27 psychiatrists and mental health experts describe the president's severe personality disorder. The most frequent diagnosis in the book is narcissistic personality disorder.
Donald Trump and narcissism: What's behind his big ego? | DW | 05.01.2018

So I don't know but I do agree with you about his bravado, etc. BUT to me hey I've had bosses just like him, loud, obnoxious, pain in the butt but they get things done as does Trump!
So more power to Trump I say!

I have had bosses like him as well, they are effective for a short time till people figure out they are all bark and no bite.

I don't believe you ever had any bosses based on your juvenile stupid gifs. Grow up and maybe people will believe you!

Now a boss you directly report to is entirely different than a political leader. One has a direct impact on your life and career, the other need only get out of the way and create favourable conditions for businesses to hire, expand and move to America.

The only way to use Trumps leadership as president in a business leader analogy would be to consider Trump as the CEO who comes into a company that is a few months away from insolvency as the competition and weaker businesses are taking advantage of you and kicking you ass.
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

Trump is not a narcissist, Trump actually has a deep inferiority complex that he attempts to overcome with false bravado and repeatedly telling everyone how great he is. That is the reason why things like crowd size at his inauguration and the response of the Boy Scouts to his speech and such mean so much to him.

Well not knowing your professional credentials I asked the simple question: "Is Trump a narcissist?"

Donald Trump and narcissism: What's behind his big ego?
Narcissists don't accept any criticism.
They consider themselves infallible.
That sounds suspiciously like Donald Trump.
Behind such a big mouth is often a very troubled person, says therapist Bärbel Wardetzki.
In "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump", a book published in October, 27 psychiatrists and mental health experts describe the president's severe personality disorder. The most frequent diagnosis in the book is narcissistic personality disorder.
Donald Trump and narcissism: What's behind his big ego? | DW | 05.01.2018

So I don't know but I do agree with you about his bravado, etc. BUT to me hey I've had bosses just like him, loud, obnoxious, pain in the butt but they get things done as does Trump!
So more power to Trump I say!

I have had bosses like him as well, they are effective for a short time till people figure out they are all bark and no bite.

I don't believe you ever had any bosses based on your juvenile stupid gifs. Grow up and maybe people will believe you!

Silly boy. Growing up is for the birds, I will always be a kid at heart. You need to quit taking life and this forum so seriously, this place is just a diversion, a site to jump to while my computer doing other things. This place is akin to watching Jersey Shores on the tube.

I have had lots of bosses and a few leaders. Since the day that I turned 16, 38 years ago I have been employed at at least one job (held two for a while) for all but 5 months of that time. That is a long time of having bosses.
CEO types are much different than most bosses. If you ever worked for someone that owned the company, you know what I mean. There are a few exceptions to the rule, but naming Steve Jobs, Jack Welch, Elon Musk, Henry Kravitz (KKR), Steve Bechtel, etc.

Some of the qualities they share are : impatience, never satisfied with anything, ungrateful, preoccupied, forward thinking, always thinking about corporate image and reputation, micro-managers, amazingly connected to the people related to their business, risk averse (sure things only, no matter how), always nice to pretty secretarys, always managing to increase profits and reduce costs, etc.
I can only imagine the culture shock that Trump experiences each day after learning how the government is actually functioning.
Activities like:
1. spending every dollar budgeted no matter how, so you keep the same budget amount next year
2. automatic increases and earmarks by congress
3. entitlement spending is the 3rd rail, even though common sense fixes are available
4. being unable to get funding for the Trump promises that he got elected on
5. that activist judges can trump the president's directives (should be at least an appellate court if not higher!!)
6. that activities like the Grace Commission to study and improve the functioning of government would be opposed
7. that senators can travel overseas and gum up the negotiations of the president (or ex-senators like Kerry)
8. that the president has to have congress approve laws and immigration reform and obamacare repeal can't get enough votes!!
9. If the dems take the House back, then Trump will see a totally hostile Congress, and nothing will happen, maybe more executive orders?!
Barack Obama was, as president, eloquent.
His language was sophisticated. He spoke in measured tones and advanced informed, reasoned dialogue.

Donald Trump is inarticulate and brusque.
His language is simplistic. He dishes out invective.
He shows so little regard for the facts that some say he’s the exemplar of a “bullshit artist.”
And he promotes a dialogue of the deaf.
Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

BUT.... based on the above research the below chart shows:
Trump employs almost 50 percent more first-person pronouns than the second most heavily self-referential president after Obama, Gerald Ford.

Trump is not a narcissist, Trump actually has a deep inferiority complex that he attempts to overcome with false bravado and repeatedly telling everyone how great he is. That is the reason why things like crowd size at his inauguration and the response of the Boy Scouts to his speech and such mean so much to him.

Well not knowing your professional credentials I asked the simple question: "Is Trump a narcissist?"

Donald Trump and narcissism: What's behind his big ego?
Narcissists don't accept any criticism.
They consider themselves infallible.
That sounds suspiciously like Donald Trump.
Behind such a big mouth is often a very troubled person, says therapist Bärbel Wardetzki.
In "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump", a book published in October, 27 psychiatrists and mental health experts describe the president's severe personality disorder. The most frequent diagnosis in the book is narcissistic personality disorder.
Donald Trump and narcissism: What's behind his big ego? | DW | 05.01.2018

So I don't know but I do agree with you about his bravado, etc. BUT to me hey I've had bosses just like him, loud, obnoxious, pain in the butt but they get things done as does Trump!
So more power to Trump I say!

I have had bosses like him as well, they are effective for a short time till people figure out they are all bark and no bite.

I don't believe you ever had any bosses based on your juvenile stupid gifs. Grow up and maybe people will believe you!

Silly boy. Growing up is for the birds, I will always be a kid at heart. You need to quit taking life and this forum so seriously, this place is just a diversion, a site to jump to while my computer doing other things. This place is akin to watching Jersey Shores on the tube.

I have had lots of bosses and a few leaders. Since the day that I turned 16, 38 years ago I have been employed at at least one job (held two for a while) for all but 5 months of that time. That is a long time of having bosses.

Makes sense you equate something to a soap opera..."Jersey Shores"...your level of comprehension.
Since the day I turned 12 I've had bosses for the 50 years until I started my own business that has health care providers asking my business 10,000 times a day questions
regarding potential financial transactions. I've worked for 100 different bosses in six distinct industries in those 62 years and have probably met more people in my
dealings than most people including you. The major lesson I've learned from all is don't take subjective, unsubstantiated statements by people especially like you that
don't seem to comprehend what Trump is doing. He is unlike any of the other 11 presidents I've seen in my life time beginning with Ike.
Trump for all his obnoxious, boastful, loud, boisterous, you name the characteristic he is it, IS though more American than many of his predecessor presidents.
He loves America more by giving up a very easy life of a billionaire and most people don't seem to comprehend why he is doing it.
Unlike the other presidents he doesn't need power. He doesn't need money. He doesn't need accolades. He has already had all that. Geez the guy has been seen BEFORE
the presidency by over 2 billion people. So why is this loud, boisterous, obnoxious guy president?
He is selfish. Like me. Like you. Like most Americans that want a better life for their families and relatives and friends.
The direction we were going was towards a socialist, globalist, truly ignorant community organizer mentality. Think about it we had more people on food stamps than any time
in history. We had a president that would be happy to see companies bankrupt. Higher utility prices. Gas prices. All of these statements are recorded.
Trump recognized selfishly that his family, would be heading towards a very bleak future.
So this loud mouth, obnoxious, boisterous,braggart, of president that basically says WHAT he feels regardless of political correctness and DOES what has been shown
necessary to accelerate our economy that was in the doldrums. No enthusiasm. No motivation to hire more people since it was going to cost more in rules and regulations for
example. All characteristics that Obama had that Trump really detests!

SO yes... Trump is all those negative comments, but as ANY human being that has bad characteristics, his better motives are what are driving him and thus driving more
Americans to now find the jobs, spend more money and overall give the economy, our country our people HOPE!!!
Makes sense you equate something to a soap opera..."Jersey Shores"...your level of comprehension.

That is what this place is, one big soap opera. That you take it so seriously just makes it all that much more fun.

Since the day I turned 12 I've had bosses for the 50 years until I started my own business that has health care providers asking my business 10,000 times a day questions regarding potential financial transactions. I've worked for 100 different bosses in six distinct industries in those 62 years and have probably met more people in my dealings than most people including you.

So, we have both had a crap ton of bosses, what is the end result of that?

The major lesson I've learned from all is don't take subjective, unsubstantiated statements by people especially like you that
don't seem to comprehend what Trump is doing. He is unlike any of the other 11 presidents I've seen in my life time beginning with Ike.
Trump for all his obnoxious, boastful, loud, boisterous, you name the characteristic he is it, IS though more American than many of his predecessor presidents.

I understand fully what Trump is doing, I just do not choose to worship him as you do.

He loves America more by giving up a very easy life of a billionaire and most people don't seem to comprehend why he is doing it.
Unlike the other presidents he doesn't need power. He doesn't need money. He doesn't need accolades. He has already had all that. Geez the guy has been seen BEFORE the presidency by over 2 billion people.

This is where you are the most wrong about Trump, he does it for the accolades and the praise and the adoring crowds chanting his name and repeating his childish chants. Why do you think he holds so many pep rallies, he loves the attention, he lives for the attention and always has his whole life. His whole life has been a desperate cry for attention, from the glided penthouse to the reality TV and now he has the ultimate position of attention, that of the POTUS. And that is still not enough for him, he has to lie about crowd size, about how people felt about his speeches and the like.

And the reason this is important is that it does not change when he is dealing with world leaders or business leaders, the whole world has learned that rubbing his ego and saying nice things to him will win the day and they will get what the want.
Trump is not a narcissist, Trump actually has a deep inferiority complex that he attempts to overcome with false bravado and repeatedly telling everyone how great he is. That is the reason why things like crowd size at his inauguration and the response of the Boy Scouts to his speech and such mean so much to him.

Well not knowing your professional credentials I asked the simple question: "Is Trump a narcissist?"

Donald Trump and narcissism: What's behind his big ego?
Narcissists don't accept any criticism.
They consider themselves infallible.
That sounds suspiciously like Donald Trump.
Behind such a big mouth is often a very troubled person, says therapist Bärbel Wardetzki.
In "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump", a book published in October, 27 psychiatrists and mental health experts describe the president's severe personality disorder. The most frequent diagnosis in the book is narcissistic personality disorder.
Donald Trump and narcissism: What's behind his big ego? | DW | 05.01.2018

So I don't know but I do agree with you about his bravado, etc. BUT to me hey I've had bosses just like him, loud, obnoxious, pain in the butt but they get things done as does Trump!
So more power to Trump I say!

I have had bosses like him as well, they are effective for a short time till people figure out they are all bark and no bite.

I don't believe you ever had any bosses based on your juvenile stupid gifs. Grow up and maybe people will believe you!

Silly boy. Growing up is for the birds, I will always be a kid at heart. You need to quit taking life and this forum so seriously, this place is just a diversion, a site to jump to while my computer doing other things. This place is akin to watching Jersey Shores on the tube.

I have had lots of bosses and a few leaders. Since the day that I turned 16, 38 years ago I have been employed at at least one job (held two for a while) for all but 5 months of that time. That is a long time of having bosses.

Makes sense you equate something to a soap opera..."Jersey Shores"...your level of comprehension.
Since the day I turned 12 I've had bosses for the 50 years until I started my own business that has health care providers asking my business 10,000 times a day questions
regarding potential financial transactions. I've worked for 100 different bosses in six distinct industries in those 62 years and have probably met more people in my
dealings than most people including you. The major lesson I've learned from all is don't take subjective, unsubstantiated statements by people especially like you that
don't seem to comprehend what Trump is doing. He is unlike any of the other 11 presidents I've seen in my life time beginning with Ike.
Trump for all his obnoxious, boastful, loud, boisterous, you name the characteristic he is it, IS though more American than many of his predecessor presidents.
He loves America more by giving up a very easy life of a billionaire and most people don't seem to comprehend why he is doing it.
Unlike the other presidents he doesn't need power. He doesn't need money. He doesn't need accolades. He has already had all that. Geez the guy has been seen BEFORE
the presidency by over 2 billion people. So why is this loud, boisterous, obnoxious guy president?
He is selfish. Like me. Like you. Like most Americans that want a better life for their families and relatives and friends.
The direction we were going was towards a socialist, globalist, truly ignorant community organizer mentality. Think about it we had more people on food stamps than any time
in history. We had a president that would be happy to see companies bankrupt. Higher utility prices. Gas prices. All of these statements are recorded.
Trump recognized selfishly that his family, would be heading towards a very bleak future.
So this loud mouth, obnoxious, boisterous,braggart, of president that basically says WHAT he feels regardless of political correctness and DOES what has been shown
necessary to accelerate our economy that was in the doldrums. No enthusiasm. No motivation to hire more people since it was going to cost more in rules and regulations for
example. All characteristics that Obama had that Trump really detests!

SO yes... Trump is all those negative comments, but as ANY human being that has bad characteristics, his better motives are what are driving him and thus driving more
Americans to now find the jobs, spend more money and overall give the economy, our country our people HOPE!!!

Makes sense you equate something to a soap opera..."Jersey Shores"...your level of comprehension.

That is what this place is, one big soap opera. That you take it so seriously just makes it all that much more fun.

Since the day I turned 12 I've had bosses for the 50 years until I started my own business that has health care providers asking my business 10,000 times a day questions regarding potential financial transactions. I've worked for 100 different bosses in six distinct industries in those 62 years and have probably met more people in my dealings than most people including you.

So, we have both had a crap ton of bosses, what is the end result of that?

The major lesson I've learned from all is don't take subjective, unsubstantiated statements by people especially like you that
don't seem to comprehend what Trump is doing. He is unlike any of the other 11 presidents I've seen in my life time beginning with Ike.
Trump for all his obnoxious, boastful, loud, boisterous, you name the characteristic he is it, IS though more American than many of his predecessor presidents.

I understand fully what Trump is doing, I just do not choose to worship him as you do.

He loves America more by giving up a very easy life of a billionaire and most people don't seem to comprehend why he is doing it.
Unlike the other presidents he doesn't need power. He doesn't need money. He doesn't need accolades. He has already had all that. Geez the guy has been seen BEFORE the presidency by over 2 billion people.

This is where you are the most wrong about Trump, he does it for the accolades and the praise and the adoring crowds chanting his name and repeating his childish chants. Why do you think he holds so many pep rallies, he loves the attention, he lives for the attention and always has his whole life. His whole life has been a desperate cry for attention, from the glided penthouse to the reality TV and now he has the ultimate position of attention, that of the POTUS. And that is still not enough for him, he has to lie about crowd size, about how people felt about his speeches and the like.

And the reason this is important is that it does not change when he is dealing with world leaders or business leaders, the whole world has learned that rubbing his ego and saying nice things to him will win the day and they will get what the want.

Well for the first thing I unlike you have never watched "Jersey Shores" so I have no idea what it is other than some TV series that people like you waste time watching.

I guess you by dint of your "Jersey Shores" passion, have a poor reading comprehension as the FACTS I've met probably 1,000s more people than you with your simply programming job working for someone else limits your exposure to all sorts of successful people. As a result you didn't comprehend the "major" lesson I've learned i.e. don't make
assumptions based on subjective, and especially uninformed sources as it appears you have.

I worship no one.
So when you make the statement "I understand fully what Trump is doing" I have to laugh at how you jumped to that conclusion because you are so wrong when you say I worship him! Once again you have proven the point about how people like you make poor assumptions based on poor information.

I can continue tearing your subjective, personalized observations apart easily because you are proving them with your unsubstantiated statements about me "I worship Trump" for example. When people make comments like that they continue to prove the invalidity of their statements so keep it up as you continue to offer better examples of that lack of
awareness. As I've said Trump's prime motivation is to make America Great again... because people like Cuomo who says America 'was never that great'
and evidently you don't seem to comprehend that America was Great but moving in a negative direction under people evidently like you, Cuomo, Obama, i.e.
people that don't respect the people who gave up everything including THEIR citizenship (like a relative of mine) to become LEGAL immigrants and American citizens seem
to comprehend that the way the Cuomo's and people like you continually tear down Trump you are simply proving our point.

You'd rather tear the man down than build the country up!
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Well for the first thing I unlike you have never watched "Jersey Shores" so I have no idea what it is other than some TV series that people like you waste time watching.

One does not need to watch something to know what it contains. I have never seen Debbie Does Dallas, but I know it is a porn flick.

I guess you by dint of your "Jersey Shores" passion has a poor reading comprehension as the FACTS I've met probably 1,000s more people than you with your simply programming job working for someone else limits your exposure to all sorts of successful people. As a result you didn't comprehend the "major" lesson I've learned i.e. don't make assumptions based on subjective, and especially uninformed sources as it appears you have.

It is a ridiculous claim to make and one that has no basis in fact and is just your own subjective view of the situation. In order for you to have met 1,000s more people than I you would have to have met more than 100,000,000 people. I do not believe that you have met 100,000,000 people.

I worship no one. So when you make the statement "I understand fully what Trump is doing" I have to laugh at how you jumped to that conclusion because you are so wrong when you say I worship him! Once again you have proven the point about how people like you make poor assumptions based on poor information.

your words suggest otherwise.

As I've said Trump's prime motivation is to make America Great again... because people like Cuomo who says America 'was never that great' and evidently you don't seem to comprehend that America was Great but moving in a negative direction under people evidently like you, Cuomo,

I understand this is your opinion of Trump, I disagree with it. I also disagree with both Cuomo and Trump, not only was America great, it is great and was great when Trump was running for office, it never quit being great.

This is where you go the most wrong, the assumption that the country was not great on Nov 6 2016.
Well for the first thing I unlike you have never watched "Jersey Shores" so I have no idea what it is other than some TV series that people like you waste time watching.

One does not need to watch something to know what it contains. I have never seen Debbie Does Dallas, but I know it is a porn flick.

I guess you by dint of your "Jersey Shores" passion has a poor reading comprehension as the FACTS I've met probably 1,000s more people than you with your simply programming job working for someone else limits your exposure to all sorts of successful people. As a result you didn't comprehend the "major" lesson I've learned i.e. don't make assumptions based on subjective, and especially uninformed sources as it appears you have.

It is a ridiculous claim to make and one that has no basis in fact and is just your own subjective view of the situation. In order for you to have met 1,000s more people than I you would have to have met more than 100,000,000 people. I do not believe that you have met 100,000,000 people.

I worship no one. So when you make the statement "I understand fully what Trump is doing" I have to laugh at how you jumped to that conclusion because you are so wrong when you say I worship him! Once again you have proven the point about how people like you make poor assumptions based on poor information.

your words suggest otherwise.

As I've said Trump's prime motivation is to make America Great again... because people like Cuomo who says America 'was never that great' and evidently you don't seem to comprehend that America was Great but moving in a negative direction under people evidently like you, Cuomo,

I understand this is your opinion of Trump, I disagree with it. I also disagree with both Cuomo and Trump, not only was America great, it is great and was great when Trump was running for office, it never quit being great.

This is where you go the most wrong, the assumption that the country was not great on Nov 6 2016.

The fact is the country has been great no question.
Trump like any GOOD salesperson to get their point across exaggerated when the statement "Make America Great...again"... was made and I agree.
The problem was with statements and actions like the below Obama was tearing our country apart.
One simple illustration of Obama's inability to trust the people that worked for him (AS TRUMP does and sometimes is penalized for question..) Obama pushed through a lot of "politically correct" policies one of which was part of the military's "Rules of Engagement" ROE.

Read what one of our soldier's had to say about this "policy" that really hamstrung the military ...UNTIL Trump came in to let them do what they do best.

A laminated card ROE with the following text was distributed to all U.S. Army and Marine personnel in Iraq.
Policies about limiting civilian casualties have soldiers complaining they can't effectively fight;
one showed author Michael Hastings a card with regulations including:
"Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force."
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests.
“Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
In Afghanistan, a New General -- But An Old Strategy

Now really be honest. With Obama's INTEREST being Global and being politically correct and being an Angry black man (which I'll show you where he admits that).
Dreams from My Father

Read pages 94 and 95... and you will see what I mean.

What kind of "greatness" was our country GOING to be with mentalities exhibited by Obama's statements and actions like below?
All of which Trump would NEVER say or do!


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