In only 10% of counties in the US can a worker afford a 2 bedroom apartment working 40 hours a week

Why don't you take advantage of that opportunity since you talk about it so much?

You'll be happier and probably make lot of other people happier!

It is not current addicts, as much as it is those who discovered the error of their ways after getting arrested for possession (disqualifier), committing a felony (disqualifier) or failing to at least get a GED (disqualifier). Only one of those can be fixed!
First you said you are a teacher, now you are a recruiter.

Yet, you know nothing of waivers given? Waivers given for being arrested for possession?

You know need to start an argument over a subject you are educated on. You know nothing about the policy of the military and recruitment.
It's the same with my company when my employer is looking for a replacement worker. Plenty of people apply, but none that can pass a drug screening.

These days there are many things you can do to fool drug tests. Many things. I dont doubt many drug users may not advance.

But that said, there is still employers that dont pay much and housing that is out of reach.

When I was 25 I made 3 times the minimum wage and that was not enough to buy a home or rent on my own.

Those drug masking products don't work. One of our former employees tried it. He paid something like 30 bucks for the kit. It masked the drugs, but they detected the mask in his urine and he was disqualified. Because it's a government overseen job, they suspended his medical card until he took a rehab course. He returned to work, and two months later, his name got pulled again. He just walked into my employers office and offered his resignation.

How much money you make is up to you--not the employer. You can't ask industry to pay more than the labor is worth. Companies don't open up as a social obligation, they open up to make profit.

We as a society had choices to make with our industry and products. We could have cheap products, a strong market growth, or good paying jobs, but you can't have all three. We chose good investment opportunities and cheaper prices.

I moved into my first apartment in 1980. I was making a little over twice the federal minimum wage. I easily afforded my apartment and never moved back home since.
I used them for years. Many times for many years. Masking is simple, dilute the urine. Drink something to raise the specific gravity and replace the creatin.

What do you mean by dilute the urine?

This moron thinks you can beat a drug test by adding water? How do you add water while you are pissing and get it to body temperature? What a fucking moron!

This person probably never passed a drug test in their life!
'A national problem': U.S. housing affordability is out of whack with minimum wage

Obviously this should bother republican voters, but they have this fantasy mindset that Trump will turn this country into some kind of utopia despite the fact that he had two years to do so with a republican Congress. Their only response when presented with this is the usual pathetic deflection of “well Obama didn’t do it! Derp, derp, derp!”

Now granted Obama achieved little in improving the lives of the middle class and poor besides a few policies. These policies include 1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency and producing job growth EVER SINCE. 2) Expanding OT pay eligibility for thousands of US workers 3) guaranteeing people receive healthcare from pre-existing conditions, 4) passing the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan

He also TRIED to invest education and raise the minimum wage but was blocked by republicans.

The point I am making is that republicans do fucking NOTHING to help the poor and middle class but democrats at least make an attempt despite failing on a significant scale. This nuance matters whether you like it or not.
That’s what happens when democrats refuse to invest in middle class jobs in inner cities.. and try to shut down production in the name or climate change

Or when the Republicans block the creation of clean jobs for those same inner cities because it doesn't line up with their political agenda. I'll say it again. One of the responsibilities of our Government is to get those friggin jobs into those areas. If it takes regulations (like it was before Reagan) then that is what we need to do. Retroact those regulations. If it takes Tariffs to force those jobs back to our shores then do it. If it takes enforcing the Rico and Sherman Acts then do it. We used to do those things and our economies were never better. If a Corporation can't act like it's good for the nation, force it to act like it's good for the nation. If it can't be good for the nation maybe it shouldn't be part of the nation. There is more about Nationalism than what the so called "Nationalists" believe today.
Clean jobs mean you are over regulating who can open businesses, which mean only rich people,, so small business can’t flourish, small capital can’t get a chance. And millions struggle..
we don’t need clean anything work is dirty, production pollutes, we want to be dirty we want opportunity,, take your regulations and move to Europe.

I retired from one of those Clean Jobs. Not I still do it except I help people for free. I still do a few electric vehicles when someone is doing a home build. You don't have to be a big Corporation to do that. Small Business is quite capable these days. And there are a lot of small business electric vehicles out on the road that are not counted in any of the counts you hear about. So don't give me this crap about regulating hurting or stopping the small business. It doesn't affect the small business a whole hell of a lot. Never has.
You obviously don’t understand America,, when America was at its greatest nyc and Boston were dirty! Because it was less regulated people could work, job to job, rent was low because it was all similar people who assimilated, they were entrepreneurs , they could do many trades UNREGULATED... today we sit in these cities committing crimes because we have nothing else to do. No opportunity
This moron thinks you can beat a drug test by adding water? How do you add water while you are pissing and get it to body temperature? What a fucking moron!

This person probably never passed a drug test in their life!
Ahh, the fake recruiter, the lousy liar, calling himself what he is not, an admiral is all pissed off because the weak link has not response to those better educated.

I never said, simply add water. I said dilute? That is done by buying the mask, reading the directions, which tell you to dilute your urine by drinking water, than after you drink so much water, you then drink their product which raised the creatine level and the specific gravity.

You can also buy clean urine that comes with a heat pack to tape to your body. Very easy to conceal.

You really are a nitwit.
Why don't you take advantage of that opportunity since you talk about it so much?

You'll be happier and probably make lot of other people happier!

It is not current addicts, as much as it is those who discovered the error of their ways after getting arrested for possession (disqualifier), committing a felony (disqualifier) or failing to at least get a GED (disqualifier). Only one of those can be fixed!
First you said you are a teacher, now you are a recruiter.

Yet, you know nothing of waivers given? Waivers given for being arrested for possession?

You know need to start an argument over a subject you are educated on. You know nothing about the policy of the military and recruitment.

I retired as teacher last year. For the past 15 months I work for the US Army. I am sorry you re too dense to pick up on that.

There are no waivers for drug possession currently being given, and there are none for felonies. They are still on the books, but they are not even being processed. I work as a civilian contractor in the Army Recruiting Command headquarters. I know the Army manuals forwards backwards, upside down and sideways.

Apparently you are the one starting an argument over a subject you know little to nothing about and chose to argue with one of the Army's experts.
'A national problem': U.S. housing affordability is out of whack with minimum wage

Obviously this should bother republican voters, but they have this fantasy mindset that Trump will turn this country into some kind of utopia despite the fact that he had two years to do so with a republican Congress. Their only response when presented with this is the usual pathetic deflection of “well Obama didn’t do it! Derp, derp, derp!”

Now granted Obama achieved little in improving the lives of the middle class and poor besides a few policies. These policies include 1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency and producing job growth EVER SINCE. 2) Expanding OT pay eligibility for thousands of US workers 3) guaranteeing people receive healthcare from pre-existing conditions, 4) passing the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan

He also TRIED to invest education and raise the minimum wage but was blocked by republicans.

The point I am making is that republicans do fucking NOTHING to help the poor and middle class but democrats at least make an attempt despite failing on a significant scale. This nuance matters whether you like it or not.

Oh. My. Goodness. Did you miss the news about the Trump tax cuts, which gave the largest rate cut to the second tax bracket, which is the bracket where most middle-income folks fall? Did you miss the news about the fact that wages have risen much higher under Trump than they did under Obama? Did you miss the news that under Trump we have seen a jump in manufacturing jobs that we haven't seen in 15-20 years? Did you miss the news that part of the Trump tax cuts included a huge boost in the Earned Income Tax Credit? So it is erroneous to say that the Republicans have done nothing for the middle class, much less that they haven't even tried.

How can you live in this country and continue to spread such utter lies?
This moron thinks you can beat a drug test by adding water? How do you add water while you are pissing and get it to body temperature? What a fucking moron!

This person probably never passed a drug test in their life!
Ahh, the fake recruiter, the lousy liar, calling himself what he is not, an admiral is all pissed off because the weak link has not response to those better educated.

I never said, simply add water. I said dilute? That is done by buying the mask, reading the directions, which tell you to dilute your urine by drinking water, than after you drink so much water, you then drink their product which raised the creatine level and the specific gravity.

You can also buy clean urine that comes with a heat pack to tape to your body. Very easy to conceal.

You really are a nitwit.

You are not familiar with the military's drug test procedures. Please STFU and stop embarrassing yourself!
I retired as teacher last year. For the past 15 months I work for the US Army. I am sorry you re too dense to pick up on that.

There are no waivers for drug possession currently being given, and there are none for felonies. They are still on the books, but they are not even being processed. I work as a civilian contractor in the Army Recruiting Command headquarters. I know the Army manuals forwards backwards, upside down and sideways.

Apparently you are the one starting an argument over a subject you know little to nothing about and chose to argue with one of the Army's experts.

You dont know you ass from a hole in the ground. But hey, this is the internet, you can pretend to be whoever you want to be. Just don't get all pissy when you are called out because you do not know what you are talking about.

Army rescinds mental health waiver memo, but its policy is unchanged
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thats exactly what the dem/left in this country is trying to do today. Punish free speech and any speech that does not comply with their dictates. Wake up dude.
First off, I know more than most.

Second I said nothing that you somehow think I did.

Third I am drinking my coffee, black.

Fourth, I have done nothing here but spell out how the government makes stuff very expensive hence we must make a lot of money just to make ends meet.

Fifth, and this very important. The government guarantees 30 year loans which did drive up the price of real estate.

Sixth, the government also guarantees to make you pay the government for your property as long as you live.

Hardly do I sound like a liberal, if you read what I write and not what a moron may interpret wrongly.

the government has been guaranteeing 30 year loans for decades, its nothing new. What was new in 08 was giving them to people who had no way of making the payments.

if you aren't a lib, great.
Yes, and when you research what
thats exactly what the dem/left in this country is trying to do today. Punish free speech and any speech that does not comply with their dictates. Wake up dude.
First off, I know more than most.

Second I said nothing that you somehow think I did.

Third I am drinking my coffee, black.

Fourth, I have done nothing here but spell out how the government makes stuff very expensive hence we must make a lot of money just to make ends meet.

Fifth, and this very important. The government guarantees 30 year loans which did drive up the price of real estate.

Sixth, the government also guarantees to make you pay the government for your property as long as you live.

Hardly do I sound like a liberal, if you read what I write and not what a moron may interpret wrongly.

the government has been guaranteeing 30 year loans for decades, its nothing new. What was new in 08 was giving them to people who had no way of making the payments.

if you aren't a lib, great.
Yes, many factors drive up the cost of affordable living. Freddie Mac, comes to mind, it is long history of much government rules and regulations and corruption.

Giving loans to those who could not pay for them. This is where I show I know everything.

You meant, 1990? The late 1980's? When George Bush bailed out the banks who made bad loans to people who could not pay for them on overvalued property?

Most people dont know, research, are not old enough, or smart enough to see the same scam ran twice. The savings and loan crisis, the apple does not fall far from the tree.

Hey moron! George Bush was President from 2001-2009! Those changes were made during the CLINTON administration!
I retired as teacher last year. For the past 15 months I work for the US Army. I am sorry you re too dense to pick up on that.

There are no waivers for drug possession currently being given, and there are none for felonies. They are still on the books, but they are not even being processed. I work as a civilian contractor in the Army Recruiting Command headquarters. I know the Army manuals forwards backwards, upside down and sideways.

Apparently you are the one starting an argument over a subject you know little to nothing about and chose to argue with one of the Army's experts.

You dont know you ass from a hole in the ground. But hey, this is the internet, you can pretend to be whoever you want to be. Just don't get all pissy when you are called out because you do not know what you are talking about.

Nice link.

Error 404.

We’re sorry, the page you are looking for cannot be found.

Want to try again or is that enough embarrassment?
Hey moron! George Bush was President from 2001-2009! Those changes were made during the CLINTON administration!
A moron is the person who does not realize that there was two Bush presidents. One was a father of the other. The Savings and Loan crisis was in the 1980's.

How is it that you are so stupid? You really are an addict, are you not? Just being dumb does not explain your hate filled rage that results in attacks where you have zero understanding of what is being discussed.
Hey moron! George Bush was President from 2001-2009! Those changes were made during the CLINTON administration!
A moron is the person who does not realize that there was two Bush presidents. One was a father of the other. The Savings and Loan crisis was in the 1980's.

How is it that you are so stupid? You really are an addict, are you not? Just being dumb does not explain your hate filled rage that results in attacks where you have zero understanding of what is being discussed.

Savings and loan crisis? Man! You are really stretching? That was an ant hill compared to Clinton's fiasco.

So, GHWB managed that in 11 months? He was only President from January 1989 through the end of the year in the 80s. I know math is hard, but you really should have studied harder in school!
I retired as teacher last year. For the past 15 months I work for the US Army. I am sorry you re too dense to pick up on that.

There are no waivers for drug possession currently being given, and there are none for felonies. They are still on the books, but they are not even being processed. I work as a civilian contractor in the Army Recruiting Command headquarters. I know the Army manuals forwards backwards, upside down and sideways.

Apparently you are the one starting an argument over a subject you know little to nothing about and chose to argue with one of the Army's experts.

You dont know you ass from a hole in the ground. But hey, this is the internet, you can pretend to be whoever you want to be. Just don't get all pissy when you are called out because you do not know what you are talking about.

Nice link.

Error 404.

We’re sorry, the page you are looking for cannot be found.

Want to try again or is that enough embarrassment?

Embarrassment over a link that does not work, the article is there, in the army times, why the link does not work does not prove that waivers exist and you call yourself a recruiter and claim they do not?
How do I Join the Military With Drug Charges?
Savings and loan crisis? Man! You are really stretching? That was an ant hill compared to Clinton's fiasco.

So, GHWB managed that in 11 months? He was only President from January 1989 through the end of the year in the 80s. I know math is hard, but you really should have studied harder in school!
You really scream and rant when someone calls you out for being a fake.
So, GHWB managed that in 11 months? He was only President from January 1989 through the end of the year in the 80s. I know math is hard, but you really should have studied harder in school!
George Bush was only president for 11 months?

I guess I should of studied harder, 99.9% of everyone believes the Senior Bush was president a full 4 years.

Maybe you are an angry drunk, hence the gross mistakes in your post.

Yes, the S&L crisis, history repeats itself of the members of the same family commit the same crime, you pick.
I retired as teacher last year. For the past 15 months I work for the US Army. I am sorry you re too dense to pick up on that.

There are no waivers for drug possession currently being given, and there are none for felonies. They are still on the books, but they are not even being processed. I work as a civilian contractor in the Army Recruiting Command headquarters. I know the Army manuals forwards backwards, upside down and sideways.

Apparently you are the one starting an argument over a subject you know little to nothing about and chose to argue with one of the Army's experts.

You dont know you ass from a hole in the ground. But hey, this is the internet, you can pretend to be whoever you want to be. Just don't get all pissy when you are called out because you do not know what you are talking about.

Nice link.

Error 404.

We’re sorry, the page you are looking for cannot be found.

Want to try again or is that enough embarrassment?

Embarrassment over a link that does not work, the article is there, in the army times, why the link does not work does not prove that waivers exist and you call yourself a recruiter and claim they do not?
How do I Join the Military With Drug Charges?

That reading comprehension problems bit you in the ass yet again. There is no definitive information in that article, and it says that policies are dependent on the services.

Call an Army recruiter and tell them you have a drug charge for possession and see what they tell you. He/she will probably drop you like a hot potato!
So, GHWB managed that in 11 months? He was only President from January 1989 through the end of the year in the 80s. I know math is hard, but you really should have studied harder in school!
George Bush was only president for 11 months?

I guess I should of studied harder, 99.9% of everyone believes the Senior Bush was president a full 4 years.

Maybe you are an angry drunk, hence the gross mistakes in your post.

Yes, the S&L crisis, history repeats itself of the members of the same family commit the same crime, you pick.

He was only president in the 80s for 11 months! You claimed it was in the 80s. My God, you are so fucking stupid!

Read the wiki article on the savings and loan crisis and you will see one name and date common throughout the article. That name was James E. Carter and the year was 1980.

Carter set the bomb in 1980 and you blame Bush when it went off in the 90s, despite Clinton being President.
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'A national problem': U.S. housing affordability is out of whack with minimum wage

Obviously this should bother republican voters, but they have this fantasy mindset that Trump will turn this country into some kind of utopia despite the fact that he had two years to do so with a republican Congress. Their only response when presented with this is the usual pathetic deflection of “well Obama didn’t do it! Derp, derp, derp!”

Now granted Obama achieved little in improving the lives of the middle class and poor besides a few policies. These policies include 1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency and producing job growth EVER SINCE. 2) Expanding OT pay eligibility for thousands of US workers 3) guaranteeing people receive healthcare from pre-existing conditions, 4) passing the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan

He also TRIED to invest education and raise the minimum wage but was blocked by republicans.

The point I am making is that republicans do fucking NOTHING to help the poor and middle class but democrats at least make an attempt despite failing on a significant scale. This nuance matters whether you like it or not.

Back in the old days you worked one job and took overtime or worked an extra one while going too night school so you could move up the company ladder and also save to put down in your own home...

I know why work when you can demand others pay for what you want, am I right?
Yes, the S&L crisis, history repeats itself of the members of the same family commit the same crime, you pick

HW Bush has absolutely nothing to do with the S&L debacle. The "Keating 5" raised the ability of illiquid S&L's to keep making risky loans, and blew up the total cost 10 fold. The Clintons were deeply involved, with MADISON S&L, Jim McDougle's firm. Hillary should have gone to prison for CASTLE GRANDE, but Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell took the credit for the work that Hillary billed for....

W Bush was very very responsible for the housing crash of 2008. More "compassion" on "low income housing..." let people who can't pay the mortgage have one, and then hook up Uncle Sam to "insure" that mortgage and make Clintonite Kleptocrat bigot Franklin Raines make hundreds of millions $$$$$$$$$$$

Franklin Raines to pay $24.7 million to settle Fannie Mae lawsuit

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