In only 10% of counties in the US can a worker afford a 2 bedroom apartment working 40 hours a week

This moron thinks you can beat a drug test by adding water? How do you add water while you are pissing and get it to body temperature? What a fucking moron!

This person probably never passed a drug test in their life!
Ahh, the fake recruiter, the lousy liar, calling himself what he is not, an admiral is all pissed off because the weak link has not response to those better educated.

I never said, simply add water. I said dilute? That is done by buying the mask, reading the directions, which tell you to dilute your urine by drinking water, than after you drink so much water, you then drink their product which raised the creatine level and the specific gravity.

You can also buy clean urine that comes with a heat pack to tape to your body. Very easy to conceal.

You really are a nitwit.

I don't know what the guy that used to work for our company used, but he claimed it was the best on the market. I was also told that there are different levels of drug screening. Since ours is required by the federal government, it's at the top of the list.

That clean urine doesn't work either. You are in an examining gown and they pat you down before you go into the bathroom. All the water is shut off and the toilet has some sort of blue chemical in it. I asked the nurse about it one time and she said that it's impossible to keep that amount of urine at exact body temperature which is what they check for as soon as you come out of the bathroom. If it's slightly warm or slightly too cool, you have to submit another sample, and it's not a small sample either.

With our tests they also make you take a breathalyzer test as well.
Nope. The fool republicans who left the mess for President Obama to clean up.

Yep, guessing you may be the only one on the planet that got one of those shovel ready jobs.
I haven't worked for anyone else in several decades.

Good for you, many liberals haven't worked for anyone.

This is true, especially for liberals on USMB. It seems to me they all either work for themselves, are independently wealthy, or are comfortably retired and doing financially well. Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

The confusing part is why are all these well-to-do liberals are against people being responsible for themselves, want government to provide everything, and are for high taxation for people just like themselves. Hmmmm.

I've yet to meet a liberal here that has a standard blue collar job working 40 or more hours a week. Most of them are un USMB all day long while the rest of us are working. Hmmmm.
I tend to think the opposite. They are mostly cellar dwellers if under 40 and over 40 crowd mostly government dependents and bitter about those who made it. And Never underestimate the number of paid liberal bots here, $12.50 per post.

WTF, people get paid to post their crap?
Yes, the S&L crisis, history repeats itself of the members of the same family commit the same crime, you pick

HW Bush has absolutely nothing to do with the S&L debacle. The "Keating 5" raised the ability of illiquid S&L's to keep making risky loans, and blew up the total cost 10 fold. The Clintons were deeply involved, with MADISON S&L, Jim McDougle's firm. Hillary should have gone to prison for CASTLE GRANDE, but Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell took the credit for the work that Hillary billed for....

W Bush was very very responsible for the housing crash of 2008. More "compassion" on "low income housing..." let people who can't pay the mortgage have one, and then hook up Uncle Sam to "insure" that mortgage and make Clintonite Kleptocrat bigot Franklin Raines make hundreds of millions $$$$$$$$$$$

Franklin Raines to pay $24.7 million to settle Fannie Mae lawsuit
George Busl bailed out the S&Ls His son was director of Silverado S&L, that is where I will start. I have much more but it is dinner time.
This moron thinks you can beat a drug test by adding water? How do you add water while you are pissing and get it to body temperature? What a fucking moron!

This person probably never passed a drug test in their life!
Ahh, the fake recruiter, the lousy liar, calling himself what he is not, an admiral is all pissed off because the weak link has not response to those better educated.

I never said, simply add water. I said dilute? That is done by buying the mask, reading the directions, which tell you to dilute your urine by drinking water, than after you drink so much water, you then drink their product which raised the creatine level and the specific gravity.

You can also buy clean urine that comes with a heat pack to tape to your body. Very easy to conceal.

You really are a nitwit.

I don't know what the guy that used to work for our company used, but he claimed it was the best on the market. I was also told that there are different levels of drug screening. Since ours is required by the federal government, it's at the top of the list.

That clean urine doesn't work either. You are in an examining gown and they pat you down before you go into the bathroom. All the water is shut off and the toilet has some sort of blue chemical in it. I asked the nurse about it one time and she said that it's impossible to keep that amount of urine at exact body temperature which is what they check for as soon as you come out of the bathroom. If it's slightly warm or slightly too cool, you have to submit another sample, and it's not a small sample either.

With our tests they also make you take a breathalyzer test as well.
I was never made to wear a gown. There are many methods, to include heating patches. I have had people watch but they really are not that interested in watching closely.
Yep, guessing you may be the only one on the planet that got one of those shovel ready jobs.
I haven't worked for anyone else in several decades.

Good for you, many liberals haven't worked for anyone.

This is true, especially for liberals on USMB. It seems to me they all either work for themselves, are independently wealthy, or are comfortably retired and doing financially well. Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

The confusing part is why are all these well-to-do liberals are against people being responsible for themselves, want government to provide everything, and are for high taxation for people just like themselves. Hmmmm.

I've yet to meet a liberal here that has a standard blue collar job working 40 or more hours a week. Most of them are un USMB all day long while the rest of us are working. Hmmmm.
I tend to think the opposite. They are mostly cellar dwellers if under 40 and over 40 crowd mostly government dependents and bitter about those who made it. And Never underestimate the number of paid liberal bots here, $12.50 per post.

WTF, people get paid to post their crap?
MAGAman and PoliticalChic for sure, there may be others.
I haven't worked for anyone else in several decades.

Good for you, many liberals haven't worked for anyone.

This is true, especially for liberals on USMB. It seems to me they all either work for themselves, are independently wealthy, or are comfortably retired and doing financially well. Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

The confusing part is why are all these well-to-do liberals are against people being responsible for themselves, want government to provide everything, and are for high taxation for people just like themselves. Hmmmm.

I've yet to meet a liberal here that has a standard blue collar job working 40 or more hours a week. Most of them are un USMB all day long while the rest of us are working. Hmmmm.
I tend to think the opposite. They are mostly cellar dwellers if under 40 and over 40 crowd mostly government dependents and bitter about those who made it. And Never underestimate the number of paid liberal bots here, $12.50 per post.

WTF, people get paid to post their crap?
MAGAman and PoliticalChic for sure, there may be others.

Actually, I do it for America, the country I love.
Good for you, many liberals haven't worked for anyone.

This is true, especially for liberals on USMB. It seems to me they all either work for themselves, are independently wealthy, or are comfortably retired and doing financially well. Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

The confusing part is why are all these well-to-do liberals are against people being responsible for themselves, want government to provide everything, and are for high taxation for people just like themselves. Hmmmm.

I've yet to meet a liberal here that has a standard blue collar job working 40 or more hours a week. Most of them are un USMB all day long while the rest of us are working. Hmmmm.
I tend to think the opposite. They are mostly cellar dwellers if under 40 and over 40 crowd mostly government dependents and bitter about those who made it. And Never underestimate the number of paid liberal bots here, $12.50 per post.

WTF, people get paid to post their crap?
MAGAman and PoliticalChic for sure, there may be others.

Actually, I do it for America, the country I love.
I know they paid you to say that.
This is true, especially for liberals on USMB. It seems to me they all either work for themselves, are independently wealthy, or are comfortably retired and doing financially well. Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

The confusing part is why are all these well-to-do liberals are against people being responsible for themselves, want government to provide everything, and are for high taxation for people just like themselves. Hmmmm.

I've yet to meet a liberal here that has a standard blue collar job working 40 or more hours a week. Most of them are un USMB all day long while the rest of us are working. Hmmmm.
I tend to think the opposite. They are mostly cellar dwellers if under 40 and over 40 crowd mostly government dependents and bitter about those who made it. And Never underestimate the number of paid liberal bots here, $12.50 per post.

WTF, people get paid to post their crap?
MAGAman and PoliticalChic for sure, there may be others.

Actually, I do it for America, the country I love.
I know they paid you to say that.

I believe readers have learned that you actually know less than nothing. You prove, daily, to have the mental acuity of a doggy chew-toy.
I tend to think the opposite. They are mostly cellar dwellers if under 40 and over 40 crowd mostly government dependents and bitter about those who made it. And Never underestimate the number of paid liberal bots here, $12.50 per post.

WTF, people get paid to post their crap?
MAGAman and PoliticalChic for sure, there may be others.

Actually, I do it for America, the country I love.
I know they paid you to say that.

I believe readers have learned that you actually know less than nothing. You prove, daily, to have the mental acuity of a doggy chew-toy.
How nice for you.

I don't believe a single thing you say, and if they're smart, neither does anyone else.
While people like to joke about this, Americans are stupid when it comes to the amount of hours we are willing to work, and then we brag about it like working 65 hours a week is a good thing!

Find a job you LOVE and you'll never work a day in your life. I did just that. You may have hated 40 hours a week, I LOVED 60-70 hours a week! In fact, you could say I had one full time 60-70 hour a week job plus three part-time jobs.

I feel sorry for you!
Before Reagan and Congress of the time removed or softened many of the Regulations, we had a handle on things that worked for over 200 years.

Specifically, what regulations were removed that had worked for over 200 years? Specifics please, not simply your typical whining.
I haven't worked for anyone else in several decades.

Good for you, many liberals haven't worked for anyone.

This is true, especially for liberals on USMB. It seems to me they all either work for themselves, are independently wealthy, or are comfortably retired and doing financially well. Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

The confusing part is why are all these well-to-do liberals are against people being responsible for themselves, want government to provide everything, and are for high taxation for people just like themselves. Hmmmm.

I've yet to meet a liberal here that has a standard blue collar job working 40 or more hours a week. Most of them are un USMB all day long while the rest of us are working. Hmmmm.
I tend to think the opposite. They are mostly cellar dwellers if under 40 and over 40 crowd mostly government dependents and bitter about those who made it. And Never underestimate the number of paid liberal bots here, $12.50 per post.

WTF, people get paid to post their crap?
MAGAman and PoliticalChic for sure, there may be others.

When you have some evidence of that, let me know. I need to get in touch with somebody that will pay me to post. I'll quit my job the next day if that's the deal.
Before Reagan and Congress of the time removed or softened many of the Regulations, we had a handle on things that worked for over 200 years.
Regulations worked for 200 years?

No... Freedom worked for 200 years. Proper registrations us necessary. Over-Regulation was a disaster.
Specifically, what regulations were removed that had worked for over 200 years? Specifics please, not simply your typical whining.
Good for you, many liberals haven't worked for anyone.

This is true, especially for liberals on USMB. It seems to me they all either work for themselves, are independently wealthy, or are comfortably retired and doing financially well. Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

The confusing part is why are all these well-to-do liberals are against people being responsible for themselves, want government to provide everything, and are for high taxation for people just like themselves. Hmmmm.

I've yet to meet a liberal here that has a standard blue collar job working 40 or more hours a week. Most of them are un USMB all day long while the rest of us are working. Hmmmm.
I tend to think the opposite. They are mostly cellar dwellers if under 40 and over 40 crowd mostly government dependents and bitter about those who made it. And Never underestimate the number of paid liberal bots here, $12.50 per post.

WTF, people get paid to post their crap?
MAGAman and PoliticalChic for sure, there may be others.

When you have some evidence of that, let me know. I need to get in touch with somebody that will pay me to post. I'll quit my job the next day if that's the deal.
Call this number:

+7 495 697-03-49

Ask for Alexander Bortnikov.
This moron thinks you can beat a drug test by adding water? How do you add water while you are pissing and get it to body temperature? What a fucking moron!

This person probably never passed a drug test in their life!
Ahh, the fake recruiter, the lousy liar, calling himself what he is not, an admiral is all pissed off because the weak link has not response to those better educated.

I never said, simply add water. I said dilute? That is done by buying the mask, reading the directions, which tell you to dilute your urine by drinking water, than after you drink so much water, you then drink their product which raised the creatine level and the specific gravity.

You can also buy clean urine that comes with a heat pack to tape to your body. Very easy to conceal.

You really are a nitwit.

I don't know what the guy that used to work for our company used, but he claimed it was the best on the market. I was also told that there are different levels of drug screening. Since ours is required by the federal government, it's at the top of the list.

That clean urine doesn't work either. You are in an examining gown and they pat you down before you go into the bathroom. All the water is shut off and the toilet has some sort of blue chemical in it. I asked the nurse about it one time and she said that it's impossible to keep that amount of urine at exact body temperature which is what they check for as soon as you come out of the bathroom. If it's slightly warm or slightly too cool, you have to submit another sample, and it's not a small sample either.

With our tests they also make you take a breathalyzer test as well.
I was never made to wear a gown. There are many methods, to include heating patches. I have had people watch but they really are not that interested in watching closely.

In that case, you have never had a drug test administered properly.

Your heating patches are a fucking scam. You are one gullible dumbass!

People have been trying to get past military drug tests for years. They fail miserably!
George Busl bailed out the S&Ls

Correct, HW inherited the mess as Prez.

His son was director of Silverado S&L,


W was a token on the board. Hillary was indicted for Castle Grande.... guess which you talk about more...???


HW had NOTHING to do with the S&L mess, since he played no part in creating it.
I got more, give me 2 hours. J am busy.

Why wait 2 hours to post more lies? Why not just slink off now?

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