In Re: Lindsey Graham

Graham is still a Rino.

He is, however; correct in this matter.

I would suggest that WC look up the definition of a "soft coup".

A Soft coup, sometimes referred to as a Silent coup, is a coup d'état without the use of violence, but based on a conspiracy or plot that has as its objective the taking of state power by partially or wholly illegal means, in order to facilitate an exchange of political leadership - and in some cases also of the current institutional order.[1][2]

A soft coup is a strategy attributed to the American political scientist Gene Sharp, a Professor Emeritus of political science at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, who has been a theorist and author of groundbreaking works on the dynamics of nonviolent conflict. He studied the potential to spark, guide, and maximize the power of sometimes short-lived mass uprisings, as he tried to understand how unarmed insurrections have been far more politically significant than observers focused on military warfare have cared to admit.[3]

Precisely describes what the deep state tried to do to Trump.

How dizzy were you when writing this spin?

I responded to a post by kyr, to wit: "Barr is investigating the deep state coup, indictments should be out in a month or two."

This "soft coup" you claim is not based in reality. Trump has brought all of the criticism, and the investigation, all by himself.
Sure he has. Speaking of spin......When you come to a stop, Trump will have served his second term and I'll blame your ass for it.
Graham is still a Rino.

He is, however; correct in this matter.

I would suggest that WC look up the definition of a "soft coup".

A Soft coup, sometimes referred to as a Silent coup, is a coup d'état without the use of violence, but based on a conspiracy or plot that has as its objective the taking of state power by partially or wholly illegal means, in order to facilitate an exchange of political leadership - and in some cases also of the current institutional order.[1][2]

A soft coup is a strategy attributed to the American political scientist Gene Sharp, a Professor Emeritus of political science at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, who has been a theorist and author of groundbreaking works on the dynamics of nonviolent conflict. He studied the potential to spark, guide, and maximize the power of sometimes short-lived mass uprisings, as he tried to understand how unarmed insurrections have been far more politically significant than observers focused on military warfare have cared to admit.[3]

Precisely describes what the deep state tried to do to Trump.

How dizzy were you when writing this spin?

I responded to a post by kyr, to wit: "Barr is investigating the deep state coup, indictments should be out in a month or two."

This "soft coup" you claim is not based in reality. Trump has brought all of the criticism, and the investigation, all by himself.

As usual a post from the right which lacks substance and original thinking. Educated posters would know that a coup is, "a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government".

Such are the mistakes when one echoes propaganda and ignores Reagan's admonition to trust but verify.

As usual, a post from a poster who refuses to see the corruption in his own party and their hidden agenda ie shadow govts, entrenched within the lawful govt. This poster is blind and a partisan hack to the fullest extent and will defend his leeches to the ends of the universe. It is amazing to watch.

Prove this claim that a Deep State exists, and is corrupt and controlled by Democrats. Even if this conspiracy theory has a modicum of truth you would have some evidence, and be able to name the names of its leadership..

The truth is all you have are echoes of propaganda and the BIG LIES promulgated by the right.

Barr is investigating the deep state coup, indictments should be out in a month or two. The simple fact that there was no collusion shows that the illegal Mueller investigation was a political scandal, a vicious setup of a legitimate president by McCabe, Strzok, and the other conspirator Trump-haters.

He has his head stuck in the core of the earth. WC is as blind as every other partisan bat.

Of topic, logical fallacy and ^^^ an idiot-gram.

Its completely on topic. It simply states who you are and how one must approach your partisan baited posts.
As usual, a post from a poster who refuses to see the corruption in his own party and their hidden agenda ie shadow govts, entrenched within the lawful govt. This poster is blind and a partisan hack to the fullest extent and will defend his leeches to the ends of the universe. It is amazing to watch.

Prove this claim that a Deep State exists, and is corrupt and controlled by Democrats. Even if this conspiracy theory has a modicum of truth you would have some evidence, and be able to name the names of its leadership..

The truth is all you have are echoes of propaganda and the BIG LIES promulgated by the right.

Barr is investigating the deep state coup, indictments should be out in a month or two. The simple fact that there was no collusion shows that the illegal Mueller investigation was a political scandal, a vicious setup of a legitimate president by McCabe, Strzok, and the other conspirator Trump-haters.

He has his head stuck in the core of the earth. WC is as blind as every other partisan bat.

Of topic, logical fallacy and ^^^ an idiot-gram.

Its completely on topic. It simply states who you are and how one must approach your partisan baited posts.

It's lucky for you that I obey the rules, otherwise I'd stoop to your level without the ignorance and inability to write something of substance.
Graham is still a Rino.

He is, however; correct in this matter.

I would suggest that WC look up the definition of a "soft coup".

A Soft coup, sometimes referred to as a Silent coup, is a coup d'état without the use of violence, but based on a conspiracy or plot that has as its objective the taking of state power by partially or wholly illegal means, in order to facilitate an exchange of political leadership - and in some cases also of the current institutional order.[1][2]

A soft coup is a strategy attributed to the American political scientist Gene Sharp, a Professor Emeritus of political science at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, who has been a theorist and author of groundbreaking works on the dynamics of nonviolent conflict. He studied the potential to spark, guide, and maximize the power of sometimes short-lived mass uprisings, as he tried to understand how unarmed insurrections have been far more politically significant than observers focused on military warfare have cared to admit.[3]

Precisely describes what the deep state tried to do to Trump.

How dizzy were you when writing this spin?

I responded to a post by kyr, to wit: "Barr is investigating the deep state coup, indictments should be out in a month or two."

This "soft coup" you claim is not based in reality. Trump has brought all of the criticism, and the investigation, all by himself.

Sure he has. Speaking of spin......When you come to a stop, Trump will have served his second term and I'll blame your ass for it.

Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes in the 2016 election. The concern is the GOP is opposed to democracy, and will do whatever they can to get away with suppressing the vote, using wedge issues and propaganda (SOCIALISM!), and dark money to influence biddable voters.

Notice the White House has no desire to look into protecting the election in 2020 from another cyber attack by Russian.

Note to Real Republicans: The current iteration of leadership in the Republican Party are the true RINO's, who reject the principles long established by past Republican Leaders, from Lincoln to TR, to IKE and even Nixon.
Prove this claim that a Deep State exists, and is corrupt and controlled by Democrats. Even if this conspiracy theory has a modicum of truth you would have some evidence, and be able to name the names of its leadership..

The truth is all you have are echoes of propaganda and the BIG LIES promulgated by the right.

Barr is investigating the deep state coup, indictments should be out in a month or two. The simple fact that there was no collusion shows that the illegal Mueller investigation was a political scandal, a vicious setup of a legitimate president by McCabe, Strzok, and the other conspirator Trump-haters.

He has his head stuck in the core of the earth. WC is as blind as every other partisan bat.

Of topic, logical fallacy and ^^^ an idiot-gram.

Its completely on topic. It simply states who you are and how one must approach your partisan baited posts.

It's lucky for you that I obey the rules, otherwise I'd stoop to your level without the ignorance and inability to write something of substance.

Its lucky for you that I don't waste time to go advertise your thousands of ad hom attacks and hypocrisy.
Barr is investigating the deep state coup, indictments should be out in a month or two. The simple fact that there was no collusion shows that the illegal Mueller investigation was a political scandal, a vicious setup of a legitimate president by McCabe, Strzok, and the other conspirator Trump-haters.

He has his head stuck in the core of the earth. WC is as blind as every other partisan bat.

Of topic, logical fallacy and ^^^ an idiot-gram.

Its completely on topic. It simply states who you are and how one must approach your partisan baited posts.

It's lucky for you that I obey the rules, otherwise I'd stoop to your level without the ignorance and inability to write something of substance.

Its lucky for you that I don't waste time to go advertise your thousands of ad hom attacks and hypocrisy.

1001, you're mentally retarded.
Graham is still a Rino.

He is, however; correct in this matter.

I would suggest that WC look up the definition of a "soft coup".

A Soft coup, sometimes referred to as a Silent coup, is a coup d'état without the use of violence, but based on a conspiracy or plot that has as its objective the taking of state power by partially or wholly illegal means, in order to facilitate an exchange of political leadership - and in some cases also of the current institutional order.[1][2]

A soft coup is a strategy attributed to the American political scientist Gene Sharp, a Professor Emeritus of political science at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, who has been a theorist and author of groundbreaking works on the dynamics of nonviolent conflict. He studied the potential to spark, guide, and maximize the power of sometimes short-lived mass uprisings, as he tried to understand how unarmed insurrections have been far more politically significant than observers focused on military warfare have cared to admit.[3]

Precisely describes what the deep state tried to do to Trump.

How dizzy were you when writing this spin?

I responded to a post by kyr, to wit: "Barr is investigating the deep state coup, indictments should be out in a month or two."

This "soft coup" you claim is not based in reality. Trump has brought all of the criticism, and the investigation, all by himself.

Sure he has. Speaking of spin......When you come to a stop, Trump will have served his second term and I'll blame your ass for it.

Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes in the 2016 election. The concern is the GOP is opposed to democracy, and will do whatever they can to get away with suppressing the vote, using wedge issues and propaganda (SOCIALISM!), and dark money to influence biddable voters.

Notice the White House has no desire to look into protecting the election in 2020 from another cyber attack by Russian.

Note to Real Republicans: The current iteration of leadership in the Republican Party are the true RINO's, who reject the principles long established by past Republican Leaders, from Lincoln to TR, to IKE and even Nixon.
Popular vote is meaningless drivel since this nation has never elected a President via popular vote. It is a red herring and unworthy of discussion.

The rest is exactly what the Democrats and progressives are doing. We are not a democracy, but what we do have is being undermined by the progressives and they are destroying the very fabric of our society by holding onto a childish fit of rage at losing an election cycle and adhering to the notion that anyone who does not believe as they do are killing America.

It is a delusion, one in which you and those like you would do well to have medical treatment.

YOU are Destroying America!
Graham is still a Rino.

He is, however; correct in this matter.

I would suggest that WC look up the definition of a "soft coup".

A Soft coup, sometimes referred to as a Silent coup, is a coup d'état without the use of violence, but based on a conspiracy or plot that has as its objective the taking of state power by partially or wholly illegal means, in order to facilitate an exchange of political leadership - and in some cases also of the current institutional order.[1][2]

A soft coup is a strategy attributed to the American political scientist Gene Sharp, a Professor Emeritus of political science at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, who has been a theorist and author of groundbreaking works on the dynamics of nonviolent conflict. He studied the potential to spark, guide, and maximize the power of sometimes short-lived mass uprisings, as he tried to understand how unarmed insurrections have been far more politically significant than observers focused on military warfare have cared to admit.[3]

Precisely describes what the deep state tried to do to Trump.

How dizzy were you when writing this spin?

I responded to a post by kyr, to wit: "Barr is investigating the deep state coup, indictments should be out in a month or two."

This "soft coup" you claim is not based in reality. Trump has brought all of the criticism, and the investigation, all by himself.

Sure he has. Speaking of spin......When you come to a stop, Trump will have served his second term and I'll blame your ass for it.

Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes in the 2016 election. The concern is the GOP is opposed to democracy, and will do whatever they can to get away with suppressing the vote, using wedge issues and propaganda (SOCIALISM!), and dark money to influence biddable voters.

Notice the White House has no desire to look into protecting the election in 2020 from another cyber attack by Russian.

Note to Real Republicans: The current iteration of leadership in the Republican Party are the true RINO's, who reject the principles long established by past Republican Leaders, from Lincoln to TR, to IKE and even Nixon.
Popular vote is meaningless drivel since this nation has never elected a President via popular vote. It is a red herring and unworthy of discussion.

The rest is exactly what the Democrats and progressives are doing. We are not a democracy, but what we do have is being undermined by the progressives and they are destroying the very fabric of our society by holding onto a childish fit of rage at losing an election cycle and adhering to the notion that anyone who does not believe as they do are killing America.

It is a delusion, one in which you and those like you would do well to have medical treatment.

YOU are Destroying America!

So, what are we if not a democratic republic? Give me one more example of an elected official in the United States who is not elected by the people (the one exception is a temporary appointment to an elective office by a Governor to fill an opening because of death, recall or resignation).
Graham is still a Rino.

He is, however; correct in this matter.

I would suggest that WC look up the definition of a "soft coup".

A Soft coup, sometimes referred to as a Silent coup, is a coup d'état without the use of violence, but based on a conspiracy or plot that has as its objective the taking of state power by partially or wholly illegal means, in order to facilitate an exchange of political leadership - and in some cases also of the current institutional order.[1][2]

A soft coup is a strategy attributed to the American political scientist Gene Sharp, a Professor Emeritus of political science at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, who has been a theorist and author of groundbreaking works on the dynamics of nonviolent conflict. He studied the potential to spark, guide, and maximize the power of sometimes short-lived mass uprisings, as he tried to understand how unarmed insurrections have been far more politically significant than observers focused on military warfare have cared to admit.[3]

Precisely describes what the deep state tried to do to Trump.

How dizzy were you when writing this spin?

I responded to a post by kyr, to wit: "Barr is investigating the deep state coup, indictments should be out in a month or two."

This "soft coup" you claim is not based in reality. Trump has brought all of the criticism, and the investigation, all by himself.

Sure he has. Speaking of spin......When you come to a stop, Trump will have served his second term and I'll blame your ass for it.

Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes in the 2016 election. The concern is the GOP is opposed to democracy, and will do whatever they can to get away with suppressing the vote, using wedge issues and propaganda (SOCIALISM!), and dark money to influence biddable voters.

Notice the White House has no desire to look into protecting the election in 2020 from another cyber attack by Russian.

Note to Real Republicans: The current iteration of leadership in the Republican Party are the true RINO's, who reject the principles long established by past Republican Leaders, from Lincoln to TR, to IKE and even Nixon.
Popular vote is meaningless drivel since this nation has never elected a President via popular vote. It is a red herring and unworthy of discussion.

The rest is exactly what the Democrats and progressives are doing. We are not a democracy, but what we do have is being undermined by the progressives and they are destroying the very fabric of our society by holding onto a childish fit of rage at losing an election cycle and adhering to the notion that anyone who does not believe as they do are killing America.

It is a delusion, one in which you and those like you would do well to have medical treatment.

YOU are Destroying America!

So, what are we if not a democratic republic? Give me one more example of an elected official in the United States who is not elected by the people (the one exception is a temporary appointment to an elective office by a Governor to fill an opening because of death, recall or resignation).

You still haven't addressed my response to you. Why?
How dizzy were you when writing this spin?

I responded to a post by kyr, to wit: "Barr is investigating the deep state coup, indictments should be out in a month or two."

This "soft coup" you claim is not based in reality. Trump has brought all of the criticism, and the investigation, all by himself.

Sure he has. Speaking of spin......When you come to a stop, Trump will have served his second term and I'll blame your ass for it.

Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes in the 2016 election. The concern is the GOP is opposed to democracy, and will do whatever they can to get away with suppressing the vote, using wedge issues and propaganda (SOCIALISM!), and dark money to influence biddable voters.

Notice the White House has no desire to look into protecting the election in 2020 from another cyber attack by Russian.

Note to Real Republicans: The current iteration of leadership in the Republican Party are the true RINO's, who reject the principles long established by past Republican Leaders, from Lincoln to TR, to IKE and even Nixon.
Popular vote is meaningless drivel since this nation has never elected a President via popular vote. It is a red herring and unworthy of discussion.

The rest is exactly what the Democrats and progressives are doing. We are not a democracy, but what we do have is being undermined by the progressives and they are destroying the very fabric of our society by holding onto a childish fit of rage at losing an election cycle and adhering to the notion that anyone who does not believe as they do are killing America.

It is a delusion, one in which you and those like you would do well to have medical treatment.

YOU are Destroying America!

So, what are we if not a democratic republic? Give me one more example of an elected official in the United States who is not elected by the people (the one exception is a temporary appointment to an elective office by a Governor to fill an opening because of death, recall or resignation).

You still haven't addressed my response to you. Why?

I don't see a question within your rant. All I see is one more idiot-gram, variety ad hominem. Write a sentence, and end it with this symbol [?]. If your response was I'm destroying America, I will respond with this short vindictive; "Go Fuck Yourself".
Sure he has. Speaking of spin......When you come to a stop, Trump will have served his second term and I'll blame your ass for it.

Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes in the 2016 election. The concern is the GOP is opposed to democracy, and will do whatever they can to get away with suppressing the vote, using wedge issues and propaganda (SOCIALISM!), and dark money to influence biddable voters.

Notice the White House has no desire to look into protecting the election in 2020 from another cyber attack by Russian.

Note to Real Republicans: The current iteration of leadership in the Republican Party are the true RINO's, who reject the principles long established by past Republican Leaders, from Lincoln to TR, to IKE and even Nixon.
Popular vote is meaningless drivel since this nation has never elected a President via popular vote. It is a red herring and unworthy of discussion.

The rest is exactly what the Democrats and progressives are doing. We are not a democracy, but what we do have is being undermined by the progressives and they are destroying the very fabric of our society by holding onto a childish fit of rage at losing an election cycle and adhering to the notion that anyone who does not believe as they do are killing America.

It is a delusion, one in which you and those like you would do well to have medical treatment.

YOU are Destroying America!

So, what are we if not a democratic republic? Give me one more example of an elected official in the United States who is not elected by the people (the one exception is a temporary appointment to an elective office by a Governor to fill an opening because of death, recall or resignation).

You still haven't addressed my response to you. Why?

I don't see a question within your rant. All I see is one more idiot-gram, variety ad hominem. Write a sentence, and end it with this symbol [?]. If your response was I'm destroying America, I will respond with this short vindictive; "Go Fuck Yourself".

You claimed there is no deep state. I then challenged you to explain the difference in how the shrilary was treated with her very obvious criminal activity,. and how trump has been treated and his very obvious lack of criminal activity.

So explain it.
Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?
If Grahmnesty has ambitions, I would think it would be a cabinet secretary or Senate leader.

Or maybe he just had a testicle inplant.
Anyone with any integrity would cringe at the thought of defending Trump who's been a slimeball his entire life. And nothing changed on 1/20/17. Trump must really have the goods on these fuckers.
Yeah... Must be.

It couldn't possibly be the fantastic economy, wage growth, historically high employment, or the destruction of the Caliphate...
OP should be concerned about the failed coup that his lib party attempted.

As usual a post from the right which lacks substance and original thinking. Educated posters would know that a coup is, "a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government".

Such are the mistakes when one echoes propaganda and ignores Reagan's admonition to trust but verify.

As usual, a post from a poster who refuses to see the corruption in his own party and their hidden agenda ie shadow govts, entrenched within the lawful govt. This poster is blind and a partisan hack to the fullest extent and will defend his leeches to the ends of the universe. It is amazing to watch.

Prove this claim that a Deep State exists, and is corrupt and controlled by Democrats. Even if this conspiracy theory has a modicum of truth you would have some evidence, and be able to name the names of its leadership..

The truth is all you have are echoes of propaganda and the BIG LIES promulgated by the right.

Barr is investigating the deep state coup, indictments should be out in a month or two. The simple fact that there was no collusion shows that the illegal Mueller investigation was a political scandal, a vicious setup of a legitimate president by McCabe, Strzok, and the other conspirator Trump-haters.

What proof do you have that a deep state exists? "A coup"? It seems you also have no clue as to the definition of a coup.

[Google "Coup meaning" and you won't continue to embarrass yourself so often]

It has become painfully obvious that conspiracy theories are the grist which feed your opinions.


1. We have text messages between deep state actors, we have the IG report, we have testimony from Page, McCabe and Strzok, the deep state attempted a coup against Trump. You will see the AG prosecute them this summer. So don't ask stupid questions. Here are a few examples for you to read regarding the deep state.
Deep state in the United States - Wikipedia
Deep State’s Attempted Coup Via Mueller Fails, but Anti-Trump Plotters Aren’t Finished

2. A political coup in this context is "the illegal removal from power of someone by nefarious means". Such as using an illegal investigation (aka "insurance policy") to setup someone using phony evidence. Or plotting to use the 25th Amendment without cause.

3. Keep your state of denial, we'll see how this all turns out won't we? They didn't get Trump, but Trump will get them. Thanks for playing. (p.s. I'm not at all sad)

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