....well, the Select Committee is about to step into the batter's box...

Uh huh. “Preconceived opinions” about the sworn testimony of witnesses which will be presented publicly. :cuckoo:
Evidence either exists or it doesn’t.
Another progtard who think he's slick. ^^^

Everyone's on to your game, progtard.

Truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing BUT the truth.

You progtards assholes fail miserably on all three counts.
Preconceived opinions will be drawn as conclusions by the entirely partisan committee. They will also present the evidence they believe supports their preconceived conclusion. They will absolutely prove their own bias — but not their conclusion.
youre assuming that the jan 6th committe is operating subjectively and/or emotionally. But they are not, its only you trumpists that are.
Only evidence stands up to scritiny.
Uh huh. “Preconceived opinions” about the sworn testimony of witnesses which will be presented publicly. :cuckoo:
Evidence either exists or it doesn’t.
You misspelled, “duh” which is ironic considering it’s your most word.

Anyway, as you almost always are, you’re wrong. Again. The Congress will have witnesses present for part of the time. (Must have some excuse to get the partisan vermin’s their screen time.) Oh, they will also play-back prior recorded depositions.

And evidence also consists of those deposition tapes, and photo’s maybe. But here is the kicker. Evidence can be true or false. “Witnesses” might say (or have already given testimony saying) that “Trump did it,” but them saying something isn’t necessarily reliable evidence. Or credible. Or maybe just laughable.
youre assuming that the jan 6th committe is operating subjectively and/or emotionally. But they are not, its only you trumpists that are.
Only evidence stands up to scritiny.
No. You’re wrong. I am 100% correct. The fully and exclusively partisan committee members is certainly Unobjective. They’re biased as hell. And no. Not “emotionally.” This isn’t emotional for these libtards, it is entirely devoid of emotion, and devoid of reason, and devoid of any concern for the truth, or the factual inaccuracy of what we know they will already say.

And try to get your tiny mind wrapped around this: scrutiny of “evidence” (like “testimony”) can yield the conclusion that it’s completely lacking in credibility.
People who hate Trump will watch the proceedings. Trump fans will not.

I personally see this as a rigged committee made up of Democrats and a couple of Pelosi approved RINOs. While the hearings are on I will likely spend my time watching movies I have recorded but not watched for the last 6 months.

Now when the Democrats lose big time in the Midterms I hope the Republicans have enough cojones to open up their own investigations. I could love to see Hunter and Joe Biden investigated. That investigation I might watch if it is live on TV. Also there may be payback for the January 6th kangaroo committee the Democrats are staging. That might also be entertaining.

'Select Committee' selected by Nancy Pelosi and full of TDSers. Now they're going to get a leftist 'news' guy to produce a fake documentary. Reality need not apply.
Today's Washington Post has an interesting article about what is intended to be demonstrated when the televised hearings begin this week.
I cannot copy & past the entire long article (I would refer you to your digital subscription of the Post for that). But, I can offer you a taster of the coverage.

I found it particularly relevant following Maggie Halberman's (in Friday's New York Times) reportage....that Pence's staff had grown so alarmed over the safety of Pence following the stoking of animosity and anger towards him by the POTUS-at-the-time that they alerted the Secret Service that protection should be increased. They saw the storm that was coming by Trump's irresponsible rhetoric in front of crowds. (I'd recommend you open your digital subscription to the Times to read Halberman's reportage from Friday.)

Anyway, here is a taster from today's Washington Post:

"Almost a year after the formation of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, lawmakers are set to take their case public.

On Thursday night, Chairman Bennie G. Thompson (D-Miss.) and Vice Chairwoman Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) will launch a series of televised hearings featuring a combination of live witnesses, pretaped interviews with figures that include Trump family members and previously unseen video footage.
The hearings mark the culmination of an inquiry that has involved more than 1,000 interviews and reviews of more than 125,000 records. Taken together, the work represents the most comprehensive record yet of the deadly assault, and which panel members have come to believe stands out as only the most visible evidence of a broader plot to undermine American democracy — one that emanated from the White House.

To tell that story, the committee will draw on testimony from administration insiders, including a previously obscure aide who has given the committee a detailed reconstruction of meetings and movements in the West Wing. The committee also has video recordings of interviews with Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, that some inside the process believe will make for gripping television.

But the end result of the committee’s efforts remains an open question. Public opinions about Jan. 6 and about former president Donald Trump have long since hardened into competing blocs, making it difficult to break through, even with prime-time programming."

(the above underlining is by my avatar.)


Should be interesting television. Historical television, in my opinion.
Of course, it will be compared to the Watergate Hearings.
We'll see how this committee presents its' findings.
WaPo and NYT? You do realize that is fake news?
John Belushi holds his eyes still while rolling in his grave again every time BackAgain posts using his image as an avatar.

....well, the Select Committee is about to step into the batter's box...​

Swing batta, batta!

WaPo and NYT? You do realize that is fake news?

You know, poster Leo123, I have read both the Times and the Post for years and years ---along with the WSJ and the Chicago Tribune. The WSJ for nearly 60years.

And I never realized they were, in your words, "fake news"?
May we ask why you assert that?

And beyond that, may we ask which news sources you recommend to the forum so that members here---posters and lurkers --- can be as well informed as you?
Who do you go to for your non-fake news?

ps.....out of curiosity, have you read either the Times or the Post regularly, in order to get a sense of their coverages, and their Op/Ed columns?
Another progtard who think he's slick. ^^^

Everyone's on to your game, progtard.

Truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing BUT the truth.

You progtards assholes fail miserably on all three counts.
Can you clarify?
Others don’t hear the voices in your head.
You misspelled, “duh” which is ironic considering it’s your most word.

Anyway, as you almost always are, you’re wrong. Again. The Congress will have witnesses present for part of the time. (Must have some excuse to get the partisan vermin’s their screen time.) Oh, they will also play-back prior recorded depositions.

And evidence also consists of those deposition tapes, and photo’s maybe. But here is the kicker. Evidence can be true or false. “Witnesses” might say (or have already given testimony saying) that “Trump did it,” but them saying something isn’t necessarily reliable evidence. Or credible. Or maybe just laughable.
Your fear is palpable. Justifiably so.
It’s all sworn testimony. Questions regarding The Who, what, when, where and how will be answered by former Trump admin officials as well as family. There is nothing partisan on the part of the committee in how those witnesses chose to respond.
Your fear is palpable. Justifiably so.
It’s all sworn testimony. Questions regarding The Who, what, when, where and how will be answered by former Trump admin officials as well as family. There is nothing partisan on the part of the committee in how those witnesses chose to respond.
Lol. Your attempt to tell me about some alleged fear is as laughable as all the other shit you spew. Ask Bubba Clinton about “sworn” testimony. Try to follow along you imbecile libtard: If you testify under oath and lie your ass off, it’s still sworn testimony.
And if you spew you hostile guesswork in lieu of actual factual answers, the testimony is still sworn. Worthless bullshit, but sworn worthless bullshit.

There is nothing less than entirely partisan in this faux committee. I have already shared what we can expect that shitpile to “find.” And that is what they will “find” regardless of the lack of actual credible evidence to support it.
Lol. Your attempt to tell me about some alleged fear is as laughable as all the other shit you spew. Ask Bubba Clinton about “sworn” testimony. Try to follow along you imbecile libtard: If you testify under oath and lie your ass off, it’s still sworn testimony.
And if you spew you hostile guesswork in lieu of actual factual answers, the testimony is still sworn. Worthless bullshit, but sworn worthless bullshit.

There is nothing less than entirely partisan in this faux committee. I have already shared what we can expect that shitpile to “find.” And that is what they will “find” regardless of the lack of actual credible evidence to support it.
Uh huh. The witnesses will all be lying. :auiqs.jpg:
Uh huh. The witnesses will all be lying. :auiqs.jpg:


Not necessarily. If a witness is called and testifies about what they saw at the Capitol on 1/6, I am assuming that, barring a bias they may have, they will testify honestly. I never suggested otherwise.

A cop says I had a fire extinguisher tossed at me and it hit me. Or another cop says I was being crushed between a door and the post by the rioting mob. No reason to assume dishonesty.

HOWEVER, you useless clump, if someone claims to have heard the President say something which that witness then interpreted as encouragement for the angry crowd’s behavior, I would very much expect such a witless to be lying.

You do know it’s possible for dishonest sworn testimony to be given, don’t you?


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