....well, the Select Committee is about to step into the batter's box...

Ah, to be without imagination and humor must sentence one to a sad, narrow, and bereft life.
I sincerely hope it doesn't mean that for you but......
Ah. So you keep saying that your avatar says things even though you only have an imaginary avatar. I see.

Off hand, I’d say your life is enormously sad. Tragic even. You may be a pretentious little priss but at least you can always talk to you imaginary avatar. 👍
I read in today's Washington Post an opinion piece penned by the famous Watergate reporters, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein.

In it they state that Don Trump was a bigger threat to our democracy and more corrupt than Richard Nixon.
That's the hard punch they throw at Trump's legacy, but........but they are articulate in their rationale. It is a long piece so I can only cut&paste a taster to it.

(I would recommend you read all of it on your digital subscription to the Post).
Here is some of what this famous reporting duo wrote:
(the underlining is by my avatar)

"In a highly unusual and specific manner, the Electoral Count Act of 1887 says that at 1 p.m. on Jan. 6 following a presidential election, the House and Senate will meet in a joint session. The president of the Senate, in this case Vice President Mike Pence, will preside. The electoral votes from the 50 states and the District of Columbia will then be opened and counted.

This singular moment in American democracy is the only official declaration and certification of who won the presidential election.

In a deception that exceeded even Nixon’s imagination, Trump and a group of lawyers, loyalists and White House aides devised a strategy to bombard the country with false assertions that the 2020 election was rigged and that Trump had really won. They zeroed in on the Jan. 6 session as the opportunity to overturn the election’s result. Leading up to that crucial date, Trump’s lawyers circulated memos with manufactured claims of voter fraud that had counted the dead, underage citizens, prisoners and out-of-state residents.

".....Trump persistently claimed that he was really the winner. “We won,” he said in a speech on Jan. 6 at the Ellipse. “We won in a landslide. This was a landslide.” He publicly and relentlessly pressured Pence to make him the victor on Jan. 6.

On that day, driven by Trump’s rhetoric and his obvious approval, a mob descended on the Capitol and, in a stunning act of collective violence, broke through doors and windows and ransacked the House chamber, where the electoral votes were to be counted. The mob then went in search of Pence — all to prevent the certification of Joe Biden’s victory. Trump did nothing to restrain them.

By legal definition this is clearly sedition — conduct, speech or organizing that incites people to rebel against the governing authority of the state. Thus, Trump became the first seditious president in our history.


Of course, the events of January 6th and the machinations leading up to that debacle are much in the news because the Select Committee will begin explaining their findings this Thursday. Hopefully, they have fashioned a credible and propelling narrative out of the many documents and testimonies they have gathered.

America needs a full accounting of those events. Of those machinations.
And, no doubt, the Department of Justice will be watching closely also.
Trump wanted to do the right thing for all Americans who make an effort in life and lib loons consider that corrupt.
"Trump wanted to do the right thing for all Americans who make an effort in life...."

Well, poster 53, there is the chance that in the upcoming exposition by the January 6th Committee your view of Don Trump as being a responsible leader with America's best interest at heart will be validated.

You may want to watch in order to see any confirmation of it.
The first is this Thursday. Check your local listings.
Well, poster 53, there is the chance that in the upcoming exposition by the January 6th Committee your view of Don Trump as being a responsible leader with America's best interest at heart will be validated.

You may want to watch in order to see any confirmation of it.
The first is this Thursday. Check your local listings.
More TV witch hunting and TDS venting will make good viewing
What did DTrump do? He incited the mob. He stoked their anger. He directed them at a target.

Goddamn leftwit liar.

And FUCK your stupid dimwitted ass for swallowing the idiotic DNC drivel. Their Kool Aid has warped your mind. Their LIES have warped your mind.

Trump told the very pissed off crowd to GO HOME, asshole.

He asked for ten thousand national guardsmen to handle them, and was REFUSED.

"That's a TOTAL FUCKING LIE......
Goddamn leftwit liar.
And FUCK your stupid dimwitted ass....

Ah, well, you can try to help some to be better informed, but......but like a horse led to water, you can't make him fish.
So be it.
The TDS never ends. Clueless liberals think that January thing somehow matters while ignoring all the issues Americans really care about. I thought you whackjobs were laser focused on gun grabbing. No doubt hours of boring testimony on year old silliness will convince the people of your commitment to gun grabbing reforms.
This won’t help then Dems any. The economy and sky high inflation and gas prices actually mean something to voters. This TDS suffering “committee” doesn’t even rank. As in NOBODY CARES.

Ah, well, you can try to help some to be better informed, but......but like a horse led to water, you can't make him fish.
So be it.
Since Trump stated to “peacefully protest”, your bullshit is just that retard. Bullshit. Over 1,000 people talked to and ZERO evidence against Trump.
Today's Washington Post has an interesting article about what is intended to be demonstrated when the televised hearings begin this week.
I cannot copy & past the entire long article (I would refer you to your digital subscription of the Post for that). But, I can offer you a taster of the coverage.

I found it particularly relevant following Maggie Halberman's (in Friday's New York Times) reportage....that Pence's staff had grown so alarmed over the safety of Pence following the stoking of animosity and anger towards him by the POTUS-at-the-time that they alerted the Secret Service that protection should be increased. They saw the storm that was coming by Trump's irresponsible rhetoric in front of crowds. (I'd recommend you open your digital subscription to the Times to read Halberman's reportage from Friday.)

Anyway, here is a taster from today's Washington Post:

"Almost a year after the formation of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, lawmakers are set to take their case public.

On Thursday night, Chairman Bennie G. Thompson (D-Miss.) and Vice Chairwoman Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) will launch a series of televised hearings featuring a combination of live witnesses, pretaped interviews with figures that include Trump family members and previously unseen video footage.
The hearings mark the culmination of an inquiry that has involved more than 1,000 interviews and reviews of more than 125,000 records. Taken together, the work represents the most comprehensive record yet of the deadly assault, and which panel members have come to believe stands out as only the most visible evidence of a broader plot to undermine American democracy — one that emanated from the White House.

To tell that story, the committee will draw on testimony from administration insiders, including a previously obscure aide who has given the committee a detailed reconstruction of meetings and movements in the West Wing. The committee also has video recordings of interviews with Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, that some inside the process believe will make for gripping television.

But the end result of the committee’s efforts remains an open question. Public opinions about Jan. 6 and about former president Donald Trump have long since hardened into competing blocs, making it difficult to break through, even with prime-time programming."

(the above underlining is by my avatar.)


Should be interesting television. Historical television, in my opinion.
Of course, it will be compared to the Watergate Hearings.
We'll see how this committee presents its' findings.

J6 Reichstag Fire
What is your hurry?
Statute of Limitations?
Whatever they have....if it is indictable....well, let all of us patriotic Americans hope that the accused and eventually convicted criminals pay a price.

But, I am not sure that 'indictments' is a goal, or the only goal of such a committee. As they have repeatedly stated....hell, if you had read your subscription to WaPo this morning you would know......what they have said is America deserves a full accounting.

I ain't a lawyer, but perhaps.....quick indictments, trials, and stiff sentencing....could NOT give America the full accounting we need.
After all, we don't want that merde' to happen again. So let's have a full bore autopsy.

Let’s make it easy for you by using simple words. Cheney and her clowns have NOTHING. Or they would be crowing on CNN and MSDNC 24/7 about it. They’ll never have anything. They’ve already tried to introduce fabricated “evidence” by altering text messages. And still no calling of Pelosi to testify. You have no interest in the truth. Just to try to smear Donald Trump.
We could benefit from knowing what happened. If you think this partisan hack committee is the tool to serve that purpose, you’re either dishonest or deluded. And no. You Uber-partisan hacks don’t wish to hide much of anything except maybe what really did happen versus your endless false portrayals of what happened.

The rest of us are probably satisfied already that this partisan hack committee isn’t seeking any such facts or truth. Their predetermined conclusion is as good as written and I suspect even you know it. Regardless of the reality, they will “conclude” that the bad orange man tried to undermine “our democracy” in a nefarious plot to use the citizen “mob” to “overturn” the election.

Watch. Wait. Read. Learn. But I just gave you the spoiler.
Conclusions will be drawn with the sworn testimony of many witnesses. Not really partisan.
Over 1,000 people talked to and ZERO evidence against Trump.

Ummm, what does that mean, poster lantern?
Who talked to "1,000 people"?
In what capacity?
Or....how would you know if they developed 'ZERO evidence' against Don Trump?
Got any sources that you think are credible and authoritative?
That you are willing to publicly share with the forum?


"Cheney and her clowns have NOTHING. .......They’ll never have anything."

Here, poster lantern, let's do this: On Thursday when the televised hearings begin....how 'bout we both watch 'em?
THEN....you and I can come back to this forum...this thread.....and be able to discuss in a more informed manner just what the Committee has developed.

Deal, mein freund?

Ah, well, you can try to help some to be better informed, but......but like a horse led to water, you can't make him fish.
So be it.
Excuse me, but for all your hifalutin verbiage and elegant formatting, you're still nothing but a DUMBASS LEFTARD LIAR.

The WHOLE fucking world knows what that idiotic ILLEGAL "committee" is about. I have 105 cousins in Switzerland, they're ALL laughing their asses off. At YOU. You, the people who allow this kangaroo court to occur IN THE UNITED STATES. You assholes are exactly like Joe McCarthy. HAVE YOU NO DECENCY?

You assholes keep up with this stupid shit and you'll get a REAL insurrection. And in that case there won't be any "committees" investigating afterwards.
Conclusions will be drawn with the sworn testimony of many witnesses. Not really partisan.
Preconceived opinions will be drawn as conclusions by the entirely partisan committee. They will also present the evidence they believe supports their preconceived conclusion. They will absolutely prove their own bias — but not their conclusion.
The [Republican] Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.
Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016

Putin could not be more pleased with his choice as history is repeating itself.

In 1861 the southern states attempted to overthrow the elected government. They initiated the bloodiest war in American history, the Civil War. It lasted for four grueling years, and it took decades for our country to recover.

The heart of the Republican Party lies in the southern states. Virtually all of them have Republican governments.

Led by their leader, former President Donald Trump who led a coup attempt on Jan. 6, 2021, to overthrow the elected government, Republicans are attacking the very basis of American democracy. They are attacking the legitimacy of America's free elections. To this day their leader is claiming the 2020 Presidential election was stolen for him despite the fact that 60 court cases, the Supreme Court, all 50 states, and Trump's own A.G. have made it clear there was no theft.

So, the basis for their attack on our elections is a lie, but Republicans continue their assault on American democracy.

Is it any wonder why Putin is happy with what his acolyte and the Republican Party are doing.

But Americans are fighting back.

The Guardian reports, "The House select committee investigating the Capitol attack will unveil new evidence at Watergate-style public hearings this week showing Donald Trump and top aides acted with corrupt intent to stop Joe Biden’s certification, according to sources close to the inquiry.

"The panel intends to use the hearings as its principal method of revealing potential crimes by Trump as he sought to overturn the 2020 election results, the sources said, in what could be a treacherous legal and political moment for the former president."

As the justice department mounts parallel investigations into the Capitol attack, the select committee is hoping that the previously unseen evidence will leave an indelible mark on the American public about the extent to which Trump went in trying to return himself to the Oval Office.
The Guardian:
"The House select committee investigating the Capitol attack will unveil new evidence at Watergate-style public hearings this week showing Donald Trump and top aides acted with corrupt intent to stop Joe Biden’s certification, according to sources close to the inquiry.

In case any here missed this rather trenchant description offered by the Guardian.
So, as a public service ....and in no way intending to step on Sandy Shank's applause line.... I will post it once again.

They are relevant words to remember as we tune in for the hearings on Thursday.
Preconceived opinions will be drawn as conclusions by the entirely partisan committee. They will also present the evidence they believe supports their preconceived conclusion. They will absolutely prove their own bias — but not their conclusion.
Uh huh. “Preconceived opinions” about the sworn testimony of witnesses which will be presented publicly. :cuckoo:
Evidence either exists or it doesn’t.

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